...life can be translucent


Weird coincidence or dumb luck



I was puzzled by Anita's multiple tries at a reading. Is it ok to retry 2 or 3 times? What if each reading were very different? What if hexagrams actually contradict eachother?
I also have a basic question, I can understand if I was physically in the room picking marbles, or throwing coins that my energy, aura, whatever you wish to call it, can permeate and communicate my question. But I have a hard time with clicking a mouse and understanding how each reading I get can be anything more than dumb luck. However I will be the first to admit that with every time I do the flash reading I am more than impressed by the accuracy! Just another weird coincidence or more??
I do not mean any disrespect in these questions, just trying to understand it all.


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Hi Acornhill,

I'm also puzzled by Anita's multiple readings. If someone asked me a question, I gave a considered answer, and then they asked the identical question again, I wouldn't continue to answer it. I can't see why the oracle should do so, either. Communicating with the Yi (or with what speaks through it...) is like a conversation, and that takes two.

The most common response I've seen from the Yi when people ask repeatedly is to comment on the way they're approaching it. There's also plain repetition of the same answer, or at least one of the hexagrams in the answer, and of course hexagram 4. And if people just pester the oracle for the answer they want to hear (which is not what Anita does, I think) then the answers may cease to have any meaning at all.

The other night while out I met a small girl in a pushchair who dropped her stunning pink sunglasses on the floor and exclaimed 'Oh, my sunglasses!' I picked them up for her. A couple of minutes later she was hit by inspiration, and down they went again.

'Oh, my sunglasses!'
'Yes,' I grinned, 'how did they get down there?'

(OK, so I did pick them up for her before I went, I'd have done so at once if she'd seemed worried about getting them back, and Yi is undoubtedly a lot more patient than I am. But you see the analogy. And yes, it was dark, but that's not the point with bright pink plastic sunglasses, is it?)

If you have a complementary question that grows out of your understanding (or maybe even total incomprehension) of the first answer, obviously that's different.

For your second question - I don't personally believe that the communication of your question happens through physical space or is limited by it in any way. But even if it were, I think the Flash program loads onto your computer before it runs, so it should be just as much within reach of whatever manipulation takes place as any marbles, coins or stalks. Here's to weird coincidence!


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
Reaction score
Did't the old Chinese ask as many as ten questions on the same subject? Five of them 'will maybe ..' and five 'will maybe not ..'. That seems to be the origin of the ten Tortoises.
I think if my life depended on it, and 'will there be a harvest' has to do with your life, I would ask ten times too. Just to be absolutely sure.
Anita seems to have found a friend in the Yi, a good one, and with a good friend one talks, often not about something serious, sometimes silly things, but they are really very important. It is an exchange of feelings, finding comfort, joy, reassurance, the things one has a friend for.
So I think every single question is an important one, and even if the words are identical, the real question is every time a different one.

Best for your quest, Anita


Jan 10, 1971
Reaction score
I believe that if the answer is not clear at the first asking, then it is our understanding of ourself that we should focus on. We should not question the answer, but question our understanding.

Therefore it follows that an answer that we do not at first understand is very powerful. It will actually develop us further as we have to rest our minds and look into and understand ourselves to find the meaning (or let the meaning find us).

The more in tune with the Way, the less it may be neccessary to use the I Ching, as we are more able to see which way is correct. But this is not a simple thing to do (until you can do it, and then I guess it's the simplest thing of all, but I digress {as usual}), and so thankfully the I Ching is there to help us.

I take the I Ching as showing me the direction to progress in to reach my destiny, to show me my path when I cannot see it clearly for myself. I do not ask to know the future, just how to reach a future that is right for me. (I would be incredibly bored if I actually knew what was going to happen, I love suprises)

Sometimes I do ask for further help from the I Ching.
For example, when I had an answer that suggested that I centre, I asked a second question "how should I centre my self" as I was having difficulting seeing the path. But I see no advantage in repeating a question that has already been answered.

OK, onto the second point. About the distance between the self and the web based I Ching. Well that distance is measured in metres, miles or whatever, but the way of the I Ching (etc) does not travel in those dimensions, so that distance has no meaning in divination. If (as I expect many of the people of this community believe) divination can use stars that are thousands of light years away, then there is no reason why it can't use a I Ching that is on the same planet.

Personally, I believe that the answers we get come from within us and divination allows us to translate from that internal 'dimension' to a form that can be applied in this material one. But that's another can of worms altogether!



Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
Dear Acornhill i agree with what everyone has said above. I have always found it very counterproductive to keep on asking the same questions. Okay there are times when you may ask for a little more clarification, or you may ask again after a period of time but if you keep asking the same thing over and over you just get confused (in my more neurotic moments I have been guilty of this).


Jan 21, 1971
Reaction score
And then... there is the pattern in divination where one receives the same hex over and over and over again within a relatively short amount of time, regardless of the question at all. This really confused me at first until I began to interpret these hex's as something really fundamental that I had to understand before I could move onto all the various questions I was asking. Or, the questions themselves were vague misinterpreations of a deeper set of questions that the yi was attempting to get me to look at. I find these especially powerful moments to learn a lesson when one receives these multiple hex's, and again, the words of the question don't seem to matter much at all. Because of this, over time, I purposefully vary the wording of my questions from very specific to very general in an attempt to gain a more micro and macro view of my experiences and the seeds which spawn them. Regarding the question of the computer I-Ching, for me it all boils down to a trust and letting go of control. Especially those times when a divination is really a slap in the face and widens those blinders a bit. What a reminder to respect the greater mystery and unknown of life and to open the heart into this mystery.

Peace - Brian


Jan 10, 1971
Reaction score
Yep, I had a similar experience with hex 24 repeating for different questions (either as static hex or from evolving hex). Once I had started making changes in life to get 24 sorted, life felt better and the other answers made more sense and complemented each other.



Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
LiSe, you are right as usual, there is more than one way of having a friendship, and more than one way of making conversation. Yi and Anita are having a good heart-to-heart, and I wouldn't dream of making up rules to make that 'wrong'. I hope.

There must be good and bad reasons for repeating a question! Those excellent pink sunglasses meant 'I want my sunglasses back!' first time and 'I want to continue this conversation' second time. (We got onto the subject of cheese and onion crisps.)

Also, I was recently startled by how much difference a tiny alteration in wording would make. A customer who has her own very strong relationship with the Yi asked a question from a fearful perspective, and received a negative answer. A while later, with the fear behind her, she asked essentially the same question again, but in words that reflected the change in her attitude. The answer was positive.

I think those repeated hexagrams are a sign of health in the relationship. It's a wonderful feeling to get back so much more than I threw out of the pushchair.


Sep 14, 1970
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I suppose the implication of Acornhill's second question is, in effect,"When is a coincidence a meaningful answer to the question in your mind?".
It is possible to obtain a reading from I Ching without having a proper question in mind (especially easy to do online). But what would the meaning of the 'answer' be then?
I find I concentrate as hard on the question when consulting online as I do when using coins, but with more trepidation, since the answer is going to be immediate rather than built up over several throws of coins. I don't press the mouse button until I'm 'ready'. Engagement with the subject of the question seems to be the key factor. I agree with other people on the accuracy of the answer, whichever method you use. As for what the 'physical' connection is between what is in my mind and the outcome of my enquiry, (beyond any possible manipulation by me), I am reluctant to speculate.

Talking of speculation - aren't we tempted to speculate far too much about the progress of our relationships by asking a lot of questions about them (and filling our minds with lots of expectations of developments which might be better left to unravel by themselves)? I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this - I am an example of what I am talking about (it's not just women who worry about these things).


Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Hi all,

My reply to Acornhill's second question comes from my meagre understanding of quantum mechanics. From the QM perspective we are integrated totally with everything that IS, we are connected to the chair we sit upon, the air we breathe, the water we drink(and don't drink), the earth we stand upon, the stars/celestial bodies we gaze upon; virtually EVERYTHING; and that includes the cpu, the keyboard, the CRT, the printer/scanner, ad infinitum.

The accuracy of the Flash system speaks for itself/ourself.

As regards the repetitous questioning, I have NEVER asked the same question three times without receiving Hex 4 on the third throw. Honest Injun, no bs nor hyperbole; never.

I would also say that I agree 100% with Binz's first post. Hoping not to seem repetitous, I firmly believe that ultimately all the answers come from ourselves(our streaming subconscious selves, which are aware of this connectivity and totality)!

...and then again, I could be totally wrong.



Aug 19, 1970
Reaction score
Dear Kts,

You said: ?Aren't we tempted to speculate far too much about the progress of our relationships by asking a lot of questions about them (and filling our minds with lots of expectations of developments which might be better left to unravel by themselves)? I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this - I am an example of what I am talking about (it's not just women who worry about these things).?

This is an extremely interesting observation. Are you suggesting we sometimes impose our Yi answers on our relationships, and influence them in a way that validates the Yi? Are we looking through Yi-colored glasses? Are we tending to create the very situation we expect from the Yi, even when it?s negative? Don?t know how far to go with this. Potentially it could be an argument against any kind of divination. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

I wonder what your personal experience is, if you are willing to talk about it. Has something you read in the Yi caused you to influence a relationship to go in the direction you expected?

Yes, men worry about relationships too. We?ve talked about men vs. women a lot in this forum, and I think we?ve concluded they are virtually identical.



Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Lindsay,

Now you've done it, opened the essential(essense) can of virtual worms. IMHO, thats exactly what we do(create our own reality, whether its Yi-inspired or draws inspiration from some other place)! Back when I used the Yi primarily as a divination tool(mostly for relationship-oriented questions), it seemed as if how I interpreted the answer, was what eventually developed in the relationship. Subsequently, if my interpretation was erroneous something negative would happen and vice versa.

So I stopped doing that. ...well, not completely,(grins), but, I sure slowed down. Way down. I've discovered during the past year that, for me at least, the best way to receive an answer to some puzzle in life was to meditate on the issue and then just open the book randomly and read whatever page I opened. For anyone who hasn't tried this method, I encourage you to try it. If you think the Flash system blows your mind with its accuracy, this one may give you goosebumps.



Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
Once I was obsessed with a guy (well more than once, but I won't go into that) He flirted alot with me and I hoped he was feeling the same as me -but flirting was all he ever did, we never seemed to get any further. Being crazy about him, I consulted Yi about his intentions over and over again. Somehow I truly believed I was getting confirmation for my feelings from Yi. One day, I realised I wasn't the only woman he was acting this way with. So being very bold, and driven to courageous action by the passion in my
(I can laugh about it now)I asked him to meet me and directly asked him how he felt about me, and let him know how much I liked him. He said he was very sorry and very flattered but I had got entirely the wrong idea.

That experience taught me a big lesson about not trying to get the answer you want through repeated asking. I had built up all sorts of expectations and leaned on Yi to consolidate them.
I don't think I was misled by Yi, but i had my own agenda to such an extent I wasn't listening to or respecting Yi. Trouble is our greatest hopes and fears centre around relationships. They can mean the world to us. Our best friends would hesitate to tell us if they thought the person we're with is no good. If our feelings are very strong we're willing to shape the world to fit them. So I thinks Kts has an excellent point. I do ask about relationships if I am puzzled but I hope I would not ever use Yi again to bolster up a fantasy. For one thing its a very hard knock when you finally do hit reality.


Aug 19, 1970
Reaction score
Dear Leonard,

Very interesting! This is a little off topic, but about a month ago I accused poor Jillc of ?fooling around? with the Yi because she was using the same random book-opening method you describe. I still feel bad about that, but now you say this method gives you good results. May have to change my mind. How do you keep from getting the same middle hexagrams over and over (most books naturally open in the middle)? Does this method seem more spontaneous or informal than the usual casting techniques? What do you like about using this method?

I once had a friend who lived in an apartment overlooking a very busy street. My friend devised a method to translate auto license plate numbers into hexagram readings. Whenever he felt the need to consult the Yi (which was often in his case), he would simply walk to the front window, raise the blinds, and look at the license plate on the first car zooming by. He swore this method was more accurate than the yarrow!



Jan 18, 1971
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...and a BIIGGG amen to that, Louise! That was exactly what put the brakes on my using the Yi primarily for divination. I would ask the Yi questions about this particular relationship sometimes as much as 30 (!) times a day. Gulp. I was just hopelessly in love(actually, I still haven't recovered fully from that one!) I got Hex 4 so many times I had it memorized and could recite it word for word. I still ask the Yi questions about that relationship when I have moments of backsliding, even though the woman hasn't even talked to me in almost a year!

...I do have this junk-yard dog thing about relationships that I 'feel' have potential.


Oh, and this is just an aside, having nothing to do with the present thread. I was wondering why so many members of this site are so reticent in filling out complete profiles. Just wondered if there was a reason that I had overlooked...


Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
I wonder has Leonard made a record with 30 times in one day, about the same relationship ? Sorry Leonard am chuckling here. I've never counted but I think I may have come pretty close - I could stand up and say "My name is Louise and i am a recovering I Ching junkie". Whatever you do Acornhill don't go down that road - believe me, less is more.


I loved your expression "junk-yard dog". I too have that same mentality, only I would like to believe it is my inability to just give up on people and my hopes that there should be something positive in all relationships. I cannot understand people who just turn and walk away. Well, I am sure to get a lot of comments on that one.
Anyway, back to divination, I for one think that the popularity of asking questions relating to "matters of the heart" is because it is an area where I feel, and maybe you too, that I am not objective and sometimes do not trust my first instincts. In work, in recreation and in arts, I know what is expected of me, how to react and communicate with peers. In relationships, the waters get so muddy, miscommunication, hurt feelings, jealousy...etc. Even if the answers are indeed already inside of me I still like the idea of having external confirmation.
As for the profile question I just haven't given it the time. It's a legit question. I will do it now.


Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Lindsay,

Loved the story about your friends' license plate method. But, why not, of course it was just as accurate as the yarrow method. IMHO, its whatever the person BELIEVES who is doing the divination. I'm sure you could come up with a way to count the bird droppings on your car and convert them into a hex and that too, would be accurate. ...you'd just have to believe in the bird dropping method.

In regards to your question about opening the book, I take the book in my hands with the open end facing me and with as blank a mind as I can accomplish(with regard to the place), open it with both thumbs. Thats just my way, of course, I happen to be very in tune with my thumbs.;-))

This method is a leftover from my Tarot study days, where I would ask a question and then while holding the deck with one hand, face down, sloowly relax the tension on the sides of the deck allowing it to separate, then turning up the card which wound up on the top of the pile which had fallen. Also very accurate and fast way to see a tendency or direction using the Tarot.

Lindsay, and I can't emphasize this point more strongly, IMHO there is only one rule when having a conversation with your own sub-conscious, YOU must believe in it!



Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Dear Acornhill,

Yes,I would agree with you 100% on your last post. After possibly years of puzzling it over, I have come to the conclusion that sometimes I fall in love with the 'potential' that I envision in a relationship. And, being a fixed sign, I refuse to be thwarted in my pursuit of that potential(well, just so long as the person doesn't state emphatically that they are not in love with me); in that case, I'm gone.

I was watching a movie last week, kind of silly movie actually, but towards the end the couple in the movie, posed a question that I could relate to with gusto. The question went something like this: When two people are in love, but are having a rocky ride through the relationship, when is enough, enough? Their, and my own emphatic answer is, NEVER!



Hi all. Interesting thread.

I'm pretty sure that a binary code is the same whether divided by yarrow or virtual marbles. Yang - Yin or Yes and No. Where there's two, there's Ching.

I also agree with Leonard in his "attached to chair" metaphor. Disunity is only our illusion. We work through the changes we ourselves have brought about through our thinking and actions. We create this dream, and there is nothing in it that we're not a part of.

Regarding Yi's answering repeated questions, I'm reminded of a conversation I once had as a young manager. I commented to my own older and wiser Manager, "I think a manager should ALWAYS be consistent!" He leaned over his desk toward me, smiled warmly, and said with a calm deep voice, "yes - but NEVER predictable." Coulda knocked me over with a feather!

Before a parent answers a child's question, no matter how many times its been asked, they look the child in the eyes. I think that if a child asked, "why is the sky blue", with innocence in their eyes, the parent would answer in many different ways. The parent so illustrates the answer that it takes firm root in the child's mind. But then, a week later, after pondering the answer, the child asks again, "But WHY is the sky blue??" As the child grows, so does their understanding, and the same question calls for a new answer.

Always a child,

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

Whenever I get the same answer twice, I know I'd better listen.

Sometimes it's not even addressing the issue that's on my mind at all. Sometimes it's trying to tell me there's something I need to do or know about a more immediate issue. I find that's the case whenever it gives the same hexagram for different issues. For instance, I've learned from experience to check my finances whenever I get Hexagram 28 twice any more.

I agree with Lise as to the conversational aspect of the I Ching. As I mentioned in a previous post, the I Ching is my connection to my 'unconscious' and the collective unconscious...ONE of my connections. My dreams are another. And the collective unconscious is infinitely wise and...apparently...infinitely patient. I don't just ask it questions. I talk to it. Actually, I don't usually ask questions. I usually tell it my plans, and it tells me whatever I need to know about them. I'd like to think it's counselling me on my decisions rather than making my decisions for me.

What's the url to the flash I Ching? I'd like to check out the serendipity factor myself. My theory has always been that my unconscious mind controls my muscles so that the coins will fall the way they do.


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

Have you never had a dream or dreams come true? I can't help but know my future. Over twenty years ago, I had two very profound dreams two nights in a row. After the first one, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was prophetic, and I started writing it down as soon as I woke up. It was about my growth and one or two relationships that I would be involved in (the number of relationships depends on whether the person at the end of the dream is the same as the person at the beginning of the dream). The next night I had a totally different dream but completely related, and I wrote it down as well.

I waited for so long for those dreams to come true that they eventually took a back burner in mind. Then three days before I left for England to spend time with my shy muse (the first person in the dream) in his homeland, images from the dreams that I thought were symbolic started to appear in my real life...from many directions...not symbolic at all...just clues to let me know 'this is it'. But I didn't really make the connection until I was there in England with him and events in the dreams transpired. It's been a very awe-inspiring experience and continues to be as more aspects of the dreams become clear over time. It is also a lot of fun to know that I dreamt about Virgin Atlantic Airlines and their video monitors on every seat and about snowboards, all before their conception.

My feeling is that I had to have those dreams to keep me from letting go of my best option for a happy life and to help me know what I have to do to nourish and grow a healthy relationship...the infinitely wise collective unconscious knows what an idiot I am. *grin*

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

Always the child eh? Ever catch snowflakes on your tongue? *grin*

I was just outside doing that. Taught the little girl across the street to do it. She loved it. We had fun. Now I'm going to make hot chocolate with marshmallows in it...the BIG ones...*grin*


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Snow? You lucky thing! (I have this theory that being 'grown up' can be defined as not looking forward to snow. I don't qualify.)

Flash I Ching here, enjoy! Balakrishnan (who gave it to us) has a new feature in the pipeline, an option to save or print your reading as an ordinary web page.


Sep 14, 1970
Reaction score
Dear Lindsay,
I've only just read the contributions made to this thread since I posted yesterday I rely on my work PC, as I don't have one at home). Thank you for your reply to what I said.
My experience is, in brief: I have a work colleague who I have come to love as a friend, but who is already attached, though not married. She only works part-time, and I don't live near her. Though I have never directly asked I Ching "Is she the one?", the questions I have asked, generally of the "What shall I do?" variety, have consistently generated answers that imply that we will eventually get together, though I wouldn't dare to ask precisely how. It's the wondering "Is this really true?" that is troubling (though I have experienced the truth of other answers). Neither would I dare to tell her about asking questions of I Ching - I'm not sure how she would take it, and I feel quite guilty now about doing so. So all of this stays inside me (though the actual friendship itself is open and straightforward - that's got a lot to do with the lady herself). I don't think I'm trying to force real life into an I Ching prescribed straitjacket, but brooding about relationships is addictive, and gets in the way of living spontaneously (I think that's what I mean).



Jan 10, 1971
Reaction score

you say "the questions I have asked, generally of the "What shall I do?" variety, have consistently generated answers that imply that we will eventually get together"

could it be that you will be together as soul mates, rather than as a 'couple'?

we should never feel guilty if we are doing what feels right for our path. How about asking I Ching about how to handle the guilty feeling?



Jan 21, 1971
Reaction score
The only dream I can honestly remember as having come true happened when I was a child and camping with my family. I dreamed another family with kids my age was running through the woods to meet us. The next morning, there they were... I have never forgotten that. Mostly, I do not remember my dreams, or just bits and pieces of them. This past half year has been a rough one for me, so I think I have remembered and paid attention to them more than normal, and have on many occassions received definite help and advice on the best way to handle situations I was faced with. I really loved hearing the dream you related. That is incredible, especially how you had to wait so many years for that particular dream to manifest, and IT DID!!! WOW!!! Reminds me of a quote by Michael Winn: "Of course, time itself is an illusion; past and future are just different dimensions of the present. They are all happening simultaneously." And by the way, I was catching snowflakes on my tongue yesterday as well!

Peace - Brian


Jan 21, 1971
Reaction score
Hello all-

The snowflakes are as big as saucers, and appear to be floating rather than falling down. Ahhhh... Keith, your dilema definitely strikes a chord with me. I pose many relationship questions to the yi as well, and to be honest, I am not too sure as to what extent sometimes I am seeing the world "through yi colored glasses". I am not in a relationship now, so the questions I am asking are generally posed as, "what could I expect if..." or "what would be the best course of action...". Something like that. I have also not contemplated discussing yi with the ladies of my inquiry, as that would just be way too wierd until, well, I at least get a kiss! In fact, there are so few folks around that I can discuss yi with, at least deeply, within my circle of friends, that I tend to not discuss it much at all. That dilema is what initially led me to my first google search on the web for "i-ching", and what a fantastic discovery to find such and open and curious community such as this one!!!

Peace to all, time to go catch a few snowflakes on my tongue - Brian


Aug 19, 1970
Reaction score
Dear Keith,

Thank you for your fine, honest answer. I understand your dilemma and the pain it must cause you, but sooner or later you must approach the lady, no? Take her to lunch? Out for a drink? You must ask her if she can look at you in a different way. She may already guess intuitively how you feel ? men often show little clues that might as well be flashing neon signs. Maybe she is waiting for you to approach? Maybe bringing some of these feelings out in the open will be a relief for her too? You won?t know anything until you ask. Remember brave Louise above. Otherwise, you?ll just continue to suffer in obsessive silence. Life is too short for too much of that, I think. You seem to be a very sensitive person, but now you need to do something! Getting shot down is better than brooding for weeks on end. All this is very much IMHO.

And what?s the worst that can happen? Correct me if I?m wrong, but a woman doesn?t usually hate a man for loving her, even if she isn?t interested, as long as he stays cool about it. More likely the worst case is you and your lady will remain friends. This is hard, but at least it?s a resolution. You will at least know where each other stands.

There is something else in your answer, and Brian mentions it too, that I would like to open for discussion. This problem about talking to other people about the Yi (people who don?t know or understand what it?s about) and perhaps feeling guilty because you have to hide your practice most of the time. How should we deal with this? Come out of the closet? Form a secret society with our own code words and handshake? Join a 12 Step program? (thanks, Louise, that was very funny!)

Last Monday my son found out the company he works for had just been bought by its biggest competitor. It came as a surprise to everyone, all the employees. Naturally, this sort of thing leads to a lot of tense speculation and worry. I wondered what it meant for my son, so I asked the Yi. The answer was Hex 7 (2,6) changing to Hex 23. This was an important question for me, so I spent more time than usual doing a thorough workup. At the end, I was pretty excited because the reading seemed to offer specific advice that was very appropriate for my son. He needed to hear what the Yi had said. But how could I tell him? I do not give my son business advice. We have completely different backgrounds, and I am not in a position to offer even an informed opinion about his career. So I could not pretend to be the Yi?s mouthpiece. And I could not say the advice came from the Yi, because my son regards the Yi as superstitious mumbo-jumbo. For me, of course, he thinks of it as an odd, but innocent hobby, like fly-tying or building birdhouses. But his ears would be shut tight to any serious advice from the Yi. What should I do? I have this important message I can?t deliver.

Has anyone else had a dilemma like this?



Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Lindsay,

Yes, I have. It involved a woman I was dating(wow, what a surprise), who had a job situation similar to your sons' and she thought about the Yi as your son does.

So, I brought up the subject in a conversational way and worked the Yi's advice in without divulging the source; as if it came from my own feeble brain. She actually liked the advice, acted on it and even got a promotion in the new company. Then, shortly thereafter, the new company moved her to another state where she met someone else and wound up marrying him. I wish I had kept my big mouth shut.


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