...life can be translucent


Will I get a New Job Soon?

amy luisa

Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
I have entered this question for a reading

I received hex 63 - Already Across

both Hexagrams

I fear this as it says to me that I will start something (I have started to look and post and call companies) and inquired about new jobs. I have been in this job since august 2010 - management is not good anymore. can someone help me...will this job - a new one - come to me soon?

thank you for reading this HEx:bows:

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
My view

出生时间:年 性别:女 起卦方式:直接指定
神煞:天乙—卯巳 福星—卯 日禄—亥 羊刃—子 驿马—寅 桃花—酉 华盖—辰
干支:癸巳年 戊午月 壬申日 丁未时
旬空:午未  子丑  戌亥  寅卯

六神  伏神    坎宫:水火既济
         【本 卦】
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊子水 应
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼戊戌土  
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母戊申金  
朱雀 妻财戊午火 ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟己亥水 世日禄
青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼己丑土  
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙己卯木  
Line 6 brother si fire
Line 5 officer xu earth
Line 4 parents shen metal
Line 3 brother hai water (hidden wife wu fire)
Line 2 officer chou earth
Line 1 child mao wood
Time parameters;
Year si fire; empty element - wu fire, earth
Month wu fire; empty element – zi water, chou earth
Day shen metal; empty element – xu earth, hai water
Hour wei earth; empty element – yin wood, mao wood.

Line 4: parents line (company is doing good) day of reading is shen metal so is the line 4. Wait for the month of shen metal (fall), you will see the positives.
Line 3 is host line. You think of a person, probably your boss. Your boss is in trouble (brother line hai water). Hai water is empty under the day of the reading. The organization does not have faith in this person. You think this person got it made. Not true at present. You think she steals your credit, but there is no credit.

The hidden person under line 3 is wife/wealth wu fire. This person is suppressed by the line 3 boss, but she is capable, but not recognized (wu fire is empty under the year).

Line 6 is guest line. Your boss thinks of another person (brother line zi water). This may be her peers. Her peers (probably another mgr) is in trouble with the bigger boss because zi water is the empty element under the month of the reading.

Both line 3 person and 6 person are at odds (your boss and her peers). Line 6 is white tiger and line 3 is bird. This means disagreement.

The line 3 hidden character female is wu fire and conflicts with the line 6 peers. Line 6 peers think that the female under the line 3 person is stirring the trouble. Since line 6 person may be pushed out of the system, line 6 peers suspect that the female under the line 3 person is stirring the trouble.

Ha, ha. If the line 3 hidden female wu fire does not come out for a fight. No one can bite the line 3 female.

I suspect the hidden line 3 female is you.

There are two additional persons with authority.
Line 2 officer chou earth. Chou is the empty element under the month. This means the company does not trust the line 2 officer.

Line 5 officer xu earth (yang line). Line 1 is child line mao wood (floor workers and capital and customer). Line 5 xu earth is coupled to line 1 mao wood. Both are yang line, the coupling does not result in harmony. Office r xu earth sits empty under the day of the reading. Line 5 person has no power.

Line 5 is probably the local boss of the entire unit where you work.

If you were the line 3 hidden female wu fire, the unit business head is wu fire (same). The company’s fortune is si fire. Fire supports fire. The fire element (company boss) considers the line 2 person chao earth and line 6 person zi water incapable. You probably think the same.

In any given power struggle at the office, the other group will pick on the line 3 hidden character female probably you).

Back to the business, line 1 child line is mao wood (meaning customer/capital/floor workers). Mao wood is empty at the moment. Not enough money is coming into the place you work at present.

Timing: After July 4, wu fire month is over. You are not there to fight the water at line 3 and line 6. In the month of wei earth, everyone in your unit have to work together to solve the problem at hand.

Hai water (line 3) + line 1 mao wood + month wei earth couple together.
Wu fire (you) and the month wei earth couple together.

If you lean back and watch, things are not as bad. However, if you push things to the bitter end, someone will be eliminated. Who is closest to the door? The line 6 person.

Be happy. It is just a job. Do not take thing so personally. In this situation, you cannot bargain for anything at present. Wait out the failure and keep yourself out of it.

amy luisa

Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
It is difficult to understand Long Yi. Please help me

Earth, Fire, Water, Air..???? Metal?

will I get fired? Will I find a new job soon?

My manager Will Not Go Anywhere. She is friends with the Unit Manager since the company opened. I will be the one to get the boot if anyone to be is.

This is a weak manager who does not even know what I do. I was transferred there to that dept along with another woman, who is also struggling with her.

I feel that I want to keep looking for a job, however, suppose if I leave prematurely and forfeit my 401K that is rightfully mine after September 1st?

Long Yi, will I loose this job? Will I get fired soon? Will another job come to me an I can just give my two weeks notice. this is heartbreaking for me. I don't understand your reading. It is hard to follow. Please clarify to me in your words.

I cant be happy if my house goes to foreclosure if I cant pay the mortgage or my expenses
What do you mean by "wait out the failure"?????? like a sitting duck?
please explain.

I don't think this is making me feel any better...please explain...line 6 person? who is that?
I think one of my friends, Byron, has gone, I saw him go into the Unit Managers office with my manager and I think they cleared out his desk. I want so much to have a great job lined up for me soon.
I get confused as to what number I am. 3? hidden female. I have been told I was not going to get fired, and to wait, I don't understand when you say...If you push things to the bitter end?
I don't want to get fired....
I am greatful, I wish I understood:bows::bows:
Last edited:

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
父母戊申金 The parent line (line 4) = document is supported by the day of the reading (the system). On what basis, you think that they may fire you. I do not see any signal in the next two to three months.

amy luisa

Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
Are the readings as far out as 2-3 months Long Yi? I was getting scared because I did not understand the reading and you did not say that I was or was not going to get fired. I was looking for those words. It was very difficult to understand.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
I have entered this question for a reading

I received hex 63 - Already Across

both Hexagrams

I fear this as it says to me that I will start something (I have started to look and post and call companies) and inquired about new jobs. I have been in this job since august 2010 - management is not good anymore. can someone help me...will this job - a new one - come to me soon?

thank you for reading this HEx:bows:

with this answer, 63 unchanging, I'd be wondering if you are not already perfectly fine in the job you are doing right now so you will not need a new one ? Is it possible that after this rough patch you may find you want to stay afterall. 63uc says to me you are already in the job....If it is about getting a new one well it's already as good as done. Perhaps something you already applied for will be the one you get.

I do not find this an alarming cast. No need to worry :D

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Worry - Fear - for nothing. Master your environment

I took the birthday of the querent and took a quick purple star map analysis for 2013. The star map will not be shared here.

In 2013, the life palace migrates into the house of peers (friends).
The big mouth star is in this 2013 peer's palace. If you talk too much, you will get yourself into trouble.

The treasure star (Wu Qu) is associated with another star (Evy and jealousy star). Peers gossip behind your back. They are fearful, jealous, envy of your situation. Unfortunately, this envy star appears in this decade luck and life time luck in the same 2013 house this year.

Wenqu is the examination star that reflects your ability. It is female water. It is the talent to speak with others.

Unfortunately, 2013 works against you because the eny star is heavily combined with the treasure, examination and big mouth star. What you say becomes a tool that others can use against you. What you write may be used against you.

Thus be careful with your clerical duty, check before you submit paperwork. This combination of stars may only benefit people in the legal and litigation business in 2013.

If we jump to the house of career in 2013, it is occupied by the purple star (zeiwi). It means transit of statue. It means discreet battle to fight for something that is rightfully yours in a noble way.

Tanlang (Greed as a wolf) is the other star in the 2013 house of career. In 2013, this star is associated with the eny star in 2013. It is a good teaching star, but you will drawn into gossip (male/female, female/female relationship) at the office.

The third star is Wencheng (academic excellence). This star's present means that you have the ability to resolve all technical issues at work and career.

Thus, no harm done in 2013. Things will move to change to worst in 2014 because the house of career becomes unstable, probably starting after Aug 8 2014. 2016 is also not a great year. Why? our economy will move into slow down and interest rate may rise. You cannot control the environment, but you can master the environment for your personal gain. Sitting and working at an office without travelling may not bring any gain at all. This paragraph is a quick guess of the situation.

If you want to survive in this economy,
1. Improve your business composure
2. Don't be so hot-tempered to try to get things your way. Learn to compromise.
3. Hexagram you posted reflects the balance of water and fire.
4. Your birthdays shows that water is your strongest element. It is your talent, skills, strength and also your weakness in work and relationship. Lack of balance leads to envy, jealousy, plot to eliminate you.
5. Be less pushy in getting things done, answer etc. If you learn Iching, it is a method to restore harmony, and not a tool to ask master, please decode when I get something.
6. The hexagram is water above fire. It means if they are the strong fire,they fear you putting out the fire with your strong water.
7. Si fire is the lower half of the year (Aug 8 onwards). 2014 is wu fire (male fire). To see strong fire, wait for 2014 lower half after August 8.

Put the worry aside. If you want to work in a big company, learn the politics, open your eyes, then to self-micro-manage with the world evolving around yourself.

When office folks criticize you, listen carefully and seek a compromise whether you will stay or leave. Your enemy is actually your best allies because they are blunt and open. If we want to eliminate you, they will not waste any time to mention your deficiency to you.

Like most junior Iching learners, you would like the answer, but you have not take the time to learn the mystery of Iching to incorporate harmony into your daily life. Help will come when you need it, put aside the worry and think logically to move forward without "fear."

Water always suppressed the fire. If you choose to leave, you evaporate. If you stay, you keep your balance. Be happy, no worries.

amy luisa

Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
thank you so much Long Yi, you have been more than generous with your view and your reading. I am always a friendly person in the office, and I must admit, that I sometimes get caught up in the office gossips about how the company is doing and who is going to be talked to about their work performance, as I have - I cannot imagine though what I have to be jealous of. I also see where you get that I am pushy to get things done. LOL. I have sent emails to my manager and followed up and she said that I get too pushy and want things done NOW. I guess I should not be that way unless I own the company. But I thought this would be a good work habit to have. I get things done on time and expect my manager to also. But who am I to say..I have worked in companies in New York, San Francisco and Philadelphia and I must tell you that this company is very different in the managers that they have. No Way would a manager(s) like these would have been managers if they were in New York. I don't know how they became managers, Office politics I guess. I am just a CSR.
no harm in 2013 - GREAT....After August 8 2014??? OMG. I do want to master the environment I am in for personal gain. I don't even have a "click" that I hang out with like the others do. I am by myself and everyone of my co-workers do like me as I bring my New York humor (which they love) and my stories of where I used to live growing up.
I do know that your enemies are the ones you learn from, pretty much not the friends. Your enemies are the ones that come to you with smiles, open arms and false words. They are the ones that have known you for a long time, and they are the ones that will "kill you" when you are at your most vulnerable.
I will not look for another job. I will stay and keep my mouth shut and be more of a quiet employee. I do not want to have any problems with this company. Also - to improve my business composure, yes, those words are very wise and I will heed your warning.

thank you kindly Long Yi and to those of you who have looked at my query and answered me
this has been a very difficult situation to be in.

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