...life can be translucent



  1. Daeluin

    What should I do with this extra set of yarrow stalks. Hexagram 14 lines 1, 3, 6

    Hello! I have been gifted with an extra set of extra long yarrow stalks, and I was curious what is meant for them. The seller, YarrowDivine on Etsy, suggested I consult the I Ching to divine the answer. Perhaps y'all can help me interpret. "What should I do with these yarrow stalks?" 979789...
  2. lienshan

    Yi Jing in Dao De Jing

    Yarrowstalk divination is mentioned in the Mawangdui B Dao De Jing chapter 25: you3 wu4 kun2 cheng2 there-is matter descendant completed xian1 tian1 di4 preceeding heaven and earth sheng1 xiao1 he1 born desolate HO-HO liao2 he1 deserted HO-HO du2 li4 er2 bu4 gai3 ke3 only established and not...
  3. lienshan

    The Zhouyi transformational line

    hi Sergio ... thanks for posting this very interesting Three Yi Jing article in I Ching News :bows: http://zhouyi.sdu.edu.cn/english0/newsxitong/selectedPapers/2008411190938.asp I think that the journalist misses an important pointe: those divining by the Zhouyi used another technique than the...

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