...life can be translucent

Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings-Hexagram 64


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May 29, 2006
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Heh well the only actual experiences of 64uc I can find in my journal are about threads....here !

I wrote a really long intro post for the 42uc thread but before I could press 'submit' I lost it. I was logged out and somehow I could not resurrect it. Normally that 'autosave' thing we have now while writing a post saves the day. Things are saved with that automatically even if you get logged out...but this time...No.

When I lose posts this way I rarely, if ever, write them again because usually there is some reason why actually it wasn't a great idea. Call me superstitious or even fanciful.. but really I cannot count the number of times my computer helpfully blanks out, freezes or generally plays up when I'm about to write an email or something that it would be better not to write or send. Same with posts here. Having lost the lengthy post, after swearing at the computer, I wondered what there could be in the 42uc intro that my spiritual guide and conscience (my computer) could have objected to ? :confused: I couldn't think of anything at all.. I did a quick cast with the online tool

"what losing 42uc thread about ?" 64uc. Immediately I saw it, the thread, simply as fox that hadn't made it over the river....the river being after the 'submit' button. ( God knows the submit button is a treacherous river to cross. It takes forever, it takes so long I hit 'submit' again and it says "this is a duplicate blah de blah". I don't know if it's my computer that makes it take so long for the post to post after hitting 'submit'. I don't think it is because it's the same when I post from other computers. Anyway I digress...that doesn't matter, it's one of the quaint charms of Clarity)

Anyway I understood on an instant recognition thing I have sometimes with answers that there was no reason I lost the thread other than the operation was not completed. A very simple picture of 'why'.

On another occasion someone resurrected a peculiar thread which had been dead for a few years and I wondered about that since it connected, unbeknownst to the person, with something else.. Asked and got 64uc. Perfect description of a thread. Forum threads are perpetually in a 64 state even after 10 years. Threads are like long scarves people go on knitting...or not. Often people will tack a comment addressed to person who originally posted in 2006, as if the question were current. Then it can get amusing as more folk turn up to share thoughts with the long departed original poster. I've seen several newer members address questions to the long deceased on old threads.

There must be more to 64uc but others will need to provide more meaningful examples as that is all I have :D

I got my 'I Ching Workbook' out by R.L.Wing as I have been posting her take on unchanging hexagrams in these threads. I couldn't find hexagram 64. The book is in tatters, I 've had it years, there are many loose pages. So 64 was not there. I hunted around and found the page loose and alone sandwiched between other books. I thought that very fitting. In 64 things are not quite yet where they belong...everything is open, open to not making it quite.

Wing on 64uc

The upper trigram, LI, clarity, is moving up and away from the lower trigram, K'AN, the profound and meaningful. If you receive this hexagram in it's static form, it could suggest that you are not prepared to see clearly what must be done and take the final steps in to the future. This may be a fear of the emptiness that sometimes comes after achieving a goal, or, on a more primal level, a fear of death. The anticipation of climax can only be drawn out so far before it loses it's momentum and it's meaning. All aspects of life and human affairs must come to an end and begin anew. The awareness and acceptance of this is the richness of the human experience. All else is an illusion as insubstantial as air. Do not become suspended in a meaningless midbreath.

Please flesh out the 64uc experience by sharing how it's played out for you.


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May 29, 2006
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Hilary wrote in her blog of the pair 63/64 here http://onlineclarity.co.uk/answers/2015/01/16/hexagram-63-continued/

The concepts of these hexagrams are utterly intertwined – rather than trying to disentangle and arrange them tidily, I think it’s better to point (with a certain amount of enthusiastic hand-waving) to connecting themes: completion and incompletion, ways and ways of being settled*, different kinds of strength, male and female (archetypally so rather than biologically, I think), and how they’re adapted to handle (in)completion

Yes, utterly intertwined.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Three days later, noticing this thread...

Trojina! Thank you! :claps: You have faithfully shepherded this unchanging hexagram project through to the very end, for two years, 4 months, and 1 week, or 858 days (math compliments of Windows calculator), ever since hexagram 9 when you continued for Arabella. NOT ONLY did you regularly create threads, you took the time to write out informative, illustrative, and frequently funny introductions.

What a fantastic resource to have here on the forum, where people can continue adding their experiences. (And people do! Yay people!)



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Ah thank you Lisa, I do like your flowers :) ...and your contributions :)

I hope people will keep adding to the threads....and I hope one day Arabella will come back and add her experiences. I have wondered about her.


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Bravo! It's been a great ride and as 64 reminds us - it ain't ever over!



Clarity Supporter
Sep 3, 2006
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I add my bravas and also huge thanks to trojan. This is such a valuable resource to me.

64uc: I have gotten this a lot as a core piece of advice from the yi.

For example:

- Having gotten about something I anxiously, desperately wanted to happen (and which in the end did not happen, at least not then), I asked: what does the grown adult know? 64uc
- Where am I in my career as a writer 64uc
- Once when I was anxious about a long trip that was about a week away, I asked about it and got 64uc
- Asking "am I going to be okay?" (just a general cri de couer), I got 50uc. What do I need to add to the pot to make myself come out best? 64uc

For that last I also pulled a (nontraditional) tarot card to comment on that second question — what the pot of Me needs — and got RIPENESS: fruit just about to fall from a tree. That told me so much about 64uc, for me at least, that it's so much about knowing that when things are ripe to happen, they will simply fall into your hand. Or you will know to move forward. I think I am always trying to force the spring.

Another way to look at it, of course, is that 64uc's "it's a question of ripeness" usually also means, for me: not right this second. Not right this second, that thing you want. Not right this second, forcing yourself into the chair to work. Not right this second, trying to secure everything about that trip before you even start on it. Let it ripen a bit.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Knot, I really like your "ripeness" idea. Your examples seem to have the common thread that it's not all over yet (your life, your career, etc.). That might be comforting, in a way.

How did the trip end up, in relation to your worry? Good, I hope?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 3, 2006
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yes! the trip went wonderfully. In retrospect, I think the yi was warning me off something I as an anxious person often try to do, which is get complete control of what I can never completely control: some scary event/issue/whatever, way before it happens. "If I think out every possible thing that could go wrong/pack absolutely everything I might need/get the yi to warn me of all possible pitfalls" etc.

No. Wait till it's time, then you'll find your feet running across the stones of the river, flying from one to the next.


Aug 5, 2010
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with a small delay, thank you for keeping those thread running and thanks to all those offered their personal experiences. My understanding of unchanging hex has expanded a lot and the discussions on hexagrams and the side-discussions they evoked was pleasurable experience.


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Jan 7, 2013
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I am currently giving my kitchen a facelift, and managing the project myself. I had the entire plan clear in my mind, priced, scheduled, it should have been completed within 3 weeks. It's an all white kitchen, how complicated can it be, right? Fateful last words:)

The troubles started with the new white sink - I am very pleased with it. But now all the other whites look dingy by comparison! I need to get all my whites working together, but who knew there were so many shades of white out there? Over 100 shades of white paint with useless names like cotton white, jasmine white, Linen white etc... Which all look white to me! And at least 6 white cabinet door finishes etc...

Anyway, the flooring I had selected suddenly looks more dirty beige than white, and needs to be changed to another colour. The suppliers are dragging their feet. So I asked whether to change suppliers, and got 64UC. Clearly, there is unfinished business between us, as I already paid for the flooring. They need to either exchange or refund. I am being impatient like the little fox, I take it that 64UC means : be patient, don't change suppliers yet, they will get back to you in due course.

Then I asked: outlook for getting kitchen finished by Christmas? And got 64UC again. I read it as "no, it will still be unfinished by Xmas". OR "your project could still change, don't rush to completion".

In both cases, I'm being impatient, I want that kitchen done, darn it! What started off as an easy facelift is turning into an unending project 64UC. I feel frustrated and tempted to just order anything and get it finished. 64UC twice in a row advises against that... And that, my friends, is my contribution to 64UC. And the story is not yet finished :)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Oh Yes. 64uc can show up for impatience. Following abdominal surgery this year I expected some pain of course. About two and a half weeks later as the general soreness eased I found I had a very sharp pain in my right side. I didn't know whether it was normal at that stage or whether I should worry. I asked Yi if it was anything to bother about ? 64 uc. I took it as saying recovery was still in progress but I wasn't that convinced. I went to ask my Dr about it. You can guess what she said. She said 'give it time, there's still lots of healing to do on the inside even if the outside is healed up'. She was right. I just hadn't finished recovering, hadn't crossed the river. The pain went away by itself as the healing process came to completion, in it's own good time. :)


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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You will never believe this, but I got a 3rd 64UC about above described kitchen project!

Since my last post, my oven and hood broke down unexpectedly, and had to be replaced urgently, which caused a delay in the rest of the plan.

Then I was about to order the cabinet doors when a friend suggested I consider replacing with taller cabinets. After much deliberation, talking to carpenters etc... Not worthwhile within my budget.

So surely NOW I can go ahead and order my doors? I Could still get the bulk done by Xmas... Leave finishing touches to New Year. And what do I cast? 64UC! Honestly, unless the roof caves in or some other force majeure, I cannot imagine any reason to delay any further. And yet, 64UC... Maybe I should wait for the flooring to be replaced? Maybe they will find some impediment which justifies delaying plans significantly?

64UC is turning out to be the hallmark of my Kicthen project. Perhaps it really does mean it will be perpetually unfinished - so many details, it could be a lifelong quest! Or maybe, to quote Wing "do not stay suspended in mid breath". I will update this post once the kitchen is done:)
Last edited:


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I'm wondering if 64uc is simply a description here of what's happening. I don't think it's advice to wait for anything, I think it's telling you that you are midstream, which you are of course. You are midstream in the river of getting a new kitchen. :D Maybe you are getting repeat 64s because you are still in that process. Like Yi is saying 'yes we are still 64 and hence cannot be looking to completion at this moment'. Also the kitchen revamp may be part of a bigger home re vamp perhaps ?

I shouldn't let this cast worry you, I think it's descriptive. Let us know how it goes.... oh and 'keep on keeping on'.


I received 64uc today for the question, will I miss an opportunity by not going to x event on Wednesday?

I've been invited to a party hosted by a fairly well known publication that I occasionally write for. I don't really want to go though!! But feel I might miss out on something important if I don't go. But if I do go, I'm convinced it'll be a waste of time and energy (and money - I'll have to travel to London). Previously I've had 64uc when I asked a non question, namely some months ago when the 'question' was: 'I feel worried, anxious, on-edge and out of sorts and don't know why'. 64uc. Which is sort of how I feel about the party in London. Wing's comment about not wanting to step into the future does feel somewhat apt here...


p.s. to add to this - actually how I feel is precisely as a little fox might feel at the edge of a very wide (and cold) river - and wanting to get across but really not wanting to get his tail wet!


An update to this is that I went to the party and hated it, and left after about half an hour! In some ways it was a wasted journey but it marked the end of something - realising that there was nothing worth pursuing for me, with this particular publication, at this time. I've had nothing to do with them since. It felt like an awkward date with someone from your past whom you no longer have a connection with. So in answer to my question, by not going I would have missed the opportunity of realising that. It was the end!


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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A year later, I thought I would update my 64UC kitchen revamp story. I did change the flooring and the items which had to be replaced because they had died (oven, extractor). And I invested in pretty baskets to tidy up the counter top. And I stopped at that. I never changed the carefully measured up cabinet doors or Splashback tiles. The kitchen looks neater, and it's good enough for now. But the refurb is definitely unfinished, and it is likely to remain like that for the foreseeable future because of lack of funds:)
64UC static in this case meant: partially done, unfinished.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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64UC kitchen refurbishment story- update a year later.

A year later, I thought I would update my 64UC kitchen revamp story. I did change the flooring and the items which had to be replaced because they had died (oven, extractor). And I invested in pretty baskets to tidy up the counter top. And I stopped at that. I never changed the carefully measured up cabinet doors or Splashback tiles. The kitchen looks neater, and it's good enough for now. But the refurb is definitely unfinished, and it is likely to remain like that for the foreseeable future because of lack of funds:)

64UC static in this case meant: partially done, unfinished.

Olga Super Star

Clarity Supporter
Nov 6, 2010
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I asked today how should I approach my housemate with which I have had previous clashes. got 64 un.

Then I stepped out of the room just to find myself in the midst of another big big fight with him threatening to throw away my plants, my pot, to report me to the police (on what ground, that I ignore), and a series of other unpleasant remarks and attitude on his behalf.

64 unchanging definitely meant to me that the issue is not over yet!


An update to this is that I went to the party and hated it, and left after about half an hour! In some ways it was a wasted journey but it marked the end of something - realising that there was nothing worth pursuing for me, with this particular publication, at this time. I've had nothing to do with them since. It felt like an awkward date with someone from your past whom you no longer have a connection with. So in answer to my question, by not going I would have missed the opportunity of realising that. It was the end!

So, there is a further update to this which is that I *have* indeed had dealings with that publication since that time, and it wasn’t the end after all - which is obviously what yi was telling me, that the situation would continue - in fact the precise opposite of what i understood at the time. I was being very obtuse! So far it hasn’t continued very spectacularly but it hasn’t ended - just trundled along...


Mar 29, 2017
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Just got this in relation to wanting to help my mother & family with my father, who has dementia, which has got much worse this year during the pandemic & lockdowns.
I haven't been here to see my parents since January, so I really notice it!
He doesn't remember me (I'm 45); he thinks he needs to go home to his childhood house; he asked me to drive him there.
My mother is exhausted.
I noticed that she is redecorating her bedroom & she has picked this shiny brick wallpaper. It's a brick wall, albiet with a golden shimmer.
I think she feels trapped.
I live on the other side of the country, with 2 sons with autism living with me & with the pandemic, I really can't visit much, or help out at all.

I asked Yi: "what could I do to help, improve it somehow, is there anything I could do?"

I got 64uc.

It makes sense, sadly, there isn't much I can do; I can cheer her up temporarily, make a happy memory, but that this situation is still ongoing in an unsteady way; I mean, that my mother is having a hard time adjusting to my father's dementia in the midst of a global pandemic, and there's not much I can do to help her.

Also, I got "Crossing the river too early in the winter, this is the wrong time"
"Don't jump into this, the ice isn't firm; it is not time for your input yet & the situation is still unclear" - this jumped out quite clearly to me - an ongoing messy situation, mists of emotional stuff from my mother; she's planning care, downstairs bathroom remodelling, downstairs bedroom, her bedroom redecoration etc, when the situation is not there yet!
I know my mother, she will worry & moan (and yes I know this is a difficult situation, but she can really moan about things & focus on herself); no matter what I do, she will continue the way she is, impatient with my Dad, feeling trapped, plucking her eyebrows out... there isn't anything I can say or do, she's v stubborn & she'll also get upset with me if I start ringing her a lot.
Also, the situation will continue, in this chaotic way it has been in for years, somehow continuing, somehow functional in moments, but ultimately unresolved (because my mother doesn't resolve things, emotions, relationships, she sort of waits, then glosses over, creates a new situation that brings the family in).
Yes this is deep unresolved family dynamic stuff, unfinished, ongoing, a chaos & emotional unpreparedness at the heart of things; Xmas, the illness of a family member, it does highlight these things! 64uc has definitely resonated deeply here for me & has also helped me to accept a bit more that I can't really materially help; and that, if I did live closer, the situation would eat me up, it would overwhelm me! It would cloud me; perhaps there is a river hidden under the mists?

Perhaps also I'm emotionally not fully prepared, Having not seen them in 11 months; - Im the one who is foggy & chaotic about this also?

Funny, I do accept this, though sadly, which is why Im posting here; I'm not looking for help to interpret, but to share how much 64uc resonated with me & the insights that I am deriving from it

Also "Crossing the river too early" as an image of dementia - half in the spirit world before the body is ready to go?


Mar 29, 2017
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Just got this in relation to wanting to help my mother & family with my father, who has dementia, which has got much worse this year during the pandemic & lockdowns.
I haven't been here to see my parents since January, so I really notice it!
He doesn't remember me (I'm 45); he thinks he needs to go home to his childhood house; he asked me to drive him there.
My mother is exhausted.
I noticed that she is redecorating her bedroom & she has picked this shiny brick wallpaper. It's a brick wall, albiet with a golden shimmer.
I think she feels trapped.
I live on the other side of the country, with 2 sons with autism living with me & with the pandemic, I really can't visit much, or help out at all.

I asked Yi: "what could I do to help, improve it somehow, is there anything I could do?"

I got 64uc.

It makes sense, sadly, there isn't much I can do; I can cheer her up temporarily, make a happy memory, but that this situation is still ongoing in an unsteady way; I mean, that my mother is having a hard time adjusting to my father's dementia in the midst of a global pandemic, and there's not much I can do to help her.

Also, I got "Crossing the river too early in the winter, this is the wrong time"
"Don't jump into this, the ice isn't firm; it is not time for your input yet & the situation is still unclear" - this jumped out quite clearly to me - an ongoing messy situation, mists of emotional stuff from my mother; she's planning care, downstairs bathroom remodelling, downstairs bedroom, her bedroom redecoration etc, when the situation is not there yet!
I know my mother, she will worry & moan (and yes I know this is a difficult situation, but she can really moan about things & focus on herself); no matter what I do, she will continue the way she is, impatient with my Dad, feeling trapped, plucking her eyebrows out... there isn't anything I can say or do, she's v stubborn & she'll also get upset with me if I start ringing her a lot.
Also, the situation will continue, in this chaotic way it has been in for years, somehow continuing, somehow functional in moments, but ultimately unresolved (because my mother doesn't resolve things, emotions, relationships, she sort of waits, then glosses over, creates a new situation that brings the family in).
Yes this is deep unresolved family dynamic stuff, unfinished, ongoing, a chaos & emotional unpreparedness at the heart of things; Xmas, the illness of a family member, it does highlight these things! 64uc has definitely resonated deeply here for me & has also helped me to accept a bit more that I can't really materially help; and that, if I did live closer, the situation would eat me up, it would overwhelm me! It would cloud me; perhaps there is a river hidden under the mists?

Perhaps also I'm emotionally not fully prepared, Having not seen them in 11 months; - Im the one who is foggy & chaotic about this also?

Funny, I do accept this, though sadly, which is why Im posting here; I'm not looking for help to interpret, but to share how much 64uc resonated with me & the insights that I am deriving from it

Also "Crossing the river too early" as an image of dementia - half in the spirit world before the body is ready to go?

So I asked: "What is my path in relation to this situation?"
And I got hexagram 6.5 -» 64 ❗❗❗😸
Hold good boundaries!


I just got EmMacha’s post about 64uc in my inbox after I had been meaning to add my own experience to this thread, which reminded me.

A few days ago I got a strange email claiming to be from an amazon seller who wanted me to delete a negative review. The email was sent outside of amazon and in bad English, offering me compensation to delete it. I ignored it, feeling a bit unsettled, but reported it to amazon customer services who said they’d take ‘strict action’. The next day had another one offering me a £15 gift card. I still ignored it and forwarded both emails to amazon. Then I had a third email offering me £20. By this time I just wanted them to stop emailing me and I didn’t like the fact they had my name and email address. I asked yi if I should just delete the review and be done with it? 64uc. Still mulling over the possible meaning I went to look for the review but couldn’t find the listing - it seemed to have been removed! 64uc! That made perfect sense. It was already over, nothing I could do. Amazon must have stepped in...

Imagine my displeasure then when I got yet another wheedling email today, this time begging me to delete the review or they would lose their job and wouldn’t be able to pay their credit card bill!!! They were offering £25 this time. Now I was feeling guilty on top of everything else, and was about to reply that the listing seemed to have been removed but thought I’d double check. Well, confusingly it was still there. Almost despite myself, I deleted the bad review. 5 minutes later a gift card appeared in my inbox.

The whole experience was odd. Still haven’t fully computed the 64uc...


Jan 10, 2022
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I just got EmMacha’s post about 64uc in my inbox after I had been meaning to add my own experience to this thread, which reminded me.

A few days ago I got a strange email claiming to be from an amazon seller who wanted me to delete a negative review. The email was sent outside of amazon and in bad English, offering me compensation to delete it. I ignored it, feeling a bit unsettled, but reported it to amazon customer services who said they’d take ‘strict action’. The next day had another one offering me a £15 gift card. I still ignored it and forwarded both emails to amazon. Then I had a third email offering me £20. By this time I just wanted them to stop emailing me and I didn’t like the fact they had my name and email address. I asked yi if I should just delete the review and be done with it? 64uc. Still mulling over the possible meaning I went to look for the review but couldn’t find the listing - it seemed to have been removed! 64uc! That made perfect sense. It was already over, nothing I could do. Amazon must have stepped in...

Imagine my displeasure then when I got yet another wheedling email today, this time begging me to delete the review or they would lose their job and wouldn’t be able to pay their credit card bill!!! They were offering £25 this time. Now I was feeling guilty on top of everything else, and was about to reply that the listing seemed to have been removed but thought I’d double check. Well, confusingly it was still there. Almost despite myself, I deleted the bad review. 5 minutes later a gift card appeared in my inbox.

The whole experience was odd. Still haven’t fully computed the 64uc...
Hex. 64 means "not yet finished". That explains why you received "...yet another wheedling email...". Not yet across 😁


At the risk of overwhelming this particular thread with my own experiences (in line with ‘not yet finished, I keep adding to it!) I have a concrete outcome to share: I have retrained as a teacher and while on training placement some months ago asked yi if my placement school would offer me a job. 64uc. One month later, they did.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 13, 1971
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I just asked about a story I was hoping to submit for a particular deadline. I didn't really think it was ready and apparently Yi agrees. 😁


Mar 29, 2017
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Just an update on this 64uc post resulting to he situation with my Mother & Father and family situation around his dementia, care, and my involvement

So, 64uc, unfinished, all the details not in place; well, no I am still not directly involved in the care, nor am I being asked to help; I help out on visits, (or at my family occasions away, like neice's wedding recently); but my mother has carers coming & support from family, and is only 2k from the hospital; it's ongoing in that she is still talking about sending him to a residential home, there are gradual changes in the house (he's in a hospital bed in the spare room), but overall, the sane kind of unresolved, ongoing situations when I visit

I am still quite busy with my own children, who all have needs, but also, I notice I have also got a lot of the same unresolved kind of things going on; hearing my daughter fight with her brother's over the same sort of things - On reflection (and I cast this today), 64uc is kind of "Life goes on, those things you think are important to tie-up possibly aren't actually the most important things"

Looking back at the last few years, the important things were the time spent with family, friends, going to places important to me; in relation to my parents, I have been an occasional visitor sometimes helpful

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