...life can be translucent

"Aha!!" Answers - little chat, just post your favourite or encouraging results

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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Sometimes you get really good advice from a general reading and it makes sense right away. (Weather report)
Sometimes you scratch your head and it makes sense later.

I got 63.2 one morning. "The woman loses her carriage curtain, do not pursue, in seven days it is returned to her."
I walked around all day contemplating and observing social interactions and status and propriety and dignity
and all kinds of deep yackity smackity. Nothing seemed to come up.
When i returned home in the evening i had a letter in my mailbox.
I opened it. Inside were two pieces of paper that had fallen out of my pocket in midday downtown chicago four days prior.
The papers were the results of a test i took (and passed) to qualify for a job and had my name and adress on them.
Someone found them and mailed them to me.
So, a lost object (that gave me a sort of legitamacy) was returned to me.


Aug 5, 2010
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Sometimes you get really good advice from a general reading and it makes sense right away. (Weather report)
Sometimes you scratch your head and it makes sense later.

I got 63.2 one morning. "The woman loses her carriage curtain, do not pursue, in seven days it is returned to her."
I walked around all day contemplating and observing social interactions and status and propriety and dignity
and all kinds of deep yackity smackity. Nothing seemed to come up.
When i returned home in the evening i had a letter in my mailbox.
I opened it. Inside were two pieces of paper that had fallen out of my pocket in midday downtown chicago four days prior.
The papers were the results of a test i took (and passed) to qualify for a job and had my name and adress on them.
Someone found them and mailed them to me.
So, a lost object (that gave me a sort of legitamacy) was returned to me.

just a coincidence ! ;) We all know that Yi don't do that ....:D

Have to wait a bit but think soon I can report a Literal interpretation of a recent reading and especially h 5 line 6


Aug 5, 2010
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A couple of weeks ago started some new small personal projects, been aware that was a bit too much time wise or energy wise yet sort in duration thought it was doable. At the end of last week something unexpected came up and requires lots of my time and energy in various ways, so this morning asked "consequences of not dropping a couple of them". Got 55 :cool:....

Abundance, as an overwhelming situation and a program too tight but also a dilemma that somehow is unbiased given the situations and the choices are.. just one.


Sep 27, 2014
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Hello, Clarity people.

Hello, Clarity people.
I've been studying (or rather, trying to study) I Ching for 5 years (tough ones personally) now, with no Chinese whatsoever and only English translations of The Book. This incredible site, the convenient on-line divination tool, all explanations and examples helped me a great deal along the way. Thank you, Hilary and all.
I received 29.1.4-58 regarding registration here (was feeling pretty depressed). No, I won't start with a relationship question, although this question was the reason to learn the Yi in the first place, of course :). Just having an opportunity to connect from time to time with those who can understand, feels good.

Sharing this: recently got 38.1 regarding my salary that wasn't transferred to my account timely. Just because there are other "lost horses" in my life, I decided to clarify: what do you mean? The answer - 54.6. Empty "basket" it was :D. Got it next day.


Mar 5, 2014
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Yesterday I received an answer that made me laugh out loud at the literalness of Yi :)

My question was asking how it will go for me taking twice-weekly bentonite clay baths as part the long quest to help my body recover from chronic fatigue syndrome.

The response was changing to 51.

What I loved about it was how 15 is about levelling, uniting, equalising extremes, which is a very nice thing to aim for when you're wanting to help your body get rid of heavy metals, etc.

15.1 - take something with a grain of salt. Which is funny as I'd been reading about how some people use sea salt in their clay baths as well as it helps the clay do its job even better of drawing impurities out of the skin.

15.3 - inferior elements submitting to a calmly devoted superior element. Very apt indeed, if you know anything about clay's wonderful properties.

And last but my favourite is the corresponding line of 51.4, showing the subject sinking deeper into the mud. Well, indeed :)

It was one of those sweet moments that cause me to be so grateful to have found the Yi ... and so heard by the universe, as well :)


Aug 10, 2013
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This actually made me smile

I asked what could I do to stop having those "I'd better be dead" thoughts and got 48.4>28... then I read LiSe's comment to that line:
Never resign yourself to a low spirit, a depression, lack of inspiration, unhappiness. Do something about it! Anything you can think of: a doctor, a dog, health-food, a guru, leave what should be left, or do what should be done, write or talk, sing or dance, do something crazy or conduct a ritual. Give your soul a myth. :)


Aug 10, 2013
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I came across an ad on the internet - a woman is looking for someone to go to a concert with. The concert is in 13 days and completely sold out but she's purchased tickets; she wants to get to know the person better before meeting them on the concert day.

I asked What if I replied? and got 55.1. It's so accurate! :)

Hilary's comment says:
You encounter your match and counterpart, someone you can join with in alliance. Such an alliance is not meant to be a lifelong partnership; it is important not to presume on its strength and overstep its bounds.

This doesn't make the meeting insignificant, or a waste; it is important - and also has a natural time limit. ('Ten days' stands for any finite span of time.) Afterwards, you take whatever you received and learned from the encounter, and move on.


Aug 28, 2010
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OMG wow I need to share this ... what a nice and caring answer
..so I asked (cos my life is not rich or even closely financially secure):

'' Will god/destiny help me finanically?''

and I received Hexagram 56 with a changing line 2

Hexagram 56.2 > 50

... my take on this answer is: ..during my journey of life (Hexagram 56) I will be supported with help and with the things I need financially .. Hexgram 50 (The cauldron) really seems to support this

this answer the Ching gave me filled me with peace and took my fear of the future so I thought I should share this

love and light to everyone


Dec 1, 2014
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Two days ago I asked Yi "How Will Next Putin's Action Affect The World In Regarding To The Falling Rubles and Oil Prices?" I got 13-1,2,3-6.

I was worried that Putin would use another military move or drastic tactic to counter-attack rest of the world and introduce more instability. In Wall Street Journal this morning, Putin approached the current Russian situation by claiming West wronged Russia, and rally his own people to support his position. This agrees with the theme of hex 6: Using litigation To Resolve Dispute (as opposed to 7, which I was unwilling to see).

This morning's AP release also said 81% of Russian support Putin today. This echoes the theme of 13, especially the first three lines (1,2,3), which are all about equality within family including remote blood-lines.

When I got this result two days ago, I was slightly relieved because I did not see things indication of battle or economical collapse. So far so good.


It's early, have a few things planned for today. I asked simply: approaching the day? 19uc. Somehow I knew this would be my answer. I think the Yi is being a bit playful.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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A delightful example of two moving lines working together 36.1.5 > 39

I asked about planning my work at my job, and got 36.1.5 > 39.

From Hilary's book:

"Brightness hidden, flying away,
His wings hanging down.
The noble one is on the move,
For three days, eats nothing,
Has a direction to go.
Those in authority have something to say."

"Prince Ji’s brightness hidden.
Constancy bears fruit."

I understood 36.1 fairly quickly - don't do anything for a few days - but what was 36.5 telling me? That I should pretend to be crazy? That I should feign ignorance, act as if I had no idea what was going on if someone asked me about it? That didn't seem to fit, except in the general sense of "hiding brightness," but line 1 (and the primary hexagram) had already covered that part. What new information was in 36.5? Why was line 5 part of the reading? The idea of craziness...

Finally a sentence occurred to me: "Don't do anything for three days, even though that seems crazy."

Yi is right about that! It does seem crazy that waiting a few days could make any difference. I don't understand how it could; I don't understand why that is a solution - but Yi is saying do it anyway: it will help, no matter that it seems ridiculous.

(FYI - hex 39 as the relating hexagram - the question was against a background of difficulties which had materialized out of the blue sky, and I was trying to see if there was any way to fix things, to turn things around.)

[Caveat: this interpretation probably isn't anything that can ever be proved. If I follow Yi's advice (which I will), I can't ever know what would have happened otherwise.]


Aug 5, 2010
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I asked a open Question, "Loki ?" (my dog) since, due to continuous changes of schedules our routlines Are kind of ruinned . Got 37.1.2> 57.

Need to say more :blush:



Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Well...actually...I for one would appreciate a little more. :rofl:

I understand this isn't the thread for discussing readings half to death, but I don't think it would be a violation of Laylab's "little chat" vision if the person (not just Anemos) who posts an Aha reading explains why and how it was an Aha reading. I don't think it's necessarily a foregone conclusion that one person's Aha is everyone else's Aha, unless we're helped along a bit to see it as you do.

Anemos, for example, in this case, I think you mean the reading is telling you that it would be good for Loki if you resumed his normal routines? But the premise of your question seemed to be that you can't, because your own schedules are so much in upheaval. So...Yi advised you to do something that's impossible for you to do? Or can you do a little something? :confused:


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I took it that the reading said Loki was perfectly fine with her family (Maria) so she need not worry.

She asked about how changes in schedule would ruin his routines and so on I think. Well Loki doesn't care....as long as his mum is the centre of her home she's fine....Hence nothing is ruined and Maria need not worry because Loki feels secure at home. A secure dog is a happy dog. They do like their routines though but it seems Loki can adapt ...

I could be wrong.

I mean 37.2 tells you pretty firmly you need be nowhere else but home, attending to your personal and domestic affairs...which include your dog. But if the cast is from Loki's POV ...hmmm ... no overall I see a secure dog


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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...Oh. I didn't see it that way at all - but I think I understand what you're saying, Trojina. 37.2 does begin, "No direction to pursue" - in other words, Anemos doesn't have to worry about "fixing" things, as you said.

37.1 - "With barriers there is a home" - as long as Loki's basic life is stable (his family, his surroundings), it doesn't matter so much if the details change?

Anemos, it might be interesting to know what prompted you to ask the question - were you just concerned, or were there changes in Loki's behavior which caused you to wonder?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Also I didn't pay attention to 57 as "adaptable."


Aug 5, 2010
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We face some problems, and she doesn't discipline all the time, so it's not that a good sign but slowly and gently (57) we can reestablish "barriers" and she will return to his proper role.

Trojina, I see your point. Maybe it's not that bad as I thought initially.




We face some problems, and she doesn't discipline all the time, so it's not that a good sign but slowly and gently (57) we can reestablish "barriers" and she will return to his proper role.

Trojina, I see your point. Maybe it's not that bad as I thought initially.

View attachment 1251

Loki sure looks like she's at home with you now. A cutie pie too.

Seemingly small nuance, but in a dog's world, borders are easier to establish than barriers, and leadership is more natural than discipline. Dogs easily understand borders and leadership, where there's always something punitive and oppressive about discipline and barriers. Well adjusted dogs communicate the former within their pack without conflict, and it creates security rather than adversarial relationships, whether we're speaking of a pack of wild wolves or coyotes or domestic pets. The natural instincts are the same. It's also much easier to impart.

Don't forget that to a dog, your fingers are your snout, and the alpha leads largely through touch, usually to the hind end. The pack leader pushes and pokes while issuing correction. It's amazing how well dogs understand their own language, and it only works if implemented immediately after the infraction. Past three seconds and the point is lost. Words often just create a fight or flight reflex and distance the dog from the leader. Dogs don't do this, at least not well balanced ones. There's a real 61 thing that goes on between them.

We can learn a lot from dogs.


Aug 5, 2010
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Sometimes too cool to bother ;)
With male dogs , she is such a diva. :rolleyes:


Aug 5, 2010
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It's amazing how much one can learn from dogs and I found the general meaning of 37 very apt.

Thank you for highlighting the difference between barriers and borders. It's the difference between authoritative vs authoritarian leadership ,parenting , or way of relating. I can't blame her for being naught sometimes; she feels secure with us, yet the fact that there is not strict program confuses her. I do the thing with fingers and hand, like, pack leaders do. Usually it works, but there are times that for her is like " ah, maria's hand"... and she licks me :rolleyes:

I think this reading hit the nail and captures the main problem. Smart Yi :)


I do the thing with fingers and hand, like, pack leaders do. Usually it works, but there are times that for her is like " ah, maria's hand"... and she licks me :rolleyes:
:rofl: .... actually that doesn't sound like a bad thing at all. Dogs love a good pack leader, not fear them. Do you use the CHHHT! sound, or a simple "NO", rather than talking to her while you do that? I think the main point of 57 is penetrating, getting through to her what you want. Gentle can be a bit misleading, imo.

Wonder where she learned the diva thingy? :mischief: But really, I understand how the change of schedule can cause her some confusion too, as you've said. Doesn't sound like it's a big problem.

Fingers are also teeth to the dog. I play with Jake every day, pretending biting his snout and neck; he loves it. I say, I'm gonna GET you! It's how dogs play. Not something to do with an unfamiliar dog though :eek:.


Aug 5, 2010
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I try to avoid talk to her, as you have advice; shh and "no" is what I use and no when I see her ready to do something

Diva lessons... um, previous owners ?.. :D

Haven't thought of "bite" her.... "bite her back" to be more accurate. Will try it :) . Sounds fun what you do with Jake !

I had a chat with a family member looks after her when I'm out and we will re-design some routines as stable as possible. (37.1). She is such a rascal, in a got way, so neither I want to make her afraid of me or turn her to a dull dog but still there is a space for improvement.

Thanks again , from me and Loki.


Aug 10, 2013
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Q: How can I connect with my guardian angel?
A: 52.6>15.
What an awesome answer, right? :)

butterfly spider

I have been fixated with hexagram 63. It's as if mywhole life is within the hexagram. I only do readings for myself - and have always felt it right to seek permission from anyone I cast for. (Mrs Young who lived next door to my Grandmother in the East End used to read tea leaves - I used to watch her. She said that the fairies used to help her and that they didn't like helping her without this permission - perhaps this is another story but it is relevant.
My own castings about my life since October have been until recently big life issues. I have a recording journal and am only usually drawn to the I Ching when I really need guidance for myself. I would never presume as Mrs Young said, to do it for others without their knowledge. The exception was when I first started out 40 years ago and a few times for my children (possibly twice each. I do of course ask questions about I should be with them etc

Recently and with the help of this wonderful site I have been focusing on the small things and questions and answers are so pin pointed and helpful I almost feel as if I actually have a live person in my living room helping me. Many of my castings move to 63 so it is still there in the background reminding me of its presence.

I have unusually cast for my son (and got hex 1 as I did for him 2 years ago). My ex partner with whom I have to be involved with in the care of our daughter had his wallet taken (with the spare keys to my house with a helpful address tag on it!! He was in such a state. Even before I cast the coins for this (I suppose it was in some way related to me) I knew what hexagram I would get yes dreaded old 63 again. However it was 63.2 talking about loss and return within 7 days. He had contacted the transport police just before I phoned him - they said it would be 7 days before they could return it if it was found. He is still waiting but the moving hex told him not to worry and feast. ...
Watch this space

So hex 63 is not so bad after all


Mar 25, 2008
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Hello everyone!
Thank you Hilary for this amazing site!
Lots of help from the experienced IChing-ers!
I was introduced to the oracle in 2005. Never really practiced it because always found it confusing. Up until lately with having problems in my marriage.
Anyways, to skip long pre-story I want to contribute on a enlightening result from Yi.
I asked what I was feeling at that moment! I was very happy and feeling abundant. I apologized to Yi and expressed that I'm not testing it in any way but would really want to understand my feelings at the moment. Yi replied with 21.4>27. Basically I think not giving me the straight answer to my question, but instead warning me "you feel happy now that you accomplished something at this moment, but don't get carried away. You need to keep persevering and be constant in your attempts and efforts."
I was really thankful to that advise! A long road is lying ahead until I reach my final destination and to reach it I need to keep going.
Thank you Yi!

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