...life can be translucent


Health Issues: 17.5>51


Sep 21, 2010
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Hi all,

Long time no see! I’ve recently consulted IC about my health issues and got kua 17 changing to kua 51.

My question was specifically: Can I recover from my hypothyroidism quickly?

Have just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism (3 months ago) and this adds onto my existing list of problems:

I became diabetic and overweight from eating too much carbs 3 years ago - I have since lost that weight and changed my lifestyle to manage my condition. I track everything I eat and exercise a little too much sometimes.

I never regained my period though and I am only 25 years old. (I’m not sure if it’s because my body is trying to recover from the shock of the major weight loss? Or it’s because of my Type A high stress/anxiety personality.

I was at my happy weight for the first 2 years but at the start of this year after I took up weight lifting as an exercise I suddenly put on 10kg and my thyroids crashed.

I’ve seen a naturopath and am on medication. The weight is not coming on fast enough and I am getting worried about my hormonal health as well.

Getting kua 17.5>51 doesn’t seem like good news to me and honestly it’s worrying me quite abit.

Need help interpreting what this means?

Thank you so much in advance!!


Clarity Supporter
Jul 20, 2015
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Hi littlemeowie,

"Can I recover from my hyperthyroidism quickly?"
17.5 to 51 ~ Sincerity in your efforts will get you through the shock.

Of course, the usual scroll of disclaimers applies ~ I am not a doctor, just my opinion, your mileage may vary, etc...

This is an auspicious toss that bodes well for your recovery.

From the Daniel Young i-Ching:

17. Following
Start with an unselfish offering. Profit from the forecast. No problem.

5. Have confidence in the enlightened way. What can go wrong? Have confidence in what is excellent. Good fortune.


51. Thunder Blast
A thunder blast brings blessing. The first shock turns to laughter. Although the blast causes fear over a great distance, the hand of a person engaged in a sacred act does not shake.

I read your situation as a result of the combination of weight gain, supplements and stress being too much, too fast ~ a shock to your system.

The enlightened way of the Yi is to operate in the middle of the main channel of natural energy flow, avoiding the extremes of high and low?

I don't know the specifics of your routine, but I have known several people who over-did creatine, and then had thyroid issues? But, they made adjustments, and recovered in relatively short order?

If you can relax your mind ~ adjust your fitness program for moderate metabolizing ~ and stay steady in your discipline ~ then good fortune is predicted ~ and you'll start cycling, again.

I hope it goes well!


Sep 21, 2010
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Wow....this is pretty accurate - yes I took a lot of supplements etc and now have just kept it simple with my diet and light exercises. My stress hormones are at an all time high and I decided to give my body a rest.

Kua 51 really did give me a good scare - have to admit that it can paint quite a rather frightening picture.

Reading Miki Shima’s medical interpretation of the IC made it even worse - it mentioned possible death etc.

I tend to overdo things as well so I’m guessing my over enthusiastic attempt at weight lifting has probably caused my poor body to go into shock and subsequently shut down in every way imaginable.

I’m anxious about getting back to full functionality too - hypothyroidism is terrible. I am depressed about my weight and am constantly so fatigued too.

Thanks for the interpretation radiofreewill! x


Sep 21, 2010
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Wow....this is pretty accurate - yes I took a lot of supplements etc and now have just kept it simple with my diet and light exercises. My stress hormones are at an all time high and I decided to give my body a rest.

Kua 51 really did give me a good scare - have to admit that it can paint quite a rather frightening picture.

Reading Miki Shima’s medical interpretation of the IC made it even worse - it mentioned possible death etc.

I tend to overdo things as well so I’m guessing my over enthusiastic attempt at weight lifting has probably caused my poor body to go into shock and subsequently shut down in every way imaginable.

I’m anxious about getting back to full functionality too - hypothyroidism is terrible. I am depressed about my weight and am constantly so fatigued too.

Thanks for the interpretation radiofreewill! x


Jul 28, 2018
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Hello littlemeowie!

First of all, while I Ching is a good divination method it shouldn't replace the professional help.
Hex 17, Following, is about accordance: "Great success. It is of benefit to continue. No blame." It suggests that you should keep on your efforts.
Line 5: "There is confidence in goodness. Good Fortune." The line is in its "correct place"- so you are doing the right thing. Then what does indicate Hex 51, "Shock"? You pointed to the shock your body has endured through the weight loss and gain, so the shock is likely to refers to the context you are in. Or, maybe your issues are going to resolve in a rapid "shocking" way.
"Can I recover from my hypothyroidism quickly?" Yes, or at least, you are doing well, so keep on and don't be obsessed with the pace.
Good Luck!


Clarity Supporter
Jul 20, 2015
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You're very welcome, littlemeowie ~ hopefully, you'll be purring along in no time...

If you don't mind, I'll also add that joining a Qigong practice group can be a very beneficial way to balance your efforts towards optimal physical and mental fitness?

Built-in to the Yi, and indeed built-in to everything Chinese, is the understanding that the heart (body) and mind are ineluctably interconnected in a symbiotic way called xin.

The ideogram for xin shows a stylized aorta, and is meant to convey a sense of relationship between mind and body like that of wind and waves: When the conscious mind is in repose, the body is calm ~ and when the conscious mind has movement, the body is stirred and has waves.

So, no matter whether it's the Yi, traditional chinese medicine or martial arts ~ the assumption is that mind and body are intimately connected. What qigong practitioners come to realize over time is that the action of the mind is fast and light, whereas the action of the body is comparatively slow and heavy ~ your mind can 'see' a solution long before your body can get there?

And, therein lies the rub.

Basically, there are two options:

1) Use your mind to 'drive' your body to your desired outcomes, or

2) Use your mind to 'see' the flow and set the rudder of your efforts accordingly.

As you've probably realized already, your mind action alone can turn your body's muscles, tendons and ligaments into over-taught steel cables that never really relax...all in the name of attaining your goals quickly...

According to Qigong, then, your mental over-driving will deplete and imbalance your body's organ systems, too?

The reason I'm recommending this for you is because you clearly have enough mind power to drive yourself through the full spectrum of weight loss and weight gain programs? Consider now how skillful you might become with that power under the guidance of a qualified Qigong instructor?

I hope this helps!

PS ~ Always remember: You are not your body or your mind ~ you are the Awareness of your body/mind (xin) ~ :)
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Sep 21, 2010
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Thank you so much - yes I have a medical team working with me. I am quite an impatient person at heart. The excess weight has made me very depressed and I honestly cannot wait to get back to my old self!

Thanks so much again! X


Sep 21, 2010
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How very interesting...yes I see the extreme relectuance in me to let go of the superficial image. I also feel the heaviness of the body compared to the speed of my mind as well. To worry incessantly over my weight will do me no favours...perhaps I should follow the tides for now?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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How very interesting...yes I see the extreme relectuance in me to let go of the superficial image. I also feel the heaviness of the body compared to the speed of my mind as well. To worry incessantly over my weight will do me no favours...perhaps I should follow the tides for now?

You don't recover from hypothyroidism you need to take thyroxine and then you recover.


Have you actually been diagnosed as having an underactive thyrod ? Presumably yes in which case why didn't they prescribe thyroxine ?

I'm afraid this seems crazy to me having hypothyroidism myself as do many people. it isn't a case of 'recovering quickly' unles you take thyroxine in which case yes you do recover reasonably quickly.

Okay read your post again you have been diagnosed but this doesn't soundlike hypothyroidism

I’ve seen a naturopath and am on medication. The weight is not coming on fast enough and I am getting worried about my hormonal health as well

An overactive thyroid makes you lose weight and an underactive thyroid makes you put weight on so what I don't get is why if you have an underactive thyroid already you would struggle to gain weight.

Are you sure you don't mean you have hyperthyroidism, an over active thyroid, rather than hypothyroidism an under active one ?


Mar 22, 1971
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Hi littlemeowie
New diagnosis of any condition sends us into a place of uncertainty and depending on the severity of the diagnosis can be one which sends us into a right old spin. Good medical teams can help with the physical healing, however the mental / emotional side of dealing with what is "wrong with me" can be difficult to take on board and can sometimes hold recovery back.

"Can I recover from my hyperthyroidism quickly?"
17.5 to 51

17: Accepting what is being asked of you to contend with at the moment will bring it's own rewards.
line 5- Following your instincts and shaking off past imbalances in your approach will bring you to a new point of view
51: Allow this to permeate through you and bring with it fresh thinking, fresh attitudes and fresh actions that will help you in your recovery.

Good Luck


Clarity Supporter
Jul 20, 2015
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How very interesting...yes I see the extreme relectuance in me to let go of the superficial image. I also feel the heaviness of the body compared to the speed of my mind as well. To worry incessantly over my weight will do me no favours...perhaps I should follow the tides for now?

That’s genuine insight and solid logic, littlemeowie ~ Brava! ~ you have natural ability for “Walking your Path, Creating your Future,” as Hilary would say?

Now, think about this for a moment:

That part of you that ‘knows’ ~ ie, the witness that ‘sees’ ~ your mind being ‘speedy and light’?

That same part of you that ‘knows’ ~ ie, the same witness that ‘sees’ ~ your body being comparatively ‘slower and heavier’?

That’s your Sage-like Primordial Awareness (shen) effortlessly ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’ things as they are ~ it’s the Sovereign over your body/mind (xin).

That’s ‘who’ you truly are...a natural Sage ~ shen ming – illuminated immortal spirit.

However, your Sage nature remains in a diminished, limited state (mortal) due to separation from the Source (immortal Dao) ~ ‘unrealized’ to its full potential ~ until it is disentangled from the attachments of egoic desire ~ or, as you put it, “the extreme reluctance in me to let go of the superficial image.”

So, you are at a crossroads, imho. You can continue on with what you know ~ obsessive goal-chasing ~ by re-investing the energy of worry into a ‘new’ goal ~ but, you can already see and know where that will go?

Or, you can make a conscious choice to truly transform your life and get in the flow?

I’m offline working against deadlines for the rest of the year, so I won’t be around for a while, but I can highly recommend three things to you:

~ Read “Thread of Dao” by Dan G. Reid, and

~ Talk with a certified Qigong instructor about your situation, and

~ If you hit a really tough roadblock, consider consulting with Hilary when she has openings in her reading service?

I think you’ve got the ‘right stuff’ for successful Pathwalking ~ I hope you’ll give it a try?

All Best to you!
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Sep 21, 2010
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You don't recover from hypothyroidism you need to take thyroxine and then you recover.


Have you actually been diagnosed as having an underactive thyrod ? Presumably yes in which case why didn't they prescribe thyroxine ?

I'm afraid this seems crazy to me having hypothyroidism myself as do many people. it isn't a case of 'recovering quickly' unles you take thyroxine in which case yes you do recover reasonably quickly.

Okay read your post again you have been diagnosed but this doesn't soundlike hypothyroidism


An overactive thyroid makes you lose weight and an underactive thyroid makes you put weight on so what I don't get is why if you have an underactive thyroid already you would struggle to gain weight.

Are you sure you don't mean you have hyperthyroidism, an over active thyroid, rather than hypothyroidism an under active one ?

Oh hi! Yes I am diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I am on Cytomel. I want to quickly lose the excess weight I have put on this year. Hope this clarifies.

My medication isn’t working as fast as I hope.


Sep 21, 2010
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Thank you kindly!! You have shared much wisdom with me...I shall ruminant upon your advice and “walk the path” as life would guide me for now.

I think it’s important for me to believe that all things will come to fruition somehow and being anxious over “when” is not helpful to my stress levels.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Oh hi! Yes I am diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I am on Cytomel. I want to quickly lose the excess weight I have put on this year. Hope this clarifies.

My medication isn’t working as fast as I hope.

Ah must have been typo then as you wrote

The weight is not coming on fast enough and I am getting worried about my hormonal health as well.

You must have meant the weight is not coming off (not on) fast enough.

Puzzled you are on Cytomel since standard stuff is thyroxine, might be just a difference in country. I tried to compare cytomel and thyroxine and got as far as reading cytomel affects T3 and thyroxine T4 and they both interconnect anyway.... then I gave up. It's just everyone I know with a low thyroid is given thyroxine.

I don't think these medications alone cause drastic weight loss they just affect it slightly. Everyone is different I guess.

I am extremely puzzled as to how 17.5 is not good news ?

Getting kua 17.5>51 doesn’t seem like good news to me and honestly it’s worrying me quite abit.

I use the I Ching what Oracle are you using ? Have you gotten hold of some hopless commentary off some hopeless website ? Yi says for 17.5 Hilary's translation

'Sincere and confident in excellence.
Good fortune.'

How on earth does that equate to not good news ? excellence ! Good Fortune ! where do you see the problem ?

Clearly you are heading forward by following your highest standards - something is there to guide you, an ideal or aspiration even beyond weight loss.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Sorry for exasperated tone, not just you but I see increasing numbers of people coming here with great readings with great auguries saying they are worried by their casts and I wonder where they get these ideas from. 17.5 is a wonderful line to get.


Sep 21, 2010
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Sorry for exasperated tone, not just you but I see increasing numbers of people coming here with great readings with great auguries saying they are worried by their casts and I wonder where they get these ideas from. 17.5 is a wonderful line to get.

Yes...well...you have to admit that kua 51 does not portray a very positive image at first glance. I’m not very good with interpreting IC and often ask my mom for help. (She has studied the IC but as you know there are a myriad of ways to read and divinate.) My mom doesn’t have a very good impression of hex 51 and I think that made me pretty nervous.

I personally read tarot cards and I relate kua 51 to the Tower - a violent shake-up. It does scare me ><


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Yes...well...you have to admit that kua 51 does not portray a very positive image at first glance. I’m not very good with interpreting IC and often ask my mom for help. (She has studied the IC but as you know there are a myriad of ways to read and divinate.) My mom doesn’t have a very good impression of hex 51 and I think that made me pretty nervous.

I personally read tarot cards and I relate kua 51 to the Tower - a violent shake-up. It does scare me ><

But why would you read 51 instead of the line you got ? The line, especially with just one moving is the most important aspect. The relating hexagram here, what gives rise to the line is far more ambient. You shouldn't think of 51 as like the Tower in the Tarot it isn't like that at all and if you read it it actually says that though there is shock he doesn't spill his sacred ladle.

Most of the time I find 51 is an inner state of excitement for me and remember you have to scale the answer to the size of the question. You can get 51 about getting a pint of milk doesn't mean the earth will open and swallow you up.

Yes...well...you have to admit that kua 51 does not portray a very positive image at first glance.

No I don't admit that at all, I think it's incorrect to think of 51 that way - for one thing it isn't useful to think of hexagrams as positive or negative. The very last thing I think when I cast 51 is 'oh no a shock' . I've been consulting I Ching for over 40 years and have had hexagram 51 enough for it not to frighten me at all - it can be to do with realising, waking up, energising, excitement, stimulation. You can't get stuck in dead end kind of prediction mode thinking of '51 is bad'. Sure at times 51 might manifest for some as something more serious but it depends what you are asking about. I Ching isn't a dead predictive tool like thing, it's a living conversation so no need for any answer to make you afraid.

here's some thing on the misguided idea of 'positive' and 'negative' hexagrams
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Yes...well...you have to admit that kua 51 does not portray a very positive image at first glance. I’m not very good with interpreting IC and often ask my mom for help. (She has studied the IC but as you know there are a myriad of ways to read and divinate.) My mom doesn’t have a very good impression of hex 51 and I think that made me pretty nervous.
I personally read tarot cards and I relate kua 51 to the Tower - a violent shake-up. It does scare me ><
Unfortunately I'll agree with you littlemeowie. The reading is not good, because the result is 51, shock. The overall answer says that you are trusting something (or someone) which appears to be excellent, but it leads to shock. So there's something you're already doing, which you believe to be excellent, and yet it's not to your benefit. If I were you, with this answer, I would look for a different doctor and different medication.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Unfortunately I'll agree with you littlemeowie. The reading is not good, because the result is 51, shock. The overall answer says that you are trusting something (or someone) which appears to be excellent, but it leads to shock. So there's something you're already doing, which you believe to be excellent, and yet it's not to your benefit. If I were you, with this answer, I would look for a different doctor and different medication.

How can this possibly

'Sincere and confident in excellence.
Good fortune.'

(Hilary's translation)

….always lead to shock ?

It's a highly auspicious line it cannot end in not being to her benefit.

If it led to shock (as in shock in a negative sense) it wouldn't say 'good fortune' it wouldn't say what it actually does say

'Sincere and confident in excellence.
Good fortune.'

Sincerity and confidence in excellence good fortune does not lead to misfortune. That doesn't make sense.

51 doesn't just equate to misfortune anyway - but the idea that 17.5 will always end up in some kind of unpleasant shock just seems to go against everything the line says.
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