...life can be translucent>7 versus 53.3.5>23


Jan 10, 1971
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I am facing a big decision, and having trouble making it given the two options. For background, I was kicked out of my apartment when my landlady broke our agreement. A friend has let me stay in her place until May 1. Another friend has found an option for me, but it is riddled with back-and-forth, extra expense and less than ideal conditions (no real bed, no internet and there will be no hot water in the pipes in the summertime. If I take this option, it means I have to negotiate rent, bc I am travelling for 10 days in May and had not planned initially to pay for rent during that period; but when I return I would have to LEAVE the aprtment after 3 nights bc the landlady has other guests there; then I cannot move back until June 10th, and then again on June 22 need to leave once more for another 7-9 days. I would also have to transfer my internet service with each of the 4 moves).

The friend who arranged this other option knows the friend at whose place I am staying. When they first heard of it, it sounded great (and to me too!) because the location is city center, right next to all my appointments, it is a dream location for me. However the details (travel, can't stay there full time, no internet/additional expense, additional stress of back and forth) are starting to outweight the benefits to me.

I feel somewhat "obligated" to agree to this since they went to the trouble. (at least, say for the first two weeks of May) However my other option is to move about an hour away from city center, and stay (rent free) with my boyfriend.

We had discussed living together later on this summer, just not this soon. I was initially worried this would force things to move faster than otherwise they would. On the other hand we were both reflecting that maybe this happened for a reason. He has been very supportive and offered his place to me the second this happened. I didnt want to jump into it, so I have been calling agents trying to find other options (I was only given 3 days notice so it has now been 1 full week of searching).

As additional info, since I do not know how things with my boyfriend will pan out, i would LIKE to keep this other woman's apartment, the contact at least, as a future option, since I am in a foreign country and finding short term (ie 6 mos or less) places to rent in this city is murder. (All my friend have commented how improper it was of my landlady to do this bc she knows how hard it is this time of year to find apartments).

Anyway I posed two questions to the Yi to help see what I may not be seeing (although I have thought only of what is best to do for the past howevermany days). I am thinking now JUST about the first two weeks in May; I have hesitation also about staying with boyfriend bc he lives with elderly aunt, it is FAR from city center and I'm used to living alone.

1) what if I take that apartment? Hex>7Army
line 4: inner unrest, seeking conflict to improve things (? I dont think i'm seeking conflict but yes very confused!) I wonder if this means you are seeking to improve the situation (ie no place to live, so you find a new option. Simply restating what I've just done. (?)
line 5: if you are in the right, things will be fine.
line 6: the result is conflict without end. *** <--- do i interpet this correctly? At first glance this means it's a bad option. But when I think more and more, does this mean in fact that the temporary apartment (even going back-and-forth to it) would not *really* solve the problem. As a huge stretch -- is the Yi saying the apartment is not the issue? But Hex 7 is army/helpers. Yes that is how i found this option. However in a way my boyfriend is also the army (with his elderly aunt) and they're not strangers to me (at least not as much so as this apartment owner).

2) What if I stay with boyfriend? Hex 53.3.5>23 Splitting apart
OK I dont like the looks of 23!! I read that line 3 means you are disturbing the process temporarily and line 5 can mean that progress is inevitable. But if 23 is splitting apart ...and if this (on the bright side) doesnt mean breaking up with him then what does it mean? Splitting from my current standard of living alone, or splitting from the initial plan? or just does it plain mean this is a bad idea?

Line 6 of hex 6 didnt look too spiffy either.


*Edited to add: My_Key's comment on this thread about this pair of hexes is more reassuring and somewhat applicable here: http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/showthread.php?t=659

53 says you have to go forward slowly. At the moment you may have gone down a wrong path (3)but you will get to the relationship you want in the end (5). In going through this process you'll change a lot of your views/beliefs (23), but it'll put you in a position where you can go forward with a fresh outlook on life.
If that is what this means, it seems it could be slightly better than the apartment rental. Clearly in terms of logistics/money it would be but I was concerned about the spiritual/emotional and other impacts of both options... Hmm...
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Jan 10, 1971
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In other words is one of these outcomes "better" than the other?

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