...life can be translucent

Will this person hurt me again hex 47.2>45 plz help


Mar 8, 2010
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:bows:This is about an old friend who has come back into my life which I do not trust very much!

They have greatly hurt me in the past, and I am terrified of allowing them to hurt me again!

Please help!!!!!

Have any of you ever had this reading before in terms of relationships? And how did it turn out????
Thank you.

"Will this person hurt me again?"
Hexagram 47.2>45

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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I feel this line can indicate you way over estimate the power of this person to yourself. Both 47.2 and 47.5 often manifest as bogus authorities we believe in. I mean the men in the scarlet knee bands and so on in the line. Well not exactly bogus, they have their sphere of control....but actually we need only pay them their due, they don't have the power to change our lives or anything.

Trying to think of examples; representatives such as door men, reception clerks, parking officers, computer systems that say 'no', forms, application form, forms for appeal. I've nothing against these types of jobs BTW, I've done reception myself, but what I'm trying to illustrate is that people in such roles ask you to comply with certain rules like :

'you can't park there'
'you must wait here till the Dr can see you, no you can't use your phone'
forms demanding you list all your previous jobs and tick the right boxes
computer applications that demand you tick the right box or you won't get to the next screen to pay...

We have to comply with all these things each day. We make offerings to them, we have to. I can't order my Christmas presents online without clicking where I'm told to click. So all these things have authority just like the men with scarlet sashes, but remember we are in hexagram 47, so we feel oppressed by these things and I think there's an idea in 47.2 that we might ask ourselves how deep does the authority we meet with really run ?

Getting to your query I'd say you have given this person far more authority over you than they really actually have. The reception clerk has power over us when we want to get into the building....but she doesn't really have a lot of power in our lives, Nevertheless we conform to (make offerings to) the reception clerk and we do as she says and we don't barge into the building.

I think you can allow this person into your life as long as you are clear the power you think they have over you is not in truth what you think it is. Also consider how much you want to offer them. You may have started to believe in their power. Don't believe in it so much.


Mar 1, 2015
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It seems that their very existence has made you feel threatened already (47). How did they come back into your life? Line 2 is about someone trying to help to relieve the oppression, but a sacrifice needs to be made, then both of you can work it out somehow, as long as you're sincere (45, fanyao 45.2)


Oct 21, 2011
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Well if you're having a meal or a drink it's is supposed to be enjoyable, but you feel here kinda upset like you are going to be judged or something. You can always just buy him a drink if he shows up (sacrifice/offering.)
You may feel like you have to be on your best behavior - what did you do? Anyway looks like generosity is the path to actually getting past this, and no harm should result.

Sounds like "kill him with kindness" in order to keep him at a certain distance, or something.

- LL


Dec 2, 2008
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I agree with those above who said you are giving him too much power over you. Just be respectful and let that set a distance. Just do what is required by the situation and nothing more. This person is not really your friend, so don't be overly friendly. Be polite and keep yourself to yourself.

Sometimes I ask the question, "What am I supposed to learn from X?" in order to illuminate what to focus on in the interactions with people in my life, especially difficult people.


Mar 8, 2010
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Oh goodness! What is it with me and online clarity!!!

I am so sorry for not explaining further before. I posted this question twice and trying to erase one, I erased most of this one too!

Arghhhhn. I then tried to reply to explain what the situation was and my interpretation of the reading in detail...,, and IT ERASED!!!! ��������

Let try again in a few minutes :bows:


They have greatly hurt me in the past, and I am terrified of allowing them to hurt me again!

Why the passive stance? Either you choose to be hurt or you choose not to be hurt. Regardless the answer of the Yi you have a choice. It is not about 'the other' or 'the situation' that decides whether you will be hurt - it depends on how you deal with it.

In other words: the REAL question should not address 'him/they' but YOU. How will you prevent yourself from being hurt?
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Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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Why the passive stance? Either you choose to be hurt or you choose not to be hurt. Regardless the answer of the Yi you have a choice. It is not about 'the other' or 'the situation' that decides whether you will be hurt - it depends on how you deal with it.

In other words: the REAL question should not address 'him/they' but YOU. How will you prevent yourself from being hurt?

This is what I have been wanting to communicate to a group with whom I have been involved. The entire group (except for me) is being vindictive towards a person they perceive as having repeatedly injuring them. What I see is that they are projecting onto him and using him as a scapegoat. I wish I could quote you to them, Harmen.

I recently discontinued my membership in the community. What I am realizing as I write this is that I have allowed myself to be hurt by the group because they have not been willing to listen to me or to consider my minority viewpoint as regards the other individual. In a way, leaving the group is how I have chosen not to be hurt. But I am still allowing the group to take up space in my mind and emotions and so I have not yet left the group or the hurt.

Thank you, anon for posting this thread and hmesker for posting your helpful comment.

Looking at the visual aspects of 47.2 > 45 :

___ ___
___ ___
___ ___

The change happens in the center of the inner trigram.
Something solid and firm on the inside becomes soft and open.

Thank you, anon, for offering us this question as it is helping me to consider one of my own situations.
Thank you, Harmen, for your helpful post.


Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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Something unusual just happened. I signed in here to ask a question. Before I signed into the "Free Readings" section I noticed this thread and made the reply in post # 8. Then I asked a question unrelated to the above situation I described and I received 47.2 > 45.

My question was really a silly little question about a resume and cover letter I need to send. I am nervous that I have not edited it enough. The commentary from wikiwing for 47.2 is interesting in regards to my question:

The scarlet sashes (or scarlet aprons or knee-coverings) are worn by officials come to offer you a job. It’s good to respond with small offerings, gently opening up channels of communication, deepening and solemnising the experience, restoring alignment and harmony.

Part of the reason for the delay in sending my job application has been related to being distracted by my entanglement in the community that I have allowed to occupy so much of my mental/emotional space.


Mar 8, 2010
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Let me explain myself a bit better!

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Mar 8, 2010
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This question was about a person who has hurted me deeply in the past! Met him while I was married. Left my marriage of 10 years to then be told by him that he did not want to raise somebody else's children. .... When he was the one pressuring me to divorce. pursuing me endlessly and promising me and my children the world!

To make a very long story short, I have been in an on and off relationship with him for 6 years now. I often leave him when I find out that he is cheating on me.

I have caught him cheating and he denies and lies and won't let me move on.

He just did it again! After I asked the question.

We broke up 2 years ago. He went to rehab for sex/love addiction and came back into my life a few months ago. Careful to not trust him again I have taken my time to get to know this "new and improved" version of him!

About two weeks ago, we decided to meet again in person. We are currently living in separate states .... That is when I asked the question. Because I am not sure that he won't be back to his old ways and hurt me again!

Well he did it again!!!! Just today I found out that he is in a relationship. And just today she posted a happy picture of them hugging and laughing looking happy as heck!

Once again he lied to me!!! I thought that he was single!!! And that we would give our relationship a try again!

I know his old ways. He is probably thinking about dating her through the holidays (since I cannot meet him then because of my children) then he's going to break up before he goes to see me(after the holidays) to go have fun with me.... Then tell me that he doesn't think that it's going to work out wit me, to then go back home and go back with his girlfriend!

This is the same girl that we last broke up about! Because we had made plans to go to San Francisco for the weaken but I had gotten upset at him because he was being shady and weird, so I did not go on the trip and I later found out that he ended up going with her!!!! Ugh. He is SUCH a jerk!!!!

He has cost me my sanity, my marriage, custody of my children, almost my life, my job, my peace, my family including extended family and has caused so much damage in my life that it has taken me six years to try to repair and somehow recover some part of what I have lost....

All for him to come back and pretend that he is a much better man. Free of addictions, with a steady job and finally succeeding as an actor, baby I want to marry you kind of CRAP!!!!

He even tried to get me pregnant the last time that I saw him.... All to then break up with me because he was seeing somebody else!!!!!

I'm sorry that I'm going on and on. But it is so complicated, disturbing and so much to me, that it enfuriates me when people assume that I am the one to have done something to him. Or that I somehow deserve or allow him to hurt me this way! I don't!!! I don't allow anyone to hurt me. This person is just so unbelievably diabolically good with his actions and his words. That he would convince BUDDAH to convert into Hinduism if he could!!!!! He's a real true con artist and a real heartless JERK!!!!

.... By the way did I mention that the girlfriend IS the sex/love addiction THERAPIST??!!!!!!! Hahahha. I have to laugh out LOUD!!!!

This is the kind of person that I am talking about!!!! Oh the NERVE!!!!


- sorry for the rant, but I nearly blew up! Lol. Thank you to everyone who responded for your kindness and your time!
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Mar 8, 2010
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...So in conclusion to me, my reading meant;

Yes! He probably will hurt you again! But you will be fine....Because you will protect yourself this time!

Hex 47 is about a tormenting situation.

Line 2 is about eating and drinking and being upset or bothered by something at the time!

-Which in my case translates into ..... Me spending my every waking hour thinking and thinking about if I should meet him again. If I should let him back into my life.

Remembering past events lived with this person as I go about my day doing my everyday shores like eating and drinking.

Hexagram 45 was referring to the meeting that he proposed.

And this in all is about me thinking and thinking and going through not just the good times in my head but all of the tormenting times and deliberating on wether or not this meeting would be good, healthy or Beneficial to me emotionally!

I think that the hex states that it is okay to deliberate ...... There is no fault in doing so....

But in the end He ended up hurting me again! But not as bad as he would have hurted me had I gone on this trip naive and innocently believing in us again!!!

Do I make any sense?! I hope that I don't sound too confusing!
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Mar 8, 2010
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...JUMPINGMONKEY: (about YOUR reading)

This hexagram reading is about something that you are thinking about doing but are having problems getting done!

It's about something that must be done. Wether an action, a gathering, or a task that you are thinking about doing BUT somehow struggle along the way to get it done!!!!

You either, overthink, over process or get distracted by problems.... Which in the end makes you reconsider it all!

Line 2 of 47 advices you to stop thinking so much about, that it will all be fine, if you can stop tormenting yourself over what you have to get done and just do it!

I hope my reading interpretation helps you in any way!

As you can see. It is so crystal clear to see what the oracle is advising people to do, until you have to do it for your own self!

I wish the happiest of holidays to you all!

And Jumpingmonkey, I hope that you are gentle on yourself! Do not take people (online) too seriously and you will free yourself from any constrains! Happy holidays and thank you for helping me in my time of need!
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Jun 26, 2008
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I'm gonna post this here for future reference . .

Every time I look up this line I come across this reading and every time I wonder about what was it trying to say. So today I had this idea that this line is actually admonishing its receivers for not being self-reliant enough. All the wealth of nourishment laid out on a banquet and still not finding what we 're looking for - either because all the promising food is not what we are looking for, or because we can't seem to connect to the source of our nourishment within to know what it is we really need.

Thus come - or thus we call, or, hopefully, we become- the red sashes to chew it down (I somehow relate the red sashes with hexagram 21). Well, there is restriction here, but only caused by - or only to compensate for- our own disconnection within

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