...life can be translucent


Your experiences with unchanging hexagrams - hexagram 51

iams girl

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Jul 26, 2011
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After the frozen-with-indecision one, I asked "when frozen with 51uc, what’s the way out?" and got 17uc.

Nice question. Interesting that the only difference between 51 and 17 is the 5th line changing line from yin to yang (51.5>17). From Hilary's book, 51.5 says:

Shock that comes on you in waves is especially disruptive; it makes it hard to gather yourself together and move forward. Yet these shocks also open up new possibilities to you, so that your heart's desire speaks more clearly than ever. The change re-energizes your intention, and also reveals that there is work to be done to realize it. You can harness the energy of the moment to get underway.​

I think it's hard to think in such rational terms in the midst of a 51 "hard to gather yourself together" some kind of neuron overload experience happening. Which, imo, again highlights a transitional element while automatic and intentional responses get untangled. Afterwards, though, I like your description of grabbing at those "fleeting impulses" that can ultimately lead to the above “harness the energy of the moment to get underway again.”


Some time ago I was looking for a new apartment. I'd tried all the obvious routes - ads, telling people, agents. It wasn't happening. One morning in despair I sat asking the I Ching, Will I ever find a flat? 51 uc. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and it was a person I didn't know, someone who knew someone I'd told about wanting a flat. This man told me to hurry and get ready, there was a place nearby to look at. Half an hour later I'd seen it and a meeting with the landlord was arranged that evening. The 51 uc was in the nature of a 'tada!' It still makes me laugh.


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Jan 7, 2013
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51 has usually had negative connotations for me, not a pleasant shock. So it was with some trepidation that I cast 51UC yesterday. We found what looked like a leak in a wall as we were just about to put the finishing touches to the paintwork :eek:. It looked like the wall would have to be cut open to fix the leak, then replastered and redecorated, but the tradesmen were all moving on to another job and it could be weeks before they could come and seal things up. And to cap things off, my plumber couldn't come until the next week. So: not a pleasant surprise!

Luckily, I found another plumber who was able to come have a look immediately. Not knowing him, I asked "outlook for the new plumber to fix the leak?" 51UC.

He came promptly. He had high tech thermal imaging on his iPad and was able to determine within 20' that there was no leak. The bubble on the wall was a historical leak, already been fixed by the previous owner who had only neglected to fix the wall.

Phew! There you go: 51UC: shock, fear, then laughter. And the electrical element weaved in- the high tech thermal imaging seems to me somewhat 51 ish, don't you think?


That is hilarious!

I have a couple of times gotten 51uc when I was frozen with indecision: it was as if I'd gotten stuck in a moment of shock--me standing there with the ladle, eyes bugging out, not moving--rather than rolling forward with what I needed to do.

Agree that 51 seems to refer to inner shock/arousal/alarm. I did once get 51uc about an outdoor gig a band I was singing with had, and in fact there was a big thunderstorm (alarming when you're surrounded by electrical gear). But we and the gear made it safe under cover and laughed.

Yes, I just had 51 uc AGAIN - this morning, when I was panicking over an accounting task I had to do, and had been putting off, and was finding all sorts of panicky disasters to justify not doing it, and then new imaginary crises on top of that - 51uc. It was literally a case of me, rabbit in the headlights, not going backwards or forwards, panicking. About nothing.

Anyway, I got on with it in the end, and it was fine (of course!) but then found some other surprises along the way - such as some money I'm owed (but had forgotten). And then some other jobs I'd been putting off, tiny things like not having updated my TV license address when I moved house, but I was pleasantly pleased and relieved once I'd checked them off my list.

And then...! after that, I was excited to receive an unexpected email about a possible new job, which seemed to roll in once I'd cleared some mental space. So yes, very much the laughter element of 51, the shock and then the laughter when you realise how silly you've been..!! :)


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May 29, 2006
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Sounds very much like the Image from Wilhelm

'Thus in fear and trembling
The superior man sets his life in order
And examines himself'

Well you did all the 'sets his life in order' stuff :D


I sometimes have a feeling the Unchanging Hexagram Threads are swamping Exploring Divination to some extent, yet here I am posting in one.
After a recent 51.0, I wondered what the shock would be.
It happened when I tried to open the link on the homepage ''Yi debugs a plugin''.
It opened, and still does, regardless of browser and login, to an ominous looking Forbidden Error 403. Go back. And why was my public IP address in that message. Was I blacklisted or something ? Did I post a dodgy link ?
Later I accidently clicked on the Blog link at the top of the page which opened normally, and Hilary's blog post was nothing about malicious plugins. Shock turns to laughter.
I suppose the error message shows the public IP address of whoever clicks on the link.
And I must have had a guilty conscience about freezing an online account, which meant any jpg links in my posts wont open.


Feb 29, 2008
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I just recieved this for my weekly reading will ad my input shortly ........Steve


Feb 29, 2008
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It happened quicker than I thought, I recieved an email from a client, were making a video for this woman. I told her three times that she did not have to pay until she was happy with the product, she requested the invoice anyway, so i sent it then she paid, she then became pushy and wanted the final production.

We got it out then she was extremley unhappy with the work of which was not that bad, we basicaly sent her a draught and she demanded a refund even though we said we would send her something else.

The shock came after she sent a second email, she didnt even give me time to respond.

it read

I demand you refund my money back.

The mess I received coupled with the lies I was told amounts to fraud!

I demand my money back!

I have to admit I was a little taken back at first.

However I a just going to issue the refund, its not worth my time.

I cast again for the rest of the week and received 16.2>40 , looks ok



Feb 29, 2008
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The other thing that happened today is that I found a house double the size and brand new for the same price I am paying for my current house, that was a pleasant surprise.



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Here is a child experiencing hexagram 51. The mother is blowing her nose...

From Hilary's book, the oracle

'Shock comes, fear and terror.
Laughing words, shrieking and yelling.'

But the sacred ladle is not lost...



Mar 29, 2017
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I woke up this morning, a bit late...
I slept it in, but it is Saturday

Took a minute to realise... "I feel bored "
There has been a lot going on over the past few years, with college and business, family also

Yi has helped made stay with the meaning, open up more to the life around me...
To handle situations that seem to come back to the same obstacles or slowness...
To get past feeling controlled, held, trapped by others and by systems....
To deal with that sense of resentment, frustration etc

I've had dramatic events, Cancer, kids skipping school, money evaporating, rags to riches to rags again, ex partners old court cases upturning my life years later, haunted houses… losing children, autism in children, business & Love & life situations that seem to take off, then end up just halting... over & over, felt like huge blocks
, brand new laptops borking, new things breaking, felt like something powerful really trying to keep me & my family down...
Sequences of Crazy events, crazy opposition to goals...
Things I have explored inner & outer
& one reason I hate obstacles is that IoT interiors the creative work processes...
I have no motivation or inspiration when I do get back to the projects....

So all this accepting of things & looking within... Yi has shown made where my inner barometer is, as opposed to reactions, where I've made my job harder, Yi has certainly helped to smooth things

This morning, though I woke up feeling no motivation again, feeling like a part on the shelf, feeling useless
Bored that I woke up late
Bored with how the day might go,
Booked with the things I can think of I need to do (work, visit friends, go to town )
I have a few new startup ideas I could work on, but I don't feel motivated for them
And I don't feel motivated to dissolve the boredom...
I'm caught, drifting
(I have been working on challenging the inner thing that's feels blocked, challenging fear & guilt & all that with awareness, with trying to hold awareness )

I was like "Yi! - I'm BORED! "
So I cast 51 unchanging... the reason for the upheaval?
As in, I need things to be exciting or difficult to avoid feelings of boredom?
(I have Pluto on my ascendant )
Or that things are changing, prepare for something to transform?
The whole thing with boredom is the feeling that nothing I can think of to do right now excites me... nothing is really catching me, that 'meh' feeling

Anyone ever have this experience?
Casting 51 unchanging when feeling bored?

Does it mean - "don't you worry, things will get interesting soon enough! "?


Mar 29, 2017
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51uc asking 'I'm bored '

Hi Liselle
Thanks for the advice, I will do that in future with readings I am contemplating.

That 51uc, I hadn't felt that way in a long long time...
But a few things did shift over the last few weeks, some in ways I wished, others not *quite* how I wanted, but actually better, there is more movement & space, more wisdom.

Looking back, I first thought Yi was telling me 'this is a bit of pstd'
It was the anniversary of a baby girl I lost a few days later, and I did feel this deeply, even after 12 years. So I thought that was it.

It is also the ancient Irish Celtic festival of Beltaine, the beginning of Summer time here, when the whole land explodes into leaf & bloom & song - this can be a shock also, awakening from the sleep of winter, lighting fires & evenings indoors... very suddenly it is warm out, with long bright evenings.

There have been a few other shocking events also...
I live on the west coast of Ireland, and last week, a gorse fire (illegally lit by farmers to clear land) went out of control! 1500 ha of precious bogland and over 2500ha of woodland was burned, and it took a monumental effort to put out the fire.
(& no, here in the west of Ireland, controlled burns or fires are not good for the ecosystem)
There were flames 60m high, and one front was 8km long… only 3-4km from residential areas & only ~22km from Galway city. The Irish Air Corp were involved also. Hundreds of thousands of litres of water were used to put out the fire, with helicopters etc.

But I think, the most shocking aspect was that the westerly winds shifted in the opposite direction, & the smoke plume submerged the city of Galway & its suburbs in dense smoke.
This has never happened before, as far as I know.
The sun turned red; it was very apocalyptic... everyone was out in the sun, or on the beach (we were enjoying a very rare beautiful hot sunny day here, another shock to the system in the west of Ireland ).
Emergency services were inundated with people complaining of breathing issues etc.
This smoke plume managed to overwhelm the most populated areas in the region... seems to me 51 again, quite a shock to people, but also, the earth warning us of the fact that we do live in an interconnected web, our relationship with the earth needs to change? If we push things too far, the balancing forces push back?
Or just: "you cannot slosh petrol about, light a fire to clear land get to extra grant money & then just walk away"

Ireland lost one third of her largest woodland in that fire, it cost the state millions €, & people may have lost their lives from the smoke pollution.

I wonder has anyone else had this experience with 51uc?
The shock is not just personal, but elemental, relating to natural forces & the environment?
Big wake up calls

Then two days later I found myself at a shamanic fire gathering; for the first time at this gathering, the women were holding the circle... the men held the space & drummed in an outer circle.
many people were amazed afterwards, because we started to chant & sway, & then sing... the energy intensified & many women started to leap & dance, shouting & howling at the moon...
The energy kept building; we were dancing out the winter, dancing in the summer... you could feel the power of the earth & the growing life rising up under our feet
Afterwards, many people said that they had never seen such amazing wild energy, or never seen the energy continue for so long... we were transported for nearly 2 hours

This, looking back, seems to me also to be 51, thunder moving through the earth! This was maybe the sacred ladle?

I also had a shock of realising that someone I care about deeply is going through a lot more difficulty than I they were telling me, & also the (positive, but shocking) shock that this person means more to me than I was acknowledging. You know that shock - 'this is really real!'
But also, 'this person is not ignoring you, or treating you dismissively, they really are in a heap, so you can shut up now.'.. It is a shock taking in the awareness that someone you care about is going through very tough times, & also that your words aren't going to fix it, that silence & seeking stillness might actually help. The thunder is louder than all the shrieking & chattering of the monkey mind.

I'm still taking this in...

I did visit another sacred place after this, the hill of Tara... where I couldn't do things, take the walks, go to the well, stop at certain stones or mounds the way I usually do... I listened to Yi & allowed myself to be led, with respect. (I had a dream just before I went to this place, of a fairy creature leading running across the hill to a neolithic monument that feels like the centre of the energy... (someone told me later that it is the temple at the centre of the temple,) & another dream telling me not to park in the carpark, but further down the lane).
Well, I listened to the dreams & to Yi, took a different path on this visit… so when I went to the well, a car pulled up & a noisy family got out just when I wanted to meditate, so I quietly left & moved on, keeping the sacred ladle. Then later, when I went to go for my walk around the Hill, I saw a man I know, & he said 'I have a present for you'.
This led to a conversation, which stopped me from my walk... then another person, another conversation, then I would get up to go for the 'walk' & it would rain, so I didn't get to go on the walk really... I did go up on the hill a bit, later on, to see the stars & moon, then the rain came again, so no big long walk... where is 51uc here?
I think, if you accept shock & thunder in the earth as part of the path, then you don't hold to a plan, so shock "carries you to your still centre".
I am always aroused or energised after visiting this sacred place, but this time, I am carried beyond rational thinking disbelief, the 'get with the program, life is mechanical, not spiritual'voice. By accepting 51uc, by being a guest of life rather than a host, seeking humility & accepting that there are so many things I cannot control, so many things that are so much bigger, I am carried to deeper more positive shocks... more towards my core true self

Seems to me with 51uc that Yi was saying to me 'boredom is an illusion, the tao is much bigger than you, nature can move powerfully as well as gently... this is just a lull before the storm... shocks are as much a part of life as calm'
I think also, 51uc is also saying, "you're disconnected, boredom means you're straying away from the path, you've lost meaning, shake yourself up! If you don't, don't worry, the Tao will soon shake you up"?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Er...so much for being bored, I guess. :( How awful about the fire. Such a tragedy from people doing something they shouldn't, even (obviously) not with intent. And I'm sorry about your baby girl. :hug:


Jun 3, 2006
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I asked, "Where will the country be when Trump is finally out of office?" I received 51uc. I interpret this to be a reference to how the general populace will be on an inner level - awakened, perhaps?


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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Rosada, I would take 51UC as the country will be left shell-shocked. Like what just happened? And what do we do next?

I wanted to share a mundane experience with 51UC. I was undecided about a trip, so asked what if I travel on X dates? and got 51UC. The dates and price suited me, so there was no rational reason not to go ahead, I booked it. But I am not fond of 51UC. My experiences have not been very positive with this hex, mostly getting an external shock and having to navigate my way out of it, and heaving a sigh of relief once it’s over. Not exactly laughter. So I was a bit wary.

Well, the trip was fine until the day of returning home. The flight was delayed 8 hours! And during that time, the passengers were not kept informed, we just waited and waited forever at the gate, wondering if it would leave at all. Everyone around me was rather anxious, parents wanting to go home to their children after a business trip, people missing onward connections etc... I kept calm and watched films on iPad, there was really no point getting worked up about it, I figured I would deal with the consequences in due course. Eventually the flight did leave, and we landed 8 hours late.
I suppose the take away in this situation was rather literal: an unexpected event causing chaos all around, keeping calm and eventually everything works out ok.


Sep 18, 2020
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BTW you know some people look at the picture the hexagram makes ?...Well don't you think the 2 trigrams of 51, if placed side by side, look remarkably like buttocks ?

I think so .

BTW as I said in the 49uc thread, we have the 49uc and 51uc threads both started by different people. We don't have the 50uc thread yet so if anyone would like to start it that would be refreshing. If no one does I will....eventually.
I can't help saying, after Hilary's workshop on Yi's imagery, that I just got 51 uc about a situation that revolves around buttocks and intense, unexpected feelings :unsure:

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