...life can be translucent


The Yi as a broken record... or... oh no, here we go again.

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Hiya Freeman...

It's great to hear from you. I spent some time studying your book this weekend... as well as Richard Rutt's and Steve Marshall's. I was looking at your POV, Steve's and Richard's on a specific point of speculation.

Who is the tiger you ask. I have no idea. Whoever is scrutinizing/investigating/watching me is doing so without asking ME anything... without sharing anything about himself with me. It's all one-way.

Do I like that arrangement? Do I think it's fair? Am I confused and hurt?

I wish I understood.




May 9, 1970
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38.5; you are being investigated; it will further your cause.

My intuition is to tell you not to be afraid.

And about my book; thank you. People say they write books for a few wonderful readers; I really do, apparently... And you, my new friend, are one.


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Good morning Freeman...

About your book... I've gotten a lot of value from it... and no doubt will reap much more. I'm so glad you wrote it. Thank you for all your hard work.

I'm not afraid.

But I think your intuition is probably right on target. Almost five years ago, I was approached by a very psychic woman who said my travel vibe almost knocked her over when I opened the door to the patio where she was sitting. She saw travel that would lead to a new and very successful career, and she used the word 'trepidations' to describe my feelings about the travel.

About a year after that encounter, I moved to Virginia... and I thought until recently that was the travel she'd seen... and that it was 'done and did'. However, at the Open House we had here in mid-April, the party psychic told me the same thing the woman had five years ago... a new successful career, but that I would have to travel to make it happen. She saw that I would be afraid, but that I shouldn't.

I can't imagine travel being frightening... but apparently it can be. I'd love to know why... so I'd love this person to just get on with it. He's been doing this scrutinizing/investigating/watching for a very long time now. What more could he possibly learn from the shadows?




cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Hi again...

Afterthought... The psychic woman who approached me five years ago focused on the career... really focused... tried desperately for a week to see what it was. She couldn't, and I have no idea myself. When she began to read me, however, she gave a detailed description of a man... this man in the shadows maybe?... who would introduce me to this career and nurture my growth. It really seemed like more than a business relationship, but she was focused on the career.

The Open House party psychic focused on the relationship with the man and picked up more details about him than the woman five years ago did. The details being that I needed to be patience because the thing holding him back was fear.

Now I first started dreaming that I was being watched about two years ago... Dobro, in fact, interpreted the reading I got in connection with the dream. http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/I_Ching_community/messages/92/781.html I've had three 'being watched' dreams since that first one, the last one was shortly after I moved into my new home last Fall. And the same man, someone from my distant past, was the one watching me in all four dreams. But then the reason THAT man is in my past is because our relationship ended with him stalking me... not menacingly mind you... he was never harmful... just watching and listening from the shadows.

It's nearly impossible for me to believe he's the one watching now because when I asked him to stop his hang up calls at work (they were jeopardizing my job situation), he got very angry and has stayed angry. I can understand his anger... it was the way I chose to ask him. I was frightened I was going to lose my job because a workmate had just connected all the hang up calls to me and I was frightend I'd never work in this town again if I asked him... so I did the most expedient thing I could think of in my agitated state. I understand his anger. What I've never been able to understand, however, is why he thought it was all okay to do to me, and why he never thought to see it from my POV.

At any rate, as synchronicity would have it, he's become the topic of conversations with old friends and myself for the past few days. An old workmate and I reminisced last week about our life at the studio in the old days and his flirtation with me. And then yesterday, I discovered a former workmate from another studio (who knew he was the one hanging on me when I was working with her) had just started working here at this studio, and I contacted her immediately. She said how weird it was to hear from me because she had just been thinking about me and the hanger upper.

I know this is a lot, but I'm just trying to understand. I really wish I understood. I find it all so puzzling.

If the party psychic was right and this man's hesitation is because of fear, what I would like to know is just how long can a man be a slave to his fears before he masters them? This 'watching' theme in my dreams and readings has been going on for almost two years now. Is it just me or does that seem excessive to anyone else?

I'd love to hear a 'male' perspective or two or three or... on why some men do what they do.





Mar 16, 1970
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There is an archetype present here centred on gender differences - the male is associated with the observer, the watcher. The female is associated with being observed/watched.

Females elicit this 'being observed' behaviour in their shape-shifting a la pattern matching, fashion, make-up etc etc, most of which they do for other females to observe and so drawing attention to the latest 'look' etc.; there are issues with personal identity involved where that identity is 'vague' in that it is wrapped-up in the context, what others think etc, as such competitition is present but implicit, grounded in innuendo, court politics 'he said, she said' etc - this can be a cause of issues when males interpret some look as sexually aimed at them - they can fail to make the distinctions between a come-on aimed at them vs female 'competitiveness' with each other.

As such, male 'observing' is more particular, more 'singleminded' and taking things at face-value - also gets us into childmindedness.

Sexual politics puts the observer in the male, and in a patriarchic collective there is a strong focus on the female as being observed (but with this comes the female use of 'signs' to communicate, lots of 'mind reading' required by the male, lots of dealing with innuendios, implicit communications etc - but the male more often misses the point totally as they seek an explicit, clear, precise, communication!)

The trade in porn magazines etc focuses strongly on this male-observer/female-observed dynamic - to a degree it is made into a profitable business.

The nature of observation can also lead into infatuation, besotted-ness (an aspect of hex 17) and that can elicit 'child-like' behaviour that includes observing from a distance (and the besotted-ness can translate into child rage,stalking etc); to be in the presence of, to be in the shadow of that 'light' but not in touch with. (in the binary sequence 17 pairs with 25 and the next pair along is 36,22 - facading, covering up the light etc)

25 can represent those moments of suddenly standing up to express love (that besottedness) etc to someone/something but not considering the consequences of that act. Thus 25 comes with qualitative differences of a child-like assertion or a rich, adult-like assertion of one's point of view about something strongly felt.

17 is unconditional, 25 is conditional.The MAIN issue of trust is on LACK OF TRUST IN SELF.

Yin based hexagrams deal with issues of trust in others/another. Yang based hexagrams deal with issues of trust in self. (the pure yang reflects absolute trust in self - hubris at work). The besottedness of 17 etc is tied to a lack of trust in self and so inability to approach, to 'deal with the issues' etc. and so a need to 'follow' something/someone or by creating something that elicits trust in self.

With the development of consciousness so 'male' and 'female' mindsets can exist in opposing bodies such that the above references to gender are no longer so 'cut and dried'.


May 31, 1972
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"I'd love to hear a 'male' perspective or two or three or... on why some men do what they do."

I think in a way it's not that different than other unhealthy obessions. Maybe it's more common though, because (although we don't always act like it) women tend to mean a lot to us.

Love yes, but for many also pride, self-esteem, social status, companionship, pleasure, the list goes on... A very multi-faceted bond. So losing a woman one loves (whether that's a healthy or unhealthy love) can be very difficult. Some guys just don't cope with it well (sometimes not well *at all*.)

For some men, the fact that they have a woman may be one of the few good things in their life. So, while that doesn't excuse anything, it's at least somewhat understandable if they freak out from losing her. But OJ Simpson, let's face it, would have had no shortage of women. Nevertheless, he still lost his head and did what he did. So it shows you how hard self control can be for this particular kind of loss.

33.4, no? That's an important line as the text suggests. There's times in life when one really needs to be able to master oneself.

- Jeff

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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I got a serious case of the heebie jeebie's last night thinking about this. Woke up with them this morning.

So I finally asked if Mr. Park-in-front-of-my-home-and-on-my-route-to-and-from-work/mysterious-love-song-player-and-hanger-upper was coming back into my life, and the Yi answered....

10/ to 7 *shivers*

Then I asked if I'm being scrutinized/investigated/watched at work, and they answered 2.5 to 8.

Thank you Jeff and thank you Chris... both of you... for sharing your very enlightening insight here.



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