...life can be translucent


Hx 2


Dec 9, 1971
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today I asked I Ching about changing my life, because I'm really unsatisfied about the place where I live now. I want to change the place because I see no further possibilities to develop anything here.
I really tried it!

So I asked:

Where can I find a satisfied life?

Hx 2 without changing lines.

Would it mean to be only receptive, without undertaking anything?

But this would be really difficult to me, I'm just waiting for so long for a change and I can't bear any longer this situation

Have anybody another idea about the reading?



Hi Parasio

I think you can get better use of Yi Jing if you try a "dialogue" from general to concrete doubts.

I dare to suggest the following dialogue... if you want, follow this questions in this order, every time taking in mind the previous answer.

1.- Global diagnosis of my Time
2.- General diagnosis of my Emotional Time
3.- General diagnosis of my Labor Time
4.- General diagnosis of my Spiritual Time
5.- What is the wiser thing to do in order to improve my Life?

Hope this could give you a clearest picture

Best wishes


Clarity Supporter
Jan 11, 1973
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Hi Parasio
Hexagram 2 is about manifesting things. It is also the Earth, the 'doer'.

Could the Yijing be saying, "Just do it!"?

Perhaps there are other messages there such as being open (receptive) to change?

I wonder whether studying the hexagram in detail (including all of the lines) might trigger some ideas?

Not the easiest of answers, but it is the reponse you got.


Jul 8, 1972
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Hexagram 2 unchanging is a mystery (to me) Someone got it recently about a relationship and I was at a loss and Jesed said it indicated complete breakdown of relationship - using mathematical method. Interesting Kevin I never even thought of it as 'just do it'. I'm interested to know what others would make of this.


Actually, according with traditional teachings, the answer is one of the deeper you can get.

Is most "macrocosmical" than "microcosmical", and when is received as answer in a question that searches about the Sense and Nature of the consultant (question made according with traditional induction) points that the Path of the Mother is in the Individual Tao of the consultant.

The implications and consecuences of this are deeper, and is better to face them with the help of a trained Master. That's why I didn't answer in the first place... because I don't know if the question was made according with the traditional induction, and if the consultant can get the help of a trained Master.

So, the most practical advise is suggest the microcosmical dialogue to clarify where is one's life now.

best wishes



now, if the question wasn't about "macrocosmical" direction of life (Sense and Nature of the consultant), but about move geographically where the consultant lives... well hex 2 literally said:
South and West is better than North and East



Clarity Supporter
Jan 11, 1973
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Hi Void (greetings
I was once bewailing the mad rushing around we all do in the Western World and complained about how weirdly besotted with Yang we were.

The guy I was talking to smiled and told me he had once had the same conversation with a Daoist master (a real one!). The Daoist replied, 'Oh no, that is all Yin... rushing around and manifesting things? a big problem in the west."

I thought about this for a v e r y long time!

My own experience with Hexagram 2 is that it is a state of mind or stance. It is not being passive nor is it being inspired and active (Hx1). It is being open to what is happening around me, following the openings that appear and moving subtly down the thread of events. Allowing the events to take shape and to respond to the appropriate ones in such a way to grow them. Not being passive, but not instigating by direct action either.

In this way I have 'manifested' or 'realized' the time, the opportunities which were waiting to seed burst in my life.

What are your experiences?



Nov 13, 1972
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The first thing that came to my mind was "Go with the flow." Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities and suggestions, but don't push or initiate anything. You are ready for change, and only need to facilitate and allow it to come about.

Good luck!



Jul 8, 1972
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Not wishing to hijack this thread (honest))but synchronistically I just asked what my response need be in a very difficult family health matter - its really quite pressing yet I'm not sure how much to intervene for all sorts of reasons. I just got hex 2 line 4 for this. I'm taking this as a time to not do anything especially proactive ? Do you agree anyone, Kevin ?

Hey I know I am being very cheeky butting in like this but its important - and we are still on a hexagram 2 topic.

Kevin when I receive hex 2 unchanging I sit and look blandly at the wall for a while and think maybe I'll just let what happens happen. Your initial post suggested its more of a time to 'get on with it' though I now see you mean in a different sense - as in responding actively to what occurs without being directive in the course of events ?

Mmm in Parisios case then he stays alert to possibilities as they come up but does not make a 'hard decision' to move location ?

A woman I responded to here had hex 2 unchanging as I say in regard to her relationship which sounded quite bad - so in her case (hmmm I still wouldn't be clear about the meaning...)she needs just to stay open and responsive ?

Ooh Jesed I will have to read your post again later, getting hard for me to understand.


Nov 16, 1971
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I'd suggest that something might present itself, and any movement you do should be a response to that. Particularly towards friendlier ground (the Southwest) and easier circumstances. I don't think it wants you to lead yourself out of the situation, or to be otherwise determined or self-directed. Feel the force. None of this means that once you get your bearings or direction that you should go limply or weakly - the mare doesn't.
Going with the flow is good for 02. In fact, the name for this Hexagram in the Mawangdui manuscript is Chuan, flow or stream, the same word as in "advantageous to cross the great stream". Not earth at all, but water, finding a path of least resistance, then going there with all the superpowers of water.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 11, 1973
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Here?s a positive expression of the time of 2

Some time back I saw a problem in the service my group were offering to the public. I thought I could see a good solution, but it was radical and difficult. I asked the Yi what to do?? it gave me Hx.2. So I waited and sure enough someone said something and I merely encouraged them in their direction. Then someone else said something, allied to that, and I helped them explore it and supported them. Within a month or so we had the new project up and running better than I had envisaged. Those two folk had their name up in lights. But I had the solution I sought.

You walk along a path and come across an amazing tree. It is huge, beautiful and majestic. Your first response is probably not to look down and say, ?wow, the soil here is fantastic.?

But believe me ? the soil knows a great quiet satisfaction of being.

This is being Hexagram 2


Dec 9, 1971
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such a lot of answers. Give me 24 h to read and to understand them all:)


a kiss and a hug

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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"Where can I find a satisfied life?

Hx 2 without changing lines.

Would it mean to be only receptive, without undertaking anything?"

It means to respond to something that is coming up/will come up in your life, and to respond to it with all your faculties and capacities. Responding means not initiating. Watch for it, and respond to it.

One thought that comes to my mind is that the Yi might be telling you to respond to all of life this way. Then you will have a satisfying life. If that's the case, it's saying something like: "Life arises in and through you; respond to it with everything you've got."


Hi Parasio,

"Where can I find a satisfied life?"

What comes to mind is, bloom where you are planted. This doesn't mean be resistant to change; earth is in constant change. Keep your feet not just on the ground but in the ground - grounded. There is where you find your satisfaction.


Jul 8, 1972
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The more I read here the more fitting and profound the answer Parisio received seems.

'Where can I find a satisfied life' is a big question - I'm now seeing it as 'when you're empty enough to be filled up with satisfaction is where you can find a satisfied life'.

This threads been good for me, thanks.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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I have been living hex.2 for more than a year now, almost 2 years. It brought me myself back. My hex.2 has a name: coyote. A doggy, but much closer to nature. When I asked Yi, who is coyote, the answer was 35: fire above earth, manifestation of nature.
When I am coyote, I feel open and easy and like a child. Everything I do, goes as it should. When I lose her, I feel dusty and everything is heavy and difficult. I don't 'do' anything to make things go well, on the contrary, it is enough to be that silly child.
There are some things I have to reckon with, in order to 'stay coyote'. Not socializing too much, and being careful with whom. Some things are detrimental, like judging, arguing, not doing what I should do, but also not having enough time for myself. There is nothing big I have to ponder, nothing to 'seek', nothing lofty or whatever. Just be what I am, and I and everything around me prospers.



Clarity Supporter
Jan 11, 1973
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Hi Void
You asked about lines two and four:
Line 2: It is in the centre of the (your) inner world. Everything is in balance here at this time, ?Centred and correct.? So this line is saying, if you act from this centre you are acting correctly. Take a look at Hexagram 7, where it leads and you will see what I mean.

Line 4: ?Bundled in the bag, without fault, without praise.? Line four can be seen as the emergence of the action of the lower trigram into the outer world. So what is the bag? A cocoon growing the new, a womb with something in it. Something in the bag ready for use. But it is still in the bag and you can?t use something while it is in there. Hence no blame, no praise. However it does lead to hexagram 16, Providing for. So I expect when it is ready great things may be done.

Together I would take the lines as saying, ?You are centred and correct, something is coming to term and then you will be able to act powerfully from an appropriate inner world centre.

All the best


Dec 9, 1971
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Thank you so much for your suggestions!

My problem is since I live in this place here, the flow is gone.

And I tried also to bloom - I want to be a red rose :)

I know this feeling to be in contact with Tao, when the things fit well.
But its like a black hole here.

A very strange place with beautiful mountains, the sea licks the foots of the mountains, the nice climate. But you cant develop anything! And I mean anything. It took 4 years to undertand this!
Once I saw on an astrological map that this place is bordered by a saturnian energy line and also by
a plutonian energy line.

Maybe now I am open for a change, before I was always infatuated by the beauty of this place which made me stay.

Also I feel I can't take any direct action, maybe this is indicated by Hx.2.

But I'm really worried about to have no more contact to the flow.

Now I am waiting for chance but not in this place.

South: water, islands, water, Africa

West: France - England


Jul 8, 1972
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Thanks Kevin, it was just line 4 I received. I appreciate your input, turns out it is an emergency situation but no action I can really usefully take as yet.



Just to clarify, 'bloom where you are planted' wasn't intended to mean 'don't move', or don't seek a place you will be happy living in. An explorer can also bloom where they are planted: wherever they go to explore is where they bloom.

Sometimes the rose you have to grow can not grow where you presently live. But more than likely the earth will be under your feet regardless.


Maybe a couple of simple phrases which may help:

They are the salt of the earth.
They are well grounded.
A down to earth individual.
They are in touch with themselves. (If the self is floating around 'up there somewhere', that's very hard to do.)


Hi Parasio

Seems like everybody is understanding your question in diferent ways.

It would be nice if you clarify: y

ou asked where to move geographically? or metaphorically (flow with the Tao and so on)?

I understand is the first one, but probably I'm wrong. If the question was geograophically, then South and West is not metaphoric but literally.

Best wishes


Hi Void

About line 4 in hex 2:
Absolute closeness, maximun care and discresion.

The yinn energy could be open and could be close. When open, is receptive; when close is safety. Line 4 is yinn not open but close. Be careful, don't take leadership of the situation; avoid conflicts. This reaction wouldn't make you feel proud of yourself, but is not a fault in the actual situation

Cause of line 2.4 can be find in 9.4: if you are sincere, the risk of blood will vanish
Efect of following the advice in line 2.4 can be find in 16.4: friends keep together around you

So, is not only a difficult health situation, seems this health situation is complicated with familiar tensions and conflicts.

The advice: Stay calm, don't asume leadership but support other's efforts to avoid conflicts.

best wishes and soon recover


Dec 9, 1971
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The question was more geographical than metaphorically. I come from another land to this place. To go back seems to me not the right thing. And because of this I asked WHERE I can live.
You explanined Hx 2 indicates South West, one part now is clear, I can't go back, because this is the north.


Jul 8, 1972
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Jesed thanks for your kind advice. It is very accurate especially if by 'familiar' you mean to do with the family. Recently I've thrown hex 9 line 4 very often, seems it must have been referring to this situation. I've felt I really must intervene about my mothers health but it was complex and I was at a loss how to help in the situation. Now she has been rushed to hospital and I will go and see her soon. I don't think theres much I can really 'do' but I am so frustrated that the doctors don't seem to help at all. I thought its up to me to go and press them
in order to get more help for her - but as you say I think Yi is telling me not to try to take a lead in the situation - after all I'm not a doctor. There are familial tensions to complicate things also so your interpretation was very helpful.


Dear Void

the first "lesson" I received about the use of Yi Jing when i contacted "traditional teachings" was related to a question about how to help in the depression of my girlfriend (a little time ago

"before asking how to help others, you need to really know what is his/her problem, and what are the deeper causes of that"

So, by suggestion of that teacher, I did 3 questions (every time understanding first the answer before making the next question):
a) Diagnosis of X's health
b) Deeper causes of X's health situation
c) What can I do to help X in that context?

The answers 1 and 2 was so clear, that was enough to think in one course of action for me.. and the answer 3 confirmed it. And a week later, the situation improved.

Maybe you can find useful this aproach

best wishes for you and your mom


May 31, 1972
Reaction score
"Where can I find a satisfied life?

Hx 2 without changing lines.

The question was more geographical than metaphorically. I come from another land to this place. To go back seems to me not the right thing. And because of this I asked WHERE I can live. "

In the world. On the earth.


- Jeff


Where can I find a satisfied life?

Hexagram 2 is traditionally titled Receptive, but I think you can also get value from considering it to mean Responcive, as in the material physical world being the manefestation or Responce to the intention of the mind, or spiritual world. Thus as a reply to the question, Where can I find a satisfied life? I see 2 as indicating the need to be somewhere more Responsive to your inner feelings. Thus, if you are an artist, go some place where artists are honored, if you are a writer, go live where there's an intellectual community. If you have been living on a Saturn line, you are probably feeling as though it's very hard to get any responce to your ideas or feelings at all where you are, so just about any where else would probably be an improvement, but as 2 also speaks of Mother Earth and Nature you may find that a more country (vs. City) location would be particularly better for you at this time.

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