...life can be translucent


Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings-Hexagram 43


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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in 43/44 , my impression is how you exert your will / thoughts/ etc. Both are quite powerful, imo but 43 feels more controlled while in 44 can be uncontrollable.

Yes along the same lines as I was thinking. I think 43 is from within mostly and 44 a factor that impinges on you from without

I guess I answered my own question in my first post, but I wasn't sure of it

Thinking of the pair 43/44 I currently see it in unchanging form, very crudely, as
43 you decide, your will in the matter defines/decides what's next for you
44 you don't decide, it's/other's will influences/passes through you

Re your thoughts on 23 and 43 yes both talk dispensing riches downwards, giving to those below.....but I am not yet clear on what to make of that.


Aug 5, 2010
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Yes along the same lines as I was thinking. I think 43 is from within mostly and 44 a factor that impinges on you from without

yes , i can see that too ! maybe in 43 we bring a change in the world and in 44 the world brings a change to us

its not yet for me the 43/23 pair

those threads help me see gaps in my understanding of unchanging. When I get them, immersed in a issue I look for the aspects match with it and ignore those seems irrelevant . Here , without a reading to interpret I can see them more detached and the experience of others enhance my understanding

... or adds more question :rolleyes: ( that's most frequent, lol)

... and there is a liveliness I enjoy immensely ( a h58 experience!)


Clarity Supporter
Sep 3, 2006
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I love these speculations on 43/44--reasoning vs passion, inside imposing on outside vs the opposite. I also quite like what hilary says about this sequence and pair:

Hexagram 43, Deciding.
‘Breaking through necessarily means meeting, and so Coupling follows.’

‘Coupling means meeting, supple meets solid.’
‘Deciding means breaking up, solid breaks up supple.’
(This pair isn’t grouped together in the Zagua.)

The yin line ‘pushed out’ in Hexagram 43 returns at the roots of Hexagram 44. What you separated from, decided was ‘not you’, now comes back to meet you as something irreducibly other than yourself and alien to your plans.

what I like especially there is that what you push away from you in 43 returns to you as something alien and powerful in 44.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Here's a list (so far) of what I think 43uc could have meant here (IMO):
[Edited: That is, what it could have meant at the time I asked the question. Clearly several of them have been proven wrong since then :).]

  1. The decision about the tree has not been made.
  2. The decision has already been made, to cut it down.
  3. The decision has already been made, not to cut it down.
  4. I should act in a hex 43 way, asking the apartment management what their plans are, or imploring them not to remove it.
  5. Me acting in a hex 43 way will have no effect (similar to Hilary's example in post #12).
  6. "This is not your decision", period.
7. The fact that the tree was still standing "speaks for itself."

That's related to what's in item 3, but explicitly incorporating the "speaking staff" idea I learned about in this thread. Similar to the phone call reading I mentioned before.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Very interesting thread.

In my experience I received 43 for eliminating indecision and making a choice that was very much to to do with how I was feeling about something inside. It was focused on inner work which eventually led to a breakthrough by being resolute. 43 has also been akin to a slap around the face - Why are you thinking like that? Stop messing around! You know better than that...(It's the Yi in quizzical raised eyebrow mode and pursed lips - I used to get that a lot). This was usually in relation to complaining about an obligation or letting my passions about something interfere with the more important work that was being done quite nicely without me. This was reason and will directing passion so that it was focused like a laser on the matter at hand.

And it's also very true that 43/44 pairing in this sense works because if 43 is ignored then you are sure to have a result that is very 44. That's certainly been the case for me.

Now, I'll leave it there, as if I don't give my dog his evening biscuit this minute he'll poop. It's a tried and tested tactic. He knows it works the little shyster. Very 43/44 in fact. :rolleyes:


Aug 5, 2010
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This was reason and will directing passion so that it was focused like a laser on the matter at hand.

Ahhh, yes ! the word "directing" was looking for all those days !!!

Passion has a propelling aspect and reading Wilhelm felt like he was taking it away - like eating potato chips without salt ; like "ok, yi or Wilhelm:rolleyes: if you say so" and inside :hissy: because that friction is not always a setback- on the contrary.

There is a " I want" in 43 and can't imagine it without passion ; there is an "i am" and can't see it be only reason. its needs an integration , a marriage or just a hot date (44)

an interesting pair (43/44) emerges , in my eyes :) .. oh and I'm starting seeing the "riches" . its appears to be a n association with the fishes of 44 . ( far-fetching ? )


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Yes. They are a rich pairing. Quite powerful.

I think 43 provides the possibility for that "integration" by virtue of reason and will - which leads to a decision and to therefore escape the potentially damaging issues of 44. It's a process. In my experience, it usually occurs when one cycle is about to flip over into the next. For that you certainly need an integration, precision and presence of mind. 43 warns you to keep focused and the more you focus - however long that may be - the more integration of intellect/emotion has a chance to work.


Aug 5, 2010
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Agree with the process.

seems that the story continues in h45 . both 43 and 45 have lake above and below we see Heaven and Earth and in someways seems daddy and mommy act as containers. h45 could be the post decision anxiety/insecurity but this belong to 45un thread. will wait and not derail this one .


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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7. The fact that the tree was still standing "speaks for itself."

Yes ! 43 uc for "Here I Am" or "I Announce Myself" This is my favourite interpretation of 43uc and the tree story. Plain and simple.

Maybe Yi channelled the tree ....maybe not

Looking at the trigrams heaven, presence, announces itself, expresses itself through opening/lake.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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......and er following on from the idea of invasion I just wrote of in the 44uc thread, this ties in well with the tree standing it's ground in the 43uc answer. I mean in terms of the pair the tree was somewhat threatened by invasion of the tree cutters but stood firm and declared itself.

In basic terms and relating to what others have said on the 44uc thread I'm now thinking..;

43 invade but without violence...declaring yourself, deciding

44 you are invaded, how does it feel ? You might take/receive/couple with the ?(whatever it is) but don't grab or marry it.


Aug 10, 2013
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I got 43uc a few days ago when I asked what is likely to happen between me and a woman I met on a dating site. I see it as a breakthrough no matter how it pans out with her because it's the very first time I acted on my gay side. There could be other aspects of the hexagram as well as mentioned above in this thread. It pairs with 44 so I wonder if she could be the vigorous female one shouldn't marry. ;)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I haven't checked back to see what I said re 43 uc.....but anyway I'm going to relate this recent experience I had of 43uc particularly because it coincided with a post GoldenN made at exactly the time I was thinking about my cast. It's an interesting synchronicity to me because he posted on a related topic, well almost the same topic really, and of course 44 is the pair to 43 which I had cast on this same topic.

I'd found myself annoyed again with the kinds of threads on forums, especially divination forums, where women ( and it is mainly women) present endless casts about clearly unfeasible relationships. They get answers from others but refuse to hear anything that does not support their wish that the long absent/uninterested/unsuitable man return/show interest/morph into a suitable man who actually wants a relationship with them etc etc. Sometimes these can work out quite well in that something happens in the conversation that helps or moves things on but there are cases where answers are not only not heard, they are dismissed. Those who try to help are rejected and the divination aspect, the actual answers are not being used by the woman to enhance her growth but rather she seems to use them to assist her in avoiding it, by staying in denial and insisting others stay in denial with her. There was such a thread as this on another forum recently and I found myself furious with the whole charade, really furious. So I asked Yi " I get so cross and furious with these women, what would you say to me about that ?" I was asking about my inner experience of it since I more or less aim to refrain from expressing it outwardly.

I got 43uc and immediately took it that that kind of headspace, that clingy deluded emotional state and all that goes with it, ie is something I wish to decisively separate from. Everyone likely can relate to that state, probably having known it in some form at some time. But if you're done with it ....for yourself, well you're done with it. So I was thinking about that, that I needed a clear announcement to my self that that kind of 'syndrome' for want of a better word, was not in my realm.

The Image from Hilary's book

'Lake above heaven: Deciding
A noble one distributes riches to those below,
She dwells in power and virtue and also shuns things.'

Hilary says of the pair in her commentary how the 5 firm lines of 43
'embody an assertion of identity that breaks through indecision. In 44, the single open line finds it's way back'

So just as I was thinking about all this GoldenN wrote in the 44uc thread

What I'm trying to say - obviously badly ---

is that this situation described is an illustration of what I can see 44 being. I say this due to the many women on this site who seem to describe what reads like a 44 in the aftermath.

This could be plainly a socialization thing - that women are socialized to come onto forums to ask about liaisons gone wrong where men have other methods. But then this is no different to our being culturally conditioned to expect to play particular roles ie: the bold female seizing initiative, that when thrown off tradition and without a clearly defined way of keeping communication channels open, leads to a sort of chaos/destruction/consumptive power that I associate with the gender version of 44. Ie: what was observed in the time of the Zhou dynasty is still relevant today.

And what I'm saying is that there's a sort of lesson in 44, to take note of. That actually these cultural conditionings do still exist - bold young woman is still a 'type'.

So though 44 represents any form of dangerously tempting and seductive situation - or at least, this is how I see it - it's also relevant to actually relate it directly to the seductive female because we're so conditioned, still, to associate her with the femme fatale - in that she might not get what she bargained for and the femme fatale is, as tradition, always discarded. And hence, on the end of a long running narrative, 'she' ends up on a forum, unsure why she receives no communication from her lover/ex-lover.

This is merely a thought, in addition to what's already here about 44.


....and this tied in so well with my answer of 43uc because of course 44 is the pair. The kinds of queries I want to separate from so decisively (43) emerge from their/our experience of 44 in the aftermath.

I'm not sure how much this will make sense but since it was a synchronicity from my POV I feel it's really highlighted how 43 and 44 play as a pair.


That's interesting... I feel just from reading that translation 43, in your decision making of how to respond to these people, "the noble one distributes riches to those below"... means you have risen above those similar situations, or perhaps you've been lucky enough to not experience a similar situation. But you give compassion and advice from your own life experience.

I see those as riches. "Dwelling in power and virtue and also shunning things". You don't condone nor enable whatever behavior they continue to display or choose, because that is against your earned or learned virtue.

44, "the single open line finds it's way back". This sounds like it can mean two things. One - that if they are open minded enough or open to the advice and guidance, they will find their way back. People seem to learn their best on their own, regardless of advice given. They seem to learn in it in their own way. In their own time. So its like, worry not. As long as the advice given is with the intention to help them. We help them the best we can and move along.

Two - or perhaps it means when you are open you find your way back. If it were me, and I got so frustrated with people's behavior I would be looking within, to see if there's anything there that needs to be worked out. But then again I am now at a stage, where what's within seems to come to the surface in it's own time, to work out naturally. Thankfully.

You know... In my opinion your advice is very well thought out. Its logical. It makes sense. And I realize it can be frustrating to sound like a broken record sometimes. But your advice helps more people than you probably realize. And you are not always cross in my opinion. In fact you come across as very compassionate.

So to me its like, even if you don't help that one person. Others are reading and watching. And you may end up helping a lot more people than you think. The readers. The lurkers. I admire some of these men and women for having the courage to display all of their dirty laundry out there. And in doing that I feel there must be something within that is wanting healing or help or guidance. That's why they find their way here. Honestly the knowledge in this forum is unbelievable. Its so awesome. It reminds me of my favorite little story of the boy that saves the starfish by throwing them back in the ocean. "I might not be able to save them all. But I saved that one"... You helped me. You have no idea how many of posts you wrote that I have read over the years.

Of course it is your decision. You must do what feels good and right for you. I'm not against that. It may be best to avoid those posts. Maybe you have given enough advice throughout the forum on these topics. Just seems like it should be fairly easy to give advice and walk away. The only way I can see it not being easy, is if we attached to our own answer in some way, or have a need to see we helped someone. Just speaking my mind. Food for thought.


Another thing that comes to mind... When you get the nudge to be cross with someone. They might actually need that. That might make a breakthrough for them. Especially if we think about it in terms of balance. Sometimes we need the happy and light person. Sometimes we need someone a little more grounded and cross as you say. And perhaps we don't get the feedback we hope for in shared readings, cause it is not easy to share all of that dirty laundry. Then come back and say... "Yea Trojina you were right. I needed to change x,y, and z." They're probably too busy recuperating and didn't realize they owed an explanation lol. Just trying to flip the coin a bit.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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That's interesting... I feel just from reading that translation 43, in your decision making of how to respond to these people, "the noble one distributes riches to those below"... means you have risen above those similar situations, or perhaps you've been lucky enough to not experience a similar situation. But you give compassion and advice from your own life experience

But I did not ask how to respond to these people. I asked simply for Yi to talk to me about my feelings. My question, which was mainly focused on me, my own feelings, although that will impact on what I decide to do of course.

BTW the particular query that sparked the question, that made me furious, wasn't even on this forum.

Two - or perhaps it means when you are open you find your way back. If it were me, and I got so frustrated with people's behavior I would be looking within,

That was what I was doing. I was talking to Yi about my feelings. It was a private personal question I shared here because it connected with what GoldenN said on the 44uc thread.

You know... In my opinion your advice is very well thought out. Its logical. It makes sense. And I realize it can be frustrating to sound like a broken record sometimes. But your advice helps more people than you probably realize. And you are not always cross in my opinion. In fact you come across as very compassionate.

Thanks :bows: but this question was not about my advice, and as I say not even related to a query on this forum...I think you may be over generalising the scope of the question...which is understandable as I had to generalise somewhat in explaining the cast.

So to me its like, even if you don't help that one person. Others are reading and watching. And you may end up helping a lot more people than you think. The readers. The lurkers. I admire some of these men and women for having the courage to display all of their dirty laundry out there. And in doing that I feel there must be something within that is wanting healing or help or guidance. That's why they find their way here. Honestly the knowledge in this forum is unbelievable. Its so awesome. It reminds me of my favorite little story of the boy that saves the starfish by throwing them back in the ocean. "I might not be able to save them all. But I saved that one"... You helped me. You have no idea how many of posts you wrote that I have read over the years.

My query wasn't about 'dirty laundry' It was about....well you can re read to find out, no point me repeating it all but I said specifically those who don't really want to hear the divination but just want to engage others in confirming their desired reality. To be honest it was the extreme form of that the question was about...which was not even on this forum in this instance.

Another thing that comes to mind... When you get the nudge to be cross with someone. They might actually need that. That might make a breakthrough for them. Especially if we think about it in terms of balance. Sometimes we need the happy and light person. Sometimes we need someone a little more grounded and cross as you say. And perhaps we don't get the feedback we hope for in shared readings, cause it is not easy to share all of that dirty laundry. Then come back and say... "Yea Trojina you were right. I needed to change x,y, and z." They're probably too busy recuperating and didn't realize they owed an explanation lol. Just trying to flip the coin a bit

The question to Yi was about what I need not about what they need...hence I asked Yi to talk to me about it. I don't mind what dirty laundry people want to share.....the frustration is with those who make others go on and on, getting others to work really hard, giving answers they never hear because they are not interested in hearing. They only hear what they want to hear. I have seen it get to such a level I consider it an abuse of those who respond...that is even when I am not involved in anyway. I've seen people spend at least an hour I imagine writing a response which is dismissed rudely by the woman who just wants one thing !!!...to hear what she wants...

Anyway I really don't want to go too far off topic (and I knew when I posted this could go terribly off topic but it was a risk I thought I'd take since I felt it illuminating how it connected to 44) I just wanted to share my cast and what it meant for me personally on an inner level, for me.

However again in connection with 44 I would like to point out to you Blue Angel (since you are very compassionate person and hence can get easily drained....look after yourself ;)) in connection with what GoldenN said about some threads possibly being the aftermath of a 44 type mindset/experience.... I note in forums that often those who shout loudest about all their emotional torment because 'he' hasn't called get to the top of the pile and get the most attention, sometimes at the expense of those who do have quite serious problems and who are interested in hearing what Yi says and really hearing other's responses. Hmmm so what I'm trying to say is you as a compassionate person can actually get pulled in by the demands of the 44 syndrome that GoldenN speculated upon...you might expend a lot of energy on these people at the expense of the quieter ones who have actual life serious life issues going on.

I heard that paramedics say in an accident don't go to those who are shouting the loudest, you know they are alive and kicking, go to those who are quiet first. That must be pretty hard to do since we'd naturally go to those who are shouting a 'I AM IN AGONY HELP ME'.

So I'd say ...'so you didn't know him well, you slept with him and now he hasn't called. That is not an emergency of any kind. It is you in the aftermath of a 44 experience perhaps. Look after yourself better'.

Having said all that in the 44uc thread chingching related a very positive experience of her 44 sexual fling. So she was aware, she could handle it. Many threads may arise because these women are not aware, can't handle it.

Where I'd differ from GoldenN is I don't think it the woman herself, who asks the question who is necessarily the 44 element. The 44 element is that which sucks you in in an addictive way and then discards. So these women had a 44ish experience, the man being the addictive tempting factor for them.


"The frustration is with those who make others go on and on and getting others to work really hard"... I guess I'm just seeing it differently. Cause they can't make anyone do anything. Give advice, let it go. There's no attachment to it. If they don't hear it, they don't hear it. People are making a choice to work really hard to help or get there points across. No ones making them. Maybe that's what you are saying. You are making a choice not to work really hard for people that don't want to hear the advice. And the pattern you see I guess, is mostly or only with the women that hold onto relationships that are past their expiration date. Lol or maybe our views on it all are just different, which is fine too. :)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Maybe that's what you are saying. You are making a choice not to work really hard for people that don't want to hear the advice. And the pattern you see I guess, is mostly or only with the women that hold onto relationships that are past their expiration date.

Yes that's more or less it. Although you won't be able to completely know what it means to me as you aren't me. :D

Oh I should add the question was very much from an inner perspective since in actual fact I already mostly don't answer threads I perceive to be going that way. I refrain from answering (when I can) in order to save myself from all that irritation. So for me the 43uc is an inner stance, an inner resolution to decisively part from that 44ish mode women can get into (and sometimes men) Of course what is parted from can creep back in. That is why 43/44 make the pair. What one shuns might also draw one back in and so the cycle goes.

I think what you said about offering and not being attached and moving on is just an ideal of how people are meant to act. Sounds a bit Buddhist. It really isn't true for me. I do care about people and get involved in people's stories. I don't aim to be non attached, that is not my nature. As I will get enmeshed I will experience frustration, hence 43uc is a great answer for me. Not for everyone but for me. As it's my reading it's my choice...I shouldn't need to defend it...so I'll stop. If you can do it all with non attachment it's your choice....but it doesn't mean every one can or that everyone would want to.

Lol or maybe our views on it all are just different, which is fine too

I wasn't really expecting to share views on the subject matter when I consulted Yi on this, it was private, just for me.....my own private conversation with Yi I shared because of the synchronicity of what was written on the 44uc thread....that's all. To me it's been a helpful way of connecting 43 and 44 up as a pair.

That's what has been really interesting to me with the unchanging threads. Noticing how the pairs interact and complement one another. When a hexagram is unchanging I am finding I don't really understand the answer fully without taking into account it's pair. Just like one cannot understand 42 without also being aware of 41 and so on.
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"The frustration is with those who make others go on and on and getting others to work really hard"... I guess I'm just seeing it differently. Cause they can't make anyone do anything. Give advice, let it go. There's no attachment to it. If they don't hear it, they don't hear it. People are making a choice to work really hard to help or get there points across. No ones making them.

I think the above is why over the years we see so many "experts" come and go through this forum. They enthusiastically offer their great wisdom, especially to those who weep the loudest (great point, 'Jina, on paramedics' triage, going to them last), and expect to at least be appreciated and thanked for their efforts, if not for their knowledge and/or experience, only to discover that instead of gratitude they either are met with a defensive argument, a lot of "yeah but", or ignored completely.

I too sometimes feel a bit frustrated, especially in cases when some research and effort was put in to offer an intelligible interpretation, that the requester feels so entitled to that they choose to ignore it, and most of the time it's only because they're clueless regarding the nature of Yi's ways of answering. Fortune cookie answers are what they expect, and when they don't receive what they want, they throw the cookie in the trash. It's no wonder so many who can offer decent interpretations choose to discontinue their "service" here, and move on. But the fact of the matter is that, as you've said, no one is making anyone offer an interpretation. Ingratitude and arguments are probably what created the problematic reading in the first place.

With all the commentaries readily available, those who care to have answers broken down to common language and logic shouldn't need to rely exclusively on interpretations in Shared Readings, in the first place.

I think 43 speaks more to those of us who believe we have something to offer to those with questions; the speaking staff with something to say. But it's purely voluntary, and we are not entitled to acknowledgment or appreciation for our efforts.


I see both of your points. Makes sense. Well I'm thankful for the knowledge you all share. It's likely this thread will come across useful to others and who knows, maybe even myself in the future.

Best wishes in our journies


Oh and I wasn't wanting or asking for a defense on it. I was trying to understand your point of view in my own unique way. Weird way maybe lol. And since you shared I thought it was open for discussion or other points of view. But I understand it is personal for you.


Oh and I wasn't wanting or asking for a defense on it. I was trying to understand your point of view in my own unique way. Weird way maybe lol. And since you shared I thought it was open for discussion or other points of view. But I understand it is personal for you.

I was agreeing with you, and in part with Trojina. Yes, I was just offering my personal experience with it, and how I relate 43 to it.

Give advice, let it go. There's no attachment to it.



Aug 10, 2013
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I just got 43 uc when asking if I should make an appointment with a gender therapist, what'd it bring me? (I feel really nervous to make that call, you know.)
Yi seems to answer I'd be able to speak my mind and eventually make a decision.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I was looking back at old journals yesterday and these included old readings. I came across several 43uc casts and straight away I understood what I hadn't at the time. These were saying quite plainly 'state your position/say who you are/say where you are'. With hindsight I could see that was a fairly simple step I needed to take in relation to the question I'd asked. If people don't know your position they cannot respond to you. This wouldn't always be a verbal thing, statements can be made through actions too. Here I Am. The nuclear is hexagram 1, so there's an 'isness', presence. So I think 43uc can be a simple message of Visible Presence. We learn a lot when growing up about not imposing ourselves and staying quiet, these are often the behaviours that are seen as being 'good' children. That is necessary of course otherwise we'd all be raging egomaniacs but I think the down side to that is we can often hesitate to reveal ourselves when we actually need to in order to get the reactions/results/ responses we want. But 'doing' 43 can be very hard.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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Bought myself a pair of sneakers at the sports store, but later at home they just didn't feel right.
When walking fast the front part bends and hits the toes, and there were other annoyances.

What to do with them? (keep/return) 43.0 and 43.5 → 34
Went to the store and returned them next day, filling an official return form.
No questions asked, the girl didn't even check the condition of the shoes.


My experiences with 43uc - hmm! Over recent months I've found myself confused by 43uc but now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see that in most of these instances (at least, the ones I have some perspective on) I was being asked to 'decide', or that a process of decision-making was in process - either with me, or someone else, or both. Questions include:

"You mean I want it too much and so now can't have it" (referring to a job application - I got an interview but not the job, and it wasn't right for me anyway)
"Should I email them to thank them for interview" (another job I didn't get - I did email them to thank them, but it didn't sway them in my favour - again, it wasn't right for me anyway)
"Should I get in touch with (ex-work associate) to see if there's an opportunity?" (I think i did email him, but no reply - again, it wasn't right for me anyway!!)
"Does this cat depend on me?" (referring to a cat that comes to my house for food and shelter, but I don't "own" him - I don't even know if he has an actual home)
"Are these glitches meaningful?" This last is interesting, because I use the Yi via an app on both my iphone and ipad. The ipad version has become a bit glitchy of late, and last night I asked a question about manifestation and received which should have changed to 29, but the app showed it changing to 43 - so 43uc. This completely threw me initially, but there had previously been another glitch that I had wondered about (the question of manifestation and altering our reality has been uppermost in my mind for a variety of reasons, and the day before a hex had changed almost before my eyes from 25>55 to 12>62 as a consequence of line 1 changing) and then when I asked if the glitches were meaningful or just a glitch, I received 43uc!!

I wasn't sure whether this was supposed to mean that I should have received 43uc on the previous occasion; or that the app is, literally, broken; or that with resoluteness I can expect to be able to change my reality!! Or maybe all three...

Looking back at all of these, to some extent (perhaps) the common thread is that I'm being asked to decide, or perhaps someone else will decide for me...? The cat, by the way, still visits and I still don't know if he 'lives' somewhere else as well...

butterfly spider

43 then for a decision that I need to make. I had a very tricky casting about a situation - very many variables to consider about a major sale. It was even tricky for experienced members of this site to interpret really.

I did a casting just now - just asking about the decision, not necessarily what I should do, just asking about it in a more rounded, less specific way. I got 43UC, which looking at the comments on this thread, is telling me to state my position, say who I am, what I want in all of this. Be an I instead of a we here, take command, but from a caring perspective. By almost putting my cards on the table, saying, this is what is going to happen, it is easier for others to accept my decision. But, as Trojina says, doing 43 can be hard....

Am going to make a journey today to settle things in my mind - so will bear this all in mind


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I also got it [43uc] once to indicate a decision which had already been made. A tree which grew about three feet from the side of our building had been removed, and I asked whether they'd also cut down a similar tree which has grown past my own balcony. (I like it, and didn't want it removed.) Yi gave me 43uc, and it was never cut down:). I think the reading meant they'd already decided which trees had to go, and "mine" was not on the list.

I like to think that also 43uc re the tree may mean something entirely outside of that list...in fact I'm often quite happy with answers I don't understand. They are kind of like the boiled sweets of the Yi to carry round in your pocket, you can keep sucking on them for ages :D
Well we can now carry the boiled sweet of '43uc and the tree' around with us

Update: they cut the tree down two days ago. :weep: :weep: It brought us birds, the occasional squirrel, branches waving in the wind; now it's gone.

I haven't asked why, although I'd gotten notification that the utility company was going to be doing work so maybe that's the reason.

Don't know if there's anything in the "unchangingness" of the original 43uc indicating "not yet" or something unfinished? It's a leap, probably...the original reading was about 4 years ago, and I had an actual reason at that time to wonder about it then. This (2 days ago) was a separate incident.

I like 12.5 as reassurance about trees, by the way.
Your commentary describes how the mulberry tree "regrows vigorously from its roots when cut back." That might be exactly the relevant part, actually. My tree does grow faster than average; maybe it's not a true "tree" at all, despite looking like one to me (am clueless - tried once to identify its leaves online, with no success). And maybe cutting it down wouldn't be enough, and they'd have to dig it completely out of the ground, roots and all, to get rid of it. (Which presumably they'd do if it was a threat to the building.)

I can hope it regrows. Haven't had the heart yet to look if the stump's still there.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Sorry to hear about this Liselle. I was just about to write that surely they cannot do this in your garden area, as I don't think they could here where I live, not without resident's permission, but then I wasn't so sure.

Seems to me we have to be vigilant to stop people hacking trees down for no good reason, unless they had a reason ?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
Reaction score
I suppose they at least thought they had a reason. I was notified by the building manager that the utility company would be doing work (no mention of the tree), and within hours this happened. I suspect even if the tree was only in their way, even if it wasn't causing damage, that would be enough for them to ask the manager's permission. I doubt anything I could have said would have mattered. "It's in the way, lady. :rolleyes:" It probably would have taken either the utility people or the manager actively wanting to keep it.

And yes as you say if it really was causing damage, even I would concede it had to go.

Anyway, I had no idea what was going to happen until it already had.

If I'm ever in the mood to either ask the manager about it, or try some readings - I can update if I get a better handle on it. Right now I just have the draperies pulled over that side of the window. :bag:

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