...life can be translucent


All right, another thread about complicated simplicity


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May 29, 2006
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Even though I know its dead I'm beginning to feel sorry for that horse :(


Jul 12, 2006
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The Romans used to say:

The Romans attributed the decline of Graecian influencial supremacy on the fact that they (the Greeks) used many words to say little, a flaw remedied with latin and eliminated with english...an argumentative language stripped to the bare essentials...

I feel english tonight, or Graeco-Bretanian...so here I go:

Quote: Seems to me the glass' nature is to contain, which is quite independent of whether it is filled or not. In times of drought the lake drys to nearly a drop. Is it not still a lake? That is, is it not still in potenetial to contain? I think there are times to fill and times to empty, but the nature of glass, lake, container is unaltered.


Argue me if I am wrong, in this context, but a lake, or lakebed it would seem here, has the potential to be a lake again, but is not one, it is a lake if there is water in it, as opposed to a glass, whether full or empty is still a glass...

The nature of the lake is not to contain, but to be...a lake...no? it is the potential of the lakebed to contain; A lake, which is empty, is not a lake.



Oct 2, 1971
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Now it's your turn, FuZi.

If you split a hair is it still one hair or two?



Also similar to what Fuzi originally said.

Fuzi, my error. I can't figure out what you have said or mean, anymore. For someone who continuously stresses the problem of too many words and too complicated thoughts, I can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to say r.e. the condition of the glass.

Is it clear in your mind what you are trying to convey, or are you winging it as you go?


Jul 12, 2006
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bruce_g.....................

All of the above; none of the above, some of the above. About the hair, if you split it in two, it is two half hair, no?
I believe more than once I mentioned that I enjoyed other points of view, for I change my mind as often as possible...nothing like a freshly laundered mind to start anew....hahaha
What really bakes my noodle is the fact that, lets take for granted that this forum is dwelling with (excentric) people, most often people will buck just to buck, felling assertive dressed in this cloak, but do not reflect on the question, conventionality or crowd inertia guiding their minds...yes, we all agree, often I rattle the cage of the mind and, the very few of you which dont mind...well, have one....hahaha



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May 29, 2006
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There, find above a first reason- able quote, Light Angel, for the first time, by anyone but bruce_g, remembers how I have spend nights and dozens of nights again in refining and documenting etymologies to share and argue. I have gotten a tenfold of responses by triggering bogus threads than with down to Earth serious harmony-minded educational threads...agree ?

Is it not amusing/confusing that when speaking about me all use the She/He gender, even without provoking it I am subject for dilemma.....

I like you all, honestly, and find it, though awkard, a priviledge to have such a thread.


You make a false assumption here. I recall you writing the etymology threads though I did not read them. They may have been of great interest to some but they didn't exactly seem to invite 'sharing' or 'argument' as you put it. The reason for this is like you say above was they were intended as educational - like a lecturer standing on a podium who doesn't invite response.

I'm suprised after you have admitted in your above post that these threads are 'bogus' that people are still bothering with the water/glass thing.

And I'm getting a feeling you are now also magic tortoise. Magic tortoise i apologise if this is not so, but when this **** game playing was always intended to mess with peoples head -( and claim some loftier purpose in doing so).


Feb 22, 1971
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bruce_g.....................

I believe more than once I mentioned that I enjoyed other points of view, for I change my mind as often as possible...nothing like a freshly laundered mind to start anew....hahaha
What really bakes my noodle is the fact that, lets take for granted that this forum is dwelling with (excentric) people, most often people will buck just to buck, felling assertive dressed in this cloak, but do not reflect on the question, conventionality or crowd inertia guiding their minds...yes, we all agree, often I rattle the cage of the mind and, the very few of you which dont mind...well, have one....hahaha


This is what bakes my noodle....you say you have an open freshly laudered mind, but why the hostility? why this delighted obvious criticism for anyone who "bucks" at bogus nonsense. Why call it "assertiveness dressed in a cloak", no body seems afraid of being assertive here, cloak or no cloak. I for one would say anything to someones' face that I would say here.

You don't rattle the cage of anyone's mind, you talk nonsense and then imply that anyone who says "what the hell are you doing?" has no mind. And for what it's worth, most of the people including me did play along with you in various ways, with varying degrees of fun and even just boredom. It wouldnt call it insulting exactly to pose ridculous questions under the guise of "teaching a lesson"- you can play that way if you want to- but it is an attempt to be insulting when you imply that people who don't play exactly the way you do have no mind, are crowd pleasers, are not "supple." How supple is that on your part?

I would welcome some true rattling of the mental cage, something intelligent and honest. for some reason there is a huge chip on your shoulder, and it would be interesting if you could explore that. Sunflare had at least an honest cage-rattling bunch of things to say. why not just say it outright....why you apparently think clans like this get too clannish, or too stuffy....what ever it is that is your gripe

your aggressiveness is passive and then you wait for the inevitable agressive response so you can pounce and say "HAHA! that person has no mind, that person bucks the new fresh and unlaundered mind" or alternatively you grace someone with your approval if they very timidly say, "Well, its okay, it's all a hoot".

what's wrong with really saying what's on YOUR mind? I think what's wrong with that approach is that you fear backlash. So before you even speak, you already play judge, jury and executioner.......the verdict: most excentrics on this board have no mind; watch me prove it.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Your spelling of that word is as eccentric as Fuzzy's.


Sep 10, 1970
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"What really bakes my noodle..." - The classic line used by the Oracle in the Matrix film :)

Or maybe... "There is no glass..."

Or maybe.... "Stop TRYING to confuse me, and just CONFUSE me!"

Or maybe... "Thats the sound of inevitability Mr Anderson..."

It was inevitable from first reading these threads that the end result would be the one we are seeing now. Maybe FuZi isn't the oracle he/she claims to be ;-)


Jul 12, 2006
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Very well, then, grasshopper, had you read honestly you had found that many many times I have asked for counter argument, feedback, oh how many times did I invite feedback on the etymologies. Hundreds of people read me, too often trying to figure out who I was, as if it made a difference. Lately, I did try a more, say, joyfull of adapted approach but I find that some of you have loose lips and are a little too casual, I am offended.
It is my view that there are a few genuine people here concerned and in admiration for the Yi's tradition. I would say that 85% of the time threads become jabble jabble nonsense, that is not what argumentative means. I had left the post after having spent 2 hours a day, 64 days in a row,then another 2 hours a day once more for another cycle of 64 days, to lay down an exclusive ecclectic vision of the Yi...often I was told people just didnt read because there was too much material, or that I did not give time to respond. Often, too, people sent me to other's responses, without positioning themselves until they could feel the crowd's tendencies.
It is my impression at this moment that I am perceived as a bogous clam, to make things worst some even think and insist that I am some other unpleasant person personifying, two or three other persons in fact...though I have always been respectful and true to the Yi and my log-in name...Confucius

...therefore, I will be...the Yi says there is resistance, do not act....and I shall not


Jul 12, 2006
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Confucius said: Man is born vulgar, it is refinement which betters him

Mencius argued: Man is born good, promiscuity with other men spoils him

Both are right ?

Is the glass half full, or half empty?

Each is an antithesis of the other, still both are right ? how can that be...the Yi explains.


Oct 2, 1971
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"It bakes my noodle" ?! Funny expression, I will add it to my list. :)

But, umm, if FuZi wants to rattle my cage, inspire me to bake a noodle, whatever, if that is his objective, he is more than welcome.

I very much enjoyed his etymology threads although I hardly commented on them. But that was only because I had little to say. I am completely ignorant when it comes to Chinese characters and all that.

If these threads are just bogus (but I'm not at all sure they are) that's okay with me.
Bogus or not, they made me think more about yin and yang and also about my lost simplicity and innocence. Sob.
Last edited:


Sep 10, 1970
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FuZi, everyone likes a good debate :) I like your threads, they promote the stimulating of the mind. However, I think you should revise your own position in relation to others. The best way to connect with another person is to find out what is important to them, what moves them. Its different for each person, thats the gift of versatility. Often you will write from a lofty perspective, a perspective that doesnt attach itself to anything or anyone. Thats why the outcome of these threads was inevitable.

I'm sure everyone would welcome your philosophical questions, a forum like this is created for the purpose of giving home to curious and enquiring minds. Although, you say that the 'Yi says there is resistance, so you shall not act'... thats true, but its not the resitanance you percieve. The resistance in question is evident in all of your words by refusing to accept others views and ideas. The resistance you feel is just a reflection of the resistance you have invested, its self-created dont you see?

If you really want to move people with your questioning, allow yourself to be moved by others. They ARE good threads by the way :)


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Dec 1, 1971
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Namaste, FuZi

I am a Zen Monk with some years under my belt, although it seldom shows.

But I ask you a earnest Question:

What is the sound of one hand clapping.

Show this to me.



Clarity Supporter
Dec 1, 1971
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my comment comes by PM.



In my opinion, it's a matter of attitude. To say the glass is half full implies an underlying optmism in the possibility that more water could be on its way. Saying the glass is half full is a positive statement, implying that one has at least that. To say that the glass is half full implies a starting place.

To say the glass is half empty implies an underlying dissapointment. It is a statement of frustration. It is a description of what is lacking. To say that the glass is half empty carries with it the expectation that that is the end, the final result.

The first attitude is more conducive to actually being able to increase one's bounty in the future.

Attitude is everything.

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