...life can be translucent


55. Feng / Abundance [Fullness]


Jun 3, 2006
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Here the darkening is at its height. The nuclear trigrm Sun is joined with the nuclear trigram Tui, lake, which limits the inherent possibility of accomplishing great things. Tui means to break. The right arm is denoted by the weak six at the top, which, in accordance with the relations in this hexagram, is not to be taken into account as an aid to the strong line in the third place. If one refrains from action, recognizing that it is impossible, one remains blameless.
The word p'ei, rendered as "underbrush," means also a body of water, and the word mo, rendered as "small stars," means also foam, drizzle. However, the interpretation given seems to suit the context better.


Jun 3, 2006
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Nine in the fourth place means:

The curtain is of such fullness
That the polestars can be seen at noon.
He meets his ruler, who is of like kind.
Good fortune.



Jun 3, 2006
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Here the darkness is already decreasing, therefore interrelated elements come together. Here too the complement must be found - the necessary wisdom to complement joy of action. Then everything will go well. The complementary factor postulated here is the reverse of the one in the first line. In the latter, wisdom is to be complemented by energy, while here energy is to be complemented by wisdom.


Jun 3, 2006
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I've been re-reading Mike's thoughts. Building on those ideas..
55.1 A man and his destined ruler. Okay Mike describes this line as being Uninformed Optimism, that is, that you're feeling your "destined" to be together and you assume that's a good thing but we don't really know what all that will mean yet. (Leads to 62. The devil is in the details?)
Incidentally, when you get a seemingly positive line like this one in a reading, do you just take it at face value or do you also take into consideration that the next line is negative? I mean, if I got 55.1 in response to "Does my boyfriend love me?" I would feel pretty good. Should I take it one step further though and figure that since it leads to 55.2 that means there is trouble ahead?
55.2 Informed Doubt. Interesting that it was at this line I thought Bert's post didn't even belong on this thread! LOL! So okay, here things are coming out in the open that are more than you bargained for.
55.3 So now helpless, can't act. Like the destined ruler isn't giving any guidance at all. Or at least, none that we can distinguish. No clear cut guidance?

So this brings us to 55.4. Wilhelm says, "Meets his ruler who is of like kind." I'm thinking this really emphasizes the equality between people, between the man and his ruler. I've been helping sort and price things this week for today's community garage sale (funny how garages full of clutter seems to keep coming up at Abundance!). I haven't done this before but the folks who've been doing it every year just keep reassuring me to just put whatever price I feel to on the stuff -Your guess is as good as mine.
Looking ahead to 55.5, I'm seeing this can mean that we will be open to dickering with the public at the sale today, whatever anybody wants to pay for the stuff will probably be acceptable.

Love the picture of the like minded kids behind the curtain, rodaki!!!
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Mar 22, 1971
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Hi Rosada

I'm in danger of mixing my metaphors here from the last post, but is 55.3 more a sense of us being negative about the outer world that is going on around us, we haven't really grasped what the true meaning of abundance is. It's a bit like a ski jumper who uses the momentum of the downward ( negative) slope of the hill to launch himself up into the sky. Once we have started down the slope there is nothng we can do about it (our arm is broken). But good news, the greater the momentum down the longer the jump.
At 55.4 we are in the place of choices in how we see the outer world. Richmond says for this line- Here we face the outer world as our reality and it becomes our ruler; it's appearances a reflection of our point of view, we see them through the filters of our choice. Our good fortune is being able to move (change) by accepting the tranquil.

So rather than letting the trials and tribulations of the outside world impact on our inner self, we choose to seek out and find our inner peace as this is really where the abundance can be found. At this inner place we meet the ruler who is of like kind. This gives us a place of hope that we can choose and will not continue to be distracted by the ravages of the midday sun.

This line to me seems to be telling us as within, so with out.

Remember only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun !!:D



Jun 26, 2008
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thank you Rosada :)

At 55.4 we are in the place of choices in how we see the outer world. Richmond says for this line- Here we face the outer world as our reality and it becomes our ruler; it's appearances a reflection of our point of view, we see them through the filters of our choice. Our good fortune is being able to move (change) by accepting the tranquil.

So rather than letting the trials and tribulations of the outside world impact on our inner self, we choose to seek out and find our inner peace as this is really where the abundance can be found. At this inner place we meet the ruler who is of like kind. This gives us a place of hope that we can choose and will not continue to be distracted by the ravages of the midday sun.

This line to me seems to be telling us as within, so with out.

Remember only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun !!:D





Mar 22, 1971
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Remember only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun !!:D

Take your pick.............

The composers version

The Muppets Version


or perhaps something a bit more classical..............

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
To die: to sleep;No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.
- Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

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Jun 3, 2006
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"The curtain is of such fullness": the place is not the appropriate one.
"the polestars can be seen at noon.' he is dark and not light giving.
"He meets his ruler, who is of like kind.
good fortune." This means action.

The first sentence here is the same as in the case of the six in the second place; the latter is the beginning and the present line the ending of the nuclear trigram Sun, wood. The place is not appropriate, because this is a hard line in a yielding place. The line is no longer in the trigram Li, hence no longer lightgiving by nature. Light is below. However, movement enables it to meet the first line, which is of like kind,i.e., likewise strong. Thus light comes through action (the first line is light, because it is in the trigram Li), and with it good fortune.


Good stuff, Mike.

So rather than letting the trials and tribulations of the outside world impact on our inner self, we choose to seek out and find our inner peace as this is really where the abundance can be found. At this inner place we meet the ruler who is of like kind. This gives us a place of hope that we can choose and will not continue to be distracted by the ravages of the midday sun.


Aside from cold blooded reptiles, nothing in the desert is seen out in the midday sun. The ruler, then, it seems, is more likely to be around the other living things, in the shade or beneath earth's epidermis.

The only other consideration I can think of is if the Sun is the ruler, who, being of like mind to seek shade, moves toward the horizon. But there's no rest for the sun, is there. It's midday wherever he goes. Is this, then, the ruler which judges? Or, is there a less conspicuous ruler beneath the green canopy?


Freudian I Ching?

A picture of a judging father and protective mother. Which one does the child run to? Which is his ruler of like mind? Which becomes his enemy?


A bit confused with who/what is the ruler.
The curtain is of such fullness": the place is not the appropriate one.
"the polestars can be seen at noon.' he is dark and not light giving.
"He meets his ruler, who is of like kind.
good fortune." This means action.

the ruler here is in the dark side or the side of the light ?

A picture of a judging father and protective mother. Which one does the child run to? Which is his ruler of like mind? Which becomes his enemy?

The ruler in that case, is the father, isn't it ? The child might run to the mother but the ruler will always be his father, unless he go and "meet" him.

Maybe the relating hexagram 36 and the fan Yao confuse me , but i thought that the ruler is the source of darkness, the reason that one has to keep his fire protected.

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Maria, those are the questions :mischief:.

I think this may be one of Yi's most hidden and least discussed uncertainties: who is the ruler, and are there more than one? That's the question I've posed as well.

Wilhelm, as per usual, presents the image of 36 as good and evil, as in darkness doing harm to the light. But this is not how I it read in 36 or 55, especially not since moving to the desert, where 55 took on a whole new dimension. I began to see darkness as a friend, not an enemy. In fact, this area does not even observe Daylight Saving Time, because we welcome the sun going down and hour earlier in summer.

Within the earth is fire: 36. So this fire is to be found within the earth. Meeting one's lord of like mind is meeting fire within the earth. Like Mike said, as above, so below. Look for a place where the Lord is not - you won't find it. I think this can say something about vainglory, about seeking the fine seat in the temple, about praying and prophesying in public places. Glory is not always found in the spotlight. It's also found in quiet, safe and hidden places.


Living under the hot bright Greek sun I don’t see the dark, black shadows as bad, so darkness is not “evil”, per se.

Let me rephrase what I said without claiming I have the answer. :)

Speculations :rolleyes:
The ruler in your example/question, is the father. The child might run to the mother but the ruler will always be his father, unless he go and "meet" him. If you like, he is the key person, who can help the child to find the way to the light.

In drawing, by working with the dark spots, you can “show “ the light.
Generally, I found that the dark sides are equally important as the bright ones . The foundings I have come across in dark places are valuables and have help me to see that fire inside the earth.

The trip is towards the fire. I agree with that. Its a trip that with the "help" of the Ruler of 55.4 , you find another ruler- yourself.
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Jun 26, 2008
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I'm not sure I get the father/mother idea but here are a couple of thoughts on 55.4 . .

the ruler is that who gives life. sometimes dark earth gives life, sometimes bright sun gives life. A seed lying in the sun dies, it has to be underground. the first sprouts have to get out to the light, or else life is suffocated
here the source of life is obscured, one has to search for it
even more so because the mandate changes hands (that's how the story goes if I'm right)
it is a moment of transition

the ruler is still veiled and its signs can only be seen in its minute, far off reflections (stars)
one has to penetrate the last layers of darkness and bring to the surface the new mandate (36.4, one goes within in order to bring sth out, is this Orpheus' journey in Hades?)
the ruler is still unclear because rulership is in flux . .
i think the only sure thing is that one is walking towards change


Jun 26, 2008
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but the ruler might also be an idea, somthing that inspires, or someone who has ideas and inspires or a big ancestor like Einstein or Socrates. In the case of 55 it might well be someone who excecutes or gives the order to excecute?
Anyway, I digged up master Ni, Hua Ting, who also has become an ancesor:
"The decorative curtains of a house are so thick, one lives in partial darkness; however, his associations with a good ally brings positive results"

The 4th line, a yang line in a yin position, is hindered by its improper position. Thus, there is darkness. But by having proper correspondence with the first line, the misfortune can be turned into good fortune. Even when one is in a bad position and time, through correct associations an opportunity may still exist to achieve safety or bring forth good fortune.

so far mr Ni.

So, here the light, or the ability to act is hindered by to much ornamentation you could say, actually the same thing as in line 2 and 3: things, people, habits, goasts, doubts, ideas that don't matter hinder the excecution of the character of time. Sometimes our experience concering orgasms (indeed 55, but also 63) can help: who excecutes it (that is the ruler), what hinders it, are there any brakes, was there enough foreplay, an exemple, things like that, let your own phantasy do the work.
Here the ornamentation might be a very vague exchange about what a ruler might be. Typical for this line.
We must take in mind the the yi is dealing with very basic yin and yang, so when talking about light and sun these are easy categories to think in, metaphores so to say, but not the "real yin and yang". Every pattern in yin and yang works according to time and place, heals or sets back according time and place. So what heals one moment can be destructive in another situation. Good and bad do not exist, ontly resonating patterns and us surfing in them, going with them or not with them and every shade between going with or be in resistance.
The ruler in any hexagram is the one who is in accord (accord and resonating are nice musical categories to think in) with the situation and furthers it.
That might be mum and dad, but also the baby that shouts for shelter and food and sets the servants (the parents) at work to execute a plan to organize that cohearently. A moment later dad consoles the crying child, gives protection and the roles are turned around.
so, celebrate good times, life is what happens to you while you are making plans according ancestor Lennon
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I wonder about the meaning of the word 'ruler'...which indicates authority ...don't some translations just say 'hidden lord', which in readings doesn't always turn out to be anyone with authority..so i wonder why authority is key to the line ?

I can't say I really understand what this line is about, it always sounds quite tantalisingly mysterious to me., I guess its a person or possibly situation one wouldn't expect to find a solution with/from..I do tend to think of 55.4 as a hidden solution where you least expect it. You've been dazzled, disabled, confused,blinded by possibilities..when you meet the dark lord who shows you how..

I think the Lennon quote fits well, the real life goes well under the radar of the plans. The plans are the conscious daytime self, the dark lord, well he might symbolise the less conscious undercurrents in any situation that are actually stronger through being hidden and sometimes where our real help is to be found

(i can't believe Jilt used the words 'orgasm' and 'foreplay' and Luis hasn't even bothered to show up ?! Hes really falling down on the job lately)
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One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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(i can't believe Jilt used the words 'orgasm' and 'foreplay' and Luis hasn't even bothered to show up ?! Hes really falling down on the job lately)

Pardon me for being a little distracted after that post... I don't smoke but I'm having a cigarette and blowing little, satisfied blue rings... :D


Jun 3, 2006
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0 Six in the fifth place means:
Lines are coming,
Blessings and fame draw near.
Good fortune.

The ruler is modest and therefore open to the counsel of able men. Thus he is surrounded by men who suggest to him the lines of action. This brings blessings, fame, and good fortune to him and all the people.

The good fortune of the six in the fifth place comes from the fact that it bestows blessing.

This line is related to the six in the second place. In the latter case the expression is "going," here it is "coming." The lines are the light, clear force just approaching by reason of the trigram Li, light - whose central line is the six in the second place - thus making possible blessing and fame.


Jun 26, 2008
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here the ruler is a weak line on a strong place in a very energetic hex. So, the ruler must let things happen, must be fascilitating, take care the strong forces of fire and thunder get their way: let go all the worries, it is time to laugh and cry again and surrender to the celebration.

Have you ever noticed the preparations for a celebration? how nervous people are, how they worry about every detail, even so much that you cannot imagine that they will party when the moment is there?


Jun 3, 2006
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Thoughts on 55.5..and how it leads to 33.

Q: What makes a man a king?
A: Being in the right place at the right time - and seizing the opportunity.

... Cause if you don't, the moment will pass you by.
Just realized I got this wrong. 55.5 does not lead to 33 but to 49.
Sorry for the confusion.
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Jun 26, 2008
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Nigel Richmond (Language of the Lines):

He takes his own feelings about his reality as only a small part of it. He has hit upon something that will nourish him well, the idea is like a seed that leads him on many things



Jun 26, 2008
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"I Ching Oracle" (Richmond):

Afterwards there are
wonderful variations passing.
Blessings and fame approach.
Good fortune

The variations which fill us with wonder are the changes that come to our outer lives as though undeserved, like blessings, they are not caused out there but come from the inner abundance
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Jun 3, 2006
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What a wonderful choice for this high point.
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Jun 3, 2006
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I see line 55.5 as saying that even though one may be weak, you are in the right place at the right time and therefore you are the Man of the Moment. Enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame. Strike while the iron is hot. Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.
And to continue with the garage clearing and lawn sale analogy, "The customer is always right."


Jun 26, 2008
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What a wonderful choice for this high point.

glad you liked it :)

no bickering at the sale after all???:eek::D

(just saw your reading on the other thread . . not sure about it though . .)

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