...life can be translucent


Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings-Hexagram 56


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May 29, 2006
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In the 55uc thread Rosada made the perfect connection between 55 and 56. She told of how when her husband had finished converting a barn as a workshop he asked her to cast a hexagram for him so that he could use it on the plaque to the place. She cast 55uc (full story in 55uc thread) This was a culmination of a goal for him but also

Just for the record, my husband passed away shortly after getting his workshop completed. The Wilhelm translation of Abundance reads

Abundance has success.
The king attains abundance.
Be not sad.
Be like the sun at midday.

He did not have much time left to actually use this space he created. I think that says something about the nature of unchanging hexagrams. They tell what the situation is but indicate not much more may come from the situation.

p.s. He did enjoy just hanging out in his creation and the one project that did get completed was building a beautiful cradle for his newborn grandson - which will now be in the generations. Reading that line "Be not sad" now makes me feel good - like he really did get to achieve and experience the completion of a life goal before 56. Traveling on

I thought that was quite special and wanted to bring that link in here, since I do find it is helpful especially with unchanging hexagrams to consider the pair.

I have a number of 56uc casts...all fairly humdrum, but the story of the cradle above did make me think of the nativity story, Mary and Joseph travelling, 'no room at the inn'..because of the time of year and so on. Often people say they do not much like 56, that they connect it with feelings of isolation and not belonging and alienation. But I think it is important to remember the traveller is going somewhere. She is not aimless, not doomed to eternal wandering, there is a destination. As there is a destination she cannot afford to get too involved with the issues of the place she travels through.

From Hilary's book I like this as a caption to the video below

'Since you are only passing through, your creative involvement is limited. You can have the small success of being well received if you fit in responsively, rather than dancing your own dance regardless of where you are."


:rofl: well the little girl might have cast 56uc as her daily hexagram. Watching that made me think of building of a large fire in a small hearth and burning the inn down. Well okay she didn't burn anything down and one has to admire her gusto :rofl:

My examples of 56uc from my journal

1. One evening a few years ago a dog started barking loudly next door and it went on and on and on for hours. It went on until late into the night. It really disturbed me, drove me insane. I went next door but no one was home, just the dog, barking. I got a bit uptight about it because things like this with neighbours can be such a nuisance. I didn't want to fall out with them and didn't know how to approach it so I asked Yi "what's the best thing to do about the dog next door ?' I had envisaged a worst case scenario of this as an on going problem. I got 56uc. It turned out the dog was just visiting, it never happened again. Seems Yi was giving me a plain and simple answer that the dog was passing through. I didn't complain as there was no need and I heard from someone else the dog was a visitor.

2. For a while lupus antibodies (not sure anti bodies right word) was found in my blood and as I had a few symptoms I had to get re tested . I was told having these does not necessarily mean you have lupus, you can have them also have them for a while because of some transitory illness. Between tests I had to wait 6 weeks or so I think so I asked in the waiting time "Is lupus there ?" . I got 56uc. Next time I was tested the lupus antibody had gone. It had been a transitory visitor happily for me.

3. A friend of mine is prone to sudden enthusiasms and proposed we go bowling at the weekend 'for a laugh'. She isn't always the most reliable person and I asked about it. Trouble is I can't recall the exact question but I had 56uc. She lost interest...a transitory fad perhaps ? We had visited the place and thought it would be fun but I think we were just passing through...Interestingly when we had gone into the green on an exploratory mission we got chatting with a very comfortable older man who explained all the tournaments and so on to us and I could see this was a very settled past time for older people. It wasn't something you could really drop in and out of.

4. I was searching for the best car insurance deal and found that with one company I could get my policy slightly cheaper if I included my older brother on the policy. Weird. Cheaper for 2 people on the policy than one ! I thought actually it might be quite convenient if he could drive my car now and then. Also I figured he'd want to use it for himself sometimes as he doesn't have a car. However did I really want to share my car ? There can be down sides to that. I asked "what about M driving my car ?"
I got 56 uc. Hehe I think Yi was kidding me, giving me a literal picture of traveling. Anyway it has turned out fine and he just uses it occasionally and also drives me on long journeys sometimes which is good. He doesn't want it on a regular basis...he is a visitor to driving my car.

Did you notice how none of my examples are even slightly deep and meaningful ? I mean there was a travelling dog, a travelling bug, a trip to a bowling green, and adding a name on my car insurance.

I wonder what example of 56uc others will have !

I shall quote the Image from Wilhelm which I think I could apply to all 4 of my examples.

Fire on the mountain:
The image of the WANDERER.
Thus the superior man
Is clear-minded and cautious
In imposing penalties,
And protracts no lawsuits.

When grass on a mountain takes fire, there is bright light. However, the fire does not linger in one place, but travels on to a new fuel. It is a phenomenon of short duration. This is what penalties and lawsuits should be like.

Part of the commentary from the Image in Hilary's book

'So a noble one completes things with the firmness of a mountain, and uses the clarity of fire to cast light on decisions and endings. You have neither the resources or the time to get embroiled in long drawn-out wranglings, either with yourself or with others.'

What does Wing say about 56uc

'In it's static form , TRAVELLING may indicate that you are letting the grass grown under your feet. LI, clarity and fire, is burning a path across the mountainous, immovable lower trigram, KEN, seeking new fuel. You should recognise this time to move on when you have exhausted your resources or run out of creative energies. If you delay your departure, you may extinguish your flame.'

Merry Christmas !


Watching that made me think of building of a large fire in a small hearth and burning the inn down.

A bit of ADHD going on there, I think. Not making fun of her; au contraire, she seems to have had a potential to motivate and evoke enthusiasm in others. She exemplified "make a joyful noise unto the Lord."

Anyway, about 56, whenever I receive it I think of one of my Dad's famous (to us kids) sayings: "No one lives here; we're just passing through." Not being a man given to talk philosophy or religion, his few sayings, repeated throughout his adult lifetime as our Dad, were memorable.

Any thoughts on 56 as being a proverbial trail blazer?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Yes, I think she was well cast as an angel....and surely the Lord must be pleased at her 'joyful noise'. It said in the comments her family love it so much they've showed it each Christmas for years and there were many other comments praising her whole hearted participation. BTW I didn't notice at first but there is a real live baby in the crib seemingly unperturbed.

I can sense 56 as 'trail blazer' in the trigrams fire over mountain although I haven't noticed that quality in my actual casts. Have you ?


Yes, I think she was well cast as an angel....and surely the Lord must be pleased at her 'joyful noise'. It said in the comments her family love it so much they've showed it each Christmas for years and there were many other comments praising her whole hearted participation. BTW I didn't notice at first but there is a real live baby in the crib seemingly unperturbed.

I can sense 56 as 'trail blazer' in the trigrams fire over mountain although I haven't noticed that quality in my actual casts. Have you ?

Yes, I noticed the same thing about the cradle baby. He seemed very peaceful. Maybe I'm just being romantic, but I think the girl's voice most reached him.

In example 3, I could see your friend's enthusiasm as blazing a trail for you to encounter those older folks, which sounds like a trip of its own, I suppose not too unlike the girl who sang with gusto reached others with her enthusiasm. In general, I can think of several explorers who blazed trails for others to follow to new lands. To this country, and through this country, for instance, such as Lewis and Clark. Also scientists, chemists and inventors, and let's not forget artists, though I suspect some are hybrids with 57, 4, 1 and 10, at least.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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lol well I think the girl's voice reached everyone...particularly the little guy who was playing Joseph, or maybe he was a shepherd...no I think he was Joseph, so he had a big part, and the angel kind of drowned him out....but that's angels for you, their messages come loud and clear GLORY GLORY GLORY.

Yes my friend has blazed a trail for me to all sorts of places. By the time I get there she's usually been and gone already....

Blazing a trail reminds me of the star (fire) in the nativity story that the wise men followed. I can't help but kinda like the fact that the 56 thread has fallen over the Christmas period....


Blazing a trail reminds me of the star (fire) in the nativity story that the wise men followed. I can't help but kinda like the fact that the 56 thread has fallen over the Christmas period....

I was going to say something about this but my poetic muse went wandering somewhere else, probably singing GLORY GLORY GLORY.


Jun 3, 2006
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I think of a trail blazer as someone who creates a path for others to follow whereas 56. the Traveller seems to me to have more of a wandering spirit. However as I write this I think of hobos who were known to leave markings on the house fences to alert those who might come after them as to whether the people living there would feed a stranger so I guess that's an example of a drifter being a sort of trail blazer.
However if I got 56 in answer to a question like, "What would be the result of following in this person's footsteps?" I wouldn't feel encouraged to line up.
No big deal, it's late here in California and I'm awake and felt like chatting... just passing through...


I was thinking of hexagram 56 intensely only less than an hour ago. All my adult life I had the notion that my time on earth, at least during this time around, would end when I reached 56. 56 was always on my mind. I had many adventures and journeys before I turned 56, but it was only after I turned 56 that I began to wander through life alone. So today I thought, perhaps I did die at 56 when I began this new life. Now, as I approach 70, it becomes ever clearer that I am never alone. Am I the fire or this mountain I travel across? Of course 56 is both. No one lives here; we are just passing through, my father said.

Fire moves quickly upon the mountain. How can that not blaze a trail, whether others follow or not.


Aug 5, 2010
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... and happy journeys

I have associate 56 with the concept of outliers in statistics, those observations that are outside the "normal " situation. My Stats teacher used to say us not to disregard them and don't get upset for ruining our models... usually they have something important to tell us.

butterfly spider

Just an additional story about 56. I got it a few years ago when I was on the edge of a group - and the motion that I was in a cliff edge lighting fires made me realise that my position was a bit precarious

I am not living where I should be - its all a bit surreal and I needed some money for my sons school trip. I asked some if the mummies if they would like to come and have a rummage - I have some nice bits and pieces - bags designer and vintage stuff. Some came round this morning - I made cakes got tea coffee and most things were prices at £3-£10. These people are not hard up for a penny and were here for ages. I had hoped to raise at least £30.

One lady bought a paper weight for £1.

I wanted £5 For a Todds brand new navy bag - but one mum said it had a small mark

I made a loss really as I spent money on the refreshments

I asked the IC about how this was - why did it not work
I got 56 uc.

As Trojina said - this wasn't exactly an important thing just irritating and annoying really. They knew it was for raising money. I would have bought something - I had a bargain 50p box too

I don't think I belong in this set - and I felt very uncomfortable this morning - almost like crying...

But, It's not the end of the world..


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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No, not the end of the world. After all the traveller is on her way somewhere so her eye is on her quest more than the gains and losses on the way.

I was speaking with someone who travels extensively, for the sake of travel, and he was saying there always are, in long periods of travel, times where you'd be pretty low. You'd be in a strange place, you might be ill, it might be cold and inhospitable...but you know that's just part of the journey and the next day something will lift your spirits and you'll keep moving on.


Jun 3, 2006
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Re-reading your question Butterfly Spider, "Why didn't it work?"
I see 56 as saying it didn't work because the Moms who came didn't feel any connection to you. They were just Wandering Through.
In America we call someone like this a "Lookie-Lu," someone who likes to go to shops and yard sales but just wants to look.

This makes me think you needed to have done something to strengthen your personal connection with them, like calling them individually the night before or having a big poster saying, "Thank you for Helping My Son Raise Money for The Class Trip" But maybe not. No change lines in 56 = nothing would have changed them!

Next time ask - before hand -, "What can I do to make this work???"

butterfly spider

I was thinking last night that I should do something to say thank you - I think that I have a way of blustering along and then wafting off again. I also think that perhaps they didn't realise so much why I needed the sale -
Their financial position is a million miles away from mine. They were asking if I wanted to go to the school ball - £100 tickets (plus drinks). Don't be silly...
So yes you are right -

Yesterday I asked some lovely ladies at yoga if they wanted to come round - I have a connection with them. Also a lady who walks her dog with mine. They came and thought my place was like heaven - and they spent some money too - I made £35. I don't really know them but perhaps am more connected somehow.

You are a so clever to have picked up on this...



Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I have associate 56 with the concept of outliers in statistics, those observations that are outside the "normal" situation. My Stats teacher used to say us not to disregard them and don't get upset for ruining our models... usually they have something important to tell us.

Just now noticed this, Anemos - I love this comparison. Why 56, though, and not 38? I could see 38 as divergence from the mean. 56 could mean something going its own way, though, leaving the beaten path - is that how you meant it? Either way, thank you for noticing this!


Aug 5, 2010
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Just now noticed this, Anemos - I love this comparison. Why 56, though, and not 38? I could see 38 as divergence from the mean. 56 could mean something going its own way, though, leaving the beaten path - is that how you meant it? Either way, thank you for noticing this!

Hi lisa,
yes, I can see hex 38 too in that analogy.

Leaving the beaten path is one of the many explanations of 56. other times it's just life, where you have to leave or forced to leave home and find nourishment elsewhere. Like are ancestors that had to travel to find food and selter when their current one couldn't provide them. The path our fire makes to sustain life.

During my recent sojourn had the chance to meet discuss and spend time with expats. The chats we had echoed every word of hex 56. Those people know that they will probably stay 3-5 years in that country and then their new home will be the place the company their work asked them to go. In every story there was an interesting mix of been a temp yet fully engaged in the life of that country.

A friend asked me if I missed home. I said , no, but what I found interesting was that been away from home makes you ask your self what "home" is. I told them that I was there, in that country, physically, but my mind was elsewhere, in another spot on the globe. LIterally or figuratively, a spot in the globe or a state of being, there was that feeling of nostos not really for my home land, but about the idea of "home"

One thing the school their children go try to teach them is that temporariness and how to make home this foreign place, or... the fact that one way or another we are all sojourners , by choice or curmumstances.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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My daily reading was 56uc.

The day started with an unexpected return of my grandma from her summer home.

Then I had to go to the bank to close my 90 days deposit and just walked on foot for an hour to another bank to make a deposit for 3 months.

Also I was looking for a food item that my grandma wanted, so I've visited 6 shops along the way, comparing prices and had to revisit one of them which had the best price only to find out that they can't accept credit cards because of a technical problem that was going on only for half an hour.

Two of the shops didn't have the item.
After that I just continued walking to my favourite sunset watching spot, just in time when seemingly clouded sky has cleared up and I was able to enjoy the sunset for 55 minutes. (You can look at the sun without any protection during first and last hours of the light day).

Total travelling time: 6 hours ( including half an hour in first bank, 10 minutes in other one, 55m sunset).
Distance: 6-8 miles.

I'll go for another walk tomorrow, to buy that item but I will take some cash with me to be sure :)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Also I was looking for a food item that my grandma wanted, so I've visited 6 shops along the way, comparing prices

You are a very good grandson !


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I was driving a friend around helping him to buy a carpet for a small bedroom in his new house. The bedroom would be for guests. He was in a bit of a hurry because he was trying to buy carpets, tiles and so on, so that his builder had the materials to work with while he, my friend, was away travelling.

So there was a certain pressure on. I saw a carpet I thought was okay for the room and he agreed only the salesman said they didn't have enough of it. So we then chose a similar carpet. He did the calculations etc but was undecided. It was a fairly plain carpet. I was waiting in the car and he came out and said he couldn't decide. I said I'd ask Yi on my phone. I asked 'is this carpet a good one for M to buy right now ?' Got 56uc. That made me ask him about how he felt about it. Was he choosing the carpet ;

a. because he wanted to make a really beautiful room, his pride and joy....


b. was it something he just needed to get over and done, not spend too much time on....because he spends a lot of time travelling and just needs the room to be functional and presentable enough to accommodate guests ?

He replied 'b' was the case.

The answer applied on so many levels. The main message we took is that the traveller doesn't draw out legal proceedings, he doesn't make a hoo haa about decisions as he needs to move on quickly.

So he thought he would likely get the carpet but we left it while we went off to get tiles and other things. He might go and get the carpet soon...but the main thing is we didn't spend any more time on it and quickly went off to get other more urgent materials.

Also the 56uc is apt in that the carpet was for a guest room and that he is an avid traveller. This wasn't an occasion to stand staring at various carpet options for long periods whilst inwardly debating the merits of each (legal proceedings) but a time to make quick necessary choices with an eye on the main goal which is to move onwards..


Feb 1, 2008
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Hello Trojina,

This story reminds me of a similar reading that puzzled me for a long time:

The new sofa for the living room came in two versions. I couldnt decide:
- Shall I buy the small one/ what if I buy the small one? 23.4.
- What if the bigger one? 56uc.

Bought the bigger one because of 23.4. Size and form turned out good, but not the colour (only a very limited range was available). No decoration, no throw or cushion would make it blend in with the already existing surroundings. Though it had a neutral colour it would not 'connect' and kept standing out, just like a sojourning stranger would. I thought: if this is 56uc then i'd better stop my useless attempts to pull this room together and take an unemotional approach and move on to other things.

A few years later I swapped rooms and put on a new cover (the 'my pride and joy' version). Since this moving (!) it has been used as a guest (!) bed occasionally, because it is big enough (!) to have a good night's sleep on it. For a while I kept wondering, if my initial interpretation was wrong and stretching things too far .... otoh 56uc was yi's only way to say '56 zhi 56'.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Those two examples bring out so much about 56, and just readings in general. Yours, Fallada - it was true in one way immediately (don't linger over the decision, don't worry if the room isn't all homey) and long afterwards the rest of it came true.

Examples, consider yourselves hugged. :hug:

Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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A few months ago I asked how long I would have to wait to find some companions (for work but also for connecting in a more general way. Friends let's say, or people to share everyday life with since my real friends are scattered all over the world). Got 56 unchanging

Possible readings:
1) don't worry, this is a passing by concern, you will find them
2) your ideal companions are travellers and foreign people like you
3) you have to go and look somewhere else, pack your suitcase now
4) your friends are all over the world, travellers themselves


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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You option (2) is recognizable - people who move around a lot making friends among their peers first. For example, families in the military might socialize most with other military families they're stationed with.

But that assumes a ready-made and "findable" peer group - is that something you have?

Another option (5) might be to find ways to blend in rather than stand out? I'm getting that general idea from Hilary's Oracle commentary, although I have no idea how it might specifically apply to you. (The story of King Hai is pretty extreme.)

Olga Super Star

Clarity Supporter
Nov 6, 2010
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Hi Lisa, thank you for replying :)

Another option (5) might be to find ways to blend in rather than stand out? I'm getting that general idea from Hilary's Oracle commentary, although I have no idea how it might specifically apply to you. (The story of King Hai is pretty extreme.)

Oh it definitely applies to me :blush:
Blending in is my big problem. I am afraid of dissolving myself.

You option (2) is recognizable - people who move around a lot making friends among their peers first.
But that assumes a ready-made and "findable" peer group - is that something you have?
What comes to mind is other actors. People who don't belong anywhere and who have their stuff scattered around in several cities at a time.
Which is really frustrating as for New Year's Eve I mostly end up being by myself or I have to join someone else's group as all my "friends" and acquaintances are back to their towns (and I am too, back to my home town)

When I asked the question I meant people to go out with and to do projects with. So people to see every day.

What does Hilary's oracle commentary says?


Mar 29, 2017
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I work as a psychic reader; hearing a lot about the Slightly esoteric concept of 'twin flames'… and have been tuned into the energy. Some clients ring & this energy is there in relationships, but the other one one is asleep to the connection, and it is hard for the client.
I asked Yi about it, why is it so hard for people?

I got 56uc.
I have received it more than once for questions about this (& 30 also, that which rises twice).

It seems to be the answer here is:
It is a journey, don't get caught in the details? Don't judge or focus on where you are at in the relationship (as a paradigm or relationship pattern). You are Just passing through this situation or relationship dynamic, and it is also just passing through you.
The soul light blazes a trail for others, so Keep the flame of Love strong in your heart & allow the flame to light and inspire all you reach, near and far.
It takes you beyond yourself and the familiar, so open up.
Creative involvement is limited: experience rather than create


Mar 29, 2017
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... and happy journeys

I have associate 56 with the concept of outliers in statistics, those observations that are outside the "normal " situation. My Stats teacher used to say us not to disregard them and don't get upset for ruining our models... usually they have something important to tell us.

This is very relevant to me re: 56uc - the stranger sees things differently, the perspective from outside the situation, so therefore they bring something different into the situation.

Its kind of a quantum mechanism, thought influencing situations?
View this as a stranger and you can shift the perspective?
& thus brings you into Tao? (Not limited by situations, but transcending their impermanence?)

Also, is it the perspective of an outsider that led Victor Taleb to his 'Black Swan' theory?

Interestingly enough, one turned up in Galway last year! She is definitely a wanderer, an outsider, and an outlier!

Last edited:


Clarity Supporter
Jan 13, 1971
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I was amused to get 56 unchanging just now as I asked about an upcoming trip! So did someone else a few years ago.

Trojina came through with the following fine advice:
keep in mind it's all temporary (obviously) Not to get snagged up on anything. When travelling one has good days....and bad days so an experienced traveller once told me. He told me there's days you feel lonely and everything goes wrong and there's wonderful days too....so you don't pay the bad days too much mind . You don't need to get too involved with anything or anyone if you are just passing through. Just adapt to the customs around you and don't draw too much attention to yourself. If it's obvious you are a traveller you can be vulnerable in some places so try to blend into the scenery. Keep your focus ahead of you...


Nov 16, 2017
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Just a simple 56 unchanging experience to contribute.

About a man I met long ago with whom I had a brief, intense affair. I knew it was not going to last, but it was an experience I wanted to have. So it kind of quietly vanished by itself with no hard feelings. I remember asking “What was this?” and getting 56 un which felt appropriated. Just an experience to learn something; just passing by.

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