...life can be translucent


Blog post: Inner li as vision


May 2, 2008
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Originally Posted by hilary View Post
Thing is, I'm completely incapable of thinking of a number between 1 and 64 without thinking of its hexagram 'personality' at the same time. So you're basically asking me to choose two hexagrams... is that the result you want, or are you looking for something to reveal what I don't already know I'm thinking about? (As if so, I think one of us had better pull out the coins/ stalks/ beads.)

Hi Hilary,

It isn't at all a matter of whether you know the numbers themselves (essence of the KWS) or the hexagram personalities from whatever context. It is a matter of taking a moment to explore the inner space within and allow an image to form by itself. If you see that image as an Oracle hexagram with or without moving lines or numbers makes no difference. Or to respond most exactly to your statement, the idea is not to think about the process at all, rather to open inner mental space and watch the Oracle process at work independent of any coins or sticks or hexagram personalities.

Let me give you an example. One person saw two numbers form in their mind and then watched as two other numbers appeared and pushed the first two out of their way. There are mediated and immediate access to divination. Looking inward allows each and all to participate in the divination process without the imposition of either their preconceptions of what hexagrams mean or how the falling coins or separating yarrow bundles 'cause' the Oracle.

The 2 numbers within technique is a simple form of meditation. If it sounds peculiar then it would be useful not to think so much about it, but just relax, be comfortable, close your eyes and listen for your breathing and then your heart beat and then just notice what appears within--- either numbers or lines or oracle hexagrams....
When you have your two numbers or Oracle you will know it and will be able to also describe the process of watching divination materialize before your inner eyes...


Quote:Originally Posted by hilary View Post
As for insights/ discretion - don't worry. Just the usual request, and what pretty much everyone here does pretty much all the time - to do your best to keep debate from spiralling down into content-free flaming.

This part eludes me totally. Sort of reminds me of decades ago when I was giving a talk at a conference, with my stopwatch out on the podium, keeping aware of the exact designated time to be sure I filled almost all of my allotted time and with a bit of quiet space at the end. As I was about to speak my last sentence of 10 seconds in the last 20 seconds of my time--the moderator interrupted me to remind me not to go long over the time limit.

Normally I would expect that such moderator remarks would only appear when required rather than appearing out of the ether and completely out of context. But nowadays I just note these breaches of faith so we all can learn from them.

How could 'debate' spiral down into content-free flaming on my part? Folks react strangely to my remarks not because they are attacks but because they elicit their inner intensity to pour forth in response to my objective, content-filled remarks that they feel as though they are looking into a mirror.


As I understand it, you miss the point of Frank's simple lesson to Chris on divination.
Chris' ignorance of history, philosophy and traditional thought is evident, as is his wrong belief in the "primitive" understanding of previous generations. His lack of understanding of how divination works is understandable because he has never learned how consciousness works and how to study it . Frank correctly described a simple method to practice, which, if Chris made the effort to try, could lead him to begin to understand the nature of divination. I had noted in my exchanges with Chris that he reminded of the little "idiot" boy who couldn't learn to milk cows. The boy wasn't stupid: He knew if he didn't know how to milk cows, he wouldn't have to milk cows.In Chris' case , "clever is stupid." He doesn't want to learn.

Chris' theories about symmetric and assymetric thought, "neurolgy" and the nature of consciousness are typical of contemporary materialistic thought. The current buzzword for this thought is " post- modernism," although it is based on the same post-Enlightenment , materialistic dogmas that are accepted by Darwinists, some occultists and "New Agers," Fundamentalists, Marxists, Atheists and the reductionist materialistic scientists. Chris' "I Ching" is not the I Ching, rather an invented theoretical system, based on false ideas that he has applied to it. His "I Chingism" is not essentially different from Marxism, religious Fundamentalism, Darwinism, Atheism, etc.

A poster child for the "post-modernism" Chris espouses is Professor Dawkins.*Dawkins is an example of contemporary intellectuals'' failure to fully develop a normal consciousness and, in fact, to become increasingly less conscious and abnormal . Erich Fromm analysed this decline correctly in the 1940's when he wrote, "The problem of the 19th century was that God is dead. The problem of the 20th century is that Man is dead." In the Third Millenium, we are forgetting what it means to be human. Traditional wisdom describes the appearance of Space and Time as a movement from the pole of Essence or Forma to the pole of Substance or Materia. This applies to the universe and also on the scale of human cultures. In early stages of the development of the universe , space dominates and the form of things and is more important and more real than the changes they undergo. In succeeding ages, however, time takes over, accelerating the flow of change and melting down space and the forms within it. Humans become more materialistic, denser and heavier as time rushes forward in the final cycle and civilization disintegrates. Time stops, its "The End of Days." Bring on the Messiah or Purusha. An indication of End Times is the erosion of the energy barrier between the material plane and the world of subtle forces which humans have lost the knowledge of how to discipline,cultivate internally and control consciously. 'Things fall apart, the center doesn't hold.' People become mechanical slaves to the force of Time because they have lost an inner awareness of Space - indeed,, of their identity as persons or a sense of having meaning in life. The I Ching teaches how to live harmoniously in a universe in which Space and Time work together in Heaven, Earth and Man. We can experience the energies of Tao and Te and learn how to use them through study of the I Ching. It can be a guide to self-study. Divination is one secondary or complementary approach to its study.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_helmet
A report of an experiment on Richard Dawkins in 2003 :
Dawkins was reported not to have experienced a religious feeling, ratiher a headache and "noise." Dr Persinger explained the lack of religious effects. t'Before donning the helmet, Prof Dawkins had scored low on a psychological scale measuring temporal lobe sensitivity.'
The God helmet was designed after earlier research on pathological cases with temporal lobe epilepsy, a neurological disorder caused by chaotic electrical discharges in the temporal lobes of the brain, who seemed to experience devout hallucinations that bear a striking resemblance to the mystical experiences of holy figures such as St Paul and Moses. Such associations have been noted by researchers for over a century, including Dr. Wilder Penfield's work, published in the 1950s.
"A short clip from the Horizon documentary - God on the brain - showing Richard Dawkins volunteering to participate in one of Michael Persinger's experiments - in an attempt to experience god."
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Apr 8, 1970
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Did I miss the point? Not sure. I am pretty sure that anyone trying to persuade Chris to try interacting with the I Ching as oracle is doomed to failure.

Also that whatever the way forward is here, it doesn't involve anyone diagnosing anyone else's personality flaws. Neither Chris diagnosing everyone who fails to jettison divination in favour of his system as having rampant ego problems, nor any diagnoses anyone might make of Chris. It is possible to debate ideas without any of this.

Please think about what you want to achieve with your posts, everyone, and what you're likely to achieve. Win someone over? Encourage reflection? Communicate ideas? Broadcast a manifesto? Provoke? Anger? Wound?

Frank, I see what you mean with your method - as a form of meditation, it makes a lot of sense. I'll try it. I won't post the answers, though, as knowing that I have to do so is not - for me - a good way to quiet the chattering mind.


May 2, 2008
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Did I miss the point? Not sure. I am pretty sure that anyone trying to persuade Chris to try interacting with the I Ching as oracle is doomed to failure.

Also that whatever the way forward is here, it doesn't involve anyone diagnosing anyone else's personality flaws. Neither Chris diagnosing everyone who fails to jettison divination in favour of his system as having rampant ego problems, nor any diagnoses anyone might make of Chris. It is possible to debate ideas without any of this.

Please think about what you want to achieve with your posts, everyone, and what you're likely to achieve. Win someone over? Encourage reflection? Communicate ideas? Broadcast a manifesto? Provoke? Anger? Wound?
Frank, I see what you mean with your method - as a form of meditation, it makes a lot of sense. I'll try it. I won't post the answers, though, as knowing that I have to do so is not - for me - a good way to quiet the chattering mind.

I think you got the point after reading what you just wrote to Frank.
I had no thought of provoking anyone, but Chris recently posted above not really a reply nor merely another defense of his work but a sermon on his basic, false and second-hand ideas. There are plenty of others who make a more intelligent and authoritative case for materialism and post-modernism than he does and do not make unsupported claims about history,science, anthropology etc.

The subject of your blog was "inner vision." I may not agree with everything Frank says, but I think he was giving good counsel to Chris on approaching the I Ching and divination in a personal meditative way, which is not "random" as Chris imagines. This was quite apropos of the question of inner vision.

I was questioning your judgment of Frank. I had not been engaged in the exchanges between Frank and Chris on divination and the I Ching. I had no interest in doing so. However, if Chris chooses to proclaim his world view and ideas as truth, he opens himself to question .

I had already " made my peace" with Chris last month after we had discussed his work
and noted that I was not interested in having the same old stuff posted to me and responding to it:
There is nothing new to me in what you cited and wrote. I have already exchanged with you at length on your theory or construct, pointed out its errors and suggested how to correct and deepen your thinking and acquire a better knowledge of science (especially neuroscience) and consciousness.

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I have an idea. How bout we don't make Hilary regret posting her blogs here.

Once, our ship was stationed, or should say stuck, in Panama, during a crisis. We didn't do much other than daily trimming of the ship. It was a long stay, and it was hot. There was no liveliness of the sea or related duties, only being moored to that same dock 24/7. Because of the tension there at the time, and to keep anything serious from happening between shipmates, they held official boxing matches every couple of months. Those who had been engaged in frequent conflicts were actually encouraged to sign up for a 3 round bout in the ring. It was was funny as hell, and it equalized in ship's tension.

I think that's fundamentally what Hilary has created in "Moderation". Hell, I'll buy a ticket, and will even print the t-shirts.


Those who had been engaged in frequent conflicts were actually encouraged to sign up for a 3 round bout in the ring. It was was funny as hell, and it equalized in ship's tension.

Hey... we did the same thing in my years in Faculty (after 4 years together, being law students...you can imagine the conflicts!!!)


Aug 31, 2007
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Frank, I see what you mean with your method - as a form of meditation, it makes a lot of sense. I'll try it. I won't post the answers, though, as knowing that I have to do so is not - for me - a good way to quiet the chattering mind.

Hi Hilary,

Very good. The exploration of the Oracle through meditative space has its own charm. I was wondering what would happen if I used my own method. It does work, even for me as a process of divination. However, the issue then becomes what is the question that the Oracle is answering.

My own attempt is still challenging me to work through all its meaning, though the two numbers clearly appeared to me and clearly formed a meaningful Oracle answering some relevant question that I hadn't specified yet at that time. The Oracle replied in terms of meditation issues and how they take a long time to perfect.

It is a window upon the inner workings of one's own mind in the process of generating the Yi Oracle without the distraction of technique or details of coins or yarrow stalks. However, like all divination it requires a context or a question to be answered. When I use the technique with others the question is always, " Explain what I need to know about You at this time in this situation." When you do find the time and space to explore the inner space of your own divination meditation, I would recommend having a clear idea of the question to be answered.

As for Chris, he did respond with two numbers and they did work as an Oracle describing him very well. The more I think about his Oracle of hex 1.7 the more I marvel at how exquisite the Oracle comment truly is.

In his remarks he has expressed quite clearly his feelings about divination though not why he is so fascinated by the I Ching while he runs so hard from its Oracle. But then each to their own. Panther has noted the lack of any real depth or understanding in the simplistic binary "epicycles" he has formed to avoid accepting normal commentary or those pesky ideas and understandings that come with either formal academic training or successful auto-autodidact schooling.

Personally, I am more taken with his remark that 1+1=2 is the epitome of his mathematical understanding. Even in his own technique 1+1 yields 1 rather than 2 which is also very telling about him.



Dec 9, 2009
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I note how pantherpanther's prose gets more confused, misleading, and even vindictive as time goes on.


Aug 31, 2007
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I note how pantherpanther's prose gets more confused, misleading, and even vindictive as time goes on.

Hi Elvis,

I prefer your short posts to your long ones.

Are you aware of the notion that everything we say about others can also be interpreted as remarks about ourselves? It comes from the idea that it takes a great effort to see others rather than just find them a mirror to reflect things about ourselves that we prefer to put at a distance.

Taking your remarks literally OTOH, I don't understand what you find confused or misleading about Pather^2's remarks.

Any comments upon the inner trigram li as vision or about meditative exploration of divination by the Yi Oracle?



I note how pantherpanther's prose gets more confused, misleading, and even vindictive as time goes on.

I would suggest you to use Chris Lofting's application named "emotional i ching" to find out what is pusshing you to see that.

As Chris wrote in his website: There is no question here other than "what is making me feel like this?" or "what is pushing my buttons?"


Best wishes


Ah... and if you share with us your result, it would be an excelent practical example to show how "emotional i ching" works much better than traditional aproaches for us to understand our own emotions and decide a better reaction in social intercourses ;)


Dec 9, 2009
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Ah... and if you share with us your result, it would be an excelent practical example to show how "emotional i ching" works much better than traditional aproaches for us to understand our own emotions and decide a better reaction in social intercourses ;)

The EIC on pantherpanther's prose on me is easy to map - hex 47

The water aspect brings out a focus on the emotion of rejection/protection and the upper lake covers intensity in expression.

The nature of the prose overall reflects a protection focus aimed at isolating a 'cancer' seen as a threat to pantherpanther's system integrity - also covered in the hate/fear of post-modernism in that 'any metaphor will do' where such totally deconstructs pantherpanther's perspective.

Hex 47 covers the positive of enclosing something to drive its roots deep and so integrate with a context, as it does the negative of protection from something by isolating it etc.

The intensity of pantherpanther's prose brings out the increasing 'need' to remove the EIC/IDM perspective as with the threat to the basic 'elitist' foundations when there are no replacements can be a problem!

Thus the sensation I get from reading the prose is this attempt to isolate/cut-off through rhetoric alone (note there are NO counter arguments grounded in scientific findings etc just lots of waving of hands or references to 'lite' material - the grounding in water covers the intense need to protect current perspective by containing/controlling alternatives and so rejection).

It is obvious that pantherpanther, and Frank to for that matter, are 'old school' and as such past their 'best before/use-by' dates. The perspectives are antiquated and as such in need of refurbishment but the problem there is the issues where their identity is under threat as well.


Apr 8, 1970
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Hm, this last post was before you saw my pm, right?

Reminder to everyone of the rule here:
A huge diversity of ideas is welcomed and encouraged here, and so is vigorous debate about them all. In all this, please respect other members as individuals, and don’t post personal abuse, flaming, belittling, ‘diagnoses’ of their character flaws, etc.


Ah... and if you share with us your result, it would be an excelent practical example to show how "emotional i ching" works much better than traditional aproaches for us to understand our own emotions and decide a better reaction in social intercourses ;)

Thanks Chris... you probe to be wrong about the use of "emotional i ching" as a better way for us to understand our own emotions and decide a better reaction in social intercourses

Because, as you stated in your own website, the question isn't about how/what/why a third people feel..but about how/why I feel. In this case, not about panther's emotions nor Frank's emotions, but your own emotions triggered by panther's post. And, after recognize YOUR OWN EMOTIONS, decide a better way FOR YOU to react in Clarity.

If -after so many years of knowing and preaching the emotional i ching work- it's author fails to use it in the way he stated it must be used (as a guide for each one of us to understand our own emotions for a better social intecourse); well.. what can i say?

Best wishes. Over and out.
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Apr 8, 1970
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OK, moderator hat.

It would be pointlessly time-consuming to try to sort out which posts so far on this thread belong here, and which belong in 'Moderation', and which are a mix of the two. So instead, let's make a cut-off point here. If anyone feels the need to talk about personalities from here on in, kindly start a thread in 'Moderation' to do so.


Aug 31, 2007
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It is obvious that pantherpanther, and Frank to for that matter, are 'old school' and as such past their 'best before/use-by' dates. The perspectives are antiquated and as such in need of refurbishment but the problem there is the issues where their identity is under threat as well.

Hi Elvis,

Let me start off by thanking you for your comment quoted above, at least about me though I suspect being called 'old school' would not be too horrible for Panther either. Few "threats" of any kind survive through millennia. All the modern 'threats' arose in the last few centuries and will be resolved one way or another in less than this current century...

Although it is modern practice to put 'use by' dates upon current products due to their difficult and often dangerous processing, there are some folks who feel strongly that things that can not remain fresh and useful for millennia truly are totally useless. The amphora of wine from ancient Roman shipwrecks are not drinkable, however those of wheat remain both nutritious and fertile as seed.

The ancients watched the heavens to learn about the effects of solar flux upon the water cycle which they realized controlled the seasons, their crops and all energy available to their world. Modern science hasn't bothered with that much with the result that changes we only know as climate change have pretty much taken folks by surprise--Or worse for those who think Global Warming assumes winter no longer exists rather than noticing El Nino is when the Pacific WARMS in late December making for terrible snowstorms.

In terms of trigrams, the association of family dynamics to natural phenomena demonstrates how energy flows can be seen in all human experience. The Father is the prime mover of the family dynamic. The mother receives everyone's expression and by her various positions (or elevations) supports and directs the whole family including Father. The six kids exhibit the same family dynamics millennia ago as they do today.

Each kid by birth order also displays the energy of the universal and eternal natural features that despite being billions of years old still manage to carry on the same without requiring new additives or changes.

The eldest son is impressive Thunder for the family. The eldest daughter is the one who gently serves family needs as useful wind or wood. The youngest children stand out in their own way as Mountain and Lake. The middle kids have too work extra hard to be noticed at all, running water seen only as a depth the water runs down and fire seen only as what clings to the fireplace log.

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Dec 9, 2009
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Thanks Chris... you probe to be wrong about the use of "emotional i ching" as a better way for us to understand our own emotions and decide a better reaction in social intercourses

Because, as you stated in your own website, the question isn't about how/what/why a third people feel..but about how/why I feel. In this case, not about panther's emotions nor Frank's emotions, but your own emotions triggered by panther's post. And, after recognize YOUR OWN EMOTIONS, decide a better way FOR YOU to react in Clarity.

You appear to be a little confused here. The hex 47 result was based on an assessment of the situation in the form of my emotional assessment of pantherpanther's prose where it indicated a person (a) grounded in values and (b) focused on asserting what was/is/will-be and (c) being reactive. This will always give us the trigram of water and the generic focus on issues of containment/rejection (contractive bounding in the IDM lingo).

Then comes the top half where the assessment focused on the intensity. the passion etc, of the prose AND my own previous prose in response.

Emotional assessments are symmetric and as such focus on resonance - thus the emotions of the prose elicit resonance, either partial or whole, and so an interpretation and my consciouseness assessing the water response has no issue with that assessment - the prose DOES cover what I described/felt.

If -after so many years of knowing and preaching the emotional i ching work- it's author fails to use it in the way he stated it must be used (as a guide for each one of us to understand our own emotions for a better social intecourse); well.. what can i say?

Best wishes. Over and out.

You make no sense here Jesed, I used it exactly as intended where the emotional assessment BY MY EMOTIONS was in resonance with the emotional colouring of the prose - the prose/situation etc elicited the resonance and so the hex 47 focus. What you dont seem to get is that the primary emotions are semi-autonomous from you, your consciousness and work off symmetry and so resonance. Consciousness is at a 'higher' level and can work to suppress emotions and the EIC can bypass that suppression at times to bring out what is 'concerning' the individual emotionally.

Franks primary emotions or pantherpanthers primary emotions are not tied to their conscious identity, they are tied to the species being where such a being communicates symmetrically using patterns of emotions. It is these levels of emotion we all share as species members and as such are grounded in SAMENESS and so in eliciting resonances.

The consciousness element has the CHOICEin accepting the resonance or rejecting it as incorrect (consciousness can pick up nuances that make a difference in an interpretation not differentiable by emotions) or not appropriate 'at this time'. It is conciousness that introduces the asymmetric element as compared to the unconscious bias to anti-symmetry/symmetry (part/whole dynamics)


Dec 9, 2009
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Jesed, I think the need is to understand the nature of the vague/general.

MY emotional assessment of pantherpanther's prose led to the trigram of water and a focus on containment/rejection issues from MY perspective and so the sense of being rejected etc. We can get pantherpanther to assess the prose and come up with the IDENTICAL assessment EXCEPT that the LOCAL context details would be POSITIVE to him. IOW the prose still covered containment/rejection but from a REJECTING position rather than REJECTED position.

As I have repeatedly stated, LOCAL context adds the nuances but the EIC guides one into the 'correct ballpark' for those nuances to be expressed.

Emotional resonances cover SAMENESS bias and so issues of 'rejection/protection' without finer differentiations filled-in by local context where we see emerge the possible DIFFERENCES.

E.g. for FIRE we have the positive of an expanding boundary converting difference into sameness (and so ideology formation etc) but also the negative of such where the same process kills diversity for the sake of like-mindedness.

Thus for some LOCAL context 49 covers dealing with decadence through revelation and the success of revolution (with guidance comes intensity in expression) but the SAME pattern also covers the negative of such - LOCAL context decides, LOCAL context determines if we are experiencing 49 negatively or positively.

The EIC qualities etc cover the SAMENESS, the differentiation of forms of meanings as UNIVERSALS. THEN comes local context colourings etc such that two people can make the same universal identification but have opposing points of view at the local level.


May 2, 2008
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In 1946, the scientist and visionary Teilhard de Chardin foresaw the technology of the 21st Century, including genetic engineering and nanotechnology. He said that "the release of nuclear energy, overwhelming and intoxicating though it was," was "simply the first act, even a mere prelude" in "a series of fantastic events" which would lead us to such feats as "vitalisation of matter by the creation of super-molecules. The re-modelling of the human organism by means of hormones. Control of heredity and sex by the manipulation of genes and chromosomes. ... The arousing and harnessing of the unfathomable intellectual and effective powers still latent in the human mass. . . . Is not every kind of effect produced by a suitable arrangement of matter? And have we not reason to hope that in the end we shall be able to arrange every kind of matter, following the results we have obtained in the nuclear field?"
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, "Some Reflections on the Spiritual Repercussions of the Atom Bomb," The Future of Man, translated by Norman Denny, Harper & Row, 1964, p. 144
He proposed that when mankind reaches "a critical level of maturity," the race will "detach itself from this planet and join the one true, irreversible essence of things, the Omega point. A phenomenon perhaps outwardly akin to death: but in reality a simple metamorphosis and arrival at the supreme synthesis."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, "Life and the Planets: What is Happening at this Moment on Earth?," in The Future of Man, pp. 122-123

Also in 1946, in his apocalyptic novel That Hideous Strength, C. S. Lewis described a dark side of utopian vision. His protagonist , Mark Studdock, seeks initiation into an inner ring of scientific magicians: "Here, here surely at last (so his desire whispered to him) was the true inner circle of all, the circle whose centre was outside the human race - the ultimate secret, the supreme power, the last initiation. The fact that it was horrible did not in the least diminish its attraction." Studdock's final initiation would involve worship of "macrobes," spirits with far greater power and intelligence than any man. As his tempter described the macrobes, Studdock was simultaneously horrified and enticed: "These creatures ... breathed death on the human race and on all joy. Not despite this but because of this, the terrible gravitation sucked and tugged and fascinated him towards them. Never before had he known the fruitful strength of the movement opposite to Nature which now had him in its grip; the impulse to reverse all reluctances and to draw every circle anti-clockwise."
- C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength: A Modern Fairy-Tale for Grown-Ups, Collier Books, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1946, pp. 259-260,269

Today, the political and economic ideologies of left and right, the doctrines of traditional religion, and the dogmas of materialist science are losing cultural force. As these belief systems weaken, their fading power leaves a void of meaning in the mind of the human race. Nature abhors a vacuum. We should be aware of the nature and aims of those groups and forces that seek to fill this mental and spiritual void. Governments and many institutions claim to be leading us to a future of human ease, freedom, power, and spiritual unity. There are prophets who promise power, secret knowledge, and membership in the "spiritual hierarchy." Neale Donald Walsch's "God" proclaimed, "The twenty-first century will be the time of awakening, of meeting The Creator Within. ... This will be the beginning of the golden age of the New Human."

Frank has described the perennial wisdom of the I Ching in relation to the Family. The I Ching , as other traditional teachings, counsels how to live harmoniously in a universe in which Space and Time work together in Heaven, Earth and Man. Confucius (and Lao Tzu) describe Tao and Te as real energies which humans can learn to serve through right education and inner cultivation. When humans and societies fail to serve what they were created for they are destroyed. In our time, the erosion of the energy barrier between the material plane and the world of subtle forces is an indication that humans have lost the knowledge of how to develop normally and need to rediscover it. Nature makes the rules and if humans don't obey it will do what it needs to do to maintain harmony. Or, as Frank commented, in another context, on "flocks of headless dragons" and the Tarot card of the Tower :" both the King and Commoner are falling and no longer have their high distinctions, they are both just demonstrating the equality of falling bodies under the force of gravity."

Making the Connections
The Global CoNexus
Foreword: Preparing for the Next Millennium
by Dr. Robert Muller

Dr. Robert Muller Former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, and still active as Chancellor of the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica (Emeritus). In 1989 he was awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Prize and in 1993 the Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities. In 1994 he was recognized with the Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award.

In the mid-1990s, Robert Muller said, "from all perspectives - scientific, political, social, economic, and ideological - humanity finds itself in the pregnancy of an entirely new and promising age: the global, interdependent, universal age; a truly quantum jump; a cosmic event of the first importance that is perhaps unique in the universe: the birth of a global brain, heart, senses and soul to humanity....

Nevertheless, one important dimension has been missing from this extraordinary journey of humanity in recent times, a dimension lamented by Secretaries-General Dag Hammarskjold, U Thant and Javier Perez de Cuellar: the spiritual dimension, the highest, deepest, most common, universal and binding dimension of all. What science, politics, economics and sociology were trying to achieve, the religions knew long ago by virtue of transcendence, of elevated consciousness and union with the universe and time. This dimension is still missing, yet it is urgently needed in world affairs.

I too, through education in France, Germany and the US, had lost the spirituality given me by my parents and by my wonder, as a child, for the miracle of God's creation. My experience at the UN restored my spirituality. An astute Catholic sister once wrote to me: 'You were at the crossroads of all nations, at a center of the universal. You discovered that, you lived it and you became a universal, spiritual being. You had been cut from this source by your previous education and more limited interests.'

The crucial task of the world's religious and spiritual traditions, the Parliament and other interfaith organizations is restoring a sense of spirituality to all that we do. The common heritages and institutional authority of the religions, combined with an emerging global spirituality, can make enormous contributions to the challenges and details of creating a better world. Though an atheist, Andre' Malraux has said that "the third millennium will be spiritual or there will be no third millennium." Dag Hammarskjold, a rational economist and world observer whom the UN transformed into a mystic, said, "I see no hope for permanent world peace. We have tried and failed miserably. Unless the world has a spiritual rebirth, civilization is doomed."

The religions are still accused of hindering peace, human progress and brotherhood. How often have I heard, after one of my speeches, "Mr Muller, we agree with most of what you said, except one: forget about religions. They are one of the main troublemakers and dividing factors in the world." But I continue to preach about the spiritual and religious dimension. The new age we are entering will be an age of communities and of cooperation: it will be an age of family (celebrated by the UN in 1994), and of the family of nations. The family of religions cannot be absent; its absence could mean the retrocession and evanescence of religions, left behind by rapidly growing political, economic, scientific, ecological and sociological globalizations of the world.

- Robert Muller, "Foreword: Preparing for the Next Millennium," in Joel Beversluis, ed., on-line version of A Source Book for the Earth's Community of Religions, http://www.origin.org/ucs/doc.cfm?e=0&ps=2&edit=1&fg=3176&fi=1089, printed 06/22/04.
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Sep 1, 2006
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The crucial task of the world's religious and spiritual traditions, the Parliament and other interfaith organizations is restoring a sense of spirituality to all that we do. The common heritages and institutional authority of the religions, combined with an emerging global spirituality, can make enormous contributions to the challenges and details of creating a better world. Though an atheist, Andre' Malraux has said that "the third millennium will be spiritual or there will be no third millennium." Dag Hammarskjold, a rational economist and world observer whom the UN transformed into a mystic, said, "I see no hope for permanent world peace. We have tried and failed miserably. Unless the world has a spiritual rebirth, civilization is doomed."

I agree wholeheartedly. But we (as a species) have a history of divisiveness and exploitation committed in the name of religion. It's important to be clear about what we mean by 'spirituality'. This is what I mean by it -- said beautifully in a poem (restating the Bodhisattva vows) by Stephanie Kaza. It may sound simple, but it holds layers upon layers of depth.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow not to kill.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not take what is not given.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not engage in abusive relationships.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not speak falsely or deceptively.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not harm self or others through poisonous
thought or substance.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not dwell on past errors.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not speak of self separate from others.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not possess any thing or form of life selfishly.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not harbor ill will toward any plant, animal, or
human being.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not abuse the great truth of the Three Treasures.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I agree wholeheartedly. But we (as a species) have a history of divisiveness and exploitation committed in the name of religion. It's important to be clear about what we mean by 'spirituality'. This is what I mean by it -- said beautifully in a poem (restating the Bodhisattva vows) by Stephanie Kaza. It may sound simple, but it holds layers upon layers of depth.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow not to kill.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not take what is not given.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not engage in abusive relationships.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not speak falsely or deceptively.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not harm self or others through poisonous
thought or substance.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not dwell on past errors.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not speak of self separate from others.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not possess any thing or form of life selfishly.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not harbor ill will toward any plant, animal, or
human being.
Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not abuse the great truth of the Three Treasures.

Just responding to the above as i haven't really read preceding posts It may be a nice poem but what is the use of making vows that do not take circumstance into account. Its not a fair world. Some are disgustingly rich because they exploit those who are disgustingly poor so IMO if the disgustingly poor take "what is not given" its perfectly fine IMO...i always admired Robin Hood :D...
What is the use of a vow not to kill if you are a soldier ? Look at the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna says Arjuna must go to war.. killing ultimately for higher values...well I'm a bit out of touch with the Gita but something like that. I think there certainly are causes worth fighting and dieing for...I don't get the idea that blanket pacifism is 'spiritual' at all, its just unrealistic at least whilst there are still those who will stop at nothing to take power. Whats so spiritual about allowing your country to be overun by invaders because you don't want to hurt them ? Ask the Dalai Lama !

Mini rant...just find that notion of spirituality only half the picture, a group of idealisations of how things might be in a perfect world where theres no injustice and everyone can really get along by 'not taking what is not theirs' ...

of course they are the vows of a Bodhisattva so i guess they don't really apply to us. I don't think spirituality can be defined by any mode of acting. Convicted criminals may be highly spiritual people who break all the above vows...how do we know. but then i never did reallly take to Buddhism...I'm more of a Hindu lol
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Aug 31, 2007
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Hi Trojan,

Vows never do well when met with temptation. However, ultimately we are all Bodhisattva or future enlightened ones, just a matter of how long it will take us to get there.

Us old school types note Camus' response to WWII: We are all morally guilty of murder in murderous times, either by taking up arms and killing to stop the killing or refusing to take up arms and allowing the murderers to continue.

The new millennial generation don't notice many of the traditional distinctions that folks took up arms to destroy and are still fighting so violently about right now. Unfortunately, they don't seem to care much about other things that seem important to working out a better tomorrow for a world overflowing with with problems.

There is a growing list of countries where the majority or vast majority of the population is under 20 years of age without much access to schools or libraries. So its going to be a different world with very different perspectives...



Sep 1, 2006
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It may be a nice poem but what is the use of making vows that do not take circumstance into account...of course they are the vows of a Bodhisattva so i guess they don't really apply to us. ll

For me the emphasis is on "Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine". What we do about it is what we do about it, in any particular time or place or circumstance.


May 2, 2008
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I agree wholeheartedly. But we (as a species) have a history of divisiveness and exploitation committed in the name of religion. It's important to be clear about what we mean by 'spirituality'. This is what I mean by it -- said beautifully in a poem (restating the Bodhisattva vows) by Stephanie Kaza. It may sound simple, but it holds layers upon layers of depth.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,...
We vow to not abuse the great truth of the Three Treasures.

I think Mr. Muller would agree. His comment suggests so: "The new age we are entering will be an age of communities and of cooperation: it will be an age of family (celebrated by the UN in 1994), and of the family of nations."

There is an ancient saying that when people are afraid they flee to the roofs of their houses. It was meant to indicate they fled to their separate religions .

There is something very sick going on in our culture, a kind of obsessive fear based
hysteria that is doing enormous damage to the country. A willful ignorance that has infected our political process, a cancer eating us from inside, as cancers do. One aspect resolves around the endlessly repeated assertion to be heard from the Right, particularly the "Christian" right that the US is a "Christian nation."

This is Orwellian revisionism. Almost all the major Founders, particularly the Virginians: Madison, Mason, Jefferson, Washington and, certainly Pennsylvania's Franklin were Deists not Christians. And Adams of Massachusetts shared many of their views. They were very clear about this. Note that in all the foundation documents of the United States they talk about "the Creator" not Jesus or any overtly Christian reference.

Here are some relevant quotes from the major Founders making this point. Madison, Jefferson, and Adams, of course, was each elected President, and Franklin was the one man to sign all three of the nation's foundational documents, and the man who talked the French into funding the Revolution:

Thomas Jefferson:

"I consider the government of the United States as interdicted by the Constitution from
intermeddling with religious institutions. . . . I do not believe it is for the interest
of religion to invite the civil magistrate to direct its exercises, its discipline, or its

James Madison:

"There is not a shadow of right in the general government to intermeddle with religion.
Its least interference with it would be a most flagrant violation."

"Strongly guarded . . . is the separation between religion and government in the
Constitution of the United States. . . ."

"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the
ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries."

John Adams:

"Nothing is more dreaded than the national government meddling with religion."

"The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature. . . . [In] the formation of the American governments . . . it will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of heaven. . . . These governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses."

Benjamin Franklin:

"When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support
itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obliged to
call for help of the civil power, ˜tis a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one."

As George Orwell said, in 1984, 'And if the facts say otherwise, then the facts must be
altered. Thus history is continuously rewritten." These people are dangerous to our
democracy because they are destroying the truth about our past. -

This Sunday, N Y Times Magazine published an article on the Christian " Right":
How Christian Were the Founders?
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/14/magazine/14texbooks-t.html?partner=rss&emc=rss &pagewanted=all&pagewanted=all
Russell Shorto is the author . His most recent book is ‘‘Descartes’ Bones: A Skeletal History of the Conflict Between Faith and Reason.’’
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For me the emphasis is on "Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine". What we do about it is what we do about it, in any particular time or place or circumstance.

But even what is intertwined is in constant war. Our own skin is a war zone, our own cells die off continually, and progressively as we age they are not replaced. To take part in the organic process is a fight to the finish. Those are the terms. Therefore have I loved, therefore have I fallen.


Sep 1, 2006
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But even what is intertwined is in constant war. Our own skin is a war zone, our own cells die off continually, and progressively as we age they are not replaced. To take part in the organic process is a fight to the finish. Those are the terms. Therefore have I loved, therefore have I fallen.

Yes, you can certainly see it as a tooth and nail struggle ... but you can also see it as a dance, or a jam session ... we don't even think of holding onto the steps, or the notes


Dec 9, 2009
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But even what is intertwined is in constant war. Our own skin is a war zone, our own cells die off continually, and progressively as we age they are not replaced. To take part in the organic process is a fight to the finish. Those are the terms. Therefore have I loved, therefore have I fallen.

The dynamics of our nature covers the formation of a whole grounded in determinism (genetics etc) and so symmetry. There is a bias to sameness, social cooperation etc but no sense of direction and this can block development as the surroundings change.

From a symmetric whole comes fragmentation, the social gives way to the emerging psychological in the form of personal consciousness and so uniqueness and so pure difference. The issues here are that the borders created in such let loose what live on borders, complexity/chaos dynamics. Thus the cooperative gives way to the competitive where such reflects the re-configuration of the symmetric in the presence of change - as such the dynamic is inevitable and is a property of deterministic elements surviving an indeterminate universe.

The PATH of symmetry to anti symmetry to asymmetry to re-integration spans generations but the increase in complexity/chaos dynamics also speeds things up such that in our time we can see all of these changes within generations.

Note that the dynamic has a boom/bust element socio-economically and it is possible for some to reject involvement in the path to develop orthogonal to the main path - this leads to social stratification reflecting individual acts of consciousness allowing for specialist paths that are not so boom/bust but also not so well developed technologically. see references/diagrams on the page on history.

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