...life can be translucent

Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings-Hexagram 30


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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About buying a light fixture -30UC

I had to share this reading. I have been looking for an affordable chandelier with specific dimensions and already rewired to standards etc...and with budget constraints, it's is not as easy as you would think... I was starting to get a bit despondent (and compulsive) about looking for The light.

Finally, I turned to ebay and found a fully rewired antique which seemed to be the perfect combination of measurements and price. Given that you are never quite sure what you get on eBay, I asked the IC for advice about buying this fixture. And got: 30UC.

Usually, when I get 30Uc, I take it as "flash in the pan". But in this case, Clarity, light, illumination, flames etc... How literal is that for an answer?



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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Yasmin I thought I'd remind you of what you posted on this thread in jan 15, post 53

- what if I buy this property? 53.3.4>12 I took this as not very encouraging. May not fulfill its promise. At best a stop gap, in a context of stagnation. Probably best to wait.
- What if i hold out for my dream home? 30UC

I'm assuming that is the property you recently acquired ? If so will link to that thread all about how you managed to get the property. You did hold out for your dream home and got it, I think.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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I did get my dream home in the end! I had forgotten about that 30UC. I suppose in hindsight, it was a validation, it meant "yes keep waiting for your dream home, you see the situation clearly". Possibly also "the previous flat was a flash in the pan."

I should add (shamefully) that I decided not to get the above chandelier. It was perfect sized, attractive and would have shed a good light, but I prefer to hold out for a different style. So 30UC meant both "it's a good light fixture" and "but you will change your mind, it's a flash in the pan".

Multilayered readings...


Interesting Thread! Indeed, hex 30 is so complicated. I asked What should I do so as to be happy on my personal life? (I had a lot of dissappointing relationships)I got hex 30

Really I can't understand. Perhaps, it's my karma. Or Perhaps I will see the situation clearly. Also, maybe is a warning about take care of myself.


Every so often I ask the Yi what I most need to learn at the moment. Interestingly I almost always receive an UC hex for the answer to this question. Last night it was 30UC.

I didn't really know how to take it, which is how I ended up here! Looking back through my journal, I've had 30UC a few times over recent months; a couple of weeks ago for 'would it be useful to buy this book' ('illuminating', was my interpretation - I ordered it, but it's yet to arrive); shortly before that I was tying myself in knots (inexplicably) over a bridal shower i'd been invited to but didn't want to go to, and was going to send expensive flowers to the bride-to-be instead. I asked 'should I send these expensive flowers?' 30UC. I didn't send them, although I'd thought that Yi was generally positive. Alternatively it might have been an exhortation to get some clarity on the situation - the situation being that I didn't know if I could afford the expensive flowers but couldn't bring myself to check my bank balance in case it was even lower than I'd imagined. It wasn't. I now realise that both these questions related to the same issue - my worry over whether it was 'ok' and/or necessary for me to buy something.

Back in July I had 30UC for the question 'should I apply for this job' - I did apply, and didn't get the job. Generally I'd received some positive casts around that job and still don't understand why Yi was so positive when I didn't get it. I've now got another job which I think is a much better fit for me and taking me in the right direction, whereas the other job would have been a dead-end or wrong-turn in many respects - or maybe not, who knows?! In any case, I didn't get it. Maybe 30UC meant - i need to get some clarity on what I actually want?

So... I guess the lesson I most need to learn right now is... how to gain clarity?

I guess I'm in the right place, at least. :)

Reflecting back on these answers, now it seems to me that in each of these cases Yi was striking a match and holding it up over my situation and asking me: 'I don't know! Should you??!' and asking me to reflect fully on the situation at large, illuminated by the match-flame. For my current lesson, I feel I am being asked to reflect on the situation at large - as if meditating on a flame.

According to Wing, 'In an unchanging form, you must concentrate on aligning the many elements in your life into synergetic accord in order to fully comprehend and control them'. In the 'light' (haha) of these reflections, this interpretation now begins to make more sense...


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Here's a post I wrote earlier...last June, where I was using the idea of 30uc as 'it all depends'

Somewhere or another, on some other thread, Rosada said she saw 30 as 'it depends'. If I've misremembered I hope she will correct me.

Brilliant ! Light bulb moment for me. 30 describes how the fire is dependent on the fuel, so perhaps 30uc can say 'it all depends on caring for the cow, looking after the project, feeding the dream' and so on. It all depends on something ? It isn't a given. Fire won't happen without fuel.

I asked not so long ago if I would continue with an interest I'd been pursuing, can't recall exact question but behind it I was asking if it were worth it I think. 30uc. All depends on what interest I feed what interest I'll carry on with. The cast wasn't saying either;

a. no, this is a waste of time and energy


b. wow yes pour more energy in.

I think it was perhaps saying something like 'it all depends'.

30 is light doubled and light is consciousness. Wherever one's consciousness, awareness, attention goes it ignites the subject matter, whatever it is. One could say it ignites, brightens clarifies both subject and matter, even 'matter' in it's solid form....such as a house.

When I used to do boot sales and so on I'd notice if something wasn't selling and move it. I'd noticed when I moved something it would often soon sell. I thought this was to do with me just bringing attention to it. I tried a similar thing when working in a shop recently. If I put things out and they didn't sell after a certain time I'd rearrange the goods and sure enough they would often then sell. However I noticed a weird thing. Sometimes there would be something I was just particularly thinking about moving. I'd have the thought that it hadn't sold and wonder why and then a customer would approach with the thing and buy it. It got to be too specific to just be coincidence. Then I figured maybe when you think about a thing you just loan it a bit of your mind energy, the way the sun loans us it's energy....and this energy makes things more alive, allows synergy, like a spark from a fire.

Recently my elderly aunt became very ill and was rushed to hospital with pneumonia. I asked Yi how she would get on, what would happen, a sort of open question. I got 30uc and cannot say with any clarity I know what this was saying, just as I never can with 30uc....but she was put on oxygen for some time and intravenous antibiotics...so she was fuelled and her recovery was dependent on her fuelling. If she had not been fuelled, if she had stayed at home she likely would not have survived. Now several weeks later she appears to have a made a good recovery. There is surely likely is more to say about this answer but that's where I am with it right now. We have just been discussing this answer in terms of just the trigrams in Yi Academy.

Let me see what I can see in your casts.....


Every so often I ask the Yi what I most need to learn at the moment. Interestingly I almost always receive an UC hex for the answer to this question. Last night it was 30UC.

You depend on your fuel....in some respect ? Look after your fuel supply or pay it heed at least ?

I didn't really know how to take it, which is how I ended up here! Looking back through my journal, I've had 30UC a few times over recent months; a couple of weeks ago for 'would it be useful to buy this book' ('illuminating', was my interpretation - I ordered it, but it's yet to arrive); shortly before that I was tying myself in knots (inexplicably) over a bridal shower i'd been invited to but didn't want to go to, and was going to send expensive flowers to the bride-to-be instead. I asked 'should I send these expensive flowers?' 30UC. I didn't send them, although I'd thought that Yi was generally positive. Alternatively it might have been an exhortation to get some clarity on the situation - the situation being that I didn't know if I could afford the expensive flowers but couldn't bring myself to check my bank balance in case it was even lower than I'd imagined. It wasn't. I now realise that both these questions related to the same issue - my worry over whether it was 'ok' and/or necessary for me to buy something.

Hmm it is especially puzzling when you get the same answer for som many questions and I think 30 is a particularly multi faceted answer. Because as well as the ideas about fuel there is other kinds of dependence and then connecting to how that dependence brightens your light or not....and then of course there is the aspect of capturing that brightness in consciousness. Not helping much am I :eek:

Back in July I had 30UC for the question 'should I apply for this job' - I did apply, and didn't get the job. Generally I'd received some positive casts around that job and still don't understand why Yi was so positive when I didn't get it. I've now got another job which I think is a much better fit for me and taking me in the right direction, whereas the other job would have been a dead-end or wrong-turn in many respects - or maybe not, who knows?! In any case, I didn't get it. Maybe 30UC meant - i need to get some clarity on what I actually want?

So... I guess the lesson I most need to learn right now is... how to gain clarity?

Or maybe for things to succeed the fuel has to be the right kind of fuel, the fuel that's needed. My aunt needed oxygen, a neighbour sent cake. Cake is fuel but not the right kind for oxygen deficiency.

I personally wouldn't just see 30 uc just as a 'positive answer' a lot depends on a lot of things coming together to make things work out.

Reflecting back on these answers, now it seems to me that in each of these cases Yi was striking a match and holding it up over my situation and asking me: 'I don't know! Should you??!' and asking me to reflect fully on the situation at large, illuminated by the match-flame. For my current lesson, I feel I am being asked to reflect on the situation at large - as if meditating on a flame.

According to Wing, 'In an unchanging form, you must concentrate on aligning the many elements in your life into synergetic accord in order to fully comprehend and control them'. In the 'light' (haha) of these reflections, this interpretation now begins to make more sense...

Oh what Wing writes is sort of similar to what I was saying, think I quoted her way back up the page.
I also agree with how you see it here too....but I do find 30uc one of the hardest answers to deal with


Yes I think that makes a lot of sense. Re the fuel, I am 'burning the candle at both ends' somewhat - working a bit too hard, not resting or eating properly sometimes - and in order to do great work, creative or intellectual work or any other work that feels important, you need to fuel - so the ideas, and the energy, which constitutes the fire, depends on the body -the log - or it can't burn. So I have to look after the body to feed the brain. That doesn't work for all the minor examples about whether to buy flowers or books - or maybe it does - maybe the question is, what am I choosing to expend/spend my energy/money on??

Maybe the keywords are spend/expend/depend :)

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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Just to add to my last post on 30 un:

There were about four occassions where I got 30 unchanging. Each time my question was, "Is my understanding of this situation correct?" 30 said, 'yes, you see clearly' and events later showed me that my judgement was correct.

butterfly spider

I got 30UC just now for should I go and take a load of toot in my van about 400 miles tomorrow I have to take the stuff away but am exhausted. 30UC is always for me an overview - looking at things clearly. It has also been to do with my energy levels.
Now should I travel tomorrow - it's not clear. There is definitely a caution on the energy front but it feels like a yes somehow. Perhaps I could ask someone to take me ... and the dogs the cat and the goldfish


Clarity Supporter
Jun 17, 2017
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Here's my story on 30 unchanging : A traumatic event occurred when I was 14 which I felt affected my life in so many ways . Recently I discovered soul retrieval a process detailed by Robert Moss where you connect with the part of you that splits off during trauma . I was connecting with the 14 year old girl and felt lots of light moving around me and a very happy , joyful connected feeling . I asked Yi what is the effect of connecting with the 14 year old girl ... I received 30uc !!


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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Here is another mundane experience with 30uc. I lost a tooth filling and had to decide between 2 dentists I didn't know for an emergency appointment:

What if I see Dentist 1: 36.1>15. That line includes "exhaustion and not eating for 3 days". Hmm. I don't think so.

What if I see Dentist 2: 30uc. Clarity, gentle care (of the cow), quickly over (flash in the pan). Sounded better than 36.1!

Well I went to dentist 2, and he is definitely a keeper. Showed me pictures of the problem tooth on a screen and explained CLEARLY what needed to be done. Gentle, didn't hurt, thorough, precise, sorted out my problem and checked the others teeth within 40'. So in this instance, 30UC was a strong endorsement. "Yes go for it".

To sum up my various 30UC experiences, For me it has meant at different times:

1. "forget it, it's a flash in the pan" - relationship questions, not just romantic relationships, sometimes about service providers etc...

2. "Heart on fire with enthusiasm" - when I first saw the area where I ended up buying a home

3. "You have clarity, you see things clearly" - a confirmation of my query

4. "Take gentle care" - i once interpreted it as advice to nurture neighbourhood relationships; the dentist was gentle

So yeah. 30UC is all over the place! I think it calls even more than other hexes for listening to our inner voice, our intuition. I usually know which of the interpretations feels right.


W/B calls 30 "Li/The Clinging, Fire" though and my situation helped me see that what the fire "clings" to as things become clarified is truly a very important aspect of the hexagram. By that I mean my manager chose to cling to lowliness and "burn" me with the fire of his ego which was pretty rough on me that week. So, I guess what I was trying to say was that even if things looked bad, if he'd been a little more compassionate with a good employee (me), the situation could have gone a lot better. Which brings up the randomness of the outcome with a reading like 30uc, kind of depending on the development of the personalities or situation involved.

I think the following quote fits in with the higher potential of what being exposed in the light of 30uc somehow could be like, at least in my experience:

A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities. ~William Arthur Ward

Wow very helpful. And I think I have an example that shares in this idea of the "The Clinging." I initially asked "Yi Jing, please, how have I been received by X?" and received Hexagram, which pissed me off and then I asked "Yi Jing, please, why Hexagram if I haven't done anything?" and received Hexagram 8.1.4 and that made ME feel better about MYSELF as a SUBJECT (I) but not as an OBJECT (how people see me-- a he (as one example)). So then I asked "Yi Jing, please, what do I need to know about this situation because I don't understand why Hexagram in relation to how I am received and Hexagram 8.1.4 as a response to why the former Hexagram if I haven't done anything?"

And here is where the idea of "The Clinging" becomes clearer for me. "The Clinging" is how we are objects to other people -- not in a crude way-- but in the sense of attachment. Like in psychology there is object relations theory and how parents can essentially be good objects or bad objects. In response to my question I received Hexagram 30.1.3. The changing lines obviously ensure that my reading was not unchanging so I will simply say they pertain to "The Clinging" by me being present as both an object and a subject as the changing lines discuss how intersubjective relations are transitory and non-constant even in deep bonds and that we are constantly leaving impressions and receiving impressions and impressions remain as traces. I thought it was brilliant when you wrote "By that I mean my manager chose to cling to lowliness and "burn" me with the fire of his ego which was pretty rough on me that week" because the clinging and the burning are both dimensions of the ego and there would not be burning without the clinging (you in this instance were an object that failed t]your manager as a subject). But you are of course also a subject -- you are an I and you write "if he'd been a little more compassionate with a good employee (me), the situation could have gone a lot better."

And so for me separate from the changing lines and addressing only Hexagram 30 I think it is very much --at least in the space of intersubjective relations-- a matter of there being different subjective spaces and how there is a flux and flow and a non-exhaustive objective space beyond that ("higher potential" as you wrote) but in the narrowness of the human species there is "The Clinging." In your case your manager was clinging and you were clinging and the person I addressed in my questions was clinging and I am clinging "I haven't done anything."
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iams girl

Clarity Supporter
Jul 26, 2011
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Thank you, rscribs, and for going beyond with a more in-depth look at subject/object in a reading and the interdependence potentially at play here.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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From this thread

I'm going to take advantage of my CC membership and @hilary to find out how she did get the name 'Clarity' I do think that was a name that has worked well as a 'brand'

Not a reading - I just thought of it. What you might be remembering is that years after choosing it, I looked through readings from long before I'd dreamt of starting any sort of I Ching business. I had zero idea what I was going to do with myself at that point, and was asking about ways of supporting my husband. Then it occurred to me to ask, what if I somehow did my own thing, whatever that might be? And that was answered with Hexagram 30.

I don't think this has already been included but it should be


Apr 8, 1970
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I don't think this has already been included but it should be
Except I'm not sure it was unchanging. (This one is tucked away in a notebook somewhere, from before I could work a computer.)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Well I had the idea it was unchanging and I should know :LOL:

Anyway there's a chance it was unchanging so that's enough.


Apr 4, 2021
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this is an old thread but I was reading through it after receiving a 30 UC for the question "what is the cause of this difficulty?"

something about the paradoxical nature of the hex struck a chord - I remember being a kid studying a vocabulary worksheet, on it was the word "cleave" with two opposing definitions. first time meeting a word like that, so it stuck.

a bit archaicly, cleave meant to cling, as in "cleave to one's wife and leave behind one's mother and father"
but also to split apart as in "cleave it with an axe"

I'm also reminded of static 'cling' - a force which attracts two separate, oppositely charged objects. they are complementary and the spark happens because of being opposite. they are NOT indifferent. which leads me to conclude indifference is the opposite of attraction, not opposition. :p

one is attracted & clings in different ways - birds of a feather, or opposites attract! it depends on what you're looking for, perhaps, confirmation of the identity, or exploration of the shadow.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I like those ideas.

BTW these threads, the 'your experience with uc hexagrams' were made for people to add their thoughts and experiences to over time so it doesn't matter that it's old


Clarity Supporter
Mar 2, 2018
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30UC is a puzzle to me as well. Here is my current experience of it.

I am thinking of buying a property in a different region, renting it out for awhile, and eventually moving there. I identified a specific area where I would LOVE to live. Every time I walk around that area, which is very green and rolls down gently towards the sea, my heart grows wings and I feel elated. I feel infinite freedom and possibility, liberated. This is how "fired up" I feel about it:) if that isn't 30ish, I don't know what is! I have been establishing relationships with local estate agents, signaling my interest and budget, researching recent transations etc... And I simply have to wait for something to come on the market. There are many properties, but not necessarily many which fit my budget, so holding out for my dream home is a bit of a gamble. I am prepared to wait at least 6 months, up to 1 year.

Meanwhile, I have been visiting other properties, it would be foolish not explore currently available options. I saw something which is a good property, within my budget, a good investment,and if I don't make a move, it will be gone very fast. It's a good buy, at a pinch I could live in it, but it's not my dream home.

- what if I buy this property? 53.3.4>12 I took this as not very encouraging. May not fulfill its promise. At best a stop gap, in a context of stagnation. Probably best to wait.
- What if i hold out for my dream home? 30UC
I chose to understand it as "cling to what makes your heart sing, persevere, cultivate your relationships with agents, manage your cash, success". But it could just as easily be an all consuming pipe dream...

Based on this experience so far, I associate 30Uc with a "heart on fire", in a good way in this instance. Time will tell what becomes of it.
Hi Yasmin,
I'm just reading thru this thread - eight years have passed! - and I'm wondering with hindsight what you make of your 30UC now? I guess you may not see this... but I will ask anyway, in case


Clarity Supporter
Mar 2, 2018
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I did get my dream home in the end! I had forgotten about that 30UC. I suppose in hindsight, it was a validation, it meant "yes keep waiting for your dream home, you see the situation clearly". Possibly also "the previous flat was a flash in the pan."

I should add (shamefully) that I decided not to get the above chandelier. It was perfect sized, attractive and would have shed a good light, but I prefer to hold out for a different style. So 30UC meant both "it's a good light fixture" and "but you will change your mind, it's a flash in the pan".

Multilayered readings...
Ah! You can ignore the question I just asked you - because here is the answer to it, thank-you!


Clarity Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
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For what it’s worth, I am still vague about 30UC, after all those years… I went back to my readings, and what seems to be a common thread is something like “ You (will) see things clearly. Nourishing docile perseverance will be auspicious”.

Conversely, if I stop ”fuelling the fire”, the whole thing fizzles out. a recent example: last year, I asked ”what if I apply for British citizenship”, bearing in mind that as an EU citizen with settled status in UK, I don’t need it, it’s more of an opportunity than a necessity. I got 30UC. I gathered all my paperwork, counted my days out of the UK etc… but my heart is not in it. In fact, I could have done it a long time ago, but have been strangely reluctant to do it - it’s not rational. Well, 30UC is clear for once: that question is a bit pie-in-the-sky. Nothing more will happen unless I fuel that fire! It’s a statement of fact, rather than a judgment or a prediction of failure. Choosing to fuel the fire or not remains a matter of choice…but it’s easier if the heart is in it:)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I've come to see 30 more generally as a concept grasped, something known,,,,it's talking about a perception that's gained or knowledge or impression, something you have caught in the net of your perception truly. When I am getting 30 now I'm looking for the thing I've just realised or grasped that I'm coming to Yi with. 'Realising' I think is a good word for 30. Not always of course I think it is certainly one aspect. What one does with what one has grasped is another matter as you say.

29 is more of a trying to grasp emotional truths and such the slipperiness and darkness of it, where 30 is 'aha I got it'.
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