...life can be translucent


Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings- Hexagram 19


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I've received hexagram 19uc many times and overall at the moment mostly take it as suggestive of the sense of promise. The sense of the possibility of imminent arrival

Wing says of 19 unchanging, which she chooses to call 'promotion'

"K'UN , in the upper trigram of cosmic ideals, is receptive to Tui, joy and satisfaction, in the lower trigram of human affairs. PROMOTION without change suggests an eternal spring in regard to the object of your enquiry. This is indeed auspicious, as it appears that you are in an excellent position to carry out your plans successfully; or perhaps you can help others in the attainment of their own pursuits."

I have always felt 19 to be quite an ethereal hexagram, it feels to me like "an eternal spring" because there's this sense of approach, of imminence, of arrival without there necessarily being any manifestation of it. Looking at all the examples I can so far find of my own I can see this sense of imminence....just like how springs feels.

It is spring here in UK.....it is on the verge of spring anyway, but it is cold, no leaves on trees yet just a sort of sense of it might happen any moment now . That is my experience of 19 unchanging. For me mostly is seems to be very much a subjective sense of this imminence.

On Lise's printout for the pair 19 and 20 she has

"Take care of everyone involved

19 - look after everyone, oversee
20 -care for everyone, listen and look"

There is that aspect of seeing, being seen of course, perhaps what approaches is being known in some sense. I have had the sense of that but it tends to subtle, spiritual.... I think 20 uc is the more tangible aspect of the pair.
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Dec 21, 2010
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Thank you for this.
I just received this hex and I was feeling overwhelmed with the meaning. This I can sink my teeth into. :claps:
My experience- I asked the Yi about what work I am meant to do- specifically relating to my art. I was thinking about how I can find the time and space for my work. Right now much of my time is "everyone else" but I think this is a response for me to "take care of everyone involved" which would be me as well. It also feels like a green light so to speak. A nod that this is something that will "feed" me back. Still so much to learn but this is very helpful.
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li chien

Dec 17, 2012
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19 UC came up for me recently when I was asking about the best place to move to after finishing the house here out on the lake where I have been for about 10 years.

I asked about going south towards a couple of different places in Sydney but 19 UC came up when I asked about the outcome for a bit of a more radical move north to a beachside suburb that I have felt was the best place for me to live however it would require a big change in jobs to allow it as it would make for an impossible commute from my current job.

An eternal spring would perfectly describe the beautiful lifestyle there, a place that I have been around since childhood. A simple, healthy, well balanced vibe, down to earth and by the water. Funnily the timing of my move is planned for next spring as well. It clarified for me an essential need to live in a place I can be happy in rather than focussing just on career at the exclusion of a balanced home life and well being. Down to earth and with joy I feel is the best way forward. It will take a fair degree of faith in taking this direction but is more a step rather than leap in faith. It will require I do a fair bit of promotion myself about the way my job is done to make it possible... Will see if I can actually make it manifest or whether it will be eternally just imminent.

PS Trojan - Many thanks for your considerable effort and commitment with this series on unchanging hexagrams... as a learner this has proven a great structured way to work through the essential nature of the hexagrams in sequence. Most every day this is the first section of the forum I come to and along with practicing it has helped my understanding considerably. Hope you will keep it up all the way... a bit of a longer journey but its proving a very good way to see the Yi.

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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Thanks Graham. Arabella started these threads and always had alot to say of her experiences but she has disappeared for a while.....but when she returns, and I think she will return, she is going to have so much catching up to do ! :D


Apr 8, 1970
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I had 19 unchanging a little over a year ago, asking about what my place/ role was as my elderly mother-in-law was seriously ill. It turned out to be being present - a lot - for both emotional and practical support. 'Look after everyone' certainly applied. I spent some time staying with her after she came out of hospital, and learned about 19 in very practical ways: basically, having a list of things to do to help was pretty much always hopeless and/or disastrous, and being present with an open heart was always what was needed.

I've had 19 unchanging once since then - a weekly reading - and understood it to mean 'be present!' again. I think that would fit with Kimbenes' 'work to do', as well.


Aug 5, 2010
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. and learned about 19 in very practical ways: basically, having a list of things to do to help was pretty much always hopeless and/or disastrous, and being present with an open heart was always what was needed.

i like that, its how I see the difference between 19 & 20 in terms of feelings involved.
repeating myself, but H19 is down-here whereas h20 has a "up-there" . H19, most of the times is "Under- Stand" , to me ...


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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That's strange because I feel hex 20 to be far more practical in it's manifestation that 19. That is in hex 20 there is often an act one is thinking of doing...

From Hilarys blog on 'another possible pattern' I take this idea

Every pair of hexagrams, ie every odd-numbered hexagram with the even-numbered one that follows it, carries some un-pin-downable*feeling of ‘inspiration and manifestation’ or ‘question and response’ or ‘yang and yin’.

Inspiration and manifestation, hex 1 and hex 2 reverberating through all the pairs. I've thought about this with other pairs and cannot always see it, but I see it with 19 and 20.


Aug 5, 2010
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Just occured to me

H19 APPROACH has supreme success.
Perseverance furthers. When the eighth month comes, There will be misfortune.
H20 This hexagram is linked with the eight month (September-October).

Seems there is a time sequence in this pair. Wonder if the misfortune of h19 can be explained in h20


Jun 3, 2010
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As in all pairs.

The only misfortune during 20 (Sept-Oct) is when the necessary work during summer isn't completed, because there's not enough harvest in fall.

I doubt there's any historic reference to this but the structure of 20 looks a bit like an empty silo.


Aug 5, 2010
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I can relate to the empty silo imaginary; it fits with what i had in mind , a sort of idle state, the" not yet offering" part of the commentaries. Will think more about it and wait for the h20 thread.

thanks :)


Nov 24, 2010
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19 uc has always been reassuring and Positive IME, notably i cast it for a job prior to the interview, got the job had regualr shifts and they wanted me for more, but i ended up not wanting to do them all as some we very early morning and i couldn't get there without a car. Interestingly towards the end of winter, before the I quit because the boss wasnt actually managing operations instead two of her instructors that had been there the longest unoffically managed everything and it was just too many peop managing.

20 uc , just qucikly as i realise this is not the 20 thread, retrospectively has outlined actions i really needed to think about a bit longer before doing. Even though in casting 20 i did 'contemplate' my ans, still didnt look long or hard enough, so i now respond with extra patience when i get it.


Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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I am curious about what Wikiwing says regarding H19 UC :

To receive hexagram 19 with no moving lines is unusually auspicious. It means there is no pitfall of the eighth month anywhere in sight.
[hide] - [top] - [edit]

Is is ALWAYS unusually ausipicious? How was the above comment derived?

I notice Wikiwing also mentions H 19 in relation to an illness reaching a critical point. When this is the case can it be recevied unchanging --- in which case it may not be unusually auspicious?


Apr 8, 1970
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I am curious about what Wikiwing says regarding H19 UC :

Is is ALWAYS unusually ausipicious? How was the above comment derived?
I don't know, as it isn't mine. I wouldn't put money on any reading being always anything, but I had a couple of 19s unchanging last year to do with looking after my Mum-in-law when she was ill - and she's made a really impressive recovery.
I notice Wikiwing also mentions H 19 in relation to an illness reaching a critical point. When this is the case can it be recevied unchanging --- in which case it may not be unusually auspicious?
The timing of my 19s wasn't the critical point exactly, more the prelude to it.

But I wasn't asking how things would turn out, but about what I could do. I turned out to be the one with more helpful resources to draw on - experience, patience, and the support of many powerful 'ancestors'. So at first I thought I would be the one nearing and caring, but I found myself, as I was doing this, watched over and sustained by benevolent spirits.

I think that was a 'here's all you need to know, we'll keep it simple for you' unchanging.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 3, 2006
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watched over and sustained by benevolent spirits.

I once asked "what is a guardian spirit?" (I was reading something that talked about them, I think) and got 19uc. That image seemed to fit so well: "teaches and reflects untiringly; accepts and protects the people without limit." I know it's supposed to apply to the noble one, and of course it often or usually does. But maybe guardian spirits are a model for the noble one's behavior.


Mar 1, 2013
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Here's a sentence which perfectly describes each manifestation of unchanging 19 in my life:

"Two steps forward are followed by one step backward."

So, progress, but with stepping back, maybe sometimes to see the bigger picture or just things being (maybe on purpose) slowed down. Not smooth linear progress, but progress fo'real :)


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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I have drawn 19UC for my year 2014... I will make sure to keep you posted on developments!


Dec 6, 2012
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I got 19 a lot with a recent ex. We started in spring, things were going up and up and up, and then as if on cue - broke up right after New Year's. It is indeed a time of many positives, but it's not of any lasting value I guess. Well, the lessons you learn along the way put aside, that is.

However, if I had been truly present, then the misfortune of the 8th month wouldn't have happened. Meaning that if I had really paid attention to this man, I would've saved my ass and gotten out of it sooner :) Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

19 is always a hex that makes me go "huh?!" and it will continue to be it.
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Jan 5, 2014
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I have read somewhere that in the case of unchanging hexagrams one should consider the complementary (some call it shadow) hexagram too. In the case of 19 this is 33.
I have just got 19 unchanged and experienced it for three weeks and have also looked back into my old notes for the same and would confirm this.
You will have a better than usual experience, but with a drop of vermouth: If you want to meet a person you will phone. If you want to phone, you will change e-mails... But you will, and more than usual. And open a new door and be useful there.
The success announced by 19 is there, but more in the little things. While the new door opens slowly the old door closes and you have to accept retreat for the old.
A situation where a big mind openness is needed.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I have read somewhere that in the case of unchanging hexagrams one should consider the complementary (some call it shadow) hexagram too. In the case of 19 this is 33.

Good thinking. Funny you should mention it, I was just thinking about that.

Yes the complementary(or inverse on table below) is 33 . The shadow is different, here it is 46.

Shadow is harder to find, it's like
1 64
2 63
3 62

etc but luckily there's a ready made table here http://www.invisibletouch.co.uk/iCh...Line4=1&Line3=1&Line2=8&Line1=8&txtFrmState=2

If 33 is the opposite/complement well yes I can see how 33 complements 19.

I'm overall less convinced by the idea of the shadow hexagram. That is meant to be what our hexagram is not.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 3, 2006
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I'm overall less convinced by the idea of the shadow hexagram. That is meant to be what our hexagram is not.

Not only what it is not (that's the opposite/complement) but what it might seem to be, but isn't--at least as I understand it. It's interesting to think that the tactical withdrawal of 33 is exactly what 19 is not--you don't withdraw but hold your ground with heart open to the sky (that's what the hexagram looks like to me).

On the other hand you might easily mistake "not retreating" for pushing forward, trying hard, building up small things to make a great thing (46), but you shouldn't. Hmmmm.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 3, 2006
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oh that's great, thank you! missed that at the time


Aug 10, 2013
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I got 19 unchanging twice.
Quite recently I got it when asking for advice for my 2-day trip, when one day I was more or less wandering through city, and the other joined a family constellation session, so I can see it a lot like overseeing with some looking after everyone aspect. There was something spiritual about it too.
The other time when I received 19U I asked if I would like sex with another woman. :blush:


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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I got 19UC for my year 2014, and promised to update this thread... Well, after a year of 19UC, I am still rather foggy about It. But overall, 19UC was a very busy year, a lot of new things bubbling up. It started on a hopeful expansive note: a large project on a high daily rate, something which had indeed not happened to me for awhile; and a personal development workshop which was hard but had huge impact on my perspective on life, and led to a meaningful new friendship. The positive aspects of 19UC culminated with a lovely, deeply relaxing summer holiday, total bliss, months 7-8. Nothing really bad happened in the Autumn, but the mood changed: months 9-12 were extremely stressful- a client from hell, a tax audit (routine but stressful), noisy construction work which went on for 6 months. Since early 2015, things have calmed down. So, based on this experience, I suppose my take on 19UC would be: a hopeful, expansive start,enjoy it, and cultivate the seeds that are planted, they can grow for a long time to come. But remember that nothing lasts forever, life goes in cycles :bows:


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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I keep forgetting my own posts and interpretations :rofl:

This is a new experience with 19UC. Still not sure what to make of it. I am looking for a property to buy, and saw something which would, rationally, be a very nice investment, and within my means. That was in in June. I did visit it, and thought a lot about it... I figured it would sell fast, it was a good property. I asked "outlook for buying this property?" And got 19UC. I took it as "you can buy it, you will be happy for awhile, but it won't last". The timing was not quite right, and something was holding me back, it wasn't exactly my dream home but close enough...I didn't make an offer.

It didn't sell immediately, and the agent contacted me again in August about an open house last week.But I was abroad and couldn't act on it, and still had reservations. But I have been looking for a long time, and started talking myself into it. Today I asked again "outlook for buying this place?" And got 19UC again!!! I thought maybe it was still on the market? I asked the agent and she said it had had several offers and was sold over the asking price.

Based purely on this experience, I must have misread the first reading: it probably meant "you can have it if you want it, but seize the day, it will not be around for long. It will be gone by the 8th month, ie August". The second reading makes no sense to me... Is the IC saying "I told you so. When you see something, don't wait around, make up your mind and make an offer," Or maybe it suggests something better come along? Anyway. Getting the same cast twice for the same question was worth sharing!


Jun 3, 2006
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I hung a mandala at the foot of my bed where I see it before going to sleep and when I wake up. It's a circle with many triangles intersecting each other. The day after I hung it, that is the first day after I'd gone to sleep focusing on it and then again focusing on it first thing in the morning, I was very busy with many unexpected activities but everything got handled smoothly. I thought perhaps staring at this visual had somehow encouraged various parts of my brain to connect and communicate with each other better. I asked the I Ching, "What is the effect of this mandala?" I received 19uc which I interpret to mean looking at the piece does indeed open ones mind and allows higher understanding to Approach.
I note that unchanging suggests to me that it merely offers an opportunity for a larger experience. It's like a phone - you can use it to connect but it's not making anything happen.


Jun 3, 2006
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I got hexagram 19uc yesterday morning as a reading for the day.
I had an eye exam scheduled and as it turned out I arrived a half hour before my appointment. The receptionist told me I wouldn't be called for an hour, so I left. When I returned an hour later the receptionist was stressed as she expected I would wait in waiting room, when it turned out I'd gone my slot was given to another. So I had to wait awhile longer for my turn.

I now see how hexagram 19 can be a warning about being ahead of time.
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I've recently moved onto a boat currently moored in a pretty large body of water - a freshwater harbour leading to estuary and ultimately the sea. It's pretty busy with lots of boats of all kinds, most of which I guess are not all that careful about what they put into the water in the form of fuel, horrid chemicals etc. Despite this there are lots of ducks and swans (and probably fish) here and because I am aware that anything I put down the plughole goes straight into the water, I'm pretty careful about what I put down there. Yesterday I was cleaning the bath and decided to use a scouring product called 'Barkeeper's Friend' which I'd purchased while living on land. No sooner had I sprinkled it liberally around the bath than I remembered it would go straight down the plughole. Panicking, I read the label which gave no indication of toxicity other than the standard 'this product is an irritant - wash eyes immediately' etc. That didn't sound good. I consulted the product website which said the main ingredient - citric acid monohydrate - wouldn't harm terrestrial wildlife but could be toxic to marine life, although it disperses rapidly in nature. It advised not allowing spills to enter a body of water. Oh dear!! I carried on wiping and scouring (since it was already there), and soon there was no visible powder anywhere, so I wondered what to do next. I asked the Yi if it was safe to run water through the bath, meaning that any residue would be flushed into the harbour. I got: 19uc.

This made me feel completely reassured, so I filled up the bath a little (to dilute any residue) and flushed it through, then ran a shower to further dilute. The ducks and swans are still alive so hopefully all goes well... however, I won't use it in future, just in case!

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