...life can be translucent


will my landlord end my tenancy? 9 lines 1.3.4 to 6


Sep 14, 2010
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Hi everyone, I would really appreciate some additional insight regarding this reading.
The background is that I have been renting my home for ten years. Recently the landlord has been griping about the cost of minor repairs and has been reluctant to do them. I have the feeling that she is thinking of ending the tenancy (not a personal thing but maybe she doesn't want to maintain it any longer). I want to move by next summer but any time before that would be very difficult so I asked the question 'What is Mrs X's attitude to the tenancy?' and got 9 lines 1,3,4 to 6

I then asked about the likelihood of staying on in the house until at least next summer and got 11 lines 1,2,3 to 2...

Any insight would be very welcome as I feel so stressed just thinking about it...A move right now would be so difficult for me and my family at this time.

Many thanks



May 3, 1971
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The only thing that is obvious (to me at least), in this reading is that there is certainly a conflict going on in your relationship with the landlord. The relating hexagram, six, indicates this as does the third line of hexagram nine. There is states that “he/she expects an easy victory, but instead gets a rebuff.” The question is, is it you that expects an easy victory? Or the landlord? While the line is strong, and in a strong place, power actually lies with the weak fourth line. In order to properly interpret this, it is necessary to know whether you relate more to the third line or the fourth, and which is the landlord. That is what is making this difficult.

But there might be somewhat of a key in the first line. The line says, “Return to the way. How can there be blame in this?” In other words, it is useless to try to force the issue, and you are better off to retreat.It is a fight you probably can’t win.

Hexagram eleven line two carries this forward somewhat by saying, “bearing with the uncultured in gentleness.” It probably would be wise to retreat as soon as possible but I don’t know how soon you can do it, although line three says, “…remains persevering in danger….enjoy the good fortune you still possess."

Best of luck



Sep 14, 2010
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Thank you Gene for taking the time to look over my question and share your thoughts. I appreciate you.:)

I think the third line refers to the landlady. I don't think she is personally in conflict with me as the property is rented through an property management agency and for most of the tenancy she has been 'hands off'. I haven't really had much to do with her.

On reflection, I think her conflict might be with the agency because, unlike other years, in this past year many things in the property have needed fixing and or replacing due to normal wear and tear. She has made it clear to me that she doesn't like paying out (even though the rent is supposed to cover repairs) and she finds the agency's maintenance fees too steep. She has taken to supervising the repairs at the property herself, on the cheap (which I am not happy about). It may be that she is thinking of dropping the agency and managing the property herself when the contract ends, in which case I would definitely have to give up the tenancy because without a buffer she would be an absolute nightmare to deal with!:eek:

Does this additional information help unlock the third and fourth line? I would also add that at the back of my question was an unspoken question about how to weather this predicament in the best way possible - to find a way to trust the flow of events that are out of my control and remain at peace inwardly (11) and find the correct path that will safeguard what I am building (2). I wonder if you see any counsel regarding that in either reading?

Again many thanks for your answer. I feel less stressed now :bows:


May 3, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Anne

A third party does put a little different light on it. Based on what you have told me here, But before any thoughts on that, I might shed some light on something you said, in that you don't think she has any conflict with you but at the same time you say you need a buffer. It is not necessarily a direct conflict. LInes three and four I feel somehow define her and the agency, and line one possibly you and it speaks of returning to the way in which you are able to advance or retreat.

As far as the unspoken question, see my answer above about hexagram 11 lines two and three. You may have to bear with the situation until, and only until, you can find a way out. The bottom three lines of eleven changing lead to hexagram two which carries among other things the connotation of yielding. I am sure this will work out, though maybe not as soon as you like.



Sep 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Gene,
you don't think she has any conflict with you but at the same time you say you need a buffer. It is not necessarily a direct conflict

I needed to recognise that part of the situation. You are right... the potential for conflict is there - and (not to be mean)Wilhelm's description of a person inclined to conflict does sum her up

the combination of deep cunning within and fixed determination outwardly. A person of this character will certainly be quarrelsome.
. I don't mean this as a reflection of her character I just think it's because
Conflict develops when one feels himself to be in the right and runs into opposition.

I also think that (using Wilhelm's translation again) perhaps her contract with the agency is the 'restraining force' of line 4? - It's terms and conditions regarding her responsibilities for repairs etc have

'...the power of disinterested truth ...[carrying] such weight that the end [maintaining the property] is achieved, and all danger of bloodshed and all fear disappear...'

at least until the time comes for renewing the contract.

I know that the agency has had problems with her in the past regarding their contract with her and two years ago she threatened to terminate but they called her bluff by agreeing leading to me getting a notice to quit from them that was revoked a few weeks later. WOW ! Wilhelm's line 3 seems to refer to that (or am I being to fanciful? I do that sometimes)

We do not yet heed this hint from fate, hence there are annoying arguments like those of a married couple. Naturally this is not a favorable state of thing, for though the situation may enable the weaker side to hold its ground, the difficulties are too numerous to permit of a happy

which two years later is quite clear.

I can see now how line 1 could refer to me - As I cannot change or foresee the outcome I must
[return] to the way suited to [my] situation, where [I am] free to advance or to retreat. - I take this be a Hex 29 word of advice which links nicely to the peaceful flow of 11 and the promised guidance on 2. Until I know what is happening with this topside I'll take my cue from water that:
  • flows on and on, and merely fills up all the places through which it flows:
  • does not shrink from any dangerous spot nor from any plunge, and nothing can make it lose its own essential nature.
  • remains true to itself under all conditions.
Thus likewise, if one is sincere when confronted with difficulties, the heart can penetrate the meaning of the situation. And once we have gained inner mastery of a problem, it will come about naturally that the action we take will succeed. In danger all that counts is really carrying out all that has to be done--thoroughness—and going forward, in order not to perish through tarrying in the danger.

I think you are right: it will work out but I need to leave the time-fixing element out of it!

I feel as though you have 'walked me through' this reading, Gene - Thank you for the 'light bulb' moments! And if you can see anything else I may have missed I would love to know!:)


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