...life can be translucent

11.4.6>14 will it happen in 2011?


Aug 3, 2009
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I've asked the IC:

"Will my father travel to come and stay with me for some weeks during 2011?"


Hex 11 and 14 seem encouraging but the moving lines, however, don't....

Any insights will be very appreciated, thanks.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 22, 2006
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Not An Eight Ball

"Will my father travel to come and stay with me for some weeks during 2011?"


Hex 11 and 14 seem encouraging but the moving lines, however, don't....
The Oracle is not an 8-ball, and you make the job of divination harder on yourself by asking yes/no questions.
However, if what you want to know is seriously limited to a yes/no question within a time frame, then I suppose you must ask that.

The Peace is H11 is dynamic, and has to do with energy, rather than overt calm. Here is the Oracle:

Small goes, great comes.
Good fortune, creating success.'

As creative force moves through the earth, petty things are swept away, great possibilities are opened up.

The small things that are swept away may be things you think of as quite major, like having a job or a roof over your head. And the events that sweep them away and force you to concentrate on what’s truly important may not be what you’d call particularly harmonious, let alone peaceful."

So you see that this is not just a quiet peaceful kind of peace. Now the lines are not particularly auspicious lines, especially line 6. Line 4 shows a kind of faith, but Line 6 indicates you are carrying it too far and things collapse.

I try not to ask Yi these future prediction questions, but this does not seem like a "yes" answer to me.




Jun 18, 2006
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I've asked the IC:

"Will my father travel to come and stay with me for some weeks during 2011?"


I would say the possibility is a strong yes, so look at the lines for clues. Line 11.4 suggests that he could be flying in, while line 11.6 indicates that he wants to be with you, to join with "his intimate family". Line 11.6 hints at troubles ahead for your father next year, life may turn rather sour for him but if it does, warn him to just ride it.


Aug 3, 2009
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Hi Tigerintheboat,

Thanks for your answer.

I needed a yes/no answer within a time frame, that's why I asked the question in the way I did, have it not been such a situation I'd have phrased it differently.

I tend to see Hex 11 as a peaceful hex, but you're right, maybe it's not all peaceful peace, maybe a there's a bit of change and movement in it, but where not? Life IS change and movement, isn't it? At first, the lines seemed a bit negative to me too. However, hex 14 is the one turning things around and giving the possibility of a nice end to the story here as it is a very positive one...

Hi Willowfox,

Thanks for your answer.

Yes, looking at it again I could see line 4 not only suggesting he could be flying in, but also that he would do so from a profound and sincere wish :hug:

Regarding 11.6 and the troubles my father could face next year, I asked further questions to the IC:

"How will 2011 be for my father?" 1.3>10

"What kind of fate will my father have to face in 2011?" 37.1>53

"With which aspect of life are the troubles my father will face in 2011 associated with?" 28.4>48

"Could something be done to prevent these troubles coming up?">52

"What is my role in this?" 10

"What can I do to help him through this?" 55.5>49

As you can see in my posts, I'm just starting to learn the IC and is very difficult for me to "see" through it clearly yet, I would appreciate your insights, which are not only helpful to understand the present answers but also to get the feeling of how interpreting them works.

Many thanks. :bows:


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
I can only answer a couple now, have to run.

1.3 > 10 Shows that next year will be tricky for him with various problems that will cause him sleepless nights plus the need to becareful of someone or something.

37.1 > 53 Does he have any family problems?


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Willowfox,

I don't know of any family problems he might have...
Appart from some far relatives, my father's blood family is very small now, it's only me (I've been living abroad for 20 years now and have gone back to visit him regularly since), a cousin (with whom he shares a beach house and for that reason has some contact with for a few months per year) and a nephew with his own family with whom there's sporadic contact as well. Other than that he has been in a relationship with a woman for more than 10 years now, he is a very reserved man and although I've seen her a couple of times I don't know much about this relationship, as far as I know they are well. This woman has a 20 something son from a previous relationship and she is 16 years younger than my father.

Expanding on your coment of 1.3>10, I asked the IC:

"Why will my father have sleepless nights next year?" 26.4.5>1

Restraining something?

"What does my father need to be careful about next year?" 38

He needs to be careful about the problems themselves??

"Whom does my father need to be careful about next year?">27 ???

Thank you for your insights.


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
My suggestion FWIW would be to slow down a little. Asking a whole series of questions, each based on a quick interpretation of the reading before, is a good way to mislead yourself with the I Ching and build mountains out of molehills. When you ask a lot of questions based on an assumption, it's very hard for the I Ching to say 'Just a moment, you have the wrong assumption.' (And, of course, even harder for you to hear if that's what it's saying.) It's like people who ask, 'Should I take this job when they offer it?' when in fact the job will never be offered.

Hexagram 1, line 3 describes an intensely creative time, lots of change going on, constantly on the alert - yes, maybe some sleepless nights - but the line concludes with the words 'no mistake': nothing seriously wrong, and nothing that needs to be corrected.

I see you've already asked what you can do to help: that's a good question. Have a nice, slow, leisurely, thoughtful read through the I Ching's response and see how it feels to you. Your moving line tells you something new and beautiful is coming. I wonder if that could be an easier relationship with your father?


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Let me be a little more specific, there seems to be no problem between you and him, but a woman could indeed prove to be the source of agitation in his life, perhaps pushing him in a direction that he doesn't want to go for instance.

hilary/ said:
Hexagram 1, line 3 describes an intensely creative time, lots of change going on, constantly on the alert - yes, maybe some sleepless nights - but the line concludes with the words 'no mistake': nothing seriously wrong, and nothing that needs to be corrected.

Yes, all day your father appears to be engaged in some pursuit and at night he is sleepless with worry and the commentary is quite clear about this and the fact that he is in some kind of danger because he may be striving after some goal. But if he takes precautions then the words, "no blame " come into affect. But he seems a private man so who can warn him, therefore he won't see the pit until he falls into it.
Moving on to Hex 10 indicates that your father is involved with a difficult person or situation and need to be very cautious because if he isn't real careful then "it" will devour him. So, obviously, line 1.3 is not all milk and honey at all, in fact it shows that your father will be under a great deal of pressure from some quarter, so it may not be seriously wrong but its enough to make him really anxious.

Therefore, I see 1.3 > 10 as quite negative.
Last edited:


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Hm, I don't see it that way; I find that when there are pits someone might fall into, Yi will say 'misfortune', plain and clear. I think this is all getting unnecessarily alarmist. Like I said, I would take follow-up readings based on the disaster-prediction with a pinch of salt - but it is worth noting that when asked 'why the sleepless nights?' Yi answers with two lines that speak of 'good fortune' and potential problems already disarmed.


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
"Why will my father have sleepless nights next year?" 26.4.5>1

hilary said:
when asked 'why the sleepless nights?' Yi answers with two lines that speak of 'good fortune' and potential problems already disarmed

The question was "why" and the answer is because he will be retrained against his will in some way. The bull and the boar do not submit to restraint willingly. And as for "good fortune" it doesn't enter the equation as the question is simply looking for a reason only and not an outcome.

I prefer the alarmist approach as it keeps a person on their toes.


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
And I prefer not to cause unnecessary worry, as this allows the person to do whatever there is to be done in the present moment.

I see what you're saying about this being a 'why' not a 'what' question, but that doesn't make the two 'good fortune' tags go away. 1.3 happens because of these two kinds of restraint, taming and nurturing (let's not limit 26 to 'restraint', that's misleading in itself), and these two kinds of restraint, taming and nurturing are good fortune - a good thing overall. And at this point I would have to question the assumption that there really is anything truly bad in store for Owl's father, as opposed to just something creative, active and exciting to the point of stress.

Anyway, there is no way we can 'prove' a 'right answer' here. I just wanted to put on record that there's more than one way to look at it.


Jun 18, 2006
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Anyway, there is no way we can 'prove' a 'right answer' here. I just wanted to put on record that there's more than one way to look at it.

No, we will just have to wait until next year chugs around, to see the outcome, so any further discussion is just "apples and pears" at this stage.

And of course its only right that you should present your interpretation of the lines and hexes, because sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't.


Aug 3, 2009
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Hilary and Willowfox, many thanks for your inputs.

Hilary, is very helpful to know that asking the IC questions which are based on assumptions could be misleading. It is very easy to get an idea out of something and grasp on that as if it was real and get completely lost in an unnecessary turmoil.

I did look at 55.5 and it does suggest a good time coming between us as well as a good influence which can be relied upon. Maybe I can be a good influence in his life at that troublesome stage and by relying upon my influence our relationship strengthens?

The fact is that 1.3 has been happening for a while in his life (his sister died last November, he is selling the house he has with his cousin, and something tells me there might be other things going on with the woman he has a relationship with, but as he is so reserved I don’t know much about them), and it is very likely that by next year those 1.3 changes could intensify…

As the 1.3 things seem to be happening in the present and are not a far away prediction, in this particular case, I would like to clarify about the source of those probable intensified problems because I can somehow feel them already and by looking at 55.5 (good influence which can be relied upon) I feel that by being ‘on my toes’ I might be ready to act when things get complicated giving him the support he might come to need.

Willowfox, that the problem/ situation will come from a woman does ring some bells.

At this stage it is very important for me to know:
a) who this woman is
b) what kind of problems will she bring upon him
c) how can I help him with that specific problem

I will start asking about the woman he has a relationship with. So, I’ve now asked the IC:

a) What influence will X (my father’s relationship) have on my father in 2011?

b1) What’s involved here?

b2) What kind of problems will she bring upon him?

c) How can I help him with that specific problem?

Asking the correct questions is the most important part to bring clarity from the IC, so please, do suggest better questions if they come to mind.

For my eyes, the most negative answer was to how can I help him? don't know...

Thank you :bows:


Jun 18, 2006
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Yes, I know that problems usually don't just start overnight, as one thing leads to a bigger problem if not properly sorted out early, that of course, if its still possible. I would assume that something has been slightly askew for a while now based on 1.3.

As to the woman, I can only suggest that it indicates someone close to him, and you will have a fair idea who I am talking about.

Hex 63 indicates a breakdown in the affair due to negligence on your father's side, perhaps. Trying to take advantage.

35.1,4 > 27 If she's after something that your father is against her having or doing that could set the stage for conflict and strangely line 35.4 mentions possessions.

6.3 > 44 By being sincere and honest with him, by being his dutiful child. Then look to Hex 44, when a son/daughter meet each other then their world can be put in order.

Hex 22 "what's involved", makes me think of property .


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Willowfox,

35.4 and 22 meaning possessions and property both fit with my worries about the woman my father has a relationship with. I have somehow slightly warned him about this in the past (6.3) but don't know if he listened to me back then...Should I do it again if things come up? Didn't want to intrude in his life too much before, but maybe that's what I need to do?

Couldn't find : "Then look to Hex 44, when a son/daughter meet each other then their world can be put in order."

Which other questions could I make as to narrow down not only the problem, but the solutions to it and my part in it?

Many thanks :bows:


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
At this stage it is very important for me to know:
a) who this woman is
b) what kind of problems will she bring upon him
c) how can I help him with that specific problem
Maybe there is no problem. Maybe no woman will bring any problems of any kind. Maybe there is nothing you need to help with. Maybe there is nothing here that's important for you to know, because there is nothing here.

See above re-asking questions based on assumptions!

Here's a thought, just to open out the possibilities a bit: is your father's partner young enough to have, or want, another child? Or alternatively, is there half a chance her son could have a child that she ends up having to look after? (There are plenty of readings here that could be interpreted along those lines - 1.3, 37.1, 55.5 - and no, I am not making a prediction and would not recommend asking the oracle whether it'll be a boy or girl!)

Maybe, also, all this is a huge distraction from your own relationship with your father?

OK, so now I am speculating and you should feel utterly free to ignore me or tell me gently to mind my own business. But I notice that in your very first post in this thread, instead of calling your father and saying, 'Hey, would you like to visit some time next year? When could you come over?' you need to ask an oracle to predict what he will do, as if he were some force of nature and not a human being you could talk to. That leaves me with the impression that all is not well here.


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Hilary,

Maybe there is no problem. Maybe no woman will bring any problems of any kind. Maybe there is nothing you need to help with. Maybe there is nothing here that's important for you to know, because there is nothing here.

See above re-asking questions based on assumptions!

(...)Hilary, is very helpful to know that asking the IC questions which are based on assumptions could be misleading. It is very easy to get an idea out of something and grasp on that as if it was real and get completely lost in an unnecessary turmoil.(...)The fact is that 1.3 has been happening for a while in his life (his sister died last November, he is selling the house he has with his cousin, and something tells me there might be other things going on with the woman he has a relationship with, but as he is so reserved I don’t know much about them), and it is very likely that by next year those 1.3 changes could intensify…

As the 1.3 things seem to be happening in the present and are not a far away prediction, in this particular case, I would like to clarify about the source of those probable intensified problems because I can somehow feel them already and by looking at 55.5 (good influence which can be relied upon) I feel that by being ‘on my toes’ I might be ready to act when things get complicated giving him the support he might come to need.

Here's a thought, just to open out the possibilities a bit: is your father's partner young enough to have, or want, another child?


Or alternatively, is there half a chance her son could have a child that she ends up having to look after?


Maybe, also, all this is a huge distraction from your own relationship with your father? (...) But I notice that in your very first post in this thread, instead of calling your father and saying, 'Hey, would you like to visit some time next year? When could you come over?' you need to ask an oracle to predict what he will do, as if he were some force of nature and not a human being you could talk to. That leaves me with the impression that all is not well here.

I did ask my father many times in the past years if he would like to come over and visit, to which he always respond he would but as there are many other distractions going on in his life, for one reason or another he keeps postponing his visit. He is a human being to whom I do talk and receive clear answers from but there have been and there are circumstances (forces of nature) which are creating obstacles for him to come and visit, that's why I asked the IC if it will happen next year, as this is when he is now planning to come after changing plans many times before due to different circumstances in his life.

I appreciate very much you giving me a different point of view to the one I am heading towards, not only because I can get a different perspective and re-access my position and correct it if needeed, but most of all because it gives me 'clarity' as to why I am heading in the direction I am in the first place. And the reason it's very simple: feeling / intuition / sixth sense, or whatever you'd like to call it. The IC gives us answers and the tools we use to interpret them in each particular case are those answers + the feeling it rings in us with regards of our question, when in tune, we somehow 'know' what the IC is saying to us. Although I can't see through the IC as clearly as more experienced people do, I can still feel if an answer rings true in my guts or not.

I am very calm, not being alarmist at all. Something is ringing true in my guts and I just want to make the right questions as to clarify the potential problem before it arrives so that I can do my best to help in whatever I can...



Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
The IC gives us answers and the tools we use to interpret them in each particular case are those answers + the feeling it rings in us with regards of our question, when in tune, we somehow 'know' what the IC is saying to us. Although I can't see through the IC as clearly as more experienced people do, I can still feel if an answer rings true in my guts or not.
I agree completely. There is no better guide.


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Bear with me - just thought of something I should add, as much 'for the record' as anything.

Your gut feeling is your best guide to an answer's meaning; better than any 'expert' interpretation - Willowfox's or mine or even Wilhelm's. But accessing that guide is not necessarily an easy thing. We humans are complex creatures; we have all kinds of responses and reactions arising from all kinds of sources, not all reliable.

Two ways to be more confident that what you're hearing/ feeling is true intuition (not, eg, rationalisation of something you want to believe) -

1) Read and respond to the words of the Oracle itself. Never mind what anyone else (on a forum or in a book) says it means; it's talking to you, not them.

2) Take your time with each reading, nice and slow. Mull it over, let it sink in, listen quietly.


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Bear with me - just thought of something I should add, as much 'for the record' as anything.

Your gut feeling is your best guide to an answer's meaning; better than any 'expert' interpretation - Willowfox's or mine or even Wilhelm's. But accessing that guide is not necessarily an easy thing. We humans are complex creatures; we have all kinds of responses and reactions arising from all kinds of sources, not all reliable.

Two ways to be more confident that what you're hearing/ feeling is true intuition (not, eg, rationalisation of something you want to believe) -

1) Read and respond to the words of the Oracle itself. Never mind what anyone else (on a forum or in a book) says it means; it's talking to you, not them.

2) Take your time with each reading, nice and slow. Mull it over, let it sink in, listen quietly.

Many thanks for the advice, it is true that a settled, intimate encounter with the IC is the real bussiness. However, what's the point of the "Shared Readings" space in this forum if other's input shouldn't be taken into consideration?

I say this because at this particular point I do need others views on the answers the IC gives me...I can't on my own get as much information as others do, and when I receive an answer is my gut feeling that decides whether that's a fitting reading or not.

To come to understand the IC better after I get the information from others which seems fitting I go back to the IC and can then see the given information there but somehow the info I get stays in a superficial level when I do it on my own...I suppose it is a matter of getting used to read it and learn from it but to learn we do need other's help don't we? That's why onlineclarity exists in the first place, or am I wrong?

Would it be possible for you to let me know what makes you think that I'm rationalizing something I want to believe?

On another note, "the one source" can give us anwers in different ways, the important thing is for us to recognize them, it's not the shape but the content what matters...


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I didn't mean not to take others' views into consideration, only that your own response is a higher authority. And I didn't mean that you personally are rationalising something you want to believe - that was just a general example of what can happen when someone (anyone) thinks they are listening to their true instinct.


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
I've asked a new qusetion to the IC regarding this:

'What can I do now to prevent those problems arising next year for my father?" and got 14.2.6>55

Any insights on this IC's answer are very welcome. Thanks.


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
What you can do is pledge your help to your father by looking into the situation on his behalf, bringing all the facts to light by actively unearthing whatever is going on. And this is the appropriate time for action.


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks again Willowfox.

To clarify, I've asked:

What are the facts that need to be brought into light regarding this situation?

What is there for me to unearth?

How can I actively unearth whatever is going on to help my father?

Thanks :bows:


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
What are the facts that need to be brought into light regarding this situation?

****Its all in the details, the paper work as some people are not as they seem.

What is there for me to unearth?

****Your question is asking what, and the "image" in Hex 40 suggests "misdeeds", done by another.

How can I actively unearth whatever is going on to help my father?

****It suggests through a semi-independent way, you are doing this for him but you are like your own boss in this matter.


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Dear Owl,

You have three readings in succession here warning you not to go on the warpath and try to 'fix' things. Please take care that your suspicions don't damage your relationship with your father.


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Willowfox,

Thank you for your insights, they are very valuable. As you might already know, even if the answers are for someone else you have a gift of seeing through the IC and giving layers into your interpretation of the answers that only the person concerned can identify with it's personal situation.

This situation is very important as it is related with my father, so no need to explain more here.

I would like to disect the body (situation), find the cancer (problem) and perform an operation (clear path for me to follow), as to be of help and extract (eliminate) it. I have made some questions in order to do this and the answers given and your interpretation of them are spot on. The problem lies in that I feel I'm not doing the correct questions that would lead me to the correct answers as to do the 'operation' mentioned above, the ones I made and the answers I got from the IC are hovering over the body but I need to get more precise/specific information, meaning I need to make more precise, specific questions.

I don't want to abuse your kindness, but it would be very helpful if you would let me know what questions would YOU, being in this situation ask the IC, so that I can then carry on from there.

I've seen the list of questions in the 'learn' section of the site and found them very inspiring, I do use that a lot, but can't get the ONE, (or ones) I need to solve this.:brickwall:

Sorry for asking your help not only to understand the answers but also to make the questions...:eek:....but they're the key to the process and I'm feeling a bit stuck.

Thank you in advance :bows:


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
By the way, everybodys help in making more precise questions here are very welcome.



Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Dear Owl,

You have three readings in succession here warning you not to go on the warpath and try to 'fix' things. Please take care that your suspicions don't damage your relationship with your father.

Dear Hilary,

Many thanks for your insight. Yes, I'm weary of getting too involved and therefore damage my relationship with him. At the same time, it's very difficult to be aware of things (he might not be) and do nothing.

I asked the IC:

What path should I follow with my dad with regards of this situation?

Thanks :bows:

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