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Referendum: Britain in or out the EU?


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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I agree that the outcome is probably not yet decided, even in the "ethers". The initial cast 63.4>49 is probably still playing out in the background, and I would see it as some incident could still change everything in an instant. Perhaps something will happen to delay the referendum at the last moment?

Here is my penny's worth, when I asked about the outlook for each option, I got:

1) Outlook for Britain to remain in EU? 64.1> 38
2) Outlook for Britain to leave EU?>39

My interpretation is:

1) 64 there is unfinished business > 38 in a context of estrangement between UK and EU. Not on the same page. So the deal that is on the table is perhaps not final? 64.1 which suggests that the referendum date is premature in some way, and that this could be detrimental.

Wing: There is a strong urge to end a chaotic situation, yet it is not the time for clearheaded action. You do not see clearly all of the implications and consequences of your actions. Any actions will bring you problems and, perhaps, disgrace.

This reads like a warning to the PM to delay the referendum! In the context of this question, I suppose the "stay in" clan could get humiliated if the referendum goes ahead as planned.

2) 32 durability- whatever is the current situation is likely to last > 39 in a context of obstacles, needing to turn back and revise plans, there are unresolved obstacles to exit. 32.2. Avoiding extremes (ie Brexit) to avoid regret. 32.4 no game in the field - perseverance (in exiting) is fruitless, expectations (from Brexit) are unrealistic? 32.5 this is about letting reason make the choice. i would interpret "reason" as economic arguments from the IMF and the City etc... rather than emotional ones. Based on this cast, I would say that even if it goes to the vote, voters would choose to stay in for the time being.

My casts could read as advice to the government to avoid rash action that they would regret (64.1) and to keep the status quo (32) because there are too many obstacles (39) to an agreement (38) or to change (49) right now.


Interesting. 64.1 >> 38 is the reading for bad decisions because a) timing is not right b) the action was not really thought through. Background (38) is far from general agreement. So, supposing the remain camp wins still there will be humiliation and division. On the other hand, in my experience hex 32 as representing duration and stability usually fails to deliver. Line 2 tries to find some sort of balance, line 4 is looking for something in the wrong place. Line 5 is an interesting one, as for me it plays as you having to abandon convention, avoid doing what is expected of you, and follow your own inclinations to do what you think it is right.

Hmm, it sounds like between a rock and a hard place.

Sixth Relative

Feb 28, 2016
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Well, these are my 2 cents. My starting point is the fact that, when talking about electoral processes, there is a distinction between getting more votes, winning the election and taking office. My question then is merely which option will get more votes.

Which one of the 2 options will be the most voted in the referendum this June 23, 2016 in the UK? To remain a member of the EU (as the Host) or to leave the EU (as the Guest)?
Divination made by coins, tossed on April 17, 2016 16:45 local time.

From a text-based method, I'd read this:
a) hex 40 as the context favors to release not to increase tensions. I see it as the agreement achieved will reduce the urge to leave the EU in many voters
b) 16zhi40 from thunder over earth (masses excited and being mobilized) to thunder over water (the thunderstorm releases the tension) the people's mobilization would led to a release of tension.
c) Line 2 of hex 16, Unmoved as a rock; before the end of day, righteous persistence will bring good fortune [Blofeld], favors the status quo not a change of the current legal standing
Therefore, the time favor the option to remain in the EU to be the most voted

With a WWG perspective
a) The Host is Wei (earth). In this month is in a stage of association (earth in a month of earth) and in the month when the referendum will be held is going to be in a stage of strenght (earth in a month of fire). In the day when the coins were tossed is in a stage of streght (earth in a day of fire) but in th day of the referendum, it will be in a stage of imprisonment (earth in a day of water).
b) The Guest is Wu (fire). In this month is in a stage of rest (fire in a month of earth) and in the month when the referendum will be held is going to be in a stage of association (fire in a month of fire). In the day when the coins were tossed is in a stage of association (fire in a day of fire) but in th day of the referendum, it will be in a stage of death (fire in a day of water).
c) Relation between Host and Guest: they are in combination; with fire (guest) producing earth (host).
d) Active line: Si (fire), with relative Offspring attached. Si moves in combination with Shen (metal, relative Official attached), supporting fire (guest) and producing earth (host). The effect of that movement is Chen (earth), which clashes with Xu (line 6, money), supports earth (host) and reduces fire (guest).
e) Special configuration: hex 16 is a total combination one. It can represent a very tied competition or even a delay in the election day itself.

From the above: This is going to be a very tight result. The campaign would be exhausting for supporters of both options, but with a greater weakening effect on supporters to leave the UE. There is even a chance for the date of the referendum to be changed. If the referendum takes place on the June 23, 2016, the option to remain in the EU should be slightly more voted.

With both methods, to remain in the EU would be the most voted option.

We'll see.


Hex. 49:
".....Confucius's Commentary on the Decision says, "Heaven and Earth abolish the old and bring about the new, then the four seasons complete their changes. Tang and Wu . . . brought about the new. They obeyed the will of Heaven in accord with the wishes of people. The time and meaning of abolishing the old is truly great!" 1) "

To me this is an indication of UK leaving the EU. Hex. 63 is reflecting it's nuclear hexagram, hex. 64, which is about something Not yet fulfilled ie the Referendum.

1)Alfred Huang: Page 188


Hi svenrus, there are a few readings in this thread, and interpretations have taken into account hexagrams and changing lines, so there is more to it than just an overall view on one hexagram in particular. Personally, unless a really new element comes into play, I will do a final reading the day before the Referendum and see what comes of it.:bows:


Feb 29, 2008
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Hey all

There you have it 49 was there all along, personally next time i see 49 in a reading I might take it more seriously, so what did the reading mean in hindsight obviously i know what 49 meant



Hi steve,

What I have learnt from this thread is how difficult it is to interpret a reading when there is too much information around the subject itself. So how could we forget about polls, personal opinions, analysis from experts and/or newspapers, politicians speeches, TV debates, and all the rest of it, and interpret the readings in the light of the I Ching itself only?

When you look back upon several readings -yasmin, rosada, yourself, just to name a few - the answer was sometimes out there, and yet there was this background noise and seeing clearly was not that easy. Well, we can see hex 49 playing now right in front of us :D


Feb 29, 2008
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I know when I look at 63.4 again its so obvious but i think read the interpretation different because of probably like you say the buzz.
I have another thread about H Clinton being indicted I even mentioned my bias, there is so much buzz around that one too.
We will need to see.



Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Well, recent reports appear to give confirmation that the U.K. government had no intention of actually leaving and the management of the referendum was an almighty cock up from their perspective. It was only ever meant to be a shot over the bows of Brussels to gain some economic leverage over Brussels prior to the coming Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) a U.S./Europe deal which is an absolute disaster for nations' self-reliance and self-determination.

So, for UK transnational corporations it's not good but for ordinary people to be outside of that corporate free-for-all it is unquestionably a good thing. (In fact, business investment in the U.K. has actually gone up since the vote which is very interesting).

Prime Minister May is still refusing to invoke the Article 50 which would formally set in motion the process of divorce. Now the Sunday Times has reported that Brexit probably won't occur until late 2019. Setting up road blocks come to mind ...That way they can create a compromise of dodgy departmental quangos in order to keep their various fingers in the EU pie. This is pretty much what happened with the Eurozone negotiations.

I mused on this a moment ago:

So, this really was unexpected for the British Establishment and their plans?


A true revolution.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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Oh, so maybe I was right after all, and I still got it?.

I think one of my readings showed 13.3 (He hides weapons in the thicket; ... For three years he does not rise up. )
And 13.4 (He climbs up on his wall; he cannot attack.).

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