...life can be translucent


28.2.5 Os there anything I could do?


Dec 20, 2023
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Dear all

I met a guy a couple of weeks ago. We are very different people, very different ways to see life. Despite of it I really liked him. He said he would call me after our date but he didn't (not yet, at least). I asked Yi if there is anything I could do to make him approach again and I got 28.2.5.

My reading is "what has to happen will happen no matter what I do". So I decided to wait for him to call as he said he would.

Am I right?

Thank you.
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Dec 20, 2023
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By the way, still did not call, I was wondering if it over but Line 2 would say it´s not over, isn´t it?

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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The 'players' in this situation should be identified. (You are one of them)

There are at least 3 people in the reading and, possibly 4.

1-Younger F & older M
2-Younger M & older F.

Which one are you, to him?

28 by itself is too intense
In (62), one gets less than what they want.
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Jul 21, 2023
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Someone was expecting a new growth in their love life but ends up not attached to any outcome, they are happy whatever happens.


Dec 20, 2023
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The 'players' in this situation should be identified. (You are one of them)

There are at least 3 people in the reading and, possibly 4.

1-Younger F & older M
2-Younger M & older F.

Which one are you, to him?

28 by itself is too intense and
note-56 situations do not long endure.
I´m afraid it´s only me and him, unless he is seeing someone else, that I don´t know.
I´m older than him, btw.


Dec 20, 2023
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So, you are not fully aware of the younger female in the picture yet.
Not really. And there is no other man on my side, well, I like other people, but there is no one "official" in my life.
Anyway, I´m pretty sure this is not about any other people, I never read Yi that literally.
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moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
I never read Yi that literally.
One day you will.

It is a good practice to take the literal lines literally at first.
The metaphor/simile lines are something else. (61.6 for example)

See my post about a reading that contained 28.2.5: You'll see all four people were present.

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Jul 21, 2023
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It is a good practice to take the literal lines literally at first.
This saved me lot of hassles.. and it is so impressive when it is humorous, indicating a location or refering to the body in TCM.

Moss elk, could it be that Marina will find another suitor? As she asked if there is something she could do. Maybe the answer is reassuring her?


Dec 20, 2023
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One day you will.

It is a good practice to take the literal lines literally at first.
The metaphor/simile lines are something else. (61.6 for example)

See my post about a reading that contained 28.2.5: You'll see all four people were present.

I saw a post from Trojina (sorry, I don´t know how to quote so I just copied it) regarding Line 2 of 28:

"That is to me it seems more about an understanding that the strong get weak and the weak get strong and actually we can never know what comes next. We don't expect an old tree to have new flowers but it does. You don't expect to get anywhere in this situation, you see yourself as the loser, or rather you think that's how she sees you. You see her as thoroughly 'on top' and you powerless beneath.
I think this answer suggests you not be so sure about that however things look. Things have a habit of turning and changing....worn out situations can produce completely unexpected 'children'.
This isn't a clear answer I have given you because 28.2 has not personally been a clear answer for me but it is a hopeful one. I feel you should try to cultivate hopefulness as you really never do know what is around the corner."

For her it has nothing to do with third or four people. I have line 5 too which, in my opinion, it advices about my actions not being too useful to change the situation whatever happens.

Tricky thing reading Yi :)

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Moss elk, could it be that Marina will find another suitor?
Sure, why not?
Nature has generally made you lady-folk quite beautiful, after all. :flirt:
As she asked if there is something she could do. Maybe the answer is reassuring her?
Like maybe she is the female in both lines?
If that were the case it would mean her next BF is older than her.

BUT, in my experience, many things I ask about give a birds eye view of the situation, instead of answering the question directly as asked. BUT then again sometimes the answers ARE direct answers.

I should point out again how we don't get what we want in the resulting hex 62,
Which led me to my 1st interpretation.


Dec 20, 2023
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Sure, why not?
Nature has generally made you lady-folk quite beautiful, after all. :flirt:

Like maybe she is the female in both lines?
If that were the case it would mean her next BF is older than her.

BUT, in my experience, many things I ask about give a birds eye view of the situation, instead of answering the question directly as asked. BUT then again sometimes the answers ARE direct answers.

I should point out again how we don't get what we want in the resulting hex 62,
Which led me to my 1st interpretation.
I don´t like older men, not even my age, so I´m pretty sure "an older BF" is not going to happen. Regarding 62, my question was "Is there anything I could do?", so I guess any action I could take on my side is not going to affect the situacion, I mean, he will call (or not) independently of my actions which, according to 62, won´t be effective.

Would it be possible that when Yi talks about "age" doesn´t mean actual age but "maturity"?

(By the way, this is not about my feelings towards the guy anymore, but about trying to understand Yi)
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Dec 20, 2023
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Sure, why not?
Nature has generally made you lady-folk quite beautiful, after all. :flirt:

Like maybe she is the female in both lines?
If that were the case it would mean her next BF is older than her.

BUT, in my experience, many things I ask about give a birds eye view of the situation, instead of answering the question directly as asked. BUT then again sometimes the answers ARE direct answers.

I should point out again how we don't get what we want in the resulting hex 62,
Which led me to my 1st interpretation.
In any case, I met him ona dating app, so for sure there is "other people" around, not only a third or a fourth person but many other ;-)

My overview of the case is:

28: excesive anxiety for the subjet on my side.
Line 2: He will call, this is not over.
Line 5: We could have something (not depending of my actions, as this was my question) although it won´t be easy.
62: It won´t last. He is not the man of my life.
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Jul 21, 2023
Reaction score
There are at least 3 people in the reading and, possibly 4.

1-Younger F & older M
2-Younger M & older F.

Which one are you, to him?

3 if we consider either the man or the woman has moved from one line to the other.
But if we consider there are 4 people here as litteral interpretation of the lines, there is two known man and woman M & F, and one possible woman X, then there is another possible man too Y?
M goes with a younger woman X (Line 2), and F goes with another younger man Y (Line 5).

It is too objective here, I think her intuition could be more valid for her.


Dec 20, 2023
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3 if we consider either the man or the woman has moved from one line to the other.
But if we consider there are 4 people here as litteral interpretation of the lines, there is two known man and woman M & F, and one possible woman X, then there is another possible man too Y?
M goes with a younger woman X (Line 2), and F goes with another younger man Y (Line 5).

It is too objective here, I think her intuition could be more valid for her.
This is also quite obvious, or at least possible. I mean, in any relationship when things don´t work the two of them could find better partners in the future, I mean this applies for everyone not only me, hahahaha


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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For her it has nothing to do with third or four people.
Well unless the question involves 3 or 4 people there is no good reason the answer would be about 3 or 4 people. Not all questions involve people at all, one might be asking about an exercise programme, one's pet gerbil, the car, a holiday, clearly you can't always take it literally though on occasion it might be literal.

I met a guy a couple of weeks ago. We are very different people, very different ways to see life. Despite of it I really liked him. He said he would call me after our date but he didn't (not yet, at least). I asked Yi if there is anything I could do to make him approach again and I got 28.2.5.

My reading is "what has to happen will happen no matter what I do". So I decided to wait for him to call as he said he would.

My impression of this answer, because I look at the whole reading to get an impression is as follows.

The two lines here look to me like two options, 2 ways to go. That is where 2 lines moves one can think 'or' or 'and'. That is there's an option described between 2 lines or an 'and' additional factors or sometimes just a progression.

Here my impression is there's 2 options, this can be the beginnings of something in line 2, something to develop and blossom or it could have just been a one off, line 5, beautiful in it's own right but not necessarily going anywhere.

I also note change patterns as an underlying theme and here they are 29 yang pattern/30 yin pattern. The issue, the central tension in the question is between feelings in all their unpredictable depths and thinking, clear seeing and perception of things. Feelings might hold sway at times and other times clear thinking. The question that is raised here is is whoever 62 refers to here, possibly you, maybe him, I don't know, but the relating hexagram shows the overall ambience and here it is one of great care and circumspection. In 62 the little bird flies low, is not ambitious, is just trying to make the journey and so being exceedingly mindful and cautious. This is the opposite of a time of 'throwing caution to the wind'.

So the reading to me, as an impression anyway, is someone being very careful about which path to go for line 2 or line 5. That's the difference between something developing (line 2) and a one off (line 5). I would say a fair amount of thought (30) has gone into this on both your parts, thoughts that are erring on the side of caution(62) because of concerns perhaps about how this can be sustained, whether one or both of you has the stamina or emotional resources to go for more or to continue.

We ought not to forget we are in 28, Great Exceeding' an extreme time where one has to alter the way things are in order to keep above water so to speak. That with 62 would be 'Great exceeding's Small exceeding'. Perhaps I could write it as a sentence of 'Great Pressure's Great Carefulness' . You can play with making sentences out of the titles of 2 hexagrams, that's a good way to get a feel for what this is about.

In answer to you question if there is anything you can do to make him approach again I think perhaps clearly mentally (yin pattern 30) assessing what could be too much either for him or for you and be open with him about that or drawing him out to talking about how going ahead with this potential new relationship might be too much for him to cope with.

Now there may well be other's involved in the situation, I don't know how of course, whether he is involved elsewhere or anything like that. 62 certainly is a time to reckon with seriousness of things, you can't just do what feels okay, there's things to take into account, to be careful of. So I wouldn't deny this could literally be referring to others in the situation but if not others there appears to be a need to get out from a situation of pressure (28). Sometimes old situations of great pressure change and give rise to new life (line 2) other times they give a burst of glory beautiful in their own right (line 5). There is caution and worry here I'd think and so if you wanted to try to draw him into more contact I think you might have to reckon with all the things that hold him back in quite a sort of logical or clear way (30 yin pattern) and a careful way. 28 and 62 together look like less than plain sailing with the wind in your hair, more 'let's list what we can manage here'. However both lines in 28 you have received hold some promise even if limited in line 5.
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Dec 20, 2023
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Well unless the question involves 3 or 4 people there is no good reason the answer would be about 3 or 4 people. Not all questions involve people at all, one might be asking about an exercise programme, one's pet gerbil, the car, a holiday, clearly you can't always take it literally though on occasion it might be literal.

My impression of this answer, because I look at the whole reading to get an impression is as follows.

The two lines here look to me like two options, 2 ways to go. That is where 2 lines moves one can think 'or' or 'and'. That is there's an option described between 2 lines or an 'and' additional factors or sometimes just a progression.

Here my impression is there's 2 options, this can be the beginnings of something in line 2, something to develop and blossom or it could have just been a one off, line 5, beautiful in it's own right but not necessarily going anywhere.

I also note change patterns as an underlying theme and here they are 29 yang pattern/30 yin pattern. The issue, the central tension in the question is between feelings in all their unpredictable depths and thinking, clear seeing and perception of things. Feelings might hold sway at times and other times clear thinking. The question that is raised here is is whoever 62 refers to here, possibly you, maybe him, I don't know, but the relating hexagram shows the overall ambience and here it is one of great care and circumspection. In 62 the little bird flies low, is not ambitious, is just trying to make the journey and so being exceedingly mindful and cautious. This is the opposite of a time of 'throwing caution to the wind'.

So the reading to me, as an impression anyway, is someone being very careful about which path to go for line 2 or line 5. That's the difference between something developing (line 2) and a one off (line 5). I would say a fair amount of thought (30) has gone into this on both your parts, thoughts that are erring on the side of caution(62) because of concerns perhaps about how this can be sustained, whether one or both of you has the stamina or emotional resources to go for more or to continue.

We ought not to forget we are in 28, Great Exceeding' an extreme time where one has to alter the way things are in order to keep above water so to speak. That with 62 would be 'Great exceeding's Small exceeding'. Perhaps I could write it as a sentence of 'Great Pressure's Great Carefulness' . You can play with making sentences out of the titles of 2 hexagrams, that's a good way to get a feel for what this is about.

In answer to you question if there is anything you can do to make him approach again I think perhaps clearly mentally (yin pattern 30) assessing what could be too much either for him or for you and be open with him about that or drawing him out to talking about how going ahead with this potential new relationship might be too much for him to cope with.

Now there may well be other's involved in the situation, I don't know how of course, whether he is involved elsewhere or anything like that. 62 certainly is a time to reckon with seriousness of things, you can't just do what feels okay, there's things to take into account, to be careful of. So I wouldn't deny this could literally be referring to others in the situation but if not others there appears to be a need to get out from a situation of pressure (28). Sometimes old situations of great pressure change and give rise to new life (line 2) other times they give a burst of glory beautiful in their own right (line 5). There is caution and worry here I'd think and so if you wanted to try to draw him into more contact I think you might have to reckon with all the things that hold him back in quite a sort of logical or clear way (30 yin pattern) and a careful way. 28 and 62 together look like less than plain sailing with the wind in your hair, more 'let's list what we can manage here'. However both lines in 28 you have received hold some promise even if limited in line 5.
Thanks, Trojina, very helpful and clarifier, as always.


Dec 20, 2023
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I will keep you posted in case there is any development, just to check what the right Yi´s reading was.


Jul 21, 2023
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This is also quite obvious, or at least possible. I mean, in any relationship when things don´t work the two of them could find better partners in the future, I mean this applies for everyone not only me, hahahaha
Your reading is a description of your context, so maybe more people are involved if we take it litterally. Just playing with it; because if 3, you are changing position, if it is 4 it is a divination the next one will be younger.


Dec 20, 2023
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So, where is he? Itñs been over a month that I casted about this guy but I have no news from him though lines 2 and 5 seem to point to an encounter... Then I casted again a couple of days ago, I didn´t ask any question but just said: "I really want to see him again, I´d like him to call me". And I got 38.2 which, again, is pointing to a new meeting. But, how long do I have to "wait" for it to happen? Everyone´s inner time is different and for the one who´s waiting time is definitely running s-l-o-w-l-y.


Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Marinaflsenda

If seems that you are hanging on to the idea that your first cast 28: 2.5 <> 62 is pointing to an encounter and that this encounter will be with this man; taking him at his word that he would call you.

What you may have overlooked is that 28 carries a sense of crisis that will need all your strength to organise yourself to act in a principled way as you encounter what life is offering you. You have to find a suitable direction to go as your ridgepole sags, to almost breaking point, under the strain.

28.2 speaks to how you react to matters and and encourages you to find and follow the new shoots that are sprouting from that part, or parts, of you that has withered. The new shoots will bring to you a new lease of life.
28.5 - comments on how you decide to conduct yourself in this matter. There is no blame attached to the path you have chosen however if you have stayed with that which is withered then you are now seeing what is flowering in respect of the structure you have built around this person.

62 kind of paints the picture that what you do in this situation will be wrapped in an excess of something, perhaps even a stubborn approach to letting go of those parts of you that are withering on the vine. Only gradually will you see what alternatives are available to you.

38.2 <> 21

38 identifies that your focus is on the small. However, it is important that you do not allow them to grow out of proportion as they will only bring discord and a conflict of interests into your inner world, There are greater challenges for you in your life than those that are taking all your attention now. Discriminating between importance and urgency, what is real and what is false, is an important skill for you to develop. Rejecting what is unimportant and follow that which is allows you to respond rather than react to the chatter in your mind. What is withering sometimes shouts with the loudest voice to divert your attention away the important new shoots that are looking to grow within you.

The encounter that you speak of in 38.2 is according to Karcher with the 'Hidden Lord of the Crooked Path'. Now any encounter with him will more than likely set you off in the direction of the new shoots.

... of course other interpretations are available to you.

Good Luck


Dec 20, 2023
Reaction score
Hi Marinaflsenda

If seems that you are hanging on to the idea that your first cast 28: 2.5 <> 62 is pointing to an encounter and that this encounter will be with this man; taking him at his word that he would call you.

What you may have overlooked is that 28 carries a sense of crisis that will need all your strength to organise yourself to act in a principled way as you encounter what life is offering you. You have to find a suitable direction to go as your ridgepole sags, to almost breaking point, under the strain.

28.2 speaks to how you react to matters and and encourages you to find and follow the new shoots that are sprouting from that part, or parts, of you that has withered. The new shoots will bring to you a new lease of life.
28.5 - comments on how you decide to conduct yourself in this matter. There is no blame attached to the path you have chosen however if you have stayed with that which is withered then you are now seeing what is flowering in respect of the structure you have built around this person.

62 kind of paints the picture that what you do in this situation will be wrapped in an excess of something, perhaps even a stubborn approach to letting go of those parts of you that are withering on the vine. Only gradually will you see what alternatives are available to you.

38.2 <> 21

38 identifies that your focus is on the small. However, it is important that you do not allow them to grow out of proportion as they will only bring discord and a conflict of interests into your inner world, There are greater challenges for you in your life than those that are taking all your attention now. Discriminating between importance and urgency, what is real and what is false, is an important skill for you to develop. Rejecting what is unimportant and follow that which is allows you to respond rather than react to the chatter in your mind. What is withering sometimes shouts with the loudest voice to divert your attention away the important new shoots that are looking to grow within you.

The encounter that you speak of in 38.2 is according to Karcher with the 'Hidden Lord of the Crooked Path'. Now any encounter with him will more than likely set you off in the direction of the new shoots.

... of course other interpretations are available to you.

Good Luck
Thank you. Yours ia a totally different approach because it doesn´t talk about the subject of my question which is the relation in between me and this guy but my inner growth and evolution, which is also interesting but it drives me to another question: when I ask Yi about something that is on my mind (relationship, job, etc), I want an asnwer about the subject itself, not about me. For instance,, if I was worried because my job is in jeopardize and I ask Yi about the possibility of loosing my job and Yi tells me "you are worriying too much about that job". Ok, I already know that, that is not what I asked, you know what I mean?

Maybe I know the guy doesn´t deserve so much attention from me, I´m sure he is a jerk, but he is the jerk I liked in that moment, hahaha, and I am asking about the development of the situation in between us. So if Yi answers 38.2 I read that as an encounter.

Maybe there is something I need to get closure with this matter and I need him to call or text or appear in my door just to check that he is not the one... or he is. Do you know what I mean?

Thank you again for your approach, I didn´t consider it anyway and it´s definitely something to think about.


Mar 22, 1971
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I'm warmed to think that my interpretation is something that you will think about.

Thanks for sharing your chatter in your reply and I really do get what you mean. This situation carries a large charge for you and at the moment this is very pressing chatter for you to unravel and decode.

In my experience many of my questions to Yi emanate from the chatter of my mind. I question Yi mainly because I am looking for a solution, or reassurance, from a source that at times I see as being outside of myself. I am looking for insights into my 'unknown' or for Yi to tell me what my needs are, that are not being met in the way this current event is playing out. Over my time of enquiry with Yi I have learnt that even when my question is about something on the outside, more times than not, the truest answer /solution / way forward resides inside of me: unseen until I go looking for it. I think that is why I shape my interpretations the way I do. My style, I know, will not resonate with everyone and nor should it.

I hope you find the encounters and the closure you are looking for in the way that best serves you. My interpretations are not yours; they are mine. I'm so glad you recognise that.

Good Luck
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