...life can be translucent


Potential of a possible relationship


May 14, 1971
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I'd like to know two things: is this relationship possible again and if so what is the potential of it?
Please I'd like you to cast the coins and tell me.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Which relationship? Describe it.

Cast the coins yourself and share the results if you'd like some help with the reading.


May 14, 1971
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I would like to know if a love relationship I had with this person is possible again and if so what is the potential of it? We are separated right now but there is an approach that happens every now and then and it seems that things are warming up, although Im really not sure.
I am not here because of a futile question. I really need help and guidance and this is very much important to me.

I would like that some caring reader could cast the coins for me cause I feel my energy too much messed right now to do it by myself. I feel anxious and I really would like someone to help me on this. What is the IChing answer for my question and the guidance for my doubts?

I hope some caring expert IChing reader or novice can do it for me. I really need help. Thank you.


I cast the Yi regarding this very important relationship concern of Claire's and received hexagram 46 unchanging.

Clarie, the best I can offer you in the way of an interpretation for now is my limited understanding of #46 which amounts to this:

you must make a concerted effort to make something happen in this matter. You have to be willing to be aggressive and work hard to fulfill the potential of this relationship. It is a step-by-step advancement whereby you lift your own self up that ladder of success - it will not happen in any other way. Also, consider who might be of some help in this case and go to them - ask for their assistance. (perhaps we here at Clarity are that assistance)

Hope this helps a little.


May 14, 1971
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Yes Dharma, it helped me very very much. I am willing to be agressive and work hard to fulfill the potential of this relationship but I dont know how can be my best approach. What the IChing suggests me?
It would be easier if the IChing could tell me something about his feelings and interest for me, as it can make me think better about what to do.
Do you know if the oracle can offer me this answer too?
Anything you and other caring readers can add as answers for my concern will help me enourmously.
By now, Dharma, I thank you for your love and for have being so gentle and had the time to help me. It means a lot to me.
More than you can imagine.
Please, again, if you want to add something please go for it. I look forward for it.
Thank you. God bless you.


May 14, 1971
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Oh and just to add...
Yes, you here at Clarity are the only assistance I have!

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Claire and Dharma: There's lots I don't know about oracle work, but what I've learned so far includes this - you do your own toss. You can't toss for another person. If you try to do that, what you get is for you, not the other person.

So Dharma got 46. Well, I think that means that by trying to extend help to Claire, Dharma got 46, the oracle's way of saying that through his/her compassion and service, Dharma's taking a step up the spiritual ladder. In other words, I think Dharma's 46 toss has nothing to do with Claire's situation, and everything to do with Dharma's situation.

Look, Claire - if your energy is so messed up that you can't bring yourself to consult the oracle, then you don't need faceless strangers on the internet to toss coins on your behalf - you need somebody who's trained and qualified to listen to people with messed up energy - you need a counselor. And if you doubt that, I'll prove it to you: here, hang on a minute... okay, I did a toss on your behalf, asking the question you put at the beginning of this thread. I got 27: 3,4. Line 3 talks about rejecting nourishment having a bad result, and Line 4 talks about overturning what you're nourishing yourself on being fortunate. These are contradictory signals, and they have nothing to do with Hex 46. And if other people did tosses on your behalf, you'd get different readings as well.

If you want the truth from the oracle for yourself, consult it yourself.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Hey, we're posting at the same time! Cosmically coincidental!

"It would be easier if the I Ching could tell me something about his feelings and interest for me, as it can make me think better about what to do."

The I Ching can't tell you about his feelings for you. Would you like to know what the I Ching can do? Okay, it's like this...

The I Ching is like radar or sonar. It sends out a signal and when that signal hits something, it bounces back and gets picked up on the screen and you can see a little bit more of the situation than you can see with the naked eye. It's a snapshot of the present moment, showing you a bit more of the present moment than you were aware of. It shows you yourself, a bit more of yourself than you were aware of.

That's all, nothing more. It doesn't peer into other people's minds and hearts and reveal what's there. It doesn't tell you where the hidden treasure's buried. It doesn't tell you what will happen in the future. It tells you about the shape of the here and now. If you're happy with that, it's useful. If you want more than that, you have to look somewhere else.

Look, here's a plan. Tell me what you think of it: forget oracles and fortune tellers. Find a trained counselor who knows how to listen to someone talking about a real problem in their life. Counselors know how do deal with people involved in affairs of the heart. What do you think of that?


Jan 18, 1971
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Gee Dobro,

Judging from your posts above I suppose Hilary should just close up shop and sell flowers for a living. Perhaps some contemplation on your part is in order here.



Apr 8, 1970
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Just a quick note: many people would agree with Dobro that you can't cast an oracle for another person, but I'm not one of them! Naturally, you need to have your mind clear enough to ensure that you are asking about the other person - but beyond that, the cosmos is not so uncharitable. I cast hexagrams for other people every day: it works.

(I don't imagine that Dobro was really casting with the straightforward intention of receiving an answer to Claire's question, since he doesn't believe that's possible.)

I agree with all Dharma said about hexagram 46 - Claire, I think the I Ching is responding to your state of mind as well as to your question. This hexagram is about having the confidence to go forward, to advance step by step. Provided you go at it gradually, not expecting a whole tree to grow in a day, then yes, you can warm things up. (That's not the same as 'things warming up' if you were just to wait.)

'Pushing upward, creating success from the source.
Make good use of seeing great people.
No fears.
Setting out to the South, good fortune.'

I agree with Dobro that it's better not to try asking about other people's feelings. For every one time this works, there are nine when it just paralyses people with confusion. It's infinitely better to ask the man himself - or if you don't feel you can, then to ask what you can do to improve communication!

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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"Judging from your posts above I suppose Hilary should just close up shop and sell flowers for a living. Perhaps some contemplation on your part is in order here."

No, I don't think she should necessarily sell flowers for a living. But I think you should be less sarcastic. I posted my best understanding of how the oracle works. Hilary posted hers. What's your problem?

BTW, what's 'namaste' mean?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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My own experience with casting with a confused and anxious mind is: great answers!

When I come home from shopping, or right after accounting, or after a party, or in a calm and rather rational mood, it is no use at all to cast the coins.

But when I desperately need an answer, right now, and even when I hardly know how to put the question, at those moments I get the best ones. I am not always at the moment itself very clever in interpretating it, but after a little while, things become clear.

At those moments I am happy with the digital way of casting. At Hilary's flash-thing, or in my own computer with the SanShan program. Because it is a fact that confusion does somehow affect the way the coins fall. But the digital coins fall right where and how they should.

Just focus on your problem, without too much concern about the exact phrasing. When your heart knows the question, you will get your answer.

I agree with Dobro, that your own casting is usually the best, but very close after that one comes a serious one from a balanced person who sympathizes.



Jan 18, 1971
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Hi Dobro,

Sorry if I came across as sarcastic as that was not my intent. I thought that YOU were actually a tad hard on Claire. As for your ideas on how the Yi works, they are exactly that, YOUR ideas. Perhaps true, perhaps not, just YOURS. There are many IChing students who would beg to differ with you on that one, myself being one.

Actually, to the best of my knowledge, I don't have any problems at the moment that I would wish to discuss publicly. Claire seems to have a problem though and was seeking help, not a brusque directive to "cast her own coins'.

My definition of 'namaste' is roughly "I honor the divine in you".



Oct 22, 1971
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Most, if not all, people who give readings for others, either professionally or otherwise, do the casting for the querent.

Michael F.


Claire, I sense that this is a tough time for you and I genuinely would like to be of help to you. I cast the coins earlier and I gave you the best I could with a system of divination that I am not as familiar with as I am with the tarot cards.

Relationships are much more involved and complicated than the limited advice I gave you earlier and since you said that you were open to hearing more I have gone ahead and done a tarot reading on your behalf regarding this situation.

I hope that I have managed to be sensitive to your feelings while giving you the best advice that I could give you based on my knowledge of the tarot.

with love ...


general atmosphere: 6 of Swords
opposition/hurdle: 10 of Wands
hidden motivation: 3 of Wands (r)
past influence: The Tower (r)
best resolution: The Fool
forthcoming circumstances: Ace of Cups (r)
where you stand on issue: The Star
environmental factors: High Priestess
expectations: 2 of Pentacles
most likely result: 8 of Wands (r)

(6 of Swords) This is a time to review past difficulties with an eye to assuring a better future. It is time to leave destructive situations or behavior patterns behind you. (The Fool) It is definitely time for a fresh start. It is wise to leave the past behind and embrace the next phase of your life trusting that there is something much better for you in store. It would be a big mistake to cling to traditional and outworn methods because the collective unconscious is advising you to start a new cycle. There is a lot that is hidden and beneath the surface (High Priestess). Many secret and hidden issues of your past conditioning are affecting the current situation that need tapping into and understanding. Trust your feelings, dreams and intuition to guide you.

You anticipate having to make a decision (2 of Pentacles) which will require you to adapt to the natural flow of things. I can see from The Tower that has shown up as a past influence that you have been putting this off for sometime already. In general, you are very positive and hopeful (The Star) where this relationship is concerned. But your optimism is only a reflection of who you are as a person and the spiritual place from where your brand of love comes from, not the reality of the relationship per se.

Fundamentally, you have allowed overconfidence and unrealistic expectations (3 of Wands r) to be the overriding factors in your relationships and it is time that you addressed these unhelpful habits. To begin with, your goals are set too high in relationships that lack the most basic elements of co-operation. This relationship, for instance, has already failed to live up to you expectations (The Tower r) as a result of the vast gulf between what you expect a relationship should be, versus what your partner can realistically give to the relationship based on their present level of growth and abilities.

Another problem is that you attempt to handle all issues pertaining to this relationship alone (10 of Wands)- without really taking into account what the other person wants or feels. You need to delegate responsibility and appreciate your limits or this will always be a problem for you. You have to accept that it is very hard to accomplish relationship goals without the other person's full participation, no matter how much you love them.

Bottom line, this relationship will continue being based on conditional love that requires manipulation to keep it going (whether on your end or the other person's). One or both of you are still not completely ready for the responsibility of what a love relationship really entails. A full emotional attachment, which is vital to a successful committment, is still very much missing. (Ace of Cups r). As a result, should you continue to attempt a relationship at this time you will feel toyed with and jerked around or the other person will feel this way. Either way, you can expect more miscommunications (8 of Wands r) between you if you force a connection at this time. If it feels impulsive - it is. Ultimately, that would be wasted energy.

If I were to add hexagram 46 into this mix, I'd say that you need to take more time for yourself and allow both of you a chance to mature and develop individually more fully before you attempt that kind of closeness with each other. There's still a lot of work to be done and the work begins within yourself first.


I really hope this helps Claire. Let me know if you have any questions or if anything I've said is unclear.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
"I thought that YOU were actually a tad hard on Claire."

That was my impression too. And for a reason. I'd really like to see her stop looking for guidance through intermittent contact with people she's never met, and find something more regular and reliable. I do counselling work, and I think she'd really benefit from that more than the approach she's taken here.

"Claire seems to have a problem though and was seeking help, not a brusque directive to "cast her own coins'."

And help is what I'm working toward. Sometimes brusque works, Leonard.


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Actually, I don't always cast for the people I interpret for - many prefer to do so for themselves. Like I said, I don't think the universe is fussy. (But I know at least one diviner who insists people cast for themselves.)


Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Dobro,

"I'd really like...."

Seems to me that this was about Claire's desires and not yours. ...and I'm not totally convinced that you have enough background in Claire's case to warrant you to be her 'counselor', if you are speaking in the clinical sense. Also, I believe the jury, at least in my case, is still out on the 'brusque' approach, esp. via email posts.

But, not wishing to belabor, what to me, was actually just an aside, perhaps we can just do like the songwriter said:

"There is no good guy,
and there is no bad guy,
there's just YOU and ME,
and, we just happen,
to disagree."




if i was someone in need of therapy and you were the only example i had to make my decision from, i'd run the other way as fast as i could. your bedside manner as a counselor leaves a lot to be desired. human beings and even animals respond to kindness and patience better than to brusqueness which is just another word for rudeness by the way. as a counselor you should know that getting people who are really in need of therapy to commit themselves to that kind of work requires tact and skill, not a batteringram. think, when was the last time you were inclined to listen or even take seriously anyone who approached you abruptly and discourteously? if the only thing you are attempting to accomplish is in being right, then all you succeed at accomplishing is justifying your own rightness to yourself. if you think that others are singing your praises for having the balls to trash them publically then it's you that isn't being realistic and not the target of your thoughtless negativity.


Apr 8, 1970
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You know, there are lots of really interesting discussions to be had around these questions - being brusque, or not, reading and consulting for others, offering support, or not, or how to... But maybe on another page, not on Claire's thread? This is the reading exchange zone, after all - where people receive guidance through intermittent contact with intermediaries they've never met...

(Just to be clear - I'm not criticising any previous posts, just trying to pre-empt one of our thread-devouring heated discussions.)


Jan 18, 1971
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Leonard resignedly rises from his desk, moves briskly to the left front corner of classroom, places dunce hat on head, sits in chair with face in corner......



One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
Reaction score
Hey Leonard, I don't see you there. Where are you? Go back to that corner.




One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Hi Dharma,

You are pretty good with the Tarot! I haven't had a reading since I was about 14 - something I did for fun at a fair - and most of what that lady told me has come to pass. I may one day ask you to do a reading for me, if you are willing that is.



Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Luis, dern you, always sneakin' round the place with ur digital camera, I mean, a person has to really mind their p's & q's...(not to mention their shoes and da blues...!!!) Please don't let Hilary see that pic!!!



May 14, 1971
Reaction score
Dharma thanks a lot. I really loved your tarot reading and it helped me a lot. I would like to discuss it more with you.
Do you see in practical terms how can be my best approach to him and the relationship?
By now we are approaching, let me put this way, so what do you and the other readers feel can be my best attitude?
Im soul searching and doing my inner work and he is too in his own way, so this is being done.
I sense that you, Dharma, are a caring lovely person and I think it is great to find someone like you.
I also want to thank everyone who helped me and were really supportive and non judgemental.
It is great to see there are people who care enough to talk to a strange through the net with a so open and welcoming attitude of love.
You are almost everyone very gentle to support and respect my need for answers. Thanks for all the readers, and please... if there is something to add or clarify I am all ears.

Now... for you... Dobro...
You should know that you are harsh with words and you can potentially hurt people.
You should also know that you can traumatize your pacients by being so hard and so uncaring. If they run from you please look at your attitude and maybe you find their reasons why.
I dont want a counsellor but if I would like one I would go for a very well skilled professional with an open mind and a caring heart capable and willing to try to walk in their patient's shoes.
As the counsellor you say you are you should have learnt to not judge others.
I am looking for IChing or any other oracle guidance, ok?
This is my choice, please respect it.
You said that sometimes people need a shake, so here is yours too.

Quoting your own words...
Sometimes brusque works, Dobro.



May 14, 1971
Reaction score
Yes Hillary I want to try what you said.
I asked what I should do to improve communication so I cast my own coins now and the answer is this:

Primary Hexagram #24 (Return/The Turning Point)
Changing line #1
Secondary Hexagram #2(The Receptive).

What is this answer all about?
If it is a good idea, it can be answered using the two readings Dharma gave to me. Do all this info complement each other?
Please, what you all readers have to say about this?

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

You asked "Do you see in practical terms how can be my best approach to him and the relationship? By now we are approaching, let me put this way, so what do you and the other readers feel can be my best attitude?"

If you reflect on Dharma's wonderful and very insightful tarot reading for awhile, I think you will find the answer is right there... and it's very clear.

You know Claire, after reading everything in this thread, I noticed that Dobro said something interesting that gave me the impression he'd read your previous posts in other threads and detected a definite pattern. He said, "I'd really like to see her stop looking for guidance through intermittent contact with people she's never met, and find something more regular and reliable." So...

To test my observation, I went to the forum search engine and I input Claire as author of messages. And I read all your posts on this forum. I see his point. I also see something else so that I'm not surprised you ask Dharma for clarification on something that she has already stated with crystal clarity. It seems if you don't like the answer, if it doesn't say something like "wedding bells" to you, you ask for clarification. It's a very pronounced "theme" in most of your threads. And, in the thread about your virtual boyfriend, you were ungrateful, rude and hostile to people who tried to help you when they gave you an answer you didn't like.

Furthermore, most of the Yi's responses about your love life questions in the past have been very similar to Dharma's reading in this situation, and have pretty much said the same thing Dobro did... just in different words. You need help regarding your relationships.

There's something else I noticed, and since you feel free to chastise Dobro on his approach, then you should be equally receptive to any feedback on your behavior as well. In the "I am desperate for some help" thread, Binz wrote a very kind and thoughtful post to you... following up on your dilemma... that you never bothered to answer: http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/I_Ching_community/messages/92/525.html?#POST4213. I think it would be really considerate of you to respond and answer his genuine concern.

Love and peace,



Hi Claire,

The only comment I can make is from experience, and regarding 24.1 to 2, taking into account 2.1 what Dharma said is very right on...

Your perspective and his are from two completely different angles... The Ace of Cups reversed Dharma said a full emotional attachment is missing--

so, 24.1 to 2.1 is about something that doesn't get off the ground that it is in and continues in the same vein.

In regards to your communication improving, it's kind of carried forward by the momentum it is now in.

But don't despair over this. The information does complement each other in that it gives you a direction. You can let the circumstances of this relationship crush you or you can accept the situation and move beyond it (which by the way, isn't easy and takes some time).

Sometimes if you let it go, and have the courage and strength to accept it and let it go you're giving yourself the opportunity to be receptive to what else is out there, or what may happen in your present situation.

It's never easy, and I believe that everyone has been where you're at now.

But your oracle seems to be saying that you're communication and relationship is set upon the course it's on.

Dharma also says "You anticipate having to make a decision (2 of Pentacles) which will require you to adapt to the natural flow of things. I can see from The Tower that has shown up as a past influence that you have been putting this off for sometime already. In general, you are very positive and hopeful (The Star) where this relationship is concerned. But your optimism is only a reflection of who you are as a person and the spiritual place from where your brand of love comes from, not the reality of the relationship per se."

The key words here are "the reality of the relationship". Not easy when you love someone that doesn't return your feelings.

Dobro may be harsh, but from my view he's asking you to be honest with your self. That is the only way you will be able to confront what you want versus what he want from this relationship and arrive at a conclusion that answers your questions. When you can do this, which will be later in time because it will take time, you will be able to understand and respond to it for your own benefit and his as well.

Sorry that this is not what you want right now, beleive me, I do understand.

But all will be well if you heed all the advise you've been given, it's just not easy to do or what we want.


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