...life can be translucent


Good God!! 49.3.5>51


Jan 29, 2022
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Further to this thread. https://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/index.php?threads/student-leaving-45-2.36240/

We had a Relief teacher in today so the main teacher could get on with things that are not face to face teaching.
Unfortunately the Relief teacher thought she knew better than us on how to manage this problematic student.

Initially I was against this student staying, because it's a lot of work for a 1 teacher/classroom assistant school of 7 students, but we've made some great progress with him, particularly this morning when I personally worked with him myself. I was both surprised and pleased how well he was doing and how much he was willing to do, given what I've seen in the past.
All was going well until the Relief teacher decided she would push him and push him and then push him again.
He had an absolute meltdown that was the worse I've seen, pushing over school furniture and other things.
The Relief teacher had taken the other students outside for a nice surprise but she'd said he wasn't allowed because he didn't do what she told him to do.

One of those teachers who's been in the job for a long time and well, just thinks she knows. She even tried telling me how to interact with the students.....She's a relief teacher that my boss uses a lot, but I don't know whether she should be there - I certainly don't want to work with her.

What do I need to know about this Relief teacher returning to work at the school


The Shock Hex 51 I guess is the background of what happened today and maybe even my shock. I'm still gobsmacked tbh

Radical Change
Line 3 - Relief teachers recklessness
Line 5 - Perhaps convincing her to do it our way
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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People other than you have noticed his progress, is that right? Because if so, I think the reading sounds like this sorry story will circulate around, and it'll be an easy call (line 5), that the relief teacher shouldn't be working with him, or she'll be given more instructions.

"Setting out to bring order means a pitfall, Constancy means danger" - I think this probably describes the relief teacher, as you said. It's exactly what she did.

Do you think it might mean you, though? You're new there, right? If you ever think you have to be the one to fix this, maybe ask about that separately. (Hoping it won't get that far, though. I like the other idea better, that everyone will think the same thing.)


Jan 29, 2022
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People other than you have noticed his progress, is that right? Because if so, I think the reading sounds like this sorry story will circulate around, and it'll be an easy call (line 5), that the relief teacher shouldn't be working with him, or she'll be given more instructions
Yes 5 adults all up who are part of his life in some way have noticed his progress.

Not sure what you mean about me having to fix this? Fix what?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Fix the situation with the relief teacher. I was trying to cover all possible bases, but that was probably silly of me, sorry. If everyone's noticed his progress, they will have noticed the bad effect she had. It won't be up to you to push it, this will be an easy call (line 5) for everyone (line 3).


Jan 29, 2022
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Fix the situation with the relief teacher. I was trying to cover all possible bases, but that was probably silly of me, sorry. If everyone's noticed his progress, they will have noticed the bad effect she had. It won't be up to you to push it, this will be an easy call (line 5) for everyone (line 3).
Not silly at all. It's a complicated situation in some ways so it could mean what you've said, only I won't be fixing anything.
The boss teacher has to make a decision really.....she either wants a corrupt relief teacher or me to stay.
I may be new but my experience and skills working with children, and as a classroom .assistant has shone through for me in a big way.
It's fortunate for me that I've set up my life how I want it to be and if I was to lose the job, it would make me sad, but I have the housesitting to fall back on and the freedom to go anywhere especially as there's lots of this type of work.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Good point.

I saw over here she's already scheduled for more days. They could be cancelled, I guess...


Jan 29, 2022
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Good point.

I saw over here she's already scheduled for more days. They could be cancelled, I guess...
Unfortunately there's no replacement for her so at this point I can't see her losing those days.
My boss is a bit 'weak' and doesn't seem to have the skills to manage these type of situations so will just hope I'll fall into line with it all, but that's not going to happen.
It's my support that gave her the courage to start pulling that student into his proper place and it was me that descelated the situation on Friday.
I've basically come in and reorganised a whole lot of the mess she's got herself into with but she's a great teacher and I don't envy her workload.


Jan 29, 2022
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Good point.

I saw over here she's already scheduled for more days. They could be cancelled, I guess...
Unfortunately there's no replacement for her so at this point I can't see her losing those days.
My boss is a bit 'weak' and doesn't seem to have the skills to manage these type of situations so will just hope I'll fall into line with it all, but that's not going to happen. It's my support who gave her the courage to start pulling that student into his proper place and it was me that deescalated the situation in Friday.
I've basically come in and reorganised a whole lot of the mess she's got herself into with but she's a great teacher and I don't envy her workload.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Good for you!

I suppose just keep "Setting out to bring order means a pitfall, Constancy means danger" somewhere in mind, maybe. If it does mean you (which I don't know, see above) maybe there'll be a line somewhere past support and courage-boosting that it'd be best not to cross. Hypothetically.


Jan 29, 2022
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Good for you!

I suppose just keep "Setting out to bring order means a pitfall, Constancy means danger" somewhere in mind, maybe. If it does mean you (which I don't know, see above) maybe there'll be a line somewhere past support and courage-boosting that it'd be best not to cross. Hypothetically.
True. There's definitely a fine line NOT to cross.
I could give her an ultimation me or her, but I guess that would be the pitfall of trying to bring order to the situation.
Danger in constancy - not sure on that one. Perhaps yes, stop picking up the pieces of her self made mess.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I doubt it means stop being helpful...people appreciate that in an employee, after all.

In 49.3 it might mean that constancy to whatever-it-is has to be held in abeyance for a while because things are changing. The hexagram is Radical Change, and the line says words and ideas need to go 'round, circulate a lot before things settle. The going 'round and 'round (and 'round)) and then settling is what brings the truth and confidence. It has to be in that order, it sounds like: truth and confidence and constancy can't come first.

49.3 changes to 17, Following. That seems to make perfect sense with this line: let yourself be carried along, don't try to set a direction or come up with solutions. It sounds like direction and solutions will fall out naturally from all the circulating words.

This might take some time, but it shouldn't be rushed. Change needs time to consolidate. This isn't easy if one has a vision of how things should be. But it's worth it - "As words of radical change draw near three times, There is truth and confidence." That sounds like a promise: truth and confidence will follow if you can get through the circulating words.


Jan 29, 2022
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Thank you, you're helping so much.
I'd come to that conclusion too, about finding resolution and direction. I can see things clearly having already brought about Radical Change but think I need to let the boss teacher figure it out herself.
She's a ditherer and is constantly losing things and goes into a state of anxiety over things that just don't matter. She looks to me for resolution but I don't think that's the best idea.

The hexagram is Radical Change, and the line says words and ideas need to go 'round, circulate a lot before things settle.
The amount of times we've had the same words go round and round and round again is crazy. I've never experienced anybody like it. I'm over it yet it seems it's going to continue in the same vain.
At the moment my only real issue that I'm unable to work with is the Relief teacher. It wasn't just that incident....she's one of those teachers kids don't forget because of her awfulness. I honestly can't and won't work with someone like that.
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Hm...trying to put a few things together...(from this thread, too).

You say you won't work with the relief teacher, and that includes the three days next week. You can do that because your contract is casual, is that right?
I don't wish to work with her. My contract is only on casual terms and states I don't have to work the hours offered to me if I don't want to as it's a casual contract. It's a permanent job as such just a casual contract.

I wonder if you declining to work, and letting the head teacher know why, is what will push the reading from line 3 to line 5? I hadn't thought of it that way before. I just thought it meant that everyone would talk and discuss and then decide this themselves. But maybe you declining to work is part of the stuff that goes 'round.

There's the "Setting out to bring order means a pitfall, Constancy means danger" part - we've talked about that - but I wonder if there's a difference between "She's awful, you mustn't use her" (or something more or less like that) and "I'm allowed to turn down hours, and I'm exercising that right when she's here."

I don't know. Maybe. "You mustn't use her" seems more like trying to fix the situation by telling the boss what to do. "I personally am not going to work those days" isn't, really. Do you think it would get through her dither-fog?


Jan 29, 2022
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Hm...trying to put a few things together...(from this thread, too).

You say you won't work with the relief teacher, and that includes the three days next week. You can do that because your contract is casual, is that right?

I wonder if you declining to work, and letting the head teacher know why, is what will push the reading from line 3 to line 5? I hadn't thought of it that way before. I just thought it meant that everyone would talk and discuss and then decide this themselves. But maybe you declining to work is part of the stuff that goes 'round.

There's the "Setting out to bring order means a pitfall, Constancy means danger" part - we've talked about that - but I wonder if there's a difference between "She's awful, you mustn't use her" (or something more or less like that) and "I'm allowed to turn down hours, and I'm exercising that right when she's here."

I don't know. Maybe. "You mustn't use her" seems more like trying to fix the situation by telling the boss what to do. "I personally am not going to work those days" isn't, really. Do you think it would get through her dither-fog?
Yes this is right.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to get my point across about this teacher, without throwing stones, at the same time making sure she never comes back and I don't lose this job.
If I lose the job, even if it's my choice to walk away, I'll know I at least I did my best for myself and the students.
Yesterday the boss teacher first blamed herself for not pushing the student to do more work herself at the time and later in the day she blamed the student for lacking the skills to be able to tell the relief teacher what was going on for him. He's 9 with some sort of undiagnosed 'issue'....


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Yesterday the boss teacher first blamed herself for not pushing the student to do more work herself at the time and later in the day she blamed the student for lacking the skills to be able to tell the relief teacher what was going on for him.
Ugh. Hoping that's an early version of 49.3, followed by thinking and revisions on her part.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to get my point across about this teacher, without throwing stones, at the same time making sure she never comes back and I don't lose this job.
Honestly that's one of the first things I wondered about when I saw your readings. This has happened several times to you, hasn't it? Where you end up leaving jobs because of how the places are run. I'm hoping this time can be different, especially since you say you do like it. The readings seem to say it can be (of course with the caveat that I can misunderstand readings :paperbag: ). Fingers crossed.


Jan 29, 2022
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Honestly that's one of the first things I wondered about when I saw your readings. This has happened several times to you, hasn't it? Where you end up leaving jobs because of how the places are run. I'm hoping this time can be different, especially since you say you do like it. The readings seem to say it can be (of course with the caveat that I can misunderstand readings :paperbag: ). Fingers crossed.
Yes you're right re leaving jobs, usually it's been a 'flight' thing because it's been a toxic environment and I couldn't manage it due to my PTSD.
I'm hoping I've done enough work in myself that I can figure out something better this time around. The only thing that's toxic thus far is the relief teacher but how to get around this is the question.
The boss teacher told me again today how much she loves me being here because it makes her working day so much easier.
I hate to burst her bubble tbh but I won't work with the relief teacher. If it was just one more day I could do it and then speak up but because it's 3 in a row it's just a no from me.


Mar 22, 1971
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49 calls for you to engage with a higher sense of emotional regulation when being triggered by things that remind you of shocks lived through in your past (51). This incident may remind you of something from your past however it is not a healthy response to treat them as being the same. What was then is not now! Your power rests in how you respond to the now.

49.1 - You are tightly tied and are only allowing yourself to react in one dimension.
49.3 - You are stuck for now and it's going to take a few trips around the block, but in time you will recognise this for what it is.

Good Luck


Jan 29, 2022
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49.1 - You are tightly tied and are only allowing yourself to react in one dimension.
49.3 - You are stuck for now and it's going to take a few trips around the block, but in time you will recognise this for what it is.

Good LuLuck

Thank you but it was 49.3.5 for this reading - the rest of what you said resonates!!


Mar 22, 1971
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Thank you but it was 49.3.5 for this reading - the rest of what you said resonates!!
I guess I'm a little out of practice or just not paying enough attention.
49.5 - You'll know when and how you need to act. Leave your fears behind and take the plunge.


Jan 29, 2022
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Finally a huge resolution in my favour.

I just said I'll resign as it's easier for everyone, even though I don't want to. I told her I was happy at first and then unhappy since the relief teacher came into the picture.
Long story short she said she won't be using that relief teacher again because she wants me to stay!!
Happy days

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