...life can be translucent


Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings-Hexagram 24


Feb 21, 2015
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Again I asked, to gym or not to gym? At first I got 1>37 which gave me the impression it was closed because 2uc indicated before that the gym was open. For clarification, I asked, is the gym closed or open? This time I got 24uc, which in my mind reinforced the conclusion that it was closed.

I texted the trainer, the gym was indeed open, so I went. Still mulling over what 24uc could have meant. Well, my stepdad was supposed to drive me but he was fast asleep in his room.


Mar 29, 2017
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I received 24uc a lot in December 2017, in relation to a planned trip to Newgrange, a Irish Neolithic passage monument for the Winter Solstice. At first I wasn't happy with it, because I thought it would mean that I couldn't go!

Then I thought, well maybe it does mean I will go. Newgrange (Brú na Boinne), is one of the best and most spectacular Passage Monuments in the world. It is aligned to the Winter Solstice sunrise:
Newgrange is a 5,200 year old passage tomb located in the Boyne Valley in Ireland.
was built by Stone Age farmers, the mound is 85 meters (93 yards) in diameter and 13.5 meters (15 yards) high,
an area of about 1 acre. A passage measuring 19 meters (21 yards) leads into a chamber with 3 alcoves.
The passage and chamber are aligned with the rising sun at the
Winter Solstice.

I was pretty determined to go, however. 2017 was the first year that I was able to go, though all my adult life I have wished to be there. Neolithic Ireland, ancient Ireland has always been strong in my heart. All my life I have felt it within me; I even moved across the country to study archaeology and history. I have always had this imperative within me to study, learn, know and understand these places. It is always there inside me, as well as the feeling that these temples are very important to the world now, and that this age is the age we begin to remember and understand what the builders of these ancient monuments knew. have found myself more than once involved in protecting sacred places (protesting a road through the Hill of Tara, tending ancient wells etc). Many signs, I could feel the place pulling me, a friend even sent me €50 in the post so that I could afford the fuel to travel!

So 24uc had me musing on 'home' and what home means. I always feel at home up on the hilltops with the ancient temples and fairy forts. I go to visit the hill of Tara, and I am straight away feeling at home, feeling something lacking inside my heart becoming full. A surprise trip to the Loughcrew cairns (I accidentally took the wrong road out of Trim, and stayed on the road when I saw the sign for Loughcrew) had me up on a hilltop, beside a cairn, playing my tin-whistle in the middle of the night! Newgrange? well I have drawn that Triple Spiral for years, I somehow have had many books about it, I always feel the place inside me. I have had dreams about an ancient battle at Knowth, another sister site, (teeth and blood in a field) since I was very small. I also have dreams of being a child, looking at, touching the carvings on standing stones. There is I have often found the outside of it strange, but I feel 'at home' there, very strongly. Often, If I visit the area, and I don't visit Newgrange, or Dowth (a sister monument in the complex) , things go wrong on the way out! I get lost, it lashes rain from a suddenly dark sky, my phone falls down in the car; I often have to stop, and the pull to go back is extremely strong. So I make sure now that I have time there, and I move slower, find something new in the landscape when I am there.

So , considering 'home' and return, Going to Newgrange was a return home. However, I had an awful flu, I was feeling very tired and upside down (much other things going on) . I didn't make it on the 21st, the big day, with TV cameras, streamed live on youtube also. I did not wake up, though I did watch the livestream on the 20th. So I was 'at home' the passes closed. I did not leave the house that day.

The next morning, I woke up late, 6:09 am. I got out, got in the car and drove across the country. I made it, just around sunrise. I was greeted straight away by a very dear friend whom I did not expect to be there. There were other people I know there too. Not only do they open the monument on the 3 days of solstice, but they also let groups into the mound for free. The 22nd was a quieter day than the 21st, which I found so much better. A friend was playing the Harp outside, and I played some whistle tunes with him too. We were allowed to walk all around the monument, and staff really respected our need to have spiritual space. I was even able to do a card reading for a friend (realised afterwards that that could be the first divinatory reading done there for millennia!).

I was part of the last group to go inside; I brought my drum in, and my whistle. My friend brought his harp in, and the tour-guide said "I think, none of you need the tour, and I would like to let this man do as our ancestors would have, and play. I'm going to turn out the lights."

So he turned the lights out, just the one beam they use to simulate the Winter Solstice Sunrise was shining in. There was such a sense of peace and balance, and awe. The Harpist played and sang in Irish (Gaeilge) and English. I moved myself slowly around to that triple spiral carving. For a period, I stood over the beam of light, without disturbing it. It was a completely transcendent experience. I felt like I was absorbing the energy of 5,200 sunrises, lunar and stellar alignments. On the winter solstice, our sun is bang on centre in the milky way, a massive stellar alignment. I could see/feel all that shining into this amazing monument.
So a return within and home indeed!

I could write all about the Neolithic Megalithic landscape of Ireland and the UK and Brittany for a long time, but suffice to say that these ancients wrote us a message across time, in stone, using the stars and sound and the entire landscape (for all these monuments are aligning also to each other, they are inter visible, or you can draw lines on maps and connect them up (Stonehenge - Howth Dolmen - Tara; Sliabh Gullion - Loughcre - Uisneach), stories and place-names share elements and characters - it is the codified knowledge carried across time to us, all their wisdom.

I could talk, write about this forever it seems! Which again is 'at home' - I am at home talking about this, it is my culture, my ancestral heritage, I have studied it, I have walked in these places, they are part of me.

I have wanted to write here about this 24uc experience for a while, but it has been hard, 24uc is often quite deep! I wonder if the ancient sages in China who wrote down the YiJing had heard stories of Newgrange?
The monument itself is poetic, the stories around it kept the knowledge of the roofbox alive, and also the alignment with the constellation Cygnus, and the star Deneb (there are stories that the Irish god of love, Aoenghus Mac Óg (son of youth) lives here, and that he turned into a swan to be with his true love Caer, who was cursed and turned into a swan).

Well, today, I cast 24uc for the day. I am feeling quite tired, a bit blank, I went out dancing on Saturday night, had fun, but lost my phone again, and my bank card. Didn't want to beat myself up, but to understand why I am reverting to old patterns, and why I am not too upset at losing the phone. Just after I cast it, and I was reading posts here about 24uc, my meditation shuffle playlist started playing a frequency of 110Hz, which is the frequency inside the chamber of Newgrange (which is often ascribed to why people feel such a sense of healing and peace within the chamber). Hence this made me think of my Winter Solstice mission and journey, and how it turned out, and that it was time to post about it. Apologies if it seems a bit long, there is no shorter way to tell the tale!

Big 24uc questions to me are
  • Are you feeling disconnected?
  • Where are you at home?
  • What is it that you always return to?
  • What do you return to that lifts you up, or makes you feel bigger, part of something greater?
24uc can be a question the Yi throws back at you - What gives your life meaning? Return to that, be still in yourself, put no energy out, and return to meaning.



Mar 29, 2017
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A song for 24uc:

[Verse 1]
All movement is accomplished in six stages
And the seventh brings return
The seven is the number of the young light
It forms when darkness is increased by one

Change returns success
Going and coming without error
Action brings good fortune

[Verse 2]
The time is with the month of winter solstice
When the change is due to come
Thunder in the other course of heaven
Things cannot be destroyed once and for all

Change returns success
Going and coming without error
Action brings good fortune
Sunset, sunrise

No-one knows where Syd Barrett got this translation, the lyrics reference a few translations, but there is a discussion on it here:


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Here it is with the lyrics


It was sad what happened to Syd


I thought 24 was explicitly connected with the solstice - in the version of yi by Brian Browne Walker he writes: “A time of darkness comes to a close.

Receiving this hexagram is a sign that you have reached a turning point. This moment is akin to the winter solstice: the greatest adversity is past, and the light is beginning to return. Nonetheless, one cannot force the completion of the change, and it is wise to rest. Act only when you can move gently and innocently, and all will be well.”


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Jan 7, 2013
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Someone said 24UC is Groundhog Day - I agree!

Exactly 4 years ago, I posted a reading on this forum for advice on how to deal with a bully co-owner in our building, here is the thread in case anyone is interested in background:

Well, lo and behold, he is back to his bullying tactics again, exactly the same behaviour as 4 years ago. This time he wants to buy vaults - which we are not sure are ours to sell. A legal review is ongoing. But he is assuming that we are withholding to spite him and has started calling for the board to resign etc... etc... DéjÃ* vu.

I asked what is the outlook for keeping him and his belligerent ways off the board, and got 24UC. Same ol same old. DéjÃ* vu. Groundhog Day. I’m interpreting it as his belligerence will die down once that vault issue is settled, one way or another. But the board is now is a much stronger position to deal with it: last time I was alone, this time, my co directors are sharing the workload. So to paraphrase Wilhelm, although it’s a repeat cycle, there is progress.

I thought this was a very good illustration of 24UC.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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24UC as déjà vu, Groundhog Day

Someone said 24UC is Groundhog Day - I agree!

Exactly 4 years ago, I posted a reading on this forum for advice on how to deal with a bully co-owner in our building, here is the thread in case anyone is interested in background:

Well, lo and behold, he is back to his bullying tactics again, exactly the same behaviour as 4 years ago. This time he wants to buy vaults - which we are not sure are ours to sell. A legal review is ongoing. But he is assuming that we are withholding to spite him and has started calling for the board to resign etc... etc... Déjà vu.

I asked what is the outlook for keeping him and his belligerent ways off the board, and got 24UC. Same ol same old. Déjà vu. Groundhog Day. I’m interpreting it as his belligerence will die down once that vault issue is settled, one way or another. But the board is now is a much stronger position to deal with it: last time I was alone, this time, my co directors are sharing the workload. So to paraphrase Wilhelm, although it’s a repeat cycle, there is progress.

I thought this was a very good illustration of 24UC.


Jul 28, 2018
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Here it is with the lyrics


It was sad what happened to Syd
Oh yes... this is one of the first songs I listened to when I learned about Pink Floyd. I was interested in the text although knew nothing about the I Ching.


Oct 22, 2018
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Edit : My bad, still getting used to the structure of the forum. : )
Last edited:


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Very timely for the coming solstice Mary

It would be good if they had done a song for each hexagram.

Gmulli these threads are for sharing our own experiences of 24uc but thank you anyway. Interesting 44 is the summer solstice. Do share any of your own experiences of casting 24uc and what it meant for you personally.


Oct 22, 2018
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Will try to reply in more fitting manner to the topic then. : )
It is also good example of seasonal hexagrams if we follow it.

I will change 1 parameter though, instead of getting 24 will be a hexagram turning to 24, as this will help to illustrate how time can work with seasonal hexagrams. This example was very important for me as it clear out some rules for working with time that I still use today.

It was question asked in another forum.
Question was "should I take the job offer?"

It was asked in 3.Dec.2016


The way I view it now is like this(the reading back then was very similar, only missed the time detail):
Person asking is on Ti line. That is strong in the month. Whatever happens they will be fine.
Questions related to work we usually look at Officer line. Officer line is moving. In this case it represetns the job overall, boss or person in authority, in this case likely the person that took the interview.
While it is same element as Ti line(Wood, both close together) it will move in a way to "return to control" itself.
Job seems nice now, it probably won't in near future.

From wood will move to metal clashing Ti line. With that it will also move from Officer to child.
That means from something authoritative in the situation it will become less serious/important.
Some indication the person may decide to not take the job.

The changing line of Officer is You Rooster now. That clashes Mao Ti line. One more indication person may reject the job.

Hai Asset is moving to Chen Sibling.
Sometimes move asset to Sibling(sibling is same element as the hexagram as a whole) means it may be lost. In this case Asset moving to sibling may suggest decrease of money or something material. Again we have return for control, this time sibling controls the asset(there is more going on, this we call "line falling in tomb", but this is complicated and its same images in this specific case).

Line 3 with the asset is also murky warrior - suggest something hidden and sometimes malicious. Whatever moneys are lost may be unexpected.
Divination conclusion - job will be rejected as pay would be lower then expected and there may be other problems.

Real life result - the person that held the interview called and after more details were cleared it turned out the money were less(line 3 - asset to sibling), the time working was not suitable as it wasn't full day(Officer move to clash, also Officer>Child as not as serious/authoritative/time consuming in this case) and the whole offer was refused.

So where comes the timing factor?
Now, the resulting Hexagram is 24... Question is asked at 3 December, that is 4 days before the beginning of Zi Rat month and the time of Hexagram 24.
Considering that it comes to no surprise that the call was 4 days later at first day of Zi Rat Month. : )

That doesn't mean every time seasonal hexagrams show up we can be sure the resulting hexagram will develop in connection to the specific month... There are ways to work with this(long for now and probably no one cares), but in general I would say more then half question with resulting seasonal hexagrams I have seen the connection to the season had some meaning by itself.

Hopefully that can be helpful as interesting example of using season hexagrams and more on topic this time around. It was useful to me back then.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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This thread is on people's experiences with unchanging hexagrams and your example is of 22.3.6 ?

Hard for me to understand…. doesn't mean a huge amount to me because it isn't a method I use BUT PLEASE DON'T DELETE IT :)

You didn't need to delete the first post either. I particularly want the information back on the seasons, the turning points that you posted. You said 44 was summer solstice what were the other 2 for the equinoxes ? Perhaps you might re post the post you deleted ?

The 'experiences 'threads are for experiences of unchanging casts but it doesn't matter so much when people go outside of that. There are many here with many different interests who will understand your approach. I'm sorry I gave you the impression your post wasn't wanted. That's not the case. :bows:


Oct 22, 2018
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True,it does say unchanging in the title, no idea how i missed that.... Its not on purpose, though, just issues with posting and staying on topic keep coming up.

About the other post, the hexagram with clearly divided yang/yin lines are seasonal. All of them(logically they are 12). We can say they follow the length of the day, as the day increases so the yang lines below will move up, as it decreases the other way around. Its in Wilhelm too, just isn't used in practice as much.

So Summer Solstice:

Yang is starting to rise. Day is getting bigger. That means in the branches that would be Zi Rat, half of it before the solstice, other half after. As months December>January as that is Zi Rat branch.

In Wilhelm:
This hexagram is linked with the eleventh month, the month of the solstice (December-January).

Now, lets look at next one, that would be:

2 yang lines moving higher now, even more light during the year. Day is even bigger. What month... It has to be next one.

And indeed in Wilhelm:
This hexagram is linked with the twelfth month (January-February), when after the winter solstice, the light power begins to ascend again.

And that is Chou Ox, next month in Chinese Calendar(we can also say what days in January it starts and what days in February it ends with some Solar Calendar).

It goes like this month by month and it ends up at the equinox.
Hexagram 34 connected to the time Yang has already become stronger(day is starting to become bigger then the night) and that we can see in Wilhelm as well:

The hexagram is linked with the second month (March-April).

The other equinox by the same rules will be 20, the autumn equinox with You Rooster branch and we can see it in Wilhelm again.

This hexagram is linked with the eight month (September-October).

It is in his book as well,though. If we look more careful at it it says March-April second month... Now, obviously March-April isn't second month in the Gregorian calendar, however if we look at the Chinese calendar we see:
Mao Month - Month 2 > March-April



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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About the other post, the hexagram with clearly divided yang/yin lines are seasonal. All of them(logically they are 12). We can say they follow the length of the day, as the day increases so the yang lines below will move up, as it decreases the other way around. Its in Wilhelm too, just isn't used in practice as much.

So Summer Solstice:

Typing error ? You meant winter solstice is 24 not summer which is 44 ?


Mar 29, 2017
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Yea Winter - 24, Summer - 44

This is very interesting, and also quite funny to me, because, on the summer solstice this year, I was at a gathering; there was a drunken guy chasing me... he was annoying, playing loud music all night, etc. He came up behind me, dropping flowers onto my hair. I'd been up all night (though it was only 4 hours darkness), and I was tired. I felt something landing on my head, and leapt up backwards and grabbed him and screamed at him "don't you ever do that to me again!" and words like that. (He was so annoying!)
My friends were all laughing.

Seems very hexagram 44?


Sep 28, 2016
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I realize this thread is old, but I just had an experience with 24uc this week.

My husband and I had plans to go skiing, but as the day approached the forecast started to call for a major ice storm. We had booked a motel, so I wasn’t too terribly worried, but I didn’t want to drive all that way and only get a few hours on the slopes due to inclement weather. I asked, “What will happen if we go?” 24uc.

We went, we had a good time, we came home safely.


Sep 18, 2020
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Today, almost 9 years after this conversation on 24uc started, it came up in a reading that made me have a precious insight on a pattern I have related to ADHD, which is called Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
It revealed I create specific ways of convincing myself someone only loves me if they express it with certain actions. And this was causing problems in my relationships. In cycles.
Anyway, LiSe's take on it also helped clarify 24uc's aspect of 'recovering' (my connection with important people), I guess that's the idea she uses to translate its name instead of 'return'.
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge.
Greetings from Brazil.


Sep 18, 2020
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Today I had a 24uc reading not for myself.
When I have uc hex I generally go for either a plateau or a mode where the object of the question is embodying the hex's spirit.
When it's 24uc it tends to be the second case (because recover, returning to life, coming in and out, not stable but foot on the meandering road). And this reading was the most amazing experience because the womand I was reading to asked a question ("How can one understand and choose the best paths that are presented them in life?") that kind of defined Hex24, and it made so much sense while I was reading for her because she has her unique path all clear and full of open doors. It sounds abstract but she gave me many examples. She is 58 y-o and seems to be authetic, creative and humble.
She kind of knows what is right, lives apart from the noisy crowd with its superficial demands and is connected intuitively to various things like plants, literature, work as a lawyer, riding bikes in Sweden, making awareded pottery, having a daughter, decorating her house, etc, and all with unimaginable clarity and simplicity.
We talked about what it means to meditate and the signs of awareness in a person. And other restorative types of knowledge.
I will take the occasion to thank Hilary, LiSe and her website/work, Trojan and other Clarity supporters for all the experience and knowledge you share. And I hope to donate also, as soon as possible.


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Jan 21, 2018
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My experience of 24 UC was that if I'd just done what Yi said: grit my teeth, waited 7 days, and just continued returning to myself in the form of returning to art class after the COVID years, I would have found the missing phone and been fine. I knew that's what I was doing by going to class. I just couldn't believe that reading this as a "rest, do nothing, it will fix itself" was a responsible action. (Full report on Where is the Phone? 24 UC in Reading Circle.) It was a miserable experience. No sigh of relief, but accommodating to the new reality I'd made for myself.

This quote made sense and would have applied. I wish I'd thought to read this thread in full and perhaps I wouldn't have panicked:

When I have uc hex I generally go for either a plateau or a mode where the object of the question is embodying the hex's spirit.
When it's 24uc it tends to be the second case (because recover, returning to life, coming in and out, not stable but foot on the meandering road).


Clarity Supporter
Jan 21, 2018
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Today, almost 9 years after this conversation on 24uc started, it came up in a reading that made me have a precious insight on a pattern I have related to ADHD, which is called Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
It revealed I create specific ways of convincing myself someone only loves me if they express it with certain actions. And this was causing problems in my relationships. In cycles.
Anyway, LiSe's take on it also helped clarify 24uc's aspect of 'recovering' (my connection with important people), I guess that's the idea she uses to translate its name instead of 'return'.
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge.
Greetings from Brazil.
Thank you for posting this. I am also neurodiverse, and while I don't know if I have the pattern you've identified, this was a thought-provoking read.


Jan 16, 2024
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I simply wrote down: "Asking X on a date today."
Received 24 un.

I have been trying to work more with the trigrams as I am a big fan of Harmen Mesker's method.
I immediately saw myself as thunder and her as earth. I felt the reading said she would be receptive to my impulsive advances. Even though it was incredibly clear what I had to do, I could not avoid reading the text, too.
"The Return." "Companions come without blame." This only confirmed my initial feeling!

And so:
"Hey X, wanna do that plan today?"
"Why don't we go tomorrow?"

Now, I doubted.
The Great Image, this thread, Hillary's essay: the usual, albeit incredibly wise, interpretation of individuality. And I doubted my "faith," if you will, towards the oracle or divination in general. Maybe it's just silly lines and text about sacrifices for the ancestors.

But I thought: this is a great test! If the initial reading that jumped off the page was wrong, if I could explain that it was about returning to being alone or something like that only in retrospect, then really it wouldn't serve me much, at least not for divination. So I acted like thunder.

"No. I want to go today" (the next day was forecasted rain, too)
"Oh, but I have this meeting at 5 pm!"

I am afraid of being insistent, coming off as desperate, anxious, or just annoying. But again, Thunder.
"I'll pick you up afterwards. Send me your address as soon as you're done."
"Okay, done deal."

Again, this is a mundane topic, but it was more about trying to understand if I can trust my intuition, at least when it's as clear as it was on that reading. Can the Yi show me my blind spots accurately, and help me not mess it up? And should I take the Ten Wings into account? The judgment, the trigrams? The last two seem to be what matters for divination, but I am barely getting started to understand it all.
It was a really nice feeling to be on my way to pick her up, thinking that I finally found what I had been craving so much: a wise sage. Even if it is in the form of a 3k year book!

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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Adding more about 24 un

Noticed two distinct 24 unchanging meanings that consitently come up for me depending on the type of question.

How do I do this?
Is it a good idea to do that?
Shall I conquer Spain?

Here 24 un means
'No, Return home is better'
(Doubt it? Look at 24.6)

What will the qualities of a situation/time be like? (Asking about a gathering)
Show me a picture of?

24 un here means Rest, relax, recuperate, spend time with friends/family.

So, of course 24 un says the same thing,
But translating the answer to fit your question yields insight. Having this clear distinction in mind when asking is useful.

Example B does not mean 'No, Return home' It means easy peasy & good times.

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