...life can be translucent


56. Lu / The Wanderer


Jun 3, 2006
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Wow, that makes an amazingly clear statement. I want one.

Okay, again, ONward! (jeez, it's beginning to feel like 57.1)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Nine at the top means:
The bird's nest burns up.
The wanderer laughs at first,
Then must needs lament and weep.
Through carelessness he loses his cow.

The picture of a bird whose nest burns up indicates loss of one's resting place. This misfortune may overtake the bird if it is heedless and imprudent when building its nest. It is the same with a wanderer. If he lets himself go, laughing and jesting, and forgets he is a wanderer, he will later have cause to weep and lament. For if through carelessness a man loses his cow - i.e., his modesty and adaptability - evil will result.

Most peculiar :confused: I mean where do birds nests come into it...and have you ever seen a birds nest on fire ? Its not as if birds play with matches is it. And you tell a joke and lose your cow...the cow has no sense of humour ? A cow is 'modest' ? well i guess i never saw a cow bragging about anything :rofl:

i think this a most peculiar line, confusing. Never really had any clear experiences of it... i wonder if something got lost in translation....does anyone have a 56.6 experience to share ?


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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A cow is 'modest' ? well i guess i never saw a cow bragging about anything :rofl:

Hey, I've seen a few bragging about their fake udders... :rofl:

As for the nests, I guess it depends on where the nest is built and their risk of catching fire... :D




Aug 31, 2007
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Thou shalt not use the name of the Frank in vain.

Kegan, what size stuffed shirt do you wear?

Hi Meng,
Stuffed shirts are always one size fits all--I would have thought you would know that--just read the label on yours, pal.

Hi Luis,
If I knew how to deal better with the fallout of my native Saturn honing in and pushing every button that there is, I certainly would do so. As I look back now at some of the things I did it Europe in formal dinner parties by just asking folks for two natural numbers and interpreting the resulting Yi Oracles:blush: but as you note (and I thank you) I am a straightforward Taoist old boy and it is all in the spirit of 'what is real is always better faced than hidden.' Some day I will be better...:)

hex.56.5 is still the King and always has eventual good timing. So the thread sauna had its pros and cons, but amongst all the lost arrows life goes on...

It is a major theme of this line that some folks think it is a simple question of mastery, a celebrity Rambling Boy who can drop a pheasant with a single arrow and win success while others see the line as the narrative of a long unfolding of a difficult story, but like Oedipus on the road with Antigone, eventually he comes to rest as an honored hero. Now, the next line has real problems...

The only confusion has been Roosen thinking a post to 'Frank' might be to him when it wasn't.

Now that you have participated in group, it is less of a problem that you started off poorly. My apologies, I worried some your original post sounded too much like the ugly stereotypes my Flemish friends gossiped to me about 'beware the Dutch' but now I see you are just being you and thus so be it. :rofl:

Cheers, :)

Frank R. Kegan


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Nine at the top means:
The bird's nest burns up.
The wanderer laughs at first,
Then must needs lament and weep.
Through carelessness he loses his cow.

The picture of a bird whose nest burns up indicates loss of one's resting place. This misfortune may overtake the bird if it is heedless and imprudent when building its nest. It is the same with a wanderer. If he lets himself go, laughing and jesting, and forgets he is a wanderer, he will later have cause to weep and lament. For if through carelessness a man loses his cow - i.e., his modesty and adaptability - evil will result.

The corresponding Sabian Symbol, by my system, is 24 Taurus
A mounted Indian brave rides proudly with human scalps as trophies at his belt

Which indicates this is one of those lines whose import changes greatly from the advice appropriate to the Imperial bureaucrat to that for modern adventurers. Our friend the Wanderer is expressing himself and provoking a strong reaction that will hasten the transition to the next (as the Indian uprisings brought genocidal assaults from federal cavalry). The nest burning up is an image of negation, a well crafted home destroyed, hopefully not from fledglings playing with matches, but only as a metaphor--similarly a cow is a major investment and responsibility which is easily lost in a hungry world if one doesn't take care to secure the dear. Everything the Wanderer has is being lost in this line--he is experiencing the trials of Job.

In terms of structure, the Yang line in the 6th place expresses and exhausts its focus upon the transition to the next (6th line) changing the timing of hex 56 to that of hex 62 the archetype of individual human emotion of the heart full to bursting coming to deal with the vast universe all around.

Frank R. K.


Jun 20, 1971
Reaction score
Rosada, Luis and Bruce thanks for your kind words in this I think strange situation. :bows: :)



May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hi, all:

I had some health problems and I still couldn't read the previous posts. Time ago I posted some quotes to Frank Rosen about sense of hospitality at ancient indian culture.

The quotes that I haven't now at hand belong to «From Primitive Communism to Slavery» by S.A. Dange a very criticized book that had a god comment from Joseph Needham that found some parallellism with ancient chinese history.


The ancient form of the character LU can be seen as two (or many) people under a flag, meaning a military unit, a BRIGADE or a BATTALION (1).

You can see it at LiSe page.

Some versions of the character detach the left part, that later become 方 FANG (people from unsubjugated lands, say barbarians, strangers or wild people), being the component to the right two persons under a roof.

This is the seal character form:

At the left STRANGE, at the right Two persons under the same roof, maybe meaning HOSPITALITY. The whole character could be read as STRANGE HOSPITALITY or even WILD HOSPITALITY.

Maybe the early meaning of LU was BRIGADE (BRIGANTS, lu ren, in the 6th. line). Among later meanings of LU there are:
  • pupil / follower
  • expedition / trip / journey
  • host / hostel / hostage

Even in english HOSTILITY and HOSPITALITY share the same roots (2).

For H.56 there is an ancient story of a Shang's ancestor who lost his herds (cows) and even his life due to a mistaken sense of hospitality. You can read G. Whincup quoted at LiSE page:

... a herdsman who crossed over with his sheep and oxen from his own land to the neighboring territory of Youyi. ... he made the mistake of committing a serious crime, perhaps adultery with one of the ruler’s women.
From: http://www.yijing.nl/i_ching/hex_49-64/55-56.htm

See the picture of the man by Kerson Huang, also quoted by LiSe:

... was a clever, enterprising, and restless man who left his home to travel to the Kingdom of Yi to raise cattle and seek his fortune...

I wonder how a so smart guy could f_ck the ruler's wife without foreseeing the consequences ! Maybe he was a victim of a tragic mistake. He was following the old rule of hospitality that not only allowed but commanded guests to lie with the host's wives. But the host was in another wave.

Now, at the light of this story, I understand better the character outlined by LiSe:

It depicts two persons «making things together» (as Sears says) under a barbarian tent.

For people less interessed in alternative versions I have another mnemonics: soldiers under a flag / banner (3) or a flag with comradeship insignia:

N. A flag
N. Formerly, a dragon flag with bells on tassels...
N. (AC) flag with bent pole...
N. Ancient flag with yak's tail...
N. (AC) a long, square flag, with design of tortoise or snake...

From: http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/

lu3 → a flag with twins, maybe equal rulers, maybe comrades.

Now I'm thinking if all the seven lines of H.56 aren't, among many other things, pieces of propaganda against WAR.

But that is another story.



(1) From R.Sears' Chineseetymology:
to travel / a traveler ...
to lodge / a lodger ...
multitude / people / disciples / pupils / followers ...
order / sequence ...
( military ) a brigade / troops ...
( now rarely ) a sacrifice to the mountains ...
to do things together
From: http://www.chineseetymology.org/Cha...spx?characterInput=旅+&submitButton1=Etymology

(2) English etymology:

host ... "person who receives guests," c.1290, from O.Fr. hoste "guest, host" (12c.), from L. hospitem (nom. hospes) "guest, host," lit. "lord of strangers," from PIE *ghostis- "stranger" (cf. O.C.S. gospodi "lord, master," Goth. gasts, O.E. gæst "guest")....

host (2)... "multitude" 1265, from O.Fr. host "army" (10c.), from M.L. hostis "army, war-like expedition," from L. hostis "enemy, stranger," from the same root as host ...

guest ... gæst, giest (Anglian gest) "guest, enemy," the common notion being "stranger," from P.Gmc. *gastiz (cf. O.Fris. jest, Du. gast, Ger. Gast, Goth. gasts), from PIE base *ghostis "strange" (cf. O.C.S. gosti "guest, friend"), also preserved in L. hostis "stranger, enemy," and hospes "host," from hosti-potis "host, guest," originally "lord of strangers."...
hospitality ... "act of being hospitable," from O.Fr. hospitalité, from L. hospitalitem (gen. hospitalitas) "friendliness to guests," from hospes (gen. hospitis) "guest" ...

From: http://www.etymonline.com

Joe Rosenthal (American, 1911-), Soldiers Hoist the Stars and Stripes at Iwo Jima, February 23, 1945...

from: http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/f/flag.html
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Jun 20, 1971
Reaction score
Hi, all:

I had some health problems and I still couldn't read the previous posts. Time ago I posted some quotes to Frank Rosen about sense of hospitality at ancient indian culture.

Good to hear that your back and hopefully your health is good again.
Thanks for explaining the idea of hospitality with the Chinese characters.



Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Nine at the top:

The bird's nest burns up.
The wanderer laughs at first,
Then he must needs lament and weep.
Through carelessness he loses his cow.

b) Being at the top as a wanderer rightly leads to being burnt up.
"Through carelessness he loses his cow." In the end he hears nothing.

The strong line at the top, whose movement moreover tends upward, loses its foundations. Thus all gaiety leads only to losses, because the line neglects all too much the duties of a wanderer, and even injury does not make it wiser.

Li is bird and also flame. The place is high up, over the nuclear trigram Wun, hence the image of a nest. The idea of laughing derives from the nuclear trigram Tui, meaning gaiety and mouth. The idea of lamenting derives from the destructive force lurking in Tui. Li is cow; it is lost because of gaiety and carelessness in a high place. There is no hope for this line, it never comes to its senses, because it merely goes on striving further upward, giving no thought at all to return.


Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
no offense, but 'sally' means only 'shawl' in greek (greek as in girl, gift-enthusiast etc)
which I think goes nicely with Virgo and I do find astrology pretty much like knitting no? weaving together all those details and all . .

But Sally, from Sarah, DOES mean princess (in Hebrew) - rodaki

None taken rodaki! As I , only a shawl, shawl be only too happy to be called a greek shawl! There are probably some very lovely ones! And yes, it's true, Sally is the Greek form of the Hebrew (prob ancient aramaic, rather) Sarah. Also, I'm a Cancer, not a Virgo, although ... I do have a lot of that energy, I like to put things in order, straighten them out etc ... and I am a knitter, of some rather nice shawls actually!!
I look just like a little princess in them! ;) .. sometimes an ancient queen. sometimes an old hag!

Not a linguist or etymologist myself, but I am also interested in words. Not sure what the Sal reduces to but salt. Other meanings in other old languages are to leap forth, go forth, advance, off the beaten path ... wandering perhaps ...? but those are the verb tenses, and Sally is a proper name.

~ solun
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Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Solun,
I suspect Sarah is ancient Hebrew. Aramaic is generally described as the spoken language of Judea, etc not because it was native but rather the language of the Assyrian empire then the Babylonian and what most folks spoke to be understood in the marketplaces of the area until Greek replaced those earlier empires, etc.

Sun in Cancer or Individual Quest for Poignant Feelings is symbolized by the 4-dot face of the dice cube which has the image of nailing down the corners of its turf which is also an image of straightening things out. Virgo is the 6th sign, next even number without an explicit dot at center which likes detailed expression. Not truly organized as the details in all their tiny uniqueness is the intent. My sun sign, Libra, the seventh sign is the one for actual organization as all the faces of the dice cube add to seven when paired through the cube itself.

The princess is a relationship or a Title not so much a name. Naming someone princess without the royal establishment to back it up is pretty much going about on the cheap.



Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
None taken rodaki! As I , only a shawl, shawl be only too happy to be called a greek shawl! There are probably some very lovely ones! And yes, it's true, Sally is the Greek form of the Hebrew (prob ancient aramaic, rather) Sarah. Also, I'm a Cancer, not a Virgo, although ... I do have a lot of that energy, I like to put things in order, straighten them out etc ... and I am a knitter, of some rather nice shawls actually!!
I look just like a little princess in them! ;) .. sometimes an ancient queen. sometimes an old hag!

Not a linguist or etymologist myself, but I am also interested in words. Not sure what the Sal reduces to but salt. Other meanings in other old languages are to leap forth, go forth, advance, off the beaten path ... wandering perhaps ...? but those are the verb tenses, and Sally is a proper name.

~ solun

hi Solun,

never said you are a shawl but what your name means in greek, and not even ancient greek at that (I don't identify myself with ancient greeks even though I am conditioned by their culture to some degree -plus everyone who has tried to unravel the threads of words from ancient languages to now knows it's no easy game)

and I like shawls too :)
I referred to Virgo cause I remembered you saying you had your NN there and I thought it tied nicely with your name and your interest in astrology

not an etymologist either but I admit I have a sweet tooth for it :rolleyes:



Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Frank,

Those ancient civilizations, Assyrian and Babylonian, influenced ancient Hebrew culture, and language.

You might set the die down for a moment and pick up Liz Greene's Astrology of Fate. It could flesh out some of your dots and dashes. Or not.

Not sure what your last comment means... But Sarah, the ancient name assoc w ancient Hebrew culture refers to Israelitess, or Child of the Promise. And as such meant being part of a Kingdom , conferring a certain place or status (although they were still fairly polytheistic back in those days).
Now, as for my name: It is Sally, an English name, and I post as solun. It needn't be any more complicated, nor need it put anyone at a disadvantage.

Anyone here is free to associate with a noble character, if they so choose. It's probably even advisable! But if it's not possible, well we know there is hope for change....

And don't worry so Frank, no one would mistake you for any one else, not even another Frank. With so many planets in Scorpio, is it any wonder that your'e a little prickly! ;)

So let's not abuse Hilary's or rosada's hospitality. We know a lot about you already Frank. Enough already anyway. And it might be nice to hear from some others. If you can recall after all, this last question was about getting to know some of the posters about the board!

Tout a l'heure! ~ solun
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Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
not an etymologist either but I admit I have a sweet tooth for it

cheers! - rodaki

Cheers! I can appreciate that! I was having a bit of fun, because I can! :)
Glad you can too! ;)


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Frank,

Those ancient civilizations, Assyrian and Babylonian, influenced ancient Hebrew culture, and language.

You might set the die down for a moment and pick up Liz Greene's Astrology of Fate. It could flesh out some of your dots and dashes. Or not.

Not sure what your last comment means... But Sarah, the ancient name assoc w ancient Hebrew culture refers to Israelitess, or Child of the Promise. And as such meant being part of a Kingdom , conferring a certain place or status (although they were still fairly polytheistic back in those days).
Now, as for my name: It is Sally, an English name, and I post as solun. It needn't be any more complicated, nor need it put anyone at a disadvantage.

Anyone here is free to associate with a noble character, if they so choose. It's probably even advisable! But if it's not possible, well we know there is hope for change....

And don't worry so Frank, no one would mistake you for any one else, not even another Frank. With so many planets in Scorpio, is it any wonder that your'e a little prickly! ;)

So let's not abuse Hilary's or rosada's hospitality. We know a lot about you already Frank. Enough already anyway. And it might be nice to hear from some others. If you can recall after all, this last question was about getting to know some of the posters about the board!

Tout a l'heure! ~ solun

Hi Solun,
I don't quite catch the import of your signing off with "Just Now" in French. And we know a lot about you from your various responses with many ROFL.

My mother was a moon child as you and a far more powerful and distinguished woman than is probably possible to imagine nowadays, so I forgive you trying to correct me or give me direction, I realize you can't help yourself. But it has no value to me at all.

You actually know very little about me, but as Sun in Cancer, it is virtually impossible for you to imagine even so much as a molecule in interstellar space does not feel just as you feel, which also explains a lot to the rest of us groupings of molecules in the Universe.

I would suggest you defer comments about other astrology books until you are able to understand the Pythagorean eidos, but I do not expect any better response to my suggestions from you than you can expect from me.

And exactly how, do you believe, Assyrian and Babylonian civilization affected ancient Hebrew culture and language or how was that relevant?
There is a bit of a debate among historians just what exactly was ancient Hebrew culture and what was going on before the Persian King sent a group of prominent though troublesome folks in his empire off to build their own country in the wilderness and establish a Temple in the recent caravan trade route fortress city of Jerusalem.

Have a Nice Day! :)



Hi Solun,
I don't quite catch the import of your signing off with "Just Now" in French. And we know a lot about you from your various responses with many ROFL.


Because it means "see you soon" .:) its a greeting like goodbye etc, if I recall correct.



Sign : Sun in Scorpio, moon & asc. in Sagittarius
Name : Maria ,
Screen name : Maremaria , sea/seas (on moon)

please read yourself if interested . Can’t afford to make any mistake :rofl:


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Because it means "see you soon" .:) its a greeting like goodbye etc, if I recall correct.

Hi Maremaria,
I used Google translate which just gave it as the adverb phrase Just Now in English. Indicates the differences in Internet translation sources.

Nice to hear from you, Something very Sun in Scorpio in your post. :)

Hasta Luego (until soon [sp])



Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Hey I'm a bit late for the party, but stepping back into the spirit of 56.5 and Rosada's kind invitation to introduce ourselves.
My name is Michael John Burnell. I was born in Bristol, England on May 28th 1957 at 2.30 am. Astrological background for those of you that can speak that sort of thing - Sun and Venus in Gemini, Moon and Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus and Pluto in Leo and Neptune in Scorpio.

For those who like numbers: Life Path =1; Personality = 9; Destiny =11: Soul Urge = 11.
Mayan Birth Day Sign = Lizard

Various hats I have worn Mummy's boy; Shy and spotty teenager; University Graduate in Metallurgy (despite my hardest efforts to the contrary) which started me down a career path of Castings Engineering which through many meanderings took me into Business Improvement and Training. This aligned with my hobby of Sports Coaching took me into the labyrinth of personal / motivational Psychology and on into Jung and from there it was a small leap into the pages of the I Ching, which has become the spine from which many of my esoteric interests hang. Reiki, Spiritual and other forms of healing seem to have popped their heads in along the way.
Most importantly sit my family hats of Brother, Husband and Father of 3 sons all in their late teens /early 20’s. I have been an Orphan since 2003.

56.6 – The phoenix rises from the flames but the heat from the fire isn’t what he thought it was going to be, the sparkle on the outside doesn’t last for long. He realises it’s cooler on the inside.



Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Mikey,

Welcome to the party, time is illusion after all.

I like the image of a phoenix who burns down his neighborhood in his birth fire and causes things to move along to their next.

As a note, from the planets and signs you gave, you would have a natal oracle of hex 33 without moving lines and therefore passing through each of the 6 stages as you grow.
At least by my X-Ray Eye technique: http://www.stars-n-dice.com/x-rayeye.html
highlighting that you have no planets in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces or Aries and no more than two planets in any other sign.

My thesis adviser for my independent major in Chemistry and Other Religions was an engineering professor in materials science. He had another student he worked with who turned out to be my astral twin, born on the same day. His work was with titanium alloys which were big during the Cold War for combat aircraft. He had samples with about 20 hardness points over the best published result of the Soviets of the time (1969).



Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
hello everyone
just a quick note on 56.6:

I, too, don't really get this line . .
I've had it manifest in cases of jumping into things a bit carelessly; say we go sailing, wind is good and we have a great time BUT in returning to port, we realize we didn't secure things well inside, maybe a cup of coffee was left standing and now the carpet is full of coffee stains . . so instead of lolling around in the sun we have lots of cleaning to do -argh

but what would it's good side be?
once I had a reading that was 56.2,6 to 32 . . the line was there, but reading transitional hexagrams changed it to 50.6 . . :confused:
any ideas on the remedy of 56.6?

gotta run now-too many loose ends to tie:rolleyes:


Frank(r) and Mike,

Do you know any reliable site to calculate my Mayan sign ? I have try two in the past , but got two different answer.



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
hello everyone
just a quick note on 56.6:

I, too, don't really get this line . .
I've had it manifest in cases of jumping into things a bit carelessly; say we go sailing, wind is good and we have a great time BUT in returning to port, we realize we didn't secure things well inside, maybe a cup of coffee was left standing and now the carpet is full of coffee stains . . so instead of lolling around in the sun we have lots of cleaning to do -argh

but what would it's good side be?
once I had a reading that was 56.2,6 to 32 . . the line was there, but reading transitional hexagrams changed it to 50.6 . . :confused:
any ideas on the remedy of 56.6?

gotta run now-too many loose ends to tie:rolleyes:

I guess on the face of it 56.6 is simply taking support for granted, not valuing it and hence losing it...the coffee cup example is perfect lol. Good side ? There doesn't have to be one. I don't think one can really ignore the auspice of misfortune, though of course misfortune isn't always that unfortunate in some circumstances...if the coffee was appalling and you were only drinking it to be polite.

The thing is though in practise I've never really see it mean that for myself. It may be to do with burning bridges but sometimes burning bridges feels a very good thing to do. I have the feeling Lise refers to this angle of it.

Maybe its that the burning of bridges feels good at the time, hence at first the traveller laughs, its only later he realises "you don't know what you got till its gone". Maybe a warning here is not to be too hasty in burning bridges however gratifying or expedient it seems at the time. It could be this is something one never wants to hear at the time, when one is itching to burn the nest down... hence my not being able to relate to it. Most obvious scenario i can think of is suddenly ending a relationship, feeling very liberated when you slam down the phone and say you don't want to talk again...only a year later you do but you realise the person took you at your word, has now left, changed numbers and you really have lost them for good....there must be lots of songs about that, or maybe theres too much of 24.6 in that interpretation. Can't say I've experienced 56.6 playing out that way either, its just an imaginary scenario..but if it was like that I guess it would be very hard to see it at the time or in retrospect without a great deal of self honesty

Anyway thanks for the manifested example of 56.6. there seem to be hardly any of these..
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Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hex 56.6 seen in a positive light as irrevocable transition to the NEXT

The positive side of hex 56.6 is that it is a Yang line in the 6th place of transition to the Next--whatever its problems it is actively expressing and exhausting itself bringing about the end of this current timing and the dawning of that which develops from here on.

Although the Chinese I Ching image is certainly a tough end to what has been relied upon, it is also very definitively the swift kick in the pants that moves one on away from what has been toward other options. Burning the nest and losing the cow are misfortunes; however they are also absolute beginning points of a whole new situation. The fledgling that burns the nest will have no choice but to fly on his own. The cow tethered the person to its care and now that tether is broken and the Wander is again free to move along.

The corresponding Sabian Symbol of 24 Taurus expresses the positive or at least the powerful side of this line image: the warrior has burned nests and taken cattle and other folks' scalps and rides off into the sunset proud and free.

In the image of the sailing outing with the coffee cup spilled...the Oracle of hex 56.6 would posit that you have a choice to make to either clean up the mess and remain tied to the sailboat as an anchor requiring constant attention and maintenance--or take to the sea like a pirate burning the moorings in port and living the next chapter as a free spirit with coffee stained carpeting or tear out the carpet and sail off with bare wood--AARRGG!.:)



Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Frank(r) and Mike,

Do you know any reliable site to calculate my Mayan sign ? I have try two in the past , but got two different answer.

Hi Maria
I can't remember where I got this from, I think I just googled Mayan Birth Date and used the one at the top of teh page.



Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Mikey,

Welcome to the party, time is illusion after all.

I like the image of a phoenix who burns down his neighborhood in his birth fire and causes things to move along to their next.

As a note, from the planets and signs you gave, you would have a natal oracle of hex 33 without moving lines and therefore passing through each of the 6 stages as you grow.
At least by my X-Ray Eye technique: http://www.stars-n-dice.com/x-rayeye.html
highlighting that you have no planets in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces or Aries and no more than two planets in any other sign.

My thesis adviser for my independent major in Chemistry and Other Religions was an engineering professor in materials science. He had another student he worked with who turned out to be my astral twin, born on the same day. His work was with titanium alloys which were big during the Cold War for combat aircraft. He had samples with about 20 hardness points over the best published result of the Soviets of the time (1969).


Hi Frank

As Bowie alluded - "Time lies waiting in the wings. He speaks of senseless things , his trip is you and me, boy"; or something like that:)

I checked out your X ray technique - Again not sure I could follow what you had on your website. A worked example may be good, or a few pictures....a picture paints a thousand word so they say. Hex 33 sounds appropriate - learning success is in yielding to our circumstances. Finding new things we had missed before because of our singlemindedness of purpose. Take off those blinkers !!!! I have a job lot for sell if anyone would like to buy :D

Materials science is the poor relation of metallurgy, or so my Prof use to tell me. Or was it the other way round? Titanium has a great strength to weight ratio - I don't know about cold war combat aircraft, but I hardly know I'm wearing my wristwatch.

Here a site to calculate your maya sign: http://www.tortuga.com/eng/decode/index.php

Frank R - great site. Apparently I'm a Red Planetary Serpent... much more classy than a lizard.:)

Take Care

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