...life can be translucent


7.3 & 14.4 corpses and ministers...


Apr 4, 2021
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the winter blues (seasonal affective disorder depression) have hit, hard, and moving stress too - a lot to do, fast, focus required.

The other day I had asked Yi what I needed to know about my plans, and got 7.3, carrying corpses.
So, my 'army' is not well led right now. And I really must let go of old habits and grief and give this new start totally fresh energy. get an inner leader on board...

Feeling demoralized, I asked Yi for guidance this morning, "what wisdom can you offer to get through this?"
other threads say this line is about letting go comparison and enjoying the station (minister) one is in.

"What do I have (14) then, to appreciate?"

8 uc

friendship? camaraderie?

It's funny if so, because that's the exact arena I feel demoralized in. Lifelong depression and abuse, mental health issues have damaged the ability to form honest, close relationships without resentments, or feel genuine connection. Or even simply enjoy little things in life, which is the backbone of relationships.

This has led to striving for other forms of success/accomplishment to compensate....which are difficult to achieve without a support network of friends!

anyhow these readings (or my own mind) seem to lead me in a big circle...the last few posts I'm sure have been hard to follow, my apologies.

but any interpretative assistance will be most welcomed, thank you 🌿


Jul 28, 2018
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Relationships are not easy to form and sustain for anyone.

7.3 means carrying useless, annoying things from past. But it's not possible to drop them out all of a sudden forever. That's a process (46).

14.4 says it's not your domain, you are not in control, so save your energy (26).

8 means seeking union with whatever improves your situation, be it people or things.

When we decide to move all we think about is freedom and sunny days. We may not consider that we're going to lose touch with many things - people, habits, emotional resources.

There would be stress, possibly depression and other mental issues, because it is a heavy burden to carry all of a sudden. The rupture from the source of emotional support, even if it has been less than ideal, tears the psyche apart. It will need time and support to recover.

I know this because I moved out in 2020, during the pandemic, in one of the worst social, economic and psychological situations.

Your experience won't be necessarily horrible but keep in mind that there will be hardship. So find ways to improve your life day by day.


The other day I had asked Yi what I needed to know about my plans, and got 7.3, carrying corpses.
H7.3 <> H46
Ascending through Leading
The dead bodies in H7.3 are the result of a wrong strategy ( plans) and your question is about what you need to know about your plans, so this could also mean that you need to adjust your plans.
The consequence of adjusting those plans is that grievance, and old habits, then naturally disappear (H46).

Trigram Water turns into Wind due to the moving yin line at the 3rd position. Water out of balance is about fears, grief, insecurities etc. Wind is about the invisible force that moves everything, that sets everything in motion, it is also the long term. Wind is also about planning and executing that planning step by step.
The effect of Wind on Water is that executing the plans allows the fears etc. to drain, to be flushed away.
And I really must let go of old habits and grief and give this new start totally fresh energy. get an inner leader on board...
I don't believe you have to do this yourself, but adjusting the plans will take care of this

Feeling demoralized, I asked Yi for guidance this morning, "what wisdom can you offer to get through this?"
other threads say this line is about letting go comparison and enjoying the station (minister) one is in.

I believe you have to see the text of H14.4 in the light of the text of the Image.
Thus the superior person curbs evil
And promotes good,
Obeying the beneficent will of heaven.
In no way arrogant as the line 4 text says, shows that the Image's advice is not made visible in the outside world. The will of heaven, as mentioned in the text above, also shows that things do not develop in the time you want them to but according to a "higher" plan.

Trigram Heaven is the inner authority, taking charge yourself. Fire with a moving line is too eager to make it visible in the outer world, wants to see results too quickly.
Change to Mountain advises setting a limit there. Above all, let it be an inner process.
Trigram Mountain acts in H26 as a kind of lid that "hides" the power from Heaven. The great (Heaven) is tamed (Mountain) causing it to accumulate.

This would be my interpretation. As always take what resonates and leave the rest 😉
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Mar 22, 1971
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The other day I had asked Yi what I needed to know about my plans, and got 7.3, carrying corpses.
So, my 'army' is not well led right now. And I really must let go of old habits and grief and give this new start totally fresh energy. get an inner leader on board...
7.3 is in no way a portent of future doom and gloom. Yes, there are corpses in the cart from past endeavours or ways of thinking. You are right when you say to let go. The trap in this line is believing that the corpses must remain there. This line can be seen more as a call to arms. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Feeling demoralized, I asked Yi for guidance this morning, "what wisdom can you offer to get through this?"
'Great Harvest' through 'Great Accumulation'

The wisdom being offered to you is to understand that 26 holds you securely in a warm blanket of focussed nourishment. 14 speaks to the ability to create a new way in your life through through decreasing negativity and increasing positivity. 14.4 guides you towards becoming more discerning and regulated in your perspective and approach to matters to assist your growth.
The energies of 14 are deeply guided by nuclear 43 'Eliminating'.
"What do I have (14) then, to appreciate?"
8 uc
What you have to appreciate is that life's delight comes through true, respectful and honest connection. Right now the going is not so smooth because you are currently connected with too many restless factions*, both inwardly and outwardly.
Take responsibility to quell the storm in gentle ways. Slowly uncover what is the truest, deepest connection that is hidden from you world and here you will find the root of all your unrest.

*restless factions - a crib from Huang that felt very appropriate for this reading.

... or you may have other insights that sit more readily with you.

Good Luck
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Jun 3, 2006
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7.3 - 46 Concerning your plans, be aware that it’s appropriate for you to strike out on your own, to follow your own inspiration in your own way (46) and not feel obligated to continue with old ways that are simply not working (7.3).

14.4 - 26 The advice to get you through this seems to reinforce the idea of not being distracted by other people’s apparent gifts or achievements (14.4) but to train your focus to keep on your own life path (26)

8. You can accomplish this by consciously appreciating whatever good - not just human relationships - is going on in your current world.

Several years ago when my child was still in diapers I was in a situation that seemed beyond hopeless. We were living in an abandoned chicken coop 15 miles out of town with no job and no money. I had heard of the idea that our outer life is the manifestation of our inner vibration but I saw no way to raise from my depression as there simply didn’t seem to be anything to be grateful for. Still I wanted my son to have happy childhood memories so I started making a baby book for him and each day wrote in it something that he might be happy about, “It’s my birthday - we sang and I ate applesauce!” Unintentionally I found my mind shifted from depression and started organizing around this new game of finding things at least a baby might be grateful for. And then something miraculous happened! After only ten days of keeping this diary my husband found a job and a real house for us in town! Was this because I was no longer vibrating at the depression level and thus my outer world also shifted to reflect this change? Who knows? Who cares? I continue to keep a “gratitude journal” to this day.
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Apr 4, 2021
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I thank you each of you for the thoughtful responses - like reaching out in the dark and being handed a bouquet of wildflowers. I have been mulling over them this week.

7.3 meaning adjusting plans was my anxiety- If this move doesn't work out...scarcity, fear of spiralling downward into the abyss -houselessness, addiction, abuse, hopelessness.

Rosada, yours is an amazing story, for anyone feeling discouraged by circumstances.
It sparked a story for me, like the thread of 7.3 changing to 46 :

After reading these responses, I practiced focusing, the energy of gratitude.
Notice a bit of joy here, one there - an hour of blue sky, the bite of fresh apple, a mist from the sea, a warm hat at night, the moon on the water, people laughing in the restaurant where I cooked, saying "good food, good food!" I began saying thank you at night- not to anyone in particular. Thank you, hat, thank you, soup. Thank you, sleep.

It seemed right to pour coffee out in the morning by the river - thank you for the beauty. To pick up a piece of litter, pour out a shot of vodka for the dead.
A few days pass. Some new friends invite me to visit after work. One of them cooked a lavish diner meal - growing up she told us, she had only the likes of canned ravioli and often went hungry due to neglect. Now she studies food, sharing her results with anyone who will eat.
Her wife had stories of a different caliber - surviving institutions and places that should have never existed to begin with. We listened to scattershot tales and accounts, for hours. Some stories were salted with humor and roguish punk delight, and in some she drew clean lines from the systems of oppression that had caged her to those extracting and crushing others as we spoke. Our conversation dredged the depths of human evil, greed and abuse all night, punctuated by cigarettes on the porch. At last it was nearly 4 am. I could feel the ripples of pain in the room - we were all exhausted, raw. Drawing on a technique learned in therapy, I suggested capping the night with something that brought her joy - you have any interests or hobbies?...she told me yes, hold on, and disappeared, emerging a moment later with a huge folder from which she pulled out piece after piece, all drawn in sharpie, telling the story of each as she handed them to me. I held them piled on my lap, silently admiring each one before extending my hand for the next. Explosions of color, contrast, strange twisting figures, saturated, cartoonlike, with jokes and codes etched into the shading. Not academically trained, but audacious, unequivocal. Sharp.
It occured to me that these experiences would have killed most people. And here she was, confident as a demigoddess, calmly recounting them, sometimes giggling, sometimes cutting in with a curse for a particularly awful person or place. As the pile grew on my lap, I felt a sensation like blue fire spreading through my body. It was as through my body was the mast of a shipnand her emotions were St. Elmo's Fire running over it. I could see, feel the shape of my creative spirit as hers flared out against it.

"I am an artist," she said, looking straight into my eyes.
It's rare for me to feel moved by human encounters enough to /need/ to make art in response or spend hard earned money. As the moon rose and set that night, I found a new meaning of in-spiration. I asked would she sell this one, and these? and left with 3 of her pieces for what cash I had + an IOU.
My own art practice has been dead awhile, or at least dormant. Sleeping under a layer of cynicism formed of witnessing human suffering, and feeling powerless to help it.
As a kid, I used art to process emotion, catalogue my life, the world around me, my dreams and thoughts. I countered my sense of invisibility with a determination to leave a record of my inner life, like those diaries left by survivors of atrocity and studied by historians. As adulthood has its way with me, this dream began. Who cares? About the petty details of your life? Against the weight of the world's pain and crisis, the pandemic, gentrification, greed, climate disaster, genocide... my art shrunk to something insular and selfish. Why wasn't I pursuing a helpful career, a life of service? What is one petulant suburban kid's perspective worth, when so many people have nowhere to sleep or nothing to eat?
Like every lost soul, of course I looked to drugs and other extreme experiences to counter this pain. As usual they failed to soothe the central wound - that hardness of tough luck. The people who raised me, hell, most people! felt closed off, lifeless, not at home. Were their hearts inaccessible? Was my approach all wrong? I fled home. Failed love and betrayal pushed me against the edges of my faith, that sharp cold edge of inner hunger. On the road I met the twin voids of lovelessness and hopelessness that Dr. Gabor Mate names as the root of addiction in "The Realm of Hungry Ghosts." A book that strangely another friend had given to me this same week.

In collision with this sensitive & jaded soul who not only survived these voids but converted herself into a creature capable of surviving in them like a tardigrade - in witnessing her creative dialogue with life, was a flash like lightning. By it, I saw the real, animal shape my art could take - not as a tool in command of my ego, but a hand in the dark, tugging a heart back from the void. A warm meal. A bonfire on a cold, wet night.
Professional accolades or lack thereof, moral qualms, philosophical disagreements - in an instant I knew none of that could erase the respect this artist friend inspired in me. Her existence spoke for itself. It said, **** you, I'm still alive and having fun.
That night cast some sparks of real hope on my burnt out campfire - not reassurance or optimism, but the courage a battle weary young soldier might find upon meeting the veteran of an earlier war.
I guess you could call that a miracle.

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Mar 22, 1971
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An artist stands tall and proud beside your words.
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